Human Resources Development workshop

- Project Review
- Introduction of the Project Leaders
(Asian Nuclear Training
and Education Program)


FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development
Report>> Minutes>> Program>> List of Participants>> Conclusion and Recommendations>>

FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development

FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development (HRD) was held on October 4-7, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Workshop was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. The Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) acted as the hosts.

The Opening Session and Plenary Session was jointly taken place together with IAEA Training Course on Advanced Management Practices for Commercialization of Services and Technologies from Nuclear Research Institutions in the morning of the first day. Four speakers delivered their opening remarks: Dr. Daud Mohamad, the Director General of MINT, Ms. Miwako Shimizu, Special Staff of Atomic Energy Division of MEXT, Mr. Ibrahim Ail of MINT representing the IAEA, and Dato' Suriah Abd. Rahman, the Secretary General of MOSTI instead of the Minister.

During the Plenary Session, Dr. Sueo Machi, Japanese FNCA Coordinator, Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commission of Japan made a special lecture on Sustainability of Nuclear Research Institutions and Human Resources Development while introducing highlights on progress of FNCA activities for over 80 participants. Other two lecturers were Tan Sri Dr. Ahmad Zaharuddin Idrus, Science Adviser to the Prime Minister's Department, on Policies and Programs to Encourage Self-Sustainability in Research Institutes and Mr. Norhalim Yunus, General Manager Technology Development, Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) on Enablers for Commercialization respectively.

Following the joint sessions with the IAEA training course, the Workshop program started with participation of eight Project Leaders, who are responsible for HRD in each member country, four additional participants from Japan, and two observers from Malaysia and Japan respectively.

Main subjects for this Workshop were presentation on historical review of nuclear HRD experience in each country and group discussion on nuclear HRD strategy models. Japan and Korean participants illustrated each long history covering various phases: start-up of nuclear development around 1960s, introduction of nuclear generation around 1970s, and large-scale plants development and localization afterwards. As for the stragety model, participants separated into three groups by nuclear development stage: three countries (China, Korea and Japan) who are operating nuclear power plants, two (Indonesia and Viet Nam) planning to introduce NPP, and three (Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines) focusing on radiation and radioisotopes applications. This activity is planned to upgrade to the case study on specific theme in the future.

It is regarded as important that close linkages with FNCA and other HRD networks like IAEA/ RCA, Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT), European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) and so on for further synergetic effects. It may be possible to provide FNCA/HRD survey results, training materials and strategies with them in the future.

It was also the first challenge for members to evaluate their three-year plan for FY2002-2004 by themselves in accordance with the instruction. The self-evaluation made by each Project Leader was consolidated into one general evaluation of this project on the third day. All PLs confirmed the project achievements such as exchanging training materials and basic survey on HRD data and agreed to continue the activities for the next term. The Workshop agreed on the Conclusions and Recommendations as well as the minutes. As for the next Workshop, Vietnam tentatively offered to host it.

The Workshop included a technical tour to the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT). The participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the organizers and host institutions.

FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development

October 4-7, 2004 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development (HRD) took place on October 4-7, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This Workshop was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. The Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) acted as the hosts.

The number of participants in the Workshop totaled 14 people including 2 observers. On the first day of the workshop, the opening session was jointly conducted together with IAEA Training Course on Advanced Management Practices for Commercialization of Services and Technologies from Nuclear Research Institutions. 4 speeches were delivered- first was opening remark by Dr. Daud Mohamad, the Director General of MINT, then by Ms. Miwako Shimizu, Special Staff of Atomic Energy Division of MEXT and followed by Mr. Ibrahim Ail, representative of the IAEA. Finally the official opening speech of the Minister of MOSTI was delivered by Dato' Suriah Abd. Rahman, the Secretary General of MOSTI.

Plenary Session was held after the Opening Ceremony during which lectures were presented by Tan Sri Dr. Ahmad Zaharuddin Idrus, Science Adviser to the Prime Minister's Department, Dr. Sueo Machi, Japanese FNCA Coordinator, Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commission of Japan and Mr. Norhalim Yunus, General Manager Technology Development, Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC).

The participants of the Workshop were the Project Leaders, who are the persons responsible for human resources development - one from each of the eight member countries, i.e. China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan. Besides the Project Leaders, four additional participants from Japan attended the Workshop. The observers were one from Malaysia and one from Japan.

Themes and contents of the country reports for the Workshop were as follows, as agreed upon in the last Workshop and as proposed in the 5th Coordinators Meeting held in March 2004:

1. Recent topics in the nuclear field and related HRD in each country.
2. Historical review of experiences of HRD in the nuclear field corresponding to the stages of nuclear development in each country.
3. HRD strategy or the Model as the way of formulating HRD strategy taking into account policy targets of nuclear development in the coming 10 or 20 years in each country, the kinds and numbers needed to achieve the policy targets, the number of personnel needed, the measure needed to cover shortfall of human resources, proposal for securing interested excellent students to contribute to the nuclear field and issue and solution.
4. Mutual support and others.
  1 Request and proposal on education and training of young generation with linkage between FNCA and Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT).
  2 Investigation of training materials in CD ROM for the purpose of introduction and utilization of e-learning system.
  3 Review and comment on the training materials newly posted in the website of FNCA-HRD Project
  4 List of International and Domestic training courses to be held in 2004
5. Proposed future plan of FNCA HRD Project form Japan
6. Request and Proposal on HRD Project and its development
  1 Way of using the Model
  2 Development of HRD Project
  3 Expectation of FNCA support

Country reports were presented on the first and second day of the FNCA HRD Workshop according to the following themes; countries with radiation applications, countries planning to construct nuclear power plants and countries with operating nuclear power plants. On the second day, besides the presentation session, participants were divided into three groups based on the same themes. The aim of the discussion was to develop an HRD Strategy Model for each of the three themes. On the third day, HRD strategy models formulated by subgroup interaction were presented and a very lively discussion of the proposed models followed. On the same day, three special topics - Training Support in HRD, Present Status of ANENT and HRD International Network were presented. In the afternoon of the third day, each participant presented their evaluation of HRD Projects. These evaluations were consolidated into one evaluation coming from the workshop. Presentation and discussion of future action ended the third day of the workshop. Adoption of minutes, formulation of recommendations or message for the ministerial meeting and closing session were held on the fourth day.

During discussions in the Workshop, the following points, proposals, opinions, and comments were agreed upon:

1. Recent topics in the nuclear field and related HRD in each country.
2. Development of Nuclear Training Technology
NuTEC/JAERI has newly provided some of the training materials from the joint training programs with Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam in the website (FNCA-HRD Project), as the training materials on radiation protection to be used commonly. Project leaders are requested to review and give comments on these training materials.
3. HRD strategy or the Model as the way of formulating HRD strategy.
Groups working for formulation of the models of the HRD strategy produced the following models:
- Models for countries with Radioisotopes and Radiation Applications
- Models for countries planning to construct NPPs
- Models for countries with operation NPPs

These models will be refined and the final version will be submitted by 31 October 2004.

4. Evaluation of the HRD project
Evaluations of each of the project leaders were consolidated into evaluation of the FNCA HRD Workshop.
5. Future plan for FY 2005 to 2007
The workshop agreed the mid-term plan of the HRD Project.
6. Linkages with other networks related to HRD
FNCA HRD Project should maintain linkages with other networks related to HRD such as ANENT, ENEN, WNU, etc.

The Workshop agreed on the Conclusions and Recommendations for the FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development. The conclusions and recommendations will be submitted to the Ministerial Meeting to be held in December 2004 where HRD strategy will be discussed.

Vietnam tentatively offered to host the 2005 FNCA HRD Workshop. All participants appreciated the offer and agreed on Vietnam as the venue for the Workshop in 2005.

The Workshop included a technical tour to the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT). The participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the organizers and host institutions.

The Minutes were discussed and agreed upon by all participants in the Workshop. This will be reported at the 6th FNCA Coordinators Meeting to be held in March 2005 in Tokyo, Japan.

List of Participants in
FNCA 2004 Workshop on Human Resources Development


Mr. CHEN Gang
Project Leader
Deputy Manager
Management Training Center, Human Resources Department
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co., LTD (CGNPC)


Project Leader
Education and Training Center, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)


Mr. Eui-Jin LEE
Project Leader
Education Program Development
Nuclear Training Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)


Ms. Rapieh Binti AMINUDDIN
Project Leader
Division of Human Resource Development
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)


Ms. (Dr.) Estrella Duran RELUNIA
Project Leader
Officer-In-Charge, Nuclear Training Center
Nuclear Services & Training, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)


Project Leader
Senior Radiation Physicist
Bureau of Radiation Safety Regulation
Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP)


Mr. VU Dang Ninh
Project Leader
Department of Administration and Personnel Development
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC)


Dr. (Mr.) Sueo MACHI
The FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan (AEC)

Ms. Miwako SHIMIZU
Special Staff, Atomic Energy Division, Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Project Leader
Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)

Prof. (Mr.) Masanori ARITOMI
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Group Manager
Quality Promoting Group, Corporate Planning Department
The Japan Atomic Power Company


Mr. (Dr.) Takatoshi TAKEMOTO
Visiting Professor
Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering
Chulalongkorn University


Ms. Faridah bt Idris
Research Officer / Manager
MINT Scientific Calculation Centre
Division of Technical Services
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)


Ms. Zainida bt Zainal Abidin
Administrative Officer
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Mr. Zakaria bin Taib
Research Officer
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Ms. Zuraida bt Zainudin
Research Officer
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Ms. Fairuz Suzana bt Mohd. Chachuli
Research Officer
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Ms. Noor Azreen bt Maslan
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Ms. Hazalina bt Abu Yamin
Personal Assistant
Division of Human Resource Development and Training
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)

Deputy Manager
Asia Cooperation Center, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.

Dr. (Mr.) Nobuo SASAMOTO
RI-Radiation training Division
Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)

Mr. Fumitaka SUGIMOTO
International Technology Transfer Division
Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)

International Technology Transfer Division
Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)


  1. During the 2004 FNCA HRD workshop, project leaders reviewed historical and current development of nuclear technology in their country. Based on these reviews and future nuclear technology development plans, three drafts of HRD strategy models were proposed:
    Model 1 - HRD Strategy Model for Countries with Radioisotope and Radiation Applications.
    Model 2 - HRD Strategy Model for Countries planning to construct Nuclear Power Plants.
    Model 3 - HRD Strategy Model for Countries operating Nuclear Power Plants.

  2. Project leaders shall do a pilot study using the model and present the result at the next workshop. Based on the findings of the pilot study, the models shall be revised and proposed.

  3. To implement HRD project more efficiently and effectively, national HRD working group or committee may be set up and sub project (HRD strategy, Training, e-learning) may be formed.

  4. HRD basic data collected need to be updated continuously to support HRD strategy development and implementation.

  5. Status of ANENT was presented and discussed with the project leaders. The necessity of linkage with ANENT and other networks was suggested for the sustainable development of nuclear science and technology in the region.

  6. During the workshop, Project Leaders evaluated the achievement of the FNCA HRD projects. The workshop agreed that the project have been very beneficial to member countries and recommended that it should be continued.

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia