Report of
FNCA 2018 Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project
September 11-13, 2018
Beijing, China
The FNCA 2018 Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project took place in Beijing, China on 11-13 September, 2018. This workshop was hosted by State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC) and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
Mr. Li Sen, Deputy Director General of the State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC), and Mr. Tomoaki Wada, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, delivered welcoming remarks. Thereafter, the Workshop officially commenced.
After the Opening Remarks the introduction by each Workshop participant followed. The 8th FNCA Workshop had 23 participants from nine countries: Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam.
Following the participants' introduction, Mr. Masao Senzaki, FNCA Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project Leader of Japan, moderated the adoption of the workshop agenda. The agenda was accepted by the participants and the workshop with seven sessions was opened.
[Technical Visit]
Technical visit was conducted at State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC).
- Demonstration Hall
- Analytical Laboratory
- Environmental Testing Laboratory
- Access Control Facility
- Mock Nuclear Material Bunker
- Response Force Training and Exercise Facility
Summary of
FNCA 2018 Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project
Date: September 11-13, 2018
Venue: Beijing, China
Session 1&2: Country Report
Mr. Phan Van Thanh, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS), Vietnam
9 FNCA member countries (Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) presented their country reports that included national regulatory framework on nuclear security and safeguards, coordination mechanisms among relevant government agencies, the updates on the developments and improvements since the 2017 Workshop regarding the implementation of safeguards and nuclear security, the promotion of nuclear security culture and capacity building activities. In particular, some reports have shared the idea and roadmap on implementing nuclear security and safeguards for the next 3 years.
All countries reported close cooperation with international or regional organizations and other countries, to strengthen nuclear safeguards and security capacity-building. Almost all countries have implemented activities to complete their respective nuclear security and safeguards regime through bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the IAEA, other countries and organizations.
The consolidation of the country reports is covered in Session 6 of the Country Report Summary.
Session 3: Roundtable Discussion on Nuclear Forensics
Mr. Khairul, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia
Presentations were delivered by China, Thailand, and Japan
Mr. Wang Fan, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), China
Dr. Soratos Tantideeravit, Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), Thailand
Mr. Yoshiki Kimura, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (ISCN/JAEA), Japan
I. Presentation on the National Framework on Nuclear Forensics
Mr. Wang Fan (CIAE) presented CIAE's Program regarding China's capabilities on Nuclear Forensics. CIAE was founded in 1950. Currently, about 2400 staffs are working at CIAE. In 2003, CIAE began to pay attention to the study on nuclear forensics. In order to develop the capability in this field, CIAE started with nuclear forensics basic and advance capabilities studies. There are five proceedings on nuclear forensics: 1) Nuclear Forensics Library (NFL), 2) Nuclear Forensics Procedures, 3) Analytical Techniques, 4) Network of Analytical Laboratories (NWALs), and 5) Attribution Techniques. He presented the CIAE's structure of its NFL, specifically focusing on the Nuclear Forensics Database (NFD). The NFD software is based on SQL Server 2008. On the NWALs, there are several entities in China that are involved in research and development (CIAE, CAEP, NINT, SNSTC), training (SNSTC) and technical support (BRICEM, BRIUG). Domestic Inter-Lab Exercises covering 4 different scenarios were undertaken; exercise on Uranium age dating in cooperation with USDOE was carried out; and as well, table top exercises with the International Technical Working Group (ITWG). On international activities, the CIAE is working with the ITWG for Nuclear Forensics on table top exercises (TTX): Galaxy Serpent series (GSv2, GSv3), and Material Exercises (MAX), Comparative Material Exercises Series (CMX-5, CMX-6); Cooperative Program in Nuclear Risk Reduction with Stanford University; and with the US DOE NNSA on Age Dating inter-laboratory comparison exercises. CIAE is looking forward to international collaboration to enhance the capability of nuclear forensics.
II. Presentation on the Introduction to the Thai Nuclear Forensics Laboratory
Dr. Soratos Tantideeravit (OAP) presented the organization of OAP such that Nuclear Forensics is under the responsibility of the Technical Support Division. Currently, 7 OAP staff work with Nuclear Forensics. During the Regional Forum on Nuclear Forensics in 2011, Thailand Government addressed its plan for the establishment of Nuclear Forensics Laboratory (NFL). A year later in 2012, Thailand Government established the NFL located at OAP. In order to increase the knowledge on Nuclear Forensics Capabilities particularly on the radiological crime scene management, OAP conducted a joint training exercise with its domestic frontline officers, which was supported by the EU. The NFL is also supported under the EU Project covering human capability development, in relation to strengthening the NF network (Project 30: Network of Excellence for Nuclear Forensics in South East Asia Region). In March 2018, OAP with the support of ANSTO, the government of New Zealand, Canada and the US, hosted an international table top exercise on nuclear forensics as one of the activities under the GICNT program. On future plans, he emphasized on continuing cooperation with the competent authorities to exchange knowledge and practical experience; enhance OAP's capabilities to fully support nuclear forensics investigation; keep the momentum to strengthen the NF networks and provide the measure in the long term for the prevention and mitigation of nuclear terrorism among the ASEAN region.
III. Presentations on the Introduction of Nuclear Forensics Table Top Exercise (TTX) Course and on Examples of the Exercise in Nuclear Forensics Library
Mr. Yoshiki Kimura (ISCN/JAEA) presented the background on the common challenges on Nuclear Forensics (NF) capacity building among FNCA member countries based on NF questionnaire covering the topics on: National Framework, Chain of Custody, NF Laboratory, and Interpretation and Findings (NF Library). In order for FNCA member countries to be familiar with NF, he proposed FNCA members to enhance National Nuclear Forensics capacity building by its participation on the introduction of NF Table Top Exercise (TTX) for regional participants which will be held on 28-31 January 2019 at the ISCN/JAEA in Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan. One of TTX objectives is to discuss regional cooperation regarding NF. [Remarks: It was suggested that a copy of the invitation letter be provided to the respective country FNCA Coordinators and FNCA Project Leaders on Nuclear Security and Safeguards to ensure follow up.] He also presented an example of the JAEA NF Library. He showed an overview of the Nuclear Material Database, Radioisotope Database, Material Discrimination Analysis Methodology (Multivariate Analysis), and Material Discrimination by Morphology. For future work, he presented examples on international cooperation regarding NF library. He made 3 proposals for potential NFL cooperation.
IV. Roundtable Discussion
- The discussion regarding the 3 proposals made by Mr. Yoshiki Kimura from ISCN/JAEA on the Table Top Exercises (TTX) on Nuclear Forensics:
1) Collaborative Research for NFL Development
2) TTX for NFL Development and Data Analysis
3) TTX for NFL Query
- During the discussion, Mr. Wang Fan shared the case on the NF incident that occurred in China. The Law enforcement requested CIAE to verify the material.
- A question was raised if a protocol or guideline is available should a country request a neighbouring country to verify and analyse its sample, using the NF Laboratory.
- Regarding building confidence on NF evaluation, participants of the workshop suggested that collaboration with international organizations on NF should be made to conduct certification and calibration for NF capability to provide a standard for NF that can be used as reference by other FNCA member countries. This future program can help to create subject matter experts.
Session 4: Cyber Security - Regulatory Framework and Capacity Building
Dr. Abid Imtiaz, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), Bangladesh
Presentations were delivered by Japan and Malaysia
Mr. Masahiro Okuda, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (ISCN/JAEA), Japan
Ms. Noraini Binti Razali, Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB), Malaysia
Presentation by Japan:
Mr. Masahiro Okuda (ISCN/JAEA) presented the establishment of ISCN in 2010 which is focused on the development of Nuclear Security capabilities among the workforce in Japan and regional/international countries in collaboration with the IAEA. The ISCN offers training courses on Nuclear Security, Safeguards & SSAC and Int'l non-proliferation framework with a view to sharing knowledge, experience and providing support towards the development of legal framework related to Nuclear Security and Cyber Security. ISCN also promotes Nuclear Security Culture among the workforce in nuclear organizations through training courses/lectures. ISCN continues to help Capacity building at national, regional and international level on Cyber Security through hosting IAEA workshops and training programs. Effective Inter-section cooperation in JAEA between IT professionals, Nuclear Security Administration and ISCN exists and it has been very helpful towards ensuring Cyber Security in nuclear facilities and organization. Lack of experts, limitation of universal training model/methods/modules, management of data flow and rapidly changing method/type of cyber threats are among the major challenges in Cyber Security for nuclear facilities. Emergency Cyber Security drills, good coordination among the cyber security agencies at national levels could be helpful for the improvement of cyber security scenario in the nuclear facilities. Oversight activities of Regulatory Bodies (RB) under the specific provisions in the law are necessary.
Presentation by Malaysia:
Ms. Noraini Binti Razali (AELB) provided a brief introduction on the functions and activities of AELB. The National Security Council, Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia (AGC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) are among the organizations/departments in Malaysia involving for cyber security. They are working together in any cyber security-related event in the country. She shared a cyber incident which occurred in Malaysia in 2017 in which all the government offices and relevant agencies received the notification from the National Security Council about the cyber security attack. Capacity building activities on N3S are being continuously done by the AELB through national/international training/workshop programs.
Session 5: Roundtable Discussion on Good Practice of Additional Protocol Implementation and Capacity Building
[Section 5 Part 1]
Ms. Noraini Binti Razali, Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB), Malaysia
Presentations were delivered by Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Philippines
Dr. Abid Imtiaz, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), Bangladesh
Mr. Khairul, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia
Ms. Maria Teresa A. Salabit, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), Philippines
I. Presentation on Capacity Building and Good Practice on AP by Bangladesh
Dr. Abid Imtiaz (BAEC) presented the history of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory (BAER) Act. 2012 and discussed the sections that addressed the issues related to IAEA safeguards, SSAC, export-import control, etc. under the Act 2012. Bangladesh signed a Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) with the IAEA that entered into force on 11 June 1982. For AP implementation, Bangladesh first initial declaration was submitted to the IAEA on 26 September 2001 and as of 2017, there are more than 150 declarations made by Bangladesh. He shared Bangladesh challenges on the AP implementation: These challenges are: (1) Identification and establishment of effective and communication channels among the Regulatory Authority and relevant ministries, entities, and licensees. (2) Outreach strategies to reach out non-licensed entities to collect information for AP declaration. (3) Assistance on capacity building through human resources development. (4) Assistance for infrastructure development such as preparation of regulatory documents, procedures etc., and development of safeguards related technology. Bangladesh has already started the construction of its first 2 units of nuclear power plants. He affirmed that Bangladesh has maintained good communication and cooperation with the IAEA on its safeguards obligations of providing the required information.
II. Presentation on Capacity Building and Good Practice on AP by Indonesia
Mr. Khairul (BATAN) presented the capacity building on the AP for the Regulatory Body (BAPETEN) and Facility/Operator. The regulatory body has conducted an Outreach Program for the Universities since 2013 and for the Facility/Operator since 2017. BAPETEN also holds talks addressing the AP during Focus Group Discussion Refreshment each year (usually held in the early part of the year). For the University, BAPETEN has drawn a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the university. The Government of Indonesia also conducts the Train of Trainer (TOT) on AP, Safeguards, Security and etc., for all BATAN and BAPETEN staff to reduce and reach the lack of knowledge among senior and junior officer. For Facility/Operator, they use the AP agreement as the required material for the working licensee (SIB) exam for a period of 4 years.
III. Presentation on Capacity Building and Good Practice on AP by Philippines
Ms Maria Teresa A. Salabit (PNRI) presented a background on the Additional Protocol in the Philippines. The AP entered into force on 26 February 2010. 180 days after its entry into force, the Philippines submitted 8 declarations to the IAEA. She also shared the experience in the gathering of data from other stakeholders from the Universities, the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, PNRI, and the Location outside Facilities (LOFs). The PNRI also conducts outreach programme to colleges and universities. For regional outreach programme, 4 universities participated. The Philippines also maintains an open and close communication between facility owners/operators for the conduct complementary access by IAEA inspectors.
[Session 5 Part 2]
Moderator: Ms. Maria Teresa A. Salabit (Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), Philippines
Presentations were delivered by Mongolia, Vietnam, ISCN/JAEA, and Japan
Mr. Batgerel Baatar, General Agency for Specialized Inspection (GASI), Mongolia
Mr. Phan Van Thanh, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS), Vietnam
Ms. Perpetua Rodriguez, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (ISCN/JAEA), Japan
I. Presentation on Good Practice of AP Implementation by Mongolia
Mr. Batrgerel Baatar (GASI) informed that Mongolia does not have nuclear facilities but have a substantial amount of uranium resources and that the preparatory work for uranium production is in progress. Mongolia is an SQP with additional protocol in force. Mongolia has collaborative efforts with the European Commission, a Project that assisted them in their regulatory framework for nuclear safety, safeguards and security. Indicating as one of the good practice is to have regulations for safeguards such as:
- Development of Accountancy and Control
- Rules and Regulations on Import and Export for Uranium
- Regulations for Safeguards for UOC
- Establish a national nuclear material and accountancy and control
Based on the presentation from Mr. Batgerel Baatar, Mongolia drafted new regulations for Nuclear Safeguards and established a national system for accounting and control of nuclear materials.
II. Presentation on Good Practice of AP Implementation by Vietnam
Mr. Phan Van Thanh (VARANS) gave a brief presentation on Vietnam's Additional Protocol which was ratified on September 2012. Since then, more than 150 declarations were submitted to the IAEA using VIMS. Vietnam has conducted an outreach program for AP Annexes 1 and 2.It has assisted 9 complementary accesses including a 2-hour notice CA.
III. Presentation on Results of the Survey of Member Countries by ISCN/JAEA, Japan
Ms. Perpetua Rodriguez (ISCN/JAEA) presented the results of the survey, submitted by the FNCA members, on the Good Practices of the AP elements as agreed during the 2017 FNCA workshop. The good practices were group into the following AP elements: 1) Provision of Information, 2) Complementary Access, 3) Designation of Agency Inspectors, 4) Annexes, and 5) Supporting SG Infrastructures. She provided the FNCA participants with a hardcopy of the tabulated summary of the responses received: color coded by category of similar responses on the survey questionnaire, as received from the FNCA members (Each country is represented by an alphabet to keep the confidentiality of information). 10 out of 11 FNCA members involved in the project submitted the survey questionnaire. The information was compiled according to the good practices e.g., on Provision of Information by: collection of declaration, preparation of declaration and submission of the declaration. She elaborated on the good practices and how the declarations influence transparency of information provided to the IAEA. To move forward with the project, she presented proposals for the next steps.
IV. Discussion: Further Actions, Next steps: proposal from JAEA/Japan
Proposals for the Next Steps on the said project were presented by Ms, Perpetua Rodriguez, as follows:
1.For those countries which have not provided good practices in some specific AP elements, amendments to their respective submission of good practices should be made.
2. For all countries, to provide a meaningful compiled report on good practices, actual (real) experiences should be shared by providing specific examples. It is beneficial to share Lessons Learned from their respective AP implementation.
3. Compilation and analysis of good practices and experiences will be prepared by ISCN/JAEA. Thereafter, the produced report will be sent for comments to FNCA members.
4. The produced report is recommended for publication on the FNCA website. [Upon consultation/agreement with FNCA members, the collected information on the AP implementation may be shared to a wider audience, i.e., the international community through an IAEA publication, e.g., as INFCIRC.]
- Based on the previous presentation by Ms. Perpetua Rodriguez, some FNCA members would like to send amendments on their initial submission of the survey questionnaire. Since this a 3-year project, no deadline was set; this would depend on the voluntary initiatives of the FNCA members.
- Those countries which may have additional information on actual experiences and lessons learned are encouraged to provide the information.
- A preliminary report based on the initially submitted survey questionnaires will be prepared by ISCN/JAEA and will be provided to the FNCA members for review and comments. [On the proposal for a wider audience as an INFCIRC publication: the FNCA members were informed that this report will be the first collaborative effort of its kind.]
Session 6: Country Report Summary
The compilation of the country report summary (from Sessions 1 and 2) was presented by Ms. Megumi Sekine (ISCN/JAEA).Edits and comments were received and incorporated in the country report summary. The Summary is attached to this report as "Country Report Summary." The updated Country Report Summary will be posted on the FNCA website.
Session 7: Concluding Session
Summary of the workshop was presented by Ms. Perpetua Rodriguez (ISCN/JAEA).She informed that the summary will be provided to the participants for confirmation of its contents by electronic mail.
Mr. Masao Senzaki, Project Leader of Japan, concluded the workshop by providing a summary of what had been discussed and the proposals that were made. He encouraged FNCA members to provide ideas of possible projects that may be undertaken for the future. He also delivered the closing remarks, as the FNCA representative and expressed the appreciation to China for hosting the workshop for 2018. He announced that the Philippines will be hosting the 2019 workshop.
Mr. Li Sen (SNSTC), representative from the host country, affirmed China's commitment in the FNCA project of Nuclear Security and Safeguards. He encouraged collaboration among FNCA members to achieve the objectives of this project.
After the delivery of the closing remarks, the Workshop was officially closed.
- Agenda
- List of Participants
- Summary of Country Reports
Program of
FNCA 2018 Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project
September 11-13, 2018
Beijing, China
Workshop Day 1: September 11, Tuesday
9:30-10:20 |
Opening remarks by: |
– China, as the Host Country, Mr. Li Sen, Deputy Director General, State Nuclear
Security Technology Center (SNSTC) |
– FNCA's Representative, Mr. Tomoaki WADA, FNCA Coordinator of Japan |
Introduction of Members
Adoption of the Agenda
Group Photo |
10:20-10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:40-11:55 |
Session 1: Country Reports I |
< Moderator: Vietnam > |
– Bangladesh
– China
– Indonesia
– Japan |
11:55-13:25 |
Lunch Break |
13:25-14:40 |
Session 2: Country Reports II |
< Moderator: Vietnam > |
– Malaysia
– Mongolia
– Philippines
– Thailand
– Vietnam |
14:40-15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:00-17:00 |
Session 3: Roundtable Discussion on Nuclear Forensics |
< Moderator: Indonesia > |
* Presentation:
– China
– Thailand
– Japan
* Q&A & discussion of next activities, others |
Workshop Day 2: September 12, Wednesday
9:30-10:00 |
Session 4: Cyber Security - Regulatory Framework and Capacity Building- |
< Moderator: Bangladesh > |
* Presentation:
– Japan
– Malaysia
* Q&A |
10:00-10:45 |
Session 5: Roundtable Discussion on Good Practice of Additional
Protocol Implementation and Capacity Building |
< Moderator: Malaysia > |
* Presentation: Capacity building on AP
– Bangladesh
– Indonesia
– Philippines |
10:45-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 |
Session 5 (continued) |
< Moderator: Philippines > |
* Presentation: Good practice of AP implementation:
– Mongolia
– Vietnam
* Results of the survey of member countries
* Discussion: further actions, next step |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30-15:00 |
Summary Drafting |
15:00-15:20 |
Session 6: Country Report Summary |
15:20-16:00 |
Session 7: Concluding Session |
Lead Speaker: Mr. Masao Senzaki, Project Leader of Japan |
16:00-16:20 |
Closing Remarks |
– FNCA's Representative, Mr. Masao Senzaki, Project Leader of Japan
– China, as the Host Country, Mr. Li Sen, Deputy Director General, State Nuclear
Security Technology Center (SNSTC) |
Workshop Day 3: September 21, Thursday
9:30-12:00 |
Technical Tour |
Location: State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC) |
- Demonstration Hall
- Analytical Laboratory
- Environmental Testing Laboratory
- Access Control Facility
- Mock Nuclear Material Bunker
- Response Force Training and Exercise Facility |
List of Participants
FNCA 2018 Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project
September 11-13, 2018
Beijing, China
Dr. Abid Imtiaz
Chief Scientific Officer
Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Mr. Li Sen
Deputy Director
State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC)
Mr. Gu Shaogang
Deputy Director of Training and Certification
State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC)
Mr. Chen Chen
State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC)
Ms. Wang Shuo
State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC)
Ms. Shi Panpan
State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC)
Mr. Wang Fan
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Mr. Wang Tongxing
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Mr. Khairul
Senior Nuclear Security Officer
Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Mr. Tomoaki Wada
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Mr. Masao Senzaki
Senior Fellow
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Shoji Kasuga
Deputy Director
International Nuclear and Fusion Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Mr. Yusuke Tanno
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Cooperation Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Ms. Perpetua Rodriguez
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Ms. Megumi Sekine
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Yoshiki Kimura
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Masahiro Okuda
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Ms. Atsuko Takano
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Ms. Noraini Binti Razali
Assistant Director
Policy and External Affairs Division
Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)
Mr. Batgerel Baatar
Head of Nuclear Inspection Section
General Agency for Specialized Inspection
Ms. Maria Teresa A. Salabit
Science Research Specialist II
Nuclear Safeguards and Security Section Nuclear Regulatory Division
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Soratos Tantideeravit
Nuclear Engineer
Nuclear and Radiation Licensing Division
Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP)
Viet Nam
Mr. Phan Van Thanh
Staff Member
Division of Nuclear Security and Safeguards
Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS)