FNCA 2010 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator |
List of Participants>>
Report of
FNCA 2010 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator
- Radiation Processing of Natural Polymer -
14 - 18 February 2011
Bangkok, Thailand
The 2010 FNCA Electron Accelerator Application workshop was held from 14-18 February in Bangkok, Thailand. The programme and participant list are attached as Annex 1 and Annex 2, respectively.
An open seminar titled Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers was held on the morning of the first day, attended by 60 participants from research institutes, universities and Department of Agriculture. The seminar was initiated with opening remarks from Dr. Tatchai Sumitra, Acting Executive Director, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT), and Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, followed by four lectures regarding radiation processing of natural polymers. The summary of open seminar is attached as Annex 3.
Open Seminar
Commercialized Product using radiation processing of natural polymers, Thailand(Exhibition)
In the afternoon, participants reported the results of field tests of chitosan based plant growth promoter (PGP). The summary of country reports is attached as Annex 4.
Summary results and plans of field tests of PGP were discussed on the morning of the second day. In the afternoon, the Challenges for Extension of Commercialization of oligo-Chitosan PGP was discussed. It was agreed to conduct cost-benefit analysis of oligo-Chitosan PGP, clarify the challenges in the process of commercialization, and make specific a plan for the commercialization in collaboration with agricultural sectors. Participants, thereafter, exchanged their opinions on common information format for production and characterization of PGP. The field test results of each plant will be accumulated in the format completed at the session in order to promote the field test more effectively and efficiently. Work plans for JFY2011 were then discussed. Since the year JFY 2011 is the last year of the ongoing project phase, participants agreed to progress their research work from the field test to approach to commercialization.
Workshop on 2nd day
In the morning of the third day, participants delivered a report detailing production of hydrogel Super Water Absorbent (SWA) by radiation crosslinking and grafting in their countries. The summary of country reports is attached as Annex 4. In the afternoon, they visited the TINT's Gems Irradiation Center (GIC) and Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) facility, located in Ongkharak.
Gamma-ray Facility, Gems Irradiation Center |
Irradiated Topaz at Gems Irradiation Center |
Sterile Insect Technique Facility |
On the fourth day, a discussion about Conceptual Design of Production Plant for SWA by Radiation was carried out, and a participant from Vietnam, where pioneering research work in this area has been carried out, gave a presentation of production method and use of SWA in Vietnam.
The afternoon session focused on application of SWA as soil conditioner. Status of research work on characterization of hydraulic properties of sandy soil using radiation cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose was presented. Participants then provided parameters of SWA as soil conditioner that would be shown in common information format for production and characterization of SWA, and agreed to use the format for further research and development. During discussion about work plans of SWA for 2011-2012 , it was agreed to progress their research work from the field test to approach to commercialization as well as clarify each member country's achievement objectives of the ongoing phase.
Workshop on 4th day
The last day of the workshop began with presentation on coordination between FNCA and RCA/IAEA Projects, followed by question and answer session. The meeting recognised the importance of the cooperation and there should be a continuation on the exchange of information, technical know-how and documentation. Participants exchanged their opinions on possible sharing of Research and Development work among member countries. It was suggested that member countries should promote collaboration with agricultural sectors as well as conduct restudy of SWA needs in their countries. Finally, draft of the workshop minutes was suggested and approved after discussion.
Minutes of
FNCA 2010 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator
- Radiation Processing of Natural Polymer -
14 - 18 February 2011
Bangkok, Thailand
1) Outline of Workshop
i) |
Date : |
14 - 18 February, 2011 |
ii) |
Venue : |
Bangkok, Thailand |
iii) |
Host Organizations : |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
iv) |
Participants : |
16 from 8 countries, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam |
v) |
Program : |
Annex 1 |
2) Workshop Programme
Open Seminar on "Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers"
An open seminar on "Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers" was held at the Courtyard by Marriott Bangkok in Thailand. About sixty (60) people from research institutes, universities and Department of Agriculture participated in the seminar. The summary of the open seminar is attached as Annex 3.
Session 1: Overview of FNCA
Dr. Tatchai SUMITRA, Executive Committee of the Board of Director, Acting Executive Director, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) and Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, gave welcoming remarks. They hoped this workshop would be informative and useful for all participants through their active participation in each session. The participants then briefly introduced themselves. The list of participants of the workshop is attached as Annex 2.
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, gave a report on FNCA Achievements and Ministerial Level Meeting in 2010. The summary of the Ministerial Level Meeting as well as project activities and updates in 2010 were presented. The coordination for synergy between IAEA/RCA and FNCA in the field of Electron beam/gamma processing of natural polymers, radiation oncology, and mutation breeding was also emphasized.
Dr. Masao Tamada, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), reviewed the 3rd phase of the project (2009-2011) with main focus on R&D on plant growth promoter (PGP) by degradation of natural polymers and on radiation crosslinked hydrogels as super water absorbents (SWA) and with a goal of technology transfer to the end users. In 2010, member countries continued the field test of PGP and summarized the obtained data in each datasheet, which will be available for end users to generalize information on chitosan PGP. Upcoming data on SWA as soil conditioner especially in drought areas, also require systematic data in which end users will comprehend the positive effect of SWA in agricultural application. Participating countries were requested to discuss approach to effective technology transfer of PGP and SWA in this workshop.
Session 2: Production and Application of Plant Growth Promoter (PGP) from Chitosan by Radiation
Eight (8) FNCA country members presented reports, detailing their activities for 2010 and research plans for 2011-2012. The summaries of the reports are attached as Annex 4 Part A.
Dr. Darmawan Darwis, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) delivered a lead speech on summary results of field tests of PGP. Oligochitosan Plant Growth Regulator/Promoter was produced by irradiating chitosan using gamma radiation at 75 100 kGy. The effect of oligochitosan on plant growth regulating substances such as gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin was determined. Cost evaluation for production of oligochitosan PGP was estimated based on materials and processing cost. Field trials were conducted on oligochitosan application to soybean plant (using Mitani and Rajabasa varieties) at Indralaya District, South Sumatra. The result showed that productivity of both soybean varieties treated with oligochitosan is higher than the control. Improvement of productivity for Rajabasa and Mitani varieties is about 40%. Introduction and dissemination of Oligochitosan PGR were done to different farmer groups in Cianjur, Majalengka, Palembang and Banyuwangi. During 2009 and 2010, several activities were conducted such as training and discussion with farmer on oligochitosan PGR and field test of oligochitosan. The outcome of these activities indicated that farmers were interested to use oligochitosan to their soybean plant.
Future plans for 2011 and 2012 on oligochitosan PGP include activities that will be done in collaboration with the Agriculture Division of CAIRT BATAN. Application of inorganic fertilizer for long time reduces fertility of soil and finally levels off productivity. To maintain soil fertility and improve productivity of plant, field tests on the application of oligochitosan PGP with organic fertilizer rather than using oligochitosan with an inorganic fertilizer on soybean plants, will be carried out to meet the goal of reducing usage of inorganic fertilizers. To analyze distribution of macronutrient on the plant, indirect isotope technique with P32 and N15 will be used. Parameters such as total N, P uptake by plant, yield/production will be measured.
Dr. Kamarudin Bin Bahari, Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia), delivered a lead speech on Challenges for Extension to Commercialize Oligochitosan PGP. Pilot scale production of oligochitosan for plant growth promoter was carried out by continuous flow gamma radiation. Total production was about 2,200 liters. The challenges for extension to commercialization of oligochitosan included raw materials, production of oligochitosan, field test, problem of farmers and product competition.
Dr. Nguyen Quoc Hien, Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency (VAEI), also presented on this theme. Degradation of chitosan (3% solution) by synergistic action of gamma-radiation and hydrogen peroxide (0.25, 0.5 & 1%) was investigated. The efficiency of the degradation process was demonstrated by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis of the average molecular weight of degraded chitosan (oligochitosan). Structures of resultant oligochitosan were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Results showed that oligochitosan with MW from 5,000 to 10,000 could be efficiently prepared by gamma-irradiation of chitosan solution containing a small amount of hydrogen peroxide at a low dose of less than 10 kGy. There was almost no significant change in the main chain structure of oligochitosan, however, the obtained oligochitosan lost about 10% of amino groups and the formation of carboxyl groups could not specified by FT-IR spectra. The morphology state of oligochitosan was essentially amorphous which differs from that of original chitosan. The combined gamma ray/H2O2 method is significantly efficient for scale-up manufacture of oligochitosan.
The lead speech for discussion on Common Information Format for Production and Characterization of PGP was from Dr. Naotsugu Nagasawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Based on the different presentations of all participants, oligochitosan obtained by gamma-irradiation, is found to be effective as plant growth promoter and plant elicitor (high production, protection from insect, fungi). It is necessary to prepare common information datasheet of PGP to share the good results. The PGP datasheet should contain information on the kind of plant, location and climate condition, planting and harvesting management, foliar spraying, the kinds of oligosaccharides, molecular weight and concentration of oligosaccharides, effect on plant growth (crop yield, length, weight, etc., of sprayed and control). All member countries agreed to prepare common information datasheet of PGP including MW, effect on plant growth etc., to share the good results of PGP, extend commercialization of oligochitosan, PGP and promote the use of PGP to end-users such as farmers.
Dr. Masao Tamada, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), made a lead speech on research planning of the 3rd phase. Member countries confirmed their current status of PGP research and showed the outlook in 2011 as shown in Annex 5.
Session 3: Production of Hydrogel Super Water Absorbent by Radiation Cross-linking and Grafting
Six (6) member countries including China, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam presented their reports on research activities on super water absorbent (SWA). The summary of the report is attached as Annex 4 Part B.
Dr. Le Hai, Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency (VAEI), thereafter, delivered a lead speech about Conceptual Design of Production Plant for SWA by radiation. It was mentioned that the situation of agricultural production in Vietnam now has more innovation. Some agricultural products are relatively stable in price. Program to produce clean and safe agricultural products is one of the key programs of the Vietnamese government. Program development and agricultural development of high technology were studied and implemented in several provinces in the country. The prevention of dry farming has become the country's national policy. Prices of many agricultural products have increased farmer's strive to promote understanding on combining science and technology applications in agricultural production. Many private companies have been closely associated with research institutions to build factories to produce high technology products to meet the developmental needs of agriculture in this country. Demand for direct use of SWA for farming and as additives per year, in addition to the manufacture of organic fertilizer, was from 500 to thousands of tons. Thanh Phuong Ltd. Company is conducting a technical and economic feasibility study for the construction of an irradiation plants to produce SWA with minimum capacity of 3000 tons a year.
Prof. Mitsuhiro Inoue and Dr. Ravolonantenaina Andry Henintsoa, Tottori University, gave a presentation on Characterizing Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Soil with Carboxymethylcelluloses (CMC) Inter-linked by Radiation to Improve Tomato Yield. The effects of two carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) cross-linked by radiation, mixed at various rates, on the water-holding capacity and hydraulic properties of the sandy soil when saturated with distilled water (simulating rain), tap water and saline waters were evaluated. It was concluded that the efficiency of the polymer CMC gel in the tomato production was affected significantly by the polymer CMC gel properties such as water solubility and saline water absorption capacity, as a result of water quality used in the irrigation.
The draft of common information format for production and characterization of SWA was presented by Dr. Naotsugu Nagasawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The participants reviewed and suggested all parameters necessary for SWA as a soil conditioner. The agreed Common Information Format for the Production and Characterization of SWA is shown in Annex 7.
Dr. Masao Tamada, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), made a lead speech on research planning of the 3rd phase. Participant countries confirmed the current status of SWA research and showed the outlook in 2011 as shown in Annex 6.
Technical Visit
The participants paid a visit to TINT's Gems Irradiation Center (GIC). The newest and biggest E-Beam machine in Thailand is being installed at GIC Ongkarak, Nakorn Nayok. After the installation is completed, GIC would be the largest and the most modern gems irradiation center in Southeast Asia with gems irradiation services available from both an E-Beam and a Co-60 Gamma Irradiator, offering services for gems industry in both Thailand and foreign countries. The participants also visited the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) facility of the Institute. Fruit fly is one of the most important pests for fruits. The hatched larvae eat the fruit from the inside, leading to the quarantine barrier for commercial trade. The Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) conducted the training course on the control of fruit fly by SIT at Bhurapha University, Chantaturi province in 2005. The farmers were highly interested in applying SIT to their farms. The project has been applied ever since. TINT is producing five million sterile flies per week. The quality control is done according to IAEA's standard procedure. The project has been highly successful. SIT project increased the income of the farmers planting Longon more than 1,000 THB per Rai. Three new warehouses were established in Troknong sub-district.
Session 4: Coordination of the FNCA Project with RCA/IAEA Project
Dr. Khairul Zhaman HJ MOHD DAHLAN, Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia), IAEA/RCA Project Lead Country Coordinator (PLCC), delivered Progress Report of IAEA/RCA, RAS/8109, Radiation Processing of Polymeric Materials for Agricultural Applications and Environmental Remediation. The summary of the report is attached as Annex 8.
Dr. Khairul also presented the draft of the RCA future projects for 2012-2015 for the information of the FNCA Countries. Several issues concerning the cooperation between FNCA and RCA were discussed. The meeting recognized the importance of the cooperation and there should be a continuation on the exchange of information, technical know-how and documentation between the FNCA and RCA including participation of RCA member countries who are not member of FNCA in the FNCA activities. This cooperation should also be continued in the next RCA activities (2012-2015).
Session 5: Possible Sharing of R/D Work Between Participating Groups
Dr. Machi presented possible research works that can be shared between participating members. In order to have better sharing of work, it was agreed that participants would take following actions:
1. |
Oligo-chitosan application |
(1) |
To identify major crops for field test in close collaboration with agricultural ministry/institutes (for protection of plant from disease and yield increase) |
(2) |
To prepare plan of pilot plant design and operation to manufacture oligo-chitosan for field test and engineering study including cost analysis |
2. |
Super water absorbent |
(1) |
In consultation with agricultural ministry/institutes to identify needs of SWA in participating countries, and to identify drought areas where SWA is effectively used. |
(2) |
To prepare field test of SWA in collaboration with agricultural ministry/institutes |
3. |
Outcomes of above mentioned actions should be informed to Dr. Tamada, PL of Japan to be informed in due course to all FNCA countries and RCA |
4. |
At the 12th Coordinators' Meeting on March 2011, Coordinators of member countries should be requested to facilitate collaboration with agricultural ministry/institutes for application of PGP and SWA including above mentioned actions. |
Session 6: Conclusion and Summary Report
The minutes draft was reviewed and approved after discussion.
Dr. Sirinart Laoharojenaphand, Deputy Executive Director, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) and Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, made closing remarks. The next workshop is planned to be held in the Philippines.
3) Conclusion and Recommendations
This workshop made the following conclusions and recommendations:
A. Plant Growth Promoter (PGP)
1 |
Conclusion: |
Radiation degrades the chitosan in the position between pyranose rings and produce PGP without impurity causing toxic effect on plants growth. Protocols in Guideline are effective for participating countries to synthesize the standard quality of PGP with radiation processing and/or using H2O2 as an additive. Further optimization is necessary for the irradiation equipment in continuous flow systems. Expiration date should be reconsidered from the viewpoint of remaining H2O2 in the case of flow system irradiation. Registration of PGP as a fertilizer has possibility of obstacle for commercialization owing to investment for registration procedure. Intimate collaboration with agricultural scientists is necessary for the clarification of PGP effect to improve its ability.
Major practical effect of oligo-chitosan is as an elicitor fungicide as elicitor. PGP effect is indirect phenomena. Oligo-chitosan is a potential safe fungicide which can be utilized instead of chemical fungicide.
2 |
Recommendations: |
Cost-benefit analysis of PGP is inevitable step to realize the technology transfer. Cost estimation should clarify the advantage of radiation processing and the benefit to the sustainable agriculture. Participating countries are recommended to show strategy for commercialization with support and cooperation with agriculture-related authorities and to clarify the domestic obstacles in the process of expanding the application to users. Information exchange of PGP among FNCA countries is recommended to share the optimum molecular weight of degraded chitosan measured by standard method such as light scattering, GPC, and viscosity. Participating countries should follow the preparation condition of PGP written in Guideline to compare the plant growth promotion effects such as height of plants and crop yield. |
B. Super Water Absorbent (SWA)
1 |
Conclusion: |
SWA should be alternatively prepared by using indigenous low-cost raw materials. Biodegradability of SWA can reduce the environmental load and should be optimized to fit the application purposes. Degree of water absorption and biodegradability of SWA should be comparatively determined in laboratory under soil condition. Additionally, water absorption decreased by repeating the irrigation wetting and drying. There are two technical problems in energy consuming process of drying and remaining of monomer in SWA. Novel SWA is extensively investigated from these viewpoints. |
2 |
Recommendations: |
Cost-benefit analysis of SWA is an inevitable step to realize commercial application. Cost estimation should clarify the advantage of radiation processing and the benefit to agricultural application. Participating countries are recommended to show strategy for commercialization with support from the agriculture-related authorities and to clarify the domestic obstacles in the process of expanding the application to users. Application of SWA should have advantage which increases the agriculture land in the drought area. SWA can be available in suitable germination condition and transplantation (first plant stage) as well. |
4) Attachments
Annex 1: Program
Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 3: Summary of Open Seminar
Annex 4: Summary of Country Reports
Annex 5: Future Plans of PGP
Annex 6: Future Plans of SWA
Annex 7: The Common Information Format for the Production and Characterization of SWA
Annex 8: Progress Report of IAEA/RCA, RAS/8109, Radiation Processing of Polymeric
Materials for Agricultural Applications and Environmental Remediation
Program of
FNCA 2010 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator
- Radiation Processing of Natural Polymer -
14 - 18 February 2011
Bangkok, Thailand
Open Seminar on "Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers" |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Registration |
09:30 - 09:50 |
Opening Remarks
Assistance Professor Dr. Tatchai SUMITRA, Executive Committee of the Board of Director, Acting Executive Director (TINT)
Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
09:50 - 10:10 |
1. Global Status of Industrial Application of Radiation Processing
Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
10:10 - 10:30 |
2. Recent Promising Research Outcome on Radiation Processing in Japan
10:30 - 10:50 |
3. National Strategy for Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Thailand
Mr.Songpol SOMSRI (Department of Agriculture)
10:50 - 11:10 |
4. Application of Chitosan for Plant and Agriculture
(Center for Chitin-Chitosan Biomaterials,Chulalongkorn University)
11:10 - 11:25 |
Coffee Break / Poster Session |
11:40 - 12:30 |
Round Table Discussion on Promising Application and Challenges of Radiation Processing
Chair: Dr.Sirinart Laoharojanaphand (Thailand)
Panel Members: Speakers of the above lectures
[Points of discussion]
(1). Advantages of radiation processing
(2). Promising areas of radiation processing application in Agriculture
(3). Obstacles for industrial application of radiation processing
(4). Demand driven research and enhancement of linkage between research institutes and industry
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
FNCA Workshop on "Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers" |
13:30 - 13:40 |
Opening Speech
Dr. Sirinart Laoharojenaphand (Deputy Executive Director of TINT, For FNCA Coordinator of Thailand )
Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
13:40 - 14:00 |
Self-Introduction of Participants / Group Photo |
Session 1: Overview of FNCA |
Chair: Executive Director of TINT |
14:00 - 14:20 |
FNCA Achievement and Ministerial Meeting in 2010
Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
14:20 - 14:40 |
Overview of Project on Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers
14:40 - 15:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session 2: Production and Application of Plant Growth Promoter (PGP)from Chitosan by Radiation Processing |
Chair: Dr. Phiriyatorn SUWANMALA (TINT) |
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:00
Country Report: Bangladesh
Country Report: China
Country Report: Indonesia
Country Report: Japan
Country Report: Malaysia
Country Report: Philippines
Welcome Reception Hosted by TINT |
Day 2: Tuesday, 15 February 2011 |
Session 2 (Continued): Production and Application of Plant Growth Promoter (PGP) from Chitosan by Radiation Processing |
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
Country Report: Thailand
Country Report: Vietnam
10:00 - 10:15 |
Coffee Break |
10:15 - 11:45 |
Discussion 1: Summary Results and Plan of Field Tests of PGP
Lead speech:
1. Dr. Darmawan DARWIS (BATAN)
2. Dr. LE Hai (VAEI)
11:45 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
Session 2 (Continued): Production and Application ofPlant Growth Promoter (PGP) from Chitosan by Radiation Processing |
Chair: Dr. Masao TAMADA (JAEA) and Dr. NGUYEN Quoc Hien (VAEI) |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Discussion 2: Challenges for Extension of Commercialization of Oligo-Chitosan PGP
Lead speech:
1. Dr. Kamarudin BIN BAHARI (Nuclear Malaysia)
2. Dr. NGUYEN Quoc Hien (VAEI)
14:30 - 14:45 |
Coffee Break |
14:45 - 15:30 |
Discussion 3: Common Information Format for Production andCharacterization of PGP
Lead speech: Dr. Naotsugu NAGASAWA (JAEA)
15:30 - 17:00 |
Discussion 4: Work Plan for 2011-2012
Lead speech: Dr. Masao TAMADA (JAEA)
Day 3: Wednesday, 16 February 2011 |
Session 3: Production of Hydrogel Super Water Absorbentby Radiation Cross-linking and Grafting |
Chair: Dr. Kamarudin BIN BAHARI (Nuclear Malaysia) |
10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:45
Country Report: China
Country Report: Indonesia
Country Report: Japan
11:45 - 13:15 |
Lunch |
Technical Tour |
13:15 - 16:15 |
Technical Visit @ TINT's Gemstone Irradiation Center |
Day 4: Thursday, 17 February 2011 |
Session 3: (Continued): Production of Hydrogel Super Water Absorbentby Radiation Cross-linking and Grafting |
Chair: Dr. Jing PENG (Peking University) |
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
Country Report: Philippines
Country Report: Thailand
Country Report: Vietnam
10:30 - 10:45 |
Coffee Break |
10:45 - 12:00 |
Discussion 1: Conceptual Design of Production Plant for SWA by Radiation
Lead speech: Dr. LE Hai (VAEI)
12:00 - 13:15 |
Lunch |
Session 3 (Continued): Production of Hydrogel Super Water Absorbentby Radiation Cross-linking and Grafting |
Chair: Ms. Salma SULTANA (BAEC) and Dr. Darmawan DARWIS (BATAN) |
13:15 - 14:45 |
Discussion 2: Application of SWA as Soil Conditioner for Agriculture
Lead speech:
Prof. Mitsuhiro INOUE (Tottori University)
Dr. Ravolonantenaina Andry Henintsoa (Tottori University)
14:45 - 15:15 |
Discussion 3: Common Information Format for Production andCharacterization of SWA
Lead speech: Dr. Naotsugu Nagasawa (Japan)
15:15 - 15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:00 |
Discussion 4: Work Plan for 2011-2012
Lead speech: Dr. Masao TAMADA (JAEA)
Day 5: Friday, 18 February 2011 |
Session 4: Coordination of the FNCA Project with RCA/IAEA Project |
Chair: Dr. NGUYEN Quoc Hien (VAEI) |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Lead speech: Dr. Khairul Zhaman HJ MOHD DAHLAN (IAEA/RCA PLCC) |
10:30 - 10:50 |
Coffee Break |
Session 5: Possible Sharing of R/D Work Between Participating Groups |
Chair: Dr. Khairul Zhaman HJ MOHD DAHLAN(Nuclear Malaysia) |
10:50 - 11:30 |
Lead speech: Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan) |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
Session 6: Conclusion and Summary Report |
Chair: Dr. Phiriyatorn SUWANMALA (TINT) |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Discussion on the Minute Draft |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Adoption of Minutes |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Closing Speech
Dr.Sirinart Laoharojenaphand (Deputy Executive Director of TINT, For FNCA Coordinator of Thailand)
Dr. Sueo MACHI (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
List of Participants
FNCA 2010 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator
- Radiation Processing of Natural Polymer -
14 - 18 February 2011
Bangkok, Thailand
Senior Scientific Officer,
Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry Division,
Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INST),
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE),
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
Dr. Jing PENG
Associate Professor,
Department of Applied Chemistry,
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,
Peking University
Dr. Darmawan DARWIS
Staff of Radiation Processing Department,
Center for Application of Isotope and Radiation Technology,
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Sueo MACHI
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Dr. Masao TAMADA
Unit Manager,
Environment and Industrial Materials Research Division,
Quantum Beam Science Directorate,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Naotsugu NAGASAWA
Assistant Principal Researcher,
Environmental Radiation Processing Group,
Environmental and Industrial Materials Research Division,
Quantum Beam Science Directorate,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Prof. Mitsuhiro INOUE
Arid Land Research Center,
Tottori University
Dr. Ravolonantenaina Andry Henintsoa
JSPS Fellowship ResearcherArid Land Research Center,
Tottori University
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Dr. Kamarudin BIN BAHARI
Research Officer,
Radiation Modification of Polymer Group,
Radiation Processing Technology Division,
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Dr. Khairul Zaman HJ MOHD DAHLAN
Radiation Processing Technology Division,
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia),
IAEA/RCA Project Lead Country Coordinator (PLCC)
Senior Science Research Specialist,
Chemistry Research Group/Atomic Research Division,
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Phiriyatorn SUWANMALA
Nuclear Scientist,
Nuclear Research and Development Group,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Nulcear Scientist,
Nuclear Research and Development Group,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Director of Nuclear Business Develpoment Division,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Techology (TINT)
Foreign Relations Officer
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Dr. NGUYEN Quoc Hien
Scientific Researcher,
Research and Development Department,
Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology,
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VAEI)
Dr. LE Hai
Head of Department,
Radiation Technology Department,
Nuclear Research Institute,
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VAEI)