The 5th Ministerial Level Meeting and Display of FNCA activities

The 5th FNCA Ministerial Level Meeting was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam at Nov.30 - Dec.1, 2004. under the basic theme “Cooperation for Nuclear Human Resources Development in Asia” with the participation of Ministers and Senior Officials, responsible for the peaceful nuclear research, development and utilization from nine Asian countries, i.e., Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.

It was agreed that the proposal of Viet Nam of Asian Nuclear University should be carefully studied by senior official level meeting taking into account Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) of IAEA. The Meeting can be considered to be combined with HRD project workshop in 2005. It was also noted that HRD should be demand-driven in terms of number and quality of trainees.

The “Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program” provided by Japanese Government was highly appreciated by FNCA countries to be useful for their HRD.

It was also commonly recognized the importance of public information and education leading to public acceptance.

On the Round Table Discussion, “Policy and Program of FNCA in the Future”, most of delegations fully support the points raised in the lead-off speech.

On the establishment of safe and secure storage facilities for radioactive wastes from non-power application, the Philippines proposed a panel discussion and has offered to host it.
See attached Minutes.

Display of FNCA activities

In this occasion, the posters and some output goods of FNCA activities were exhibited at the meeting room according to the request of the host country, Vietnam.
Following posters were prepared by the coordinator's office in Japan by cooperation with the project leaders.

Posters  (pdf) The FNCA Framework
Tc-99m Generator Production
Neutron Activation Analysis for Monitoring Airborne Particles
Neutron Scattering Application for Material Structure Analysis
Mutation Breeding
Radiation Oncology
Public Information
Radioactive Waste Management
Nuclear Safety Culture
Nuclear Human Resources Development(HRD)
Electron Accelerator
Panel on "Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia"

The other posters were prepared by Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
(Dec.6.2004 Coordinator's office in Japan, JAIF)