FNCA   Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting

Participants List


Summary Report of the 13th FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 7 to 9, 2012
Fukui International Activities Plaza (March 7-8),
the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (March 9), Japan

The 13th FNCA Coordinators Meeting was held on March 7-9, 2012, in Fukui, Japan, hosted by the Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO) and the Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), and co-hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan and the Fukui Prefectural Government. Chairperson of the Meeting was Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan.
The Meeting was attended by delegates from 12 member countries: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, and RCA Regional Office. Delegates comprised FNCA Coordinators, Project Leaders, Senior Officials, and Director of RCA Regional Office.

In the closing session, the Conclusions and Recommendation were discussed to wrap up the 13th Coordinators Meeting and then adopted.

The 13th FNCA Coordinators Meeting
Conclusions and Recommendation

March 8th 2012, Fukui, Japan   

1. With regards to the accident at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, all member countries expressed their wish that Japan should fully share lessons learned from the accident, which is useful for improving their assurance of nuclear safety.
2. The meeting took note that the Fukui Prefecture is a good model of successful stakeholder involvement and the development of a local community hosting nuclear power stations and relevant facilities for HRD.
3. It was agreed that the assurance of safety, security and safeguards is a prerequisite for the utilization of nuclear power and radiation technology. The FNCA project on Nuclear Security and Safeguards provides an effective platform to share experiences, knowledge and information on nuclear security and safeguards.
4. The meeting noted that the FNCA projects for developing infrastructure, such as nuclear safety management, radiation safety and waste management, research reactor net-work, nuclear security and safeguards, and human resource development are contributing to strengthening infrastructure in the development of atomic energy utilization with a high level of safety.
5. It was agreed that the public information activities are much needed in the member countries after the accident of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the FNCA Study Panel on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development should provide an opportunity for sharing experiences and information of effective public information programs.
6. Special recommendations on nuclear HRD (Attachment 1) were adopted by consensus in order for member countries to promote HRD for nuclear power and radiation application programs with the support of the government taking into account that human resources are essential for sound and safe utilization and development of nuclear energy and radiation applications.
7. It was agreed that the establishment of the regional network for improving the assurance of the supply of medical isotopes should be promoted with the endorsement of government. It was also recognized that the coordination of the production network and distribution network, and of the maintenance schedules of research reactors among the FNCA member countries, is important for the stable supply and price of RI. Besides the assurerance of the RI supply, collaboration on the design of new research reactors to meet demands in the member countries is also important.
8. The meeting noted that the FNCA projects on the promotion of applications of nuclear technology, such as radio-therapy for cancer, mutation breeding, electron beam processing, bio-fertilizer, and neutron activation analysis have remarkable and tangible results with significant socio-economic impact.
9. It was agreed unanimously that every effort should be made to enhance application of the outcomes of the FNCA projects in achieving the socio-economic benefits in collaboration with relevant ministries and potential end-users in each country.
10. The proposal of organizing nuclear agriculture management seminars in possible collaboration with RCA/IAEA, to disseminate the outcomes of FNCA projects relevant to agriculture, was approved by the meeting.
11. It was recognized that further effort is needed for improving the outreach of FNCA activities and achievements to the international community through mechanisms such as the IAEA , scientific and industrial journals, the internet, and open seminars and symposia.
12. The meeting agreed on the plan for FY 2012 of the FNCA activities including host countries for the ministerial level meeting, the study panel meeting, and project workshops (Attachment 2).
13. It was agreed to extend the projects, electron accelerator application and biofertilizer, for another 3 years and to continue all other current projects.

The summary of the ten sessions is given below:

Session 1: Opening Session
Dr. Shunsuke KONDO, Chairman of Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) made the opening remarks and thanked the Fukui Prefectural Government for hosting the 13th FNCA Coordinators Meeting in Fukui. Mr. Issei NISHIKAWA, Governor of Fukui Prefecture, gave a hearty welcome to all participants.
After the self-introduction by each participant, the Meeting agenda was adopted.

Fukui Prefectural Government

Special Session 1: Current Status of On-site and Off-site Activities after the Accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Dr. KONDO provided an update of on-site and off-site activities and the governmental responses concerning the TEPCO/Fukushima Accident in sharing Lessons Learned (LL) and other information.
Several questions were raised, and discussion ensued, on nuclear energy policy in Japan after the accident, the remediation plan for contaminated ground, the control of contaminated foods, etc..

Dr. Shunsuke KONDO
Japan Atomic Energy Commission

Special Session 2: Relations between Nuclear Power and Local Communities
Mr. Katsumi KURUBA, Japan, gave a presentation entitled "Locations and Administration of Nuclear Power Plants in Fukui". He introduced the feature of Fukui Prefecture with its many nuclear power plants (NPPs) and preparedness in relation to nuclear safety. Subsequently, Mr. Hideo SHIMIZU, Japan, introduced the Energy Research and Development Centralization Plan of the Fukui Prefectural Office including human resource development (HRD) programs for nuclear applications and NPP. Information was given on public acceptance of proton radiation therapy of cancer in connection with radiation hazards, the role of the Fukui Prefectural Office in assuring safety at NPPs in Fukui, and the curriculum of the nuclear engineering course at Fukui University.

Mr. Katsumi KURUBA
Executive Director
The Wakasawan Energy Research Center

Energy Producing Region Development Division
Department of General Policy
Fukui Prefectural Government

Session 2: Summary Report of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Dr. MACHI reported on the summary and resolutions of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting which was held on December 16, 2011, in Tokyo, Japan. In his report, Dr. MACHI stressed the importance of enhancing nuclear safety, sharing the LL from the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPP, and Public Information (PI).

Dr. Sueo MACHI
FNCA Coordinator of Japan

Session 3: Enhancement of Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
1. Project Review
(1) Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management
Prof. Toshiso KOSAKO, Japan, reported the achievements in FY 2011, namely, (i) Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management (RS&RWM) project workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, (ii) data accumulation for the Consolidated Report on Radiation Safety, and (iii) RS&RWM Newsletter which will be published by March 2012 on the FNCA website. It was pointed out by some countries that emergency preparedness and response (EPR) is important and needs to be addressed by the FNCA.

(2) Safety Management Systems for Nuclear Facilities
Mr. Peter McGLINN, FNCA Coordinator of Australia, reported on the result of the workshops and peer reviews that were held in Indonesia in 2010 and in Malaysia in 2011. It was agreed at the Malaysian workshop that further workshops and peer reviews will refine the self-assessment tool and enhance the guidance on performing self-assessment of nuclear facilities.
An important feature of the peer review process being implemented is for countries that have had a previous peer review to report at subsequent workshops on progress in adopting the recommendations made by the peer review teams. Korea offered to host the next workshop. Australia, as lead country for the project, will seek consensus from the participating countries on the preference of Korea or Bangladesh to host the next workshop and peer review and will communicate this outcome to the FNCA Secretariat.

(3) Nuclear Security and Safeguards
Mr. Masao SENZAKI, Japan, reported on the 1st workshop which was held on February 22-24, 2012, in Mito and Tokai, Japan. At the workshop particular progress was made in specifying actions to be taken in the respective areas, namely, nuclear safety, security, safeguards, (3S), through collaboration with the IAEA, Asian-Pacific Safeguards Network (APSN), and other multilateral frameworks, and through HRD.

2. Action Plan for Recommendations of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Dr. Takehiko NAKAMURA, Japan, delivered the lead speech. He emphasized that FNCA Projects have a possibility to accelerate synergetic integration of infrastructure development for the 3S. One of the major interests is the possible synergistic effects of 3S in regards to natural hazardous events. The Meeting recognized upgraded international safety standards have become an important issue after the TEPCO/Fukushima Accident.

Session 4: Public Information
Ms. Etsuko AKIBA, JAEC Commissioner, introduced the topic of PI, focusing on the various kinds of PI, with emphasis on the importance of restoring public trust and confidence in nuclear power as the first step after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. She pointed out that knowing the characteristics of receivers of information on nuclear issues is as important as the type of information and the strategies of delivering information for successful PI implementation. Education on radiation for elementary school children and junior / senior high school students is worthwhile strategic methodology as these age groups comprise the future decision-makers of the countries. Subsequently, Mr. Takashi IHARA presented the public relation activities of the Fukui Atomic Information Center. Cooperation on PI within FNCA was discussed, e.g. training of nuclear communicators and translation of Japanese educational materials on radiation into English.

Ms. Etsuko AKIBA
Japan Atomic Energy Commission

Mr. Takashi IHARA
Public Relations Department
Fukui Atomic Information Center Foundation

Session 5: Human Resource Development
1. Project Review
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA reported on the success of the HRD Workshop in Viet Nam and noted the discussions about funding from the government. The Workshop agreed that member countries should designate an appropriate office or organization as a single channel for improving ANTEP coordination of the HRD program though international cooperation.
Mr. NGUYEN Manh Hung, Viet Nam, introduced the HRD strategy and plan for the first nuclear power plant in Viet Nam. Committed funding and programs for HRD by the Viet Nam government were noted. A model on networking in Viet Nam is in an advanced state of planning and implementation.

2. Action Plan for Recommendations of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Dr. MACHI provided background information noting that nuclear HRD with proper funding is required for implementing and developing nuclear programs. Based on that background, "Recommendations on HRD" was introduced as a means to enhance HRD activities and promote effective cooperation in FNCA. The "Recommendations" stress the importance of the establishment of a HRD network in each country, which is expected to appropriately collect and assess HRD needs in the country. Australia clarified the preamble to the document to reflect the position of those countries not developing nuclear power and recognizing that the development of HRD networks should be commensurate with a country's specific needs. Funding will be committed by countries once the development of nuclear power has been decided, meanwhile those countries that have not decided on nuclear power should partially support funding of their HRD through participation in FNCA collaborations.
The Meeting agreed to adopt the "Recommendations" after modifications and improvements.

Session 6: Review and Plan of Study Panel on Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power
Ms. Saori HAMADA, Japan, reported on the 3rd panel meeting which was held on July 5-6, 2011, in Jakarta, and introduced the plan for the 4th panel. According to the report, the 4th panel will be held on July 26-27, 2012, in Thailand, focusing on sharing experiences and LL from the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPP, PI, and EPR. Afterwards, Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK, Thailand, introduced a tentative plan for the 4th panel.
With regard to EPR, the Meeting agreed to exchange each country's situation and information at the 4th panel meeting. The possibility of peer review will be discussed after exchanging information at the 4th panel, including the identification of issues such as funding. If possible, the IAEA will be invited to share their experts' information. At the 4th panel meeting, Thailand will prepare a special presentation on their situation following the postponed NPP construction plan.

Session 7: Research Reactor Utilization Development
1. Project Review
(1) Research Reactor Network
Dr. Hiroshi KAWAMURA firstly introduced the background and objectives of the Research Reactor Network (RRN) project, and then reported on the 1st workshop which was held on October 24-27, 2011, in Korea. The workshop discussed the action plan for 2012, and will be followed by Ad-Hoc meeting on March 15-16, 2012, in China. At the Ad-Hoc meeting a draft proposal of the FNCA regional network will be prepared aiming to secure stable production and supply/distribution of isotopes. Suggestions were made including an appraisal of future demand; support to establish expertise in design and construction of new research reactors, operation and management; training of manpower for administration and commissioning; etc. Dr. Yudiutomo IMARDJOKO, Indonesia, then introduced the RR utilization and isotope supply plan for Indonesia and the status of exports. The concerns to transportation of isotopes are mentioned in his report.

(2) Neutron Activation Analysis
Dr. Mitsuru EBIHARA reported on the 1st workshop for the 4th phase of the project with outcomes of the sub-projects, namely, geochemical mapping and mineral exploration, monitoring of food contamination, and monitoring of pollutants in marine sediments. Suggestions were made to examine synergies with the ICP-MS technique of analysis, establishing better links to end-users and more support of the project from the government through National Coordinators. The Philippines noted the good relationship between RCA and FNCA on this project. The timing of the next workshop was also discussed. FNCA newcomers, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, are expected to attend the next workshop. The Meeting noted the good contribution of the project in publishing its achievements in scientific journals, helping to disseminate FNCA outcomes to international society.

2. Action Plan for Recommendation of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Dr. MACHI gave the lead speech on "Establishment of the Research Reactor Network for Isotope Production/Supply, R&D and HRD". He pointed out the importance of sharing experiences in designing and operation of new RR as well as the importance of regional networks to ensure the stable production, supply and price of RI, taking into account the coordination of maintenance schedules of RR, and other planned downtime, in FNCA member states.

Session 8: Radiation Application for Development
1. Project Review
(1) Mutation Breeding
Prof. Hirokazu NAKAI reported on the sub-project on "Composition or Quality in Rice". He noted that almost all countries had proceeded in establishing promising mutants that matched the demand. Technology transfer for commercial use has been successfully carried out in Malaysia and the Philippines on disease resistance in banana. It was recommended that the workshops of RCA and FNCA for mutation breeding should be held together once every several years to promote possible synergies and wider application of the technology.

(2) Biofertilizer Project
Dr. Tadashi YOKOYAMA reported the achievement and challenge of the project including i) application of radiation sterilization of carriers and its challenges, ii) developing a FNCA manual for the quality standard of biofertilizers, iii) development of multi-functional biofertilizers, and iv) application of biofertilizers with the plant growth promoter of oligo-chitosan. It was proposed that the development of technologies for mass production and large use of biofertilizers would be the main target of the next phase. The synergistic effect of biofertilizers and oligochitosan will also be studied. It was stressed that biofertilizers contribute to sustainable agriculture and the achievements should be disseminated to the end-users in the agricultural divisions and ministries of agriculture in the countries.

(3) Electron Accelerator Application
Two papers were presented, one on the advantages of the production of plant growth promoters (PGP) and the other on super water absorbents (SWA) by radiation processes of natural polymers. Both PGP and SWA have proved to be successful applications.
Dr. Masao TAMADA reported that PGP increased agricultural yields in field tests. The workshop, held in Manila, agreed on the continuation of R&D and technology transfer of PGP and SWA in agricultural sectors.
Dr. Kamaruddin BIN HASHIM gave a presentation on field testing of oligochitosan as a PGP on rice. Field test results revealed that oligochitosan can replace fungicides and at the same time improve the yield and showed the synergistic effects of seed soaking and spray oligochitosan.

(4) Radiation Oncology Project
Dr. Hirohiko TSUJII, Japan, gave a presentation on the FNCA 2011 workshop on Radiation Oncology held on January 10-13, 2012, in Suzhou and Shanghai, China. He reported that through the joint clinical trials for predominant cancers in Asia including uterine cervical cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer, safe and effective treatment methods have been proposed with successful demonstration of the radiotherapeutic technology. Dr. CAO Jianping also reported on this project regarding the status in China. The importance of dissemination of the results of this project was emphasized.

2. IAEA/RCA Activities Reports and the Cooperation between FNCA & RCA
Dr. MACHI gave the lead speech on cooperation between FNCA and RCA. Dr. MACHI stressed the importance of cooperation between FNCA and RCA, especially in the field of agriculture. In this regard, he proposed an agriculture management seminar be held and encouraged cooperation in the field of PI. Director of RCA Regional Office then made a presentation on RCA. In his presentation, He provided details of the RCA mid-term strategy and programs and stressed the importance of information exchange in strengthening cooperation between the FNCA and the RCA. During discussions, the possible mechanisms to achieve synergistic effects were elaborated. Budget limitations were mentioned as a difficulty in developing cooperation. This issue could be discussed at the RCA NRM meeting in April.

3. Action Plan for Recommendations of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Relating to the theme on "Promoting Commercialization of the Radiation and Isotope Applications by Strengthening Linkage with End-users in the Relevant Fields", Dr. Fortunato Tanseco DE LA PENA, the Philippines, gave a lead speech. He introduced the Philippines Technology Transfer Act, including the key players, ownership of the intellectual property rights, revenue sharing, commercialization, and institutional mechanisms.

Dr. Fortunato Tanseco DE LA PENA
Government Undersecretary
Department of Science and Technology

Session 9: Future Policy of FNCA Activities
1. Action Plan for Recommendations of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting
Dr. MACHI gave the lead speech on "Improvement of Dissemination of Remarkable Outcomes from the Project Activities to the International Society". He showed some examples to improve dissemination of FNCA's remarkable outcomes in FNCA member countries. Evaluation of economic benefits of commercialization and potential benefits after commercialization was introduced as a possible criterion in the assessment of project achievement and could attract interest from potential end-users.
The Meeting stressed that effective dissemination of project outcomes to the international community was important and necessary in achieving sustainability and continued growth of FNCA activities, including sustainability of funding. Submissions to scientific journals, such as has been achieved in the Neutron Activation Analysis Project, should be expanded to other projects, and there should be more effective use of the internet etc..
It was also pointed out that specific targets of the project and measures of dissemination should be identified at the time of project formulation and efforts promoted toward such dessimination.

2. Review Summary FY 2011 and Future Plan for FY2012
Dr. MACHI gave the lead speech to summarize the major outcomes of the FNCA projects in 2011 and to propose the extension of the Mutation Breeding Project and the Electron Accelerator Application Project to be able to achieve the goals of further extension to farmers and commercial applications, respectively. He also proposed a FNCA 2012 annual meeting plan of host countries and main topics. During discussion, evaluation of the cost of commercialization was pointed out as an important issue.
There was agreement to extend both projects of Mutation Breeding and Electron Accelerator Application for a further 3 years and to continue all current projects.
For the FY 2012-13 the following schedule was agreed:
· Mutation Breeding - Malaysia, February 2013
· Bio-fertilizer - China, July 2012 (upon confirmation)
· Electron Accelerator Application for natural polymers - Kazakhstan, October 2012
· Radiation Oncology - Thailand, January 2013
· Neutron Activation Analysis - Viet Nam, August 2012
· Research Reactor Network - Indonesia, September 2012
· Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management - The Philippines, January 2013
· Safety Management System for Nuclear facilities - two countries, Bangladesh and Korea, have volunteered to host the next workshop and peer review. As there were cases for and against Bangladesh and Korea hosting, it was decided that the project leader, Mr. Basil Ellis of Australia, should approach the project participants for consensus on the preferred facility to next review. Regardless of who is selected based on this consensus, the country that doesn't host this fiscal year, out of Bangladesh and Korea, will host the following year i.e. FY 2013-14.
· Nuclear Security and Safeguards - Viet Nam, December 2012
· Human Resource Development - China, September 2012

Session 10: Closing Session
The Conclusions and Recommendation of the 13th Coordinators Meeting were adopted. It was agreed that the revised summary report will be circulated to the member countries for comments and for the Secretariat to prepare the final version of the report to be adopted by the delegates. Dr. MACHI gave his closing remarks, expressing his appreciation to all delegates for their excellent contributions and their continued support of FNCA activities.

On the 3rd day, March 9, the International Meeting on Human Resources Development for Nuclear Energy in Asia was held, which was hosted by the Fukui Prefectural Government and Fukui International Human Resources Development Center. Subsequently, the delegations visited the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, Kansai Electron Beam Co., Ltd, Nuclear Power Training Center Ltd, and the Mihama Offsite Center to share knowledge and information about radiation applications and nuclear power with the member countries.

The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center

Nuclear Power Training Center Ltd

Kansai Electron Beam Co., Ltd.

The Mihama Offsite Center

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia