Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management workshop

- Project Review
- Introduction of the Project Leaders
- RS&RWM News Letter
- RWM Consolidated Report
  · R004 (Update)
  · R001
- RS Consolidated Report (PDF)
- EPR Consolidated Report (PDF)
- LLRWR Consolidated Report (PDF:6.57MB)
- NORM&TENORM Consolidated Report (PDF)
- Task Group Report
  · SRSM (PDF),  Appendix (PDF)
·  Decommissioning and Clearance


FNCA 2023 Workshop on Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management

Report of
FNCA2023 Workshop on
Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) Project

November 7 - 9, 2023
Bangi, Malaysia

Group Photo

The FNCA 2023 Workshop on Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) project was held in Bangi, Malaysia, November 7 - 9, 2023. The workshop was hosted by the Malaysian Nuclear Agency and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
Representatives from nine FNCA member countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) were involved in the workshop.


Photo of workshop Photo of workshop

In the opening session, welcome remarks and opening remarks were respectively delivered by Dr. Rosli Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, and Mr. Wada Tomoaki, FNCA Advisor of Japan. The goal of the 7th phase of this project from 2021 to 2023 is to compile a consolidated report on NORM*1 and TENORM*2. Participants reported their progress, management, regulatory framework and issues related to the NORM and TENORM. With regard to the forthcoming phase of this project, Prof. KOSAKO, project leader of Japan, presented on environmental radiation and radioactivity.
On the second day, the participants were divided into three groups and discussed contents of the consolidated report on NORM and TENORM. In the afternoon, three countries introduced their hot topics using a poster. After the poster session, a forum was held at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency.

Photo of workshop Photo of workshop

The workshop was closed with the closing remarks from Dr. Mohd Zaidi bin Ibrahim, project leader of Malaysia, and Prof. KOSAKO.

[Technical Visit]

A technical visit to radioactive waste management facilities in the Malaysian Nuclear Agency was conducted on November 9.

Photo of Technical Visit Photo of Technical Visit


*1 NORM: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
*2 TENORM: Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials

Minutes of
FNCA2023 Workshop on
Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) Project

November 7 - 9, 2023
Bangi, Malaysia

ⅰ) Date November 7 - 9, 2023
ⅱ) Venue Malaysian Nuclear Agency
ⅲ) Host Organizations Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
ⅳ) Participants A total of 21 participants from 9 countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). Listed in the List of Participants.

The FNCA 2023 Workshop on Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) was held in Bangi, Malaysia, November 7 - 9, 2023. The workshop was hosted by the Malaysian Nuclear Agency and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
The program of the workshop is attached as Annex 1. The list of participants is attached as Annex 2.

Session 1: Opening

At the beginning of the workshop, Dr. Rosli Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, delivered welcoming remarks. In his remarks, he congratulated the FNCA and organizing committee for hosting and organizing the FNCA workshop on Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management in the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. Following the welcoming remarks, Mr. WADA Tomoaki, FNCA Advisor of Japan delivered open remarks. Both of them emphasized the importance of Radioactive Waste Management in the member countries, and wished the success of the workshop.

Session 2: Introduction

Mr. WADA presented on activities of the FNCA eight projects. Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency and FNCA Coordinator of Malaysia, presented on the Malaysia's achievements and project progress in FNCA activities. He also introduced the National Nuclear Technology Policy 2030 which was launched in September 2023. Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso, Project Leader of Japan, provided basic information and overview of this project. He explained about the consolidated report on NORM and TENORM to be discussed during the workshop. The summary of each report is attached in Annex 3.

Session 3: Country Report

Nine countries reported their progress, management, regulatory framework and issues of the NORM and TENORM. The summary of each report is attached in Annex 3.

Session 4: Presentation on Environmental radiation and radioactivity

Prof. KOSAKO presented on environmental radiation and radioactivity. He proposed this subject matter to be included in the forthcoming phase of the FNCA Project. The summary of the report is attached in Annex 3.

Session 5&6: Group Discussion on Consolidated Report

The participants discussed the current status of the NORM/ TENORM of the Consolidated Report. The final country reports from each country are to be sent to FNCA secretariat Ms. Che by Friday, December 8, 2023.

Session 7: Three-year Evaluation

As this year is the final year of the 7th phase (2021-2023), the participants discussed the completion of the final report of this project activities after a presentation from Prof. KOSAKO. The results of the discussion will be reflected in the three-year evaluation document.

Session 8: Summary

This summary was adopted by the participants.

Session 9: Poster Session

Three countries introduced their hot topics using a poster. The title of each poster is as shown below:

  • Malaysia: ① Borehole Disposal Facility for Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS)
                  ② Waste Technology Development center (WasTeC)
  • Philippines: Radon concentration inside the caves of Bohol Island, Philippines
  • Thailand: Leaching Behavior of Cs 137 from Cement Solidified Electric Arc Furnace Dust

The summary of each report is attached in Annex 3.

Session 10: Forum

Mr. OBATA Ryoji of MEXT gave a presentation on the FNCA activities and international nuclear cooperation of the MEXT. After his presentation, Mr. WADA presented on recent development of the FNCA eight projects. Dr. Klitsadee Yubonmhat, Project leader of Thailand, delivered his presentation on the Cs 137 contaminated electric arc furnace dust found in Thailand. Mr. Nazran Harun, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, presented on the implementation of a borehole disposal facility for DSRS Categories 3-5 in Malaysia.

Session 11: Closing Session

The workshop was closed with the closing remarks from Dr. Mohd Zaidi Bin Ibrahim and Prof. KOSAKO.

Technical Visit to Radioactive Waste Management Facilities in Malaysian Nuclear Agency

A technical visit to Radioactive Waste Management Facilities in the Malaysian Nuclear Agency was conducted on November 9.


Program of 2023 FNCA Workshop on
Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management Project

November 7 - 9, 2023
Bangi, Malaysia

Day 1


Session 1: Opening
Facilitator: Mr. Rafizi Salihuddin, Malaysia

  1. Welcoming Remarks | Dr. Rosli Darmawan, Director General of Nuklear Malaysia
  2. Opening Remarks | Mr. WADA Tomoaki, FNCA Advisor of Japan
  3. Introduction of Participants
  4. Group Photo

Session 2: Introduction
(Presentation 15 min + Q&A 5 min)
Facilitator: Mr. Rafizi Salihuddin, Malaysia

  1. FNCA Activities | Mr. WADA Tomoaki, FNCA Advisor of Japan
  2. Malaysia's Achievements in FNCA Projects | Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin,
    Deputy Director General of Nuklear Malaysia
  3. Project Overview and Goal - Consolidated report on NORM/TENORM - |
    Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso, Japan
10:15-10:35 Morning Tea (20 min)

Session 3: Country Report
(Presentation 20 min + Q&A 5 min)
Facilitator: Dr. Klitsadee Yubonmhat, Thailand

  1. Australia
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Indonesia
11:50-13:00 Lunch (70 min)

Session 3: Cont'd
(Presentation 20 min + Q&A 5 min)
Facilitator: Dr. Khandoker Asaduzzaman, Bangladesh

  1. Japan
  2. Malaysia
  3. Mongolia
14:15-14:35 Afternoon Tea (20 min)

Session 3: Cont'd
(Presentation 20 min + Q&A 5 min)
Facilitator: Dr. SAITO Tatsuo, Japan

  1. Philippines
  2. Thailand
  3. Vietnam

Session 4: Presentation on Environmental radiation
Facilitator: Mr. Angelo Absalon Panlaqui, Philippines

  1. Environmental radiation/radioactivity : Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso (25 min)
  2. Discussion (20 min)

Day 2


Session 5: Group Discussion on Consolidated Report
Facilitator: Mr. Duncan Kemp, Australia

  1. Leading Speech | Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso, Japan
  2. Discussion
    *Discussion will be facilitated by each leading country.
    *Countries written in bold type is a leading country of the group
10:00-10:20 Morning Tea (20 min)

Session 6: Group Discussion on Consolidated Report
Facilitator: Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Vietnam

  1. Discussion
    *Discussion will be facilitated by each leading country.
    *Countries written in bold type is a leading country of the group

Session 7: Three-year Evaluation
Facilitator: Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso, Japan

  1. Three-year Evaluation Form
  2. Discussion

Session 8: Summary
Facilitator: Dr. Syaiful Bakhri, Indonesia

  1. Quick Check and Adoption
12:30-13:40 Lunch (70 min)

Session 9: Poster Session
Facilitator: Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso, Japan

  1. Malaysia
  2. Philippines
  3. Thailand

Session 10: Forum
(20 min presentation +5 min Q&A)
Facilitator: Mr. Rafizi Salihuddin, Malaysia

  1. International Nuclear Cooperation and Contribution for Asian Countries |
    Mr. OBATA Ryoji, MEXT, Japan
  2. Recent Development of FNCA Projects | Mr. WADA Tomoaki, FNCA Advisor of Japan
  3. The Cs-137 contaminated electric arc furnace dust found in Thailand |
    Dr. Klitsadee Yubonmhat, TINT, Thailand
  4. The implementation of Borehole Disposal Facility for DSRS Categories 3-5 in Malaysia |
    Mr. Nazran Harun, Nuklear Malaysia

Session 11: Closing
Facilitator: Ms. Ganbaatar Dolgormaa, Mongolia

  1. Closing Remarks | Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ibrahim
  2. Closing Remarks | Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso

Day 3


Visit Radioactive Waste Management Facilities in Nuklear Malaysia

  1. Mobile Tools Kit Facility (MTKF) - Mr. Kang Wee Siang
  2. Low Level Effluent Treatment Plant - Mr. Rafizi Salihuddin
10:30-11:00 Morning Tea (30 min)
  1. Storage Facility - Mr. Azmi Ibrahim
  2. Borehole Disposal Facility - Mr. Nazran Harun


List of Participants
FNCA2023 Workshop on
Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) Project

November 7 - 9, 2023
Bangi, Malaysia


Mr. Duncan Kemp
Technical Director
Radioactive Waste
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)


Dr. Khandoker Asaduzzaman (PL)
Chief Scientific Officer and Head
Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)


Dr. Syaiful Bakhri (PL)
Head of Research Centre for Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Technology
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


Mr. WADA Tomoaki
FNCA Advisor of Japan

Mr. OBATA Ryoji
Deputy Director
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Prof. KOSAKO Toshiso (PL)
Professor Emeritus
The University of Tokyo

Mr. SAITO Tatsuo
Principal Engineer
Disposal Project Planning Office
Radioactive Wastes Disposal Center
Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management Head Office
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)

Ms. CHE Jong-ah (Secretariat)
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)


Dr. Rosli Darmawan
Director General
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin
Deputy Director General
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Dr. Mohd Zaidi bin Ibrahim (PL)
Waste Technology Development Centre
Waste Technology and Environment Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Mr. Rafizi Salihuddin
Research Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Ms. Nurul Wahida Ahmad Khairuddin
Research Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Ms. Rohyiza Ba'an
Research Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Ms. Nurul Syazwani Yahaya
Research Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Ms. Nurayu Ibrahim
Assistant Science Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Mr. Mohd Zahiruddin Jaafar
Assistant Science Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency


Ms. Ganbaatar Dolgormaa
Nuclear and radiation security state inspector
Department of Nuclear and Radiation Inspection
Ministry of Education and Science government of Mongolia


Mr. Angelo Absalon Panlaqui
Science Research Specialist I
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)


Dr. Klitsadee Yubonmhat (PL)
Nuclear Scientist
Radioactive Waste Management Section
Radioactive Waste Management Center
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)


Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thuy (PL)
Deputy Director
Institute for Technology of Radioactive and Rare Elements (VINATOM)

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia