FNCA Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting

Participants List


Record of the Seventh FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 1- March 3, 2006, Tokyo, Japan

March 3, 2006

 The Seventh FNCA Coordinators Meeting (CM) was held from March 1 through March 3, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan and the Cabinet Office (CAO) of Japan.

 The Meeting was attended by delegates from all FNCA countries, i.e., Australia, the People's Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Dr. Abdul Aziz of Bangladesh and Dr. Nahrul Khair Alang Md. Rashid, RCA Chairman, IAEA participated in this meeting as observers. ANTEP Proposal is given as Attachment 1, The list of delegates is given as Attachment 2 and The program of the Meeting as Attachment 3.

1. Session 1: Opening
 Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commision (AEC) of Japan gave the opening remarks at the Opening Session.

2. Session 2: Report on the Sixth FNCA Meeting
 In Session 2, Dr. Sueo Machi, gave a summary of the 6th FNCA Ministerial-level Meeting held in Tokyo on December 1, 2005. Dr. Machi explained the results of the round table discussions and summarized the statements of heads of delegations.

3. Session 3: Report on gRole of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asiah

In Session 3, Dr. Machi reported the results of the 2nd panel held on January 25-26, 2006 in Tokyo.
Some of the issues raised by delegates include: waste management and disposal, security and sustainability of energy supply including fuel supply and recycling and inclusion of nuclear power in CDM.

 (2) The final report and recommendation for activities after 2007 will be prepared by the 3rd meeting of the panel.

4. Invited Speech
 Invited Speech 1

Dr. Nahrul Khair Alang Md. Rashid, RCA Chairman, IAEA made a presentation on current IAEA/RCA activities and achievements.

 (2) He stated that although RCA and FNCA have different mechanisms and approach, they have some common objectives. He suggested convergence of the two regional programs to optimize resources.
 (3) The delegates shared the view that RCA and FNCA should continue to look for opportunities to share information and resources.

 Invited Speech 2

Dr. Abdul Aziz, Member, Bioscience Division, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) made a presentation on gNuclear Science and Technology Programs and Activities; An Overviewh and gBiofertilizersh.

 (2) His presentation on the comprehensive nuclear program of Bangladesh covered reactor operation and maintenance, isotope production, medical services and research, health physics and radiation monitoring, non-destructive testing and the proposed nuclear power project at Rooppur.
 (3) For the biofertilizer scenario in Bangladesh, he emphasized the effective application of mutation breeding of Azolla, a floating fern having N 2 -fixing Cyanobacterium. He also mentioned about the effective cultivation of Azolla for extensive application to a number of crops including rice.
 (4) He stressed radiation technology should be used to develop a new variety of Azolla which has improved insect resistance.

5. Session 4: Progress, Evaluation and Planning of FNCA Projects
 In session 4, the activities of on-going projects and their future plans were discussed.

(1) Human Resources Development (HRD)
 a) Dr. Hideo Matsuzuru, Project Leader of Japan reported the summary of the HRD workshop held in 2005. Dr. Machi reported the discussion on ANTEP at the 2005 FNCA Ministerial-level Meeting. Mr. Matsuzuru reported on the outcome of the survey on the needs and possible training programs offered to ANTEP.
 b) Based on the results of the survey, the following points were discussed:
   i ) Delegates appreciated and supported the progress of ANTEP.
   ii ) The important information provided by the first survey was noted and the necessity of the second survey was recognized to provide more detailed information to allow matching of needs and possible training programs.
   iii ) Some countries expressed the view that the financial conditions of programs should be taken into consideration. The necessity of in-kind contribution was pointed out under the principle of partnership. Additionally, the importance of knowing the working language in the program was noted.
   iv ) ANTEP's function and the next steps including pilot program were discussed. The conclusions of the discussion is attached (Attachment 1).

(2) Agricultural Applications
Mutation Breeding (MB)
 a ) Dr. Hitoshi Nakagawa, Project Leader of Japan, made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project.
 b ) He reported that drought tolerant sorghum and soybean mutant lines have been successfully developed through the exchange of breeding materials between participating countries in the sub-project. This project will be terminated next year.
 c ) For sorghum, eleven mutant lines had been developed. The new sweet sorghum mutant variety gYuantian No.1h had been registered and produced in a large scale in China. In Indonesia, seed multiplication of drought tolerant mutant lines was conducted. Additional ion beam induced breeding materials are being studied in Indonesia, China, and Japan.
 d ) For soybean, promising drought tolerant lines have been selected in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, and are being further evaluated for drought tolerance and yield. There was increased soybean production in Vietnam resulting from release of 10 mutants and hybrid varieties.
 e ) In the sub-projects on Insect Resistance in Orchid and Disease Resistance in Banana, promising mutant lines are undergoing further evaluation.
 f ) The new sub-projects to be implemented, starting in 2007, were proposed by the last workshop and the project gComposition or Quality Crop Breedingh was agreed to concentrate on rice, soybean, wheat and sorghum with all the countries participating. The details of the project will be discussed at the next workshop in September 2006 in Japan.
 g ) Dr. Nakagawa also reported on other sub-projects such as the Mutation Breeding Database, Mutation Breeding Manual, and the Mutation Breeding Publication Database.

Biofertilizer (BF)
 a ) Dr. Tadashi Yokoyama, Project Leader of Japan, made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project.
 b ) He reported that the project has been carried out to improve and disseminate biofertilizers by applying radiation technology in the last four years. Field demonstrations carried out in each country from 2003 to 2005 have confirmed the effectiveness of biofertilizer. Increases in the yields of different crops ranged from 2 to 122%.
 c ) Economic analysis conducted by each country indicated that the application of chemical fertilizers could be reduced by 20-50% and the net income of farmers increased by as much as 58% in the case of the Philippines.
 d ) Methods for sterilization of biofertilizer carrier by irradiation are being developed. In FY2005, the project started to conduct comparative studies on sterilization of carrier by irradiation, and by heat autoclave. Sterilization of carrier by irradiation has advantages compared to heat autoclave which is more complicated, time consuming and labour intensive.
 e ) The achievements of the project, the importance of the extension of biofertilizer in agriculture and its impact were noted by the delegates.
 f ) Based on the proposal and evaluation of the project, the meeting agreed that the project would be extended for one more year. The work plan should include the following: (a) comparison of QA/QC of inoculant prepared by heat sterilized or radiation sterilized carriers; (b) definition of the most suitable radiation processing method for sterilization of carrier; and (c) formulation of the strategic plan for extension of biofertilizer applications including field demonstrations.

(3) Utilization of Research Reactors
<Overview of the Research Reactor Projects>
Dr. Hideaki Yokomizo, Chairman, Steering Group of Utilization of Research Reactors, presented an overview of the research reactor projects: Neutron Activation Analysis, Research Reactor Technology, and Tc-99m Generator.

Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
Dr. Mitsuru Ebihara, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation of the progress and achievements of the project. He summarized the activities in each participating country, with emphasis on the status of the environmental monitoring program using NAA. Delegates noted the importance of reflection of the results in the environmental policies of the participating countries through close linkage with the environmental control authorities. He also presented the environmental monitoring plan of each country.

Research Reactors Technology (RRT)
Dr. Kiyonobu Yamashita, Project Leader of Japan presented the progress and achievements of the project which aims to share neutronic calculation techniques among participating countries for core management of research reactors. Japan provided to member countries its neutronic calculation code SRAC, and also MVP software for accurate calculation. The countries have successfully used the code for core calculations, and gave positive feedback and results. It was noted that the project would promote the safe and stable operation, as well as advanced utilization of research reactors such as radioisotope production. There was support from the delegates for continuation and expansion of the project.

Tc-99m Generator Production (TCG)
 a ) Dr. Tsuguo Genka, Project Leader of Japan gave an overview on the progress and achievements of the project. The project has established new technology to produce PZC-type Tc-99m generator. Plans for its routine production in each country, including proposals for a business plan were reported. Quality assurance for PZC material, Tc-99m and its labeled compounds for clinical use was discussed. The dissemination of PZC technology will be undertaken; the standardized manual for practical application will be finalized and published.
 b ) The delegates noted that assurance of supply of Molybdenum-99 and PZC are essential for the commercial application of the technology.

(4) Medical Care
Radiation Oncology (RO)
 a ) Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project. He reported that:
   i ) The joint clinical studies have successfully developed 3 new protocols for treatment of uterine cervical cancer whilst a new protocol for Advanced Nasopharyngeal Cancer is still under study.
   ii ) The results of 5 year survival rate for two protocols for uterine cervical cancer were 53% and 66% respectively which are better than other methods used elsewhere, whilst the result of the study for another protocol (chemoradiotherapy) is not completed yet. However the early results are very encouraging.
   iii ) QA/QC of radiation therapy are mandatory and the results undertaken in the seven participating countries were within the acceptable range.
 b ) The delegates expressed their satisfaction and appreciation of the achievements of the project.

Cyclotron and PET in Medicine
Dr. Mohamed Ali Abdul Khader, Project Leader of Malaysia made a presentation on the planning of the new project. He reported that:
 a ) Seven FNCA countries namely China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam have already nominated their project leaders to join the project.
 b ) The first project leaders meeting (PLM) will be held in Malaysia on the 3rd quarter of 2006 to discuss the work plan for the three components of the project namely instrumentation, pharmaceuticals and diagnosis.
 c ) A national seminar on Cyclotron and PET in Medicine will also be held at the end of the PLM.

(5) Nuclear Safety Culture
 a ) Dr. Ron Cameron, FNCA Coordinator of Australia made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project. He reported that:
   i ) Significant progress has been made to promote awareness and good safety culture at all levels of workers and management in the participating countries.
   ii ) Progress was made on the various recommendations for improvement from the self assessment and peer review conducted in Viet Nam (2002), Korea (2003) and Indonesia (2005).
   iii ) Peer review will be carried out in Malaysia in April 2006 whilst the workshop will be held in September 2006. China may consider hosting the peer review in the near future.
 b ) Mr. Atsuo Kohsaka, Acting Project Leader of Japan made an overview of the three Safety Culture Peer Reviews on research reactors conducted in Viet Nam, Korea and Indonesia. He also reported on the review items, review process, results of good practices and recommendations as well as the progress of their follow-up implementation in the respective countries.
 c ) Dr. Ron Cameron also made a presentation on the evaluation of the project. He reported that the project has achieved major positive outcomes in all participating countries with high ratings for achievement of out comes and scientific impact. As a result, the project will be continued for 3 more years with the planned activities to include self assessment and peer reviews, integration with other regional activities and to consider the impact of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors.
 d ) The representative of the Philippines reported that PNRI will undertake the decommissioning of their research reactor and will become a model project for IAEA.

(6) Radioactive Waste Management
 a ) Prof. Toshiso Kosako, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation on the review of the project. He reported on the achievements of 2005 activities including the workshop held in Japan, decommissioning/clearance task group activities in Indonesia and the Philippines and the regular publication of newsletters. He also reported that the revision of the consolidated report on Radioactive Waste Management will be carried out in 2006.
 b ) Dr. Machi stressed the importance of follow-up actions by the participating countries to implement the recommendations given by the various expert missions and task force such as management of spent radiation sources, TENORM and NORM to ensure the success of the project.

(7) Industrial Application (Electron Accelerator)
 a ) Dr. Tamikazu Kume, Project Leader of Japan, made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project. He reported on the successful workshops and demonstrations on the application of low energy EB accelerator for liquid natural polymers (Japan), thin films (Malaysia), flue gas treatment (China) and wastewater treatment (Korea) and major outcomes of the project in the participating countries.
 b ) He also reported that based on the good results of the project, it is proposed that it will be continued for three more years under the second phase (2006-2008) with the emphasis on radiation degradation of natural polymers, radiation crosslinking of natural polymers and radiation treatment of wastewater.
 c ) Dr. Machi made his presentation on the evaluation of the project. He noted that the project had made great achievements, and proposed to extend it for two more years only. He proposed that activity on the feasibility study on economic aspects should be carried out in the second year. He also commented that it is important to make linkage with end-users in order to achieve the desired goal for industrial and commercial applications of the project.
 d ) He also mentioned that for the next phase of the project, it is not limited only to the application of low energy electron accelerator as it will include also high energy EB as well as gamma rays. It is also expected that economic comparison studies between gamma ray facility and EB facility will also be carried out.
 e ) All the participating countries had expressed their satisfaction on the achievements and supported the continuation of the project for two more years.

(8) Public Information of Nuclear Energy (PI)
 a ) Mr. Minoru Kubo, Acting Project Leader of Japan presented the status report of the project. He reported that the project involved two-way communications with the professional community as well as the public, development and use of effective instruments of communications such as with media, the use of a regional speakers bureau and training of nuclear communicators.
 b ) All of the FNCA countries emphasized the importance of PI to educate and give correct information to the public on the various aspects of nuclear energy including the contribution of nuclear energy for power and non-power applications to receive greater acceptance of nuclear energy. They agreed that different modalities of PI should be used to reach the different target groups such as media, politicians, opinion leaders, students and teachers.

6. Wrap-up Session
 In the Wrap-up Session, the drafted minutes of the 7th CM were discussed and confirmed by the delegates.

7. Closing Session
 In the Closing Session, the Minutes of the 7th CM were adopted by the delegates.

Dr. Nahrul Khair Alang Md. Rashid expressed his appreciation for the invitation to the 7th CM. He stated that FNCA and RCA have their own objectives and vision, therefore the two programs should be able to share information to benefit both programs through synergy. He also suggested that the current interaction to be enhanced in some selected areas as may be agreed upon by both programs.

 (2) The delegates thanked the Japanese government for so successfully hosting the meeting and expressed their appreciation for the excellent support for FNCA.
 (3) Dr. Machi gave the closing remarks, expressing his appreciation to all delegates for their excellent contribution. He stated that FNCA has achieved specific tangible results in each project which should benefit more member countries by further effort of FNCA Coordinators. He also encouraged member countries to propose new projects in the near future for discussion.

Finally he officially closed the 7th CM.


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