Radiation Oncology workshop

- Project Review
- Introduction of the Project Leaders
- Papers for Project Outcome
- Other Project Outcomes


FNCA 2000 Workshop on Radiation Oncology


  The FNCA 2000 Workshop on Radiation Oncology was held in Jakarta and Yogyakarta in Indonesia from January 15 through January 20, 2001, under the auspices of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, with the cooperation of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF). Eight FNCA member countries, i.e. China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, participated in the Workshop. In addition, an IAEA representative attended the Workshop as an observer.
The themes of the Workshop were : (1) Finalization of the first co-operative clinical trial of the "Standardized Radiotherapy Protocol for Treatment of the Cancer of Uterine Cervix (UTERUS-1)", and (2) Evaluation of the progress of the second co-operative clinical trial on the "Accelerated Hyper-Fractionation Radiotherapy Protocol for Uterine Cervix Cancer (UTERUS-2)".
Each participating country reported the results of follow-up of patients treated in accordance with the Standardized Protocol. The data compiled from all the participating countries were analyzed with regard to: follow up rates, complications, local control and survival. As a whole, the analysis indicated that the Standardized Protocol is satisfactorily effective.
Predsentation by Dr. Cho Chul Koo, Korea Extension lecture at Chiptmanksmo Hospital
  Report, Proceedings and results
  The meeting had a detailed discussion on a draft prepared by the secretariat based on the recommendation of the previous meeting (7th Radiation Oncology Seminar, 1999), that the achievements of the first co-operative clinical trial should be published. The draft described concisely the objectives, method and achievements of the co-operative clinical trial on the Standardized Protocol together with some relevant information. The participants approved the draft publication in principle and suggested revisions on its title, structure and content. In addition, it was decided to include new materials that would be submitted by the member countries by the end of first week of February 2001, if the editor will consider them to be appropriate. The participants believes that this publication will serve to disseminate the valuable information obtained through the co-operative efforts to the medical societies concerned in the region, hence, contribute to the advancement of radiotherapy of uterine cancer in the Asian region.
The meeting reviewed the progress made by the participating countries since last year on the Accelerated Hyper-fractionation Radiotherapy. Some difficulties were reported and resolved regarding the protocol procedures as to the length of dose fractionation period. In view of the small number of trial cases so far registered, it was decided to extend the period of registration for new cases up to year 2003. Importance of critical selection of patient was stressed for enrollment in the trial with regard to the feasibility of follow-up. Number of cases registered by the end of year 2000 is: China 2; Indonesia 7; Japan 11; Korea 10; Malaysia 0; the Philippines 9; Thailand 9; Vietnam 0; in total 48.
In the Round Table Discussion on Mid-term Work Program, opinions were exchanged among the participating countries as to the work plan for year 2001 to 2002 and the way to further promote cooperation in this field.
Some of the conclusions are given below.
1) The Standardized Treatment Protocol Registration of new cases was concluded in 1998 and the follow-up will continue till 2003 when the final assessment of the results will be made.
2) Accelerated Hyper-fractionation Radiotherapy The present clinical trial is a feasibility study. Registration of new cases will continue till 2003.
3) Subjects of new cooperative clinical trial Several subjects were proposed and discussed that included followings.
a. Randomized clinical trial (Phase III) for the Standardized Protocol vs. Accelerated Hyper-fractionation Radiotherapy
b. Clinical trial on prophylactic paraaortic Irradiation for high risk group (Phase I/II)
c. Clinical trial on concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (Phase I/II)
d. Clinical trial targeting on other tumor site, e.g., nasopharyngeal, esophageal carcinoma
4) Provision of technical and financial support It is recognized of essential importance for this cooperative study that quality assurance is ensured for treatment procedures and patient follow up. In order to maintain such quality assurance, it is requested for Japan to provide support, through expert exchange and etc., to some of the medical institutions in member countries that face grave difficulties both technically and financially in implementing the project.
 Predsentation by Dr. Cho Chul Koo, Korea
Following the attempt in Suzhou, China, last year, a meeting of Extension Lectures was held in conjunction with the Workshop at the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Lectures were given for local doctors, residents and trainees on 4 selected topics of major concern in radiation oncology. Lecturers were: Dr. M. Farid Aziz of Indonesia, Dr. Miriam Joy C. Calaguas of the Philippines, Dr. Cho Chul Koo of Korea and Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii of Japan.
  After the Workshop, the participants visited the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital and the Dharmis Cancer Center in Jakarta. They then moved to Yogyakarta and visited the Sardjito General Hospital. These visits provided the participants the opportunity to understand the status of radiation oncology at top-level hospitals in major cities of Indonesia.

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Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia