Human Resources Development workshop

- Project Review
- Introduction of the Project Leaders
(Asian Nuclear Training
and Education Program)


FNCA 2009 Workshop on Human Resources Development
Report>> Minutes>> Program>> List of Participants>> Open Symposium

Report of
FNCA 2009 Workshop on Human Resources Development

June 22 - 25, 2009
Tsuruga/Fukui, Japan

  The FNCA Human Resources Development Workshop (WS) 2009 was held in Tusurga / Fukui, Japan, from June 22 to 25 2009. An Open Symposium was held on the first day, June 22 at Fukui International Activities Plaza (Fukui city), with about 110 attendants. The seminar kicked off with opening speeches by Mr. Nobuaki Asahi the Fukui Prefectural Vice-Governor and Dr. Shigeki Sakurai the Deputy Director-General of Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

  The opening speeches were followed by the Special Lecture "MEXT and FNCA activities on Nuclear Development and Human Resources Development in Asia" by Dr. Sueo Machi the FNCA Coordinator of Japan. And three lectures on Present situation of education and research activities open to Asia are presented; which are "Nuclear Safety Training Activities open to Domestic and International researchers, Present Status and Future Vision of Nuclear Safety Training Activities" by Dr. Hideyuki Nakagawa the Vice President of University of Fukui, "Formation of International lodgment area in Fukui" by Dr. Toshikazu Takeda the Director of Research Institute of Nuclear Energy, University of Fukui, and "Proton cancer therapy Institution accepting Domestic and International patients" by Dr. Kazutaka Yamamoto the Department of particle beam therapy, Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center.

  A panel discussion on the expected role of Fukui region for Human Resources Development in Asia was followed by the keynote presentations on Research activities and achievements by Asian researchers in Fukui on MEXT Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program, which are "Basic Research on the Imaging Physiological and Pathological Functions by Means of Cyclotron and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)" by Mr. SARASAMKAN Jiradanai (University of Fukui/Thailand) and "Description about the Research Activities" by Mr. LE Ngoc Trieu (Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center/Vietnam).

  The Workshop (WS) was held at New Sunpia Tsuruga on June 23-25. A total of 19 participants were attended at the WS in addition to the Project Leaders (PL) of Human Resources Development (HRD) representing the seven FNCA nations: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. Opening remark by Dr. Sugimoto Jun PL of Japan and Opening Address by Mr. Taku Kawahara the Director for International Nuclear Cooperation, MEXT are delivered.

  Dr. Sugimoto explained "Scope of 2009 Workshop on HRD" as well as the agenda and schedule for the WS, which was conducted accordingly, and Dr. Machi, reported "Review of 9th Ministerial Level Meeting and 10th Coordinators Meeting".

(1)  Country reports
 The PLs reported and discussed on (i)Strategy and implementation of human resource development, (ii) Priority area of HRD and on-going national HRD program including activities of national training center, (iii) Roles of international cooperation such as FNCA for national HRD program, (iv) Progress and implementation plan of ANTEP, (v) Human resource development necessary for introduction of nuclear power, (vi) Roles of nuclear research institute in HRD necessary for introduction of nuclear power, (vii)Improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program. Additionally from Japan, "Human Resources Development (HRD) for Asian Nuclear Research & Development by MEXT, Japan" by Mr. Kawahara, MEXT, and "Activities of Council on Nuclear Human Resource Development" by Dr. Sugimoto, JAEA, were presented.
(2)  Discussion on ANTEP
 The HRD project promotes a network system called Asian Nuclear Training and Education Program (ANTEP), which distributes information about needs and its related programs regarding Human Recourses Developments to forward HRD activities in member Asian countries. The progress and implementation plan of ANTEP and improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program have been discussed.
(3)  HRD for introduction of nuclear power
 (i) Human resources development necessary for introduction of nuclear power (ii) Roles of nuclear research institute in HRD necessary for introduction of nuclear power, (iii) Experiences and proposal for improvement of FNCA HRD Database toward nuclear were discussed.
(4)  Wrap-up and Future Direction of FNCA HRD Project
 On the final day, the discussion was summarized with focusing on (i) How to strengthen HRD for introduction of nuclear power, (ii) Priority areas of HRD other than NPP and national plan to meet needs, (iii) How to improve FNCA Workshop of HRD. The WS also included the technical visits to The Wakasa Wan Energy Center (WERC) and Monju, the Fast Breeder Reactor Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).


Minutes of
FNCA 2009 Workshop on Human Resources Development

June 22 - 25, 2009
Tsuruga/Fukui, Japan

1) Outline of Workshop

i) Date : 23rd - 24th, June 2009
ii) Venue : Tsuruga, JAPAN
iii) Host Organization : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
iv) Participants : Total from 7 countries, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan
v) Program : Attachment i

Opening Session

  Dr. Jun Sugimoto, Director of Nuclear Technology and Education Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), delivered welcoming remarks to open the workshop.
  Mr. Taku Kawahara, Director for International Nuclear Cooperation, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), gave an opening address as hosting organization, followed by the self-introduction of the participants.

Session 1  -Introduction-

  Dr. Sugimoto gave a presentation on Scope of 2009 Workshop on HRD and introduced the schedule of the workshop.
  Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, gave a presentation on the review of the 9th Ministerial Level Meeting and 10th Coordinators Meeting. He also presented the summary of project review and plans in 2009.

Session 2  -Country report-

  Each member Countries presented their country report on the following issues.

 (1)  Strategy and implementation of human resource development,
 (2)  Priority area of HRD and on-going national HRD program including activities of national training center,
 (3)  Roles of international cooperation such as FNCA for national HRD program,
 (4)  Progress and implementation plan of ANTEP,
 (5)  Human resource development necessary for introduction of nuclear power,
 (6)  Roles of nuclear research institute in HRD necessary for introduction of nuclear power,
 (7)  Improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program

  Additionally from Japan, "Human Resources Development (HRD) for Asian Nuclear Research & Development by MEXT, Japan" by Mr. Kawahara, MEXT, and "Activities of Council on Nuclear Human Resource Development" by Dr. Sugimoto, JAEA, were presented.

Session 3  -Progress and implementation plan of ANTEP, and improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program-

  The progress and implementation plan of ANTEP and improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program have been discussed.
  The plan of ANTEP programs in Japan 2009 has been announced by Nuclear Safety Research Association, NSRA.

Session 4  -HRD for introduction of nuclear power-

  This session focused on the HRD for introduction of nuclear power. Dr. Atsushi Takeda, Technical Consultant, NSRA, presented the experience of the first commercial nuclear power plant in Japan.
  Dr. Sugimoto gave a presentation on the roles of nuclear research institutes in HRD necessary for introduction of nuclear power.
  Experiences and proposal for improvement of FNCA HRD Database toward nuclear power were introduced by Dr. Toshihiro Yamamoto, JAEA.

Session 5  -Wrap-up and Future Direction of FNCA HRD Project-

  The major discussion points are as follows:
  1. How to strengthen HRD for introduction of nuclear power
  2. Priority areas of HRD other than NPP and national plan to meet needs
  3. How to improve FNCA Workshop of HRD

2) Conclusion and Recommendation

(1)  It was expressed by the participants that the number of invited scientists through MEXT Nuclear Researches Exchange Program (NREP) should be increased because of increasing demand of HRD for both radiation application and nuclear power.
(2)  The meeting noted that enhancement of self-reliance for HRD in each country is highly desirable.
(3)  The meeting noted that in order to improve ANTEP implementation, communication and collaboration between the focal person of the MEXT NREP and focal person of ANTEP (PL of HRD Project) should be strengthened.
(4)  FNCA member countries highly appreciate MEXT NREP noting that 1,491 scientists have experienced since 1985 in Japan and 97 scientists are now in senior positions higher than director to highly contribute to the development of nuclear science and technologies in their own countries.
(5)  It was agreed that national nuclear research institute should be able to play important roles on the nuclear power HRD in conducting "the Basic Training Course for NPP Personnel" which covers some topics such as nuclear physics, nuclear engineering and radiation safety. In order to strengthen the local expertise in these fields international cooperation is necessary, especially from Japan, China and Korea - the leading countries having experiences in nuclear power development in the region. In this context MEXT NREP, ANTEP and Instructor Training Program (ITP) have been effectively utilized.
(6)  It is noted that according to the human resource development for nuclear power, each member country should establish the national team for preparing strategic plan of HRD and coordination among relevant ministries, institutes, universities and industries, and to implement the HRD activities. In order to review the national HRD plan for NPP, the international assistance from NPR experienced countries such as Japan, Korea, and China is needed.
(7)  Most FNCA member countries have problem with shortage of budget for HRD. Government senior officials responsible for HRD should make the best efforst to secure necessary funds for HRD in view of important stage of introducing nuclear power and expanding nuclear applications.
(8)  Procedures to access HRD Database will be reconsidered for example by listing the focal points of each country on the website that can be seen by non-member visitors. JAEA plans to visit some FNCA countries in September 2009 to demonstrate the Database to the users (government, universities, and industries) and to receive comments for the improvement of the Database. Participants agreed to cooperate with JAEA's visit.
(9)  The project manager is very important for the success of the NPP project. To recruit project manager with enough experiences and good attitude from other field, such as thermal power plant project, would be a good way according to Japan's experience.
(10)  FNCA activities for HRD of nuclear power, such as Study panel, HRD database, ANTEP, MEXT NREP, have already been conducted or will play an important role and the activities should be further enhanced.
(11)  National training center should play an important role in the major priority areas for HRD other than NPP, depending on the member country's situation such as in the fields of nuclear medicine, industry application, NDT, agriculture, health and public education.
(12)  It was agreed that the coordination between focal point of HRD with national authority for HRD is most important for the success of the implementation of the national HRD program on nuclear science and technology. It was suggested to possibly invite senior level officials in charge of national HRD in future HRD Workshop.

3) Technical visit

1.  The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, Tsuruga
  The participants visited The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center to receive explanation about the the center as well as direct experiences to observe its facilities such as medical treatment facility, some experimental laboratories, and heat generation facilities.
2.  Monju, the Fast Breeder Reactor Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Tsuruga
  The participants visited the Monju Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) to receive explanation about the center as well as direct experiences to observe its facilities such as the Sodium Handling Training facility, In-Service Inspection building, and the nuclear power plant itself.

4) Attachment

  (i) Program
  (ii) List of participants

Program of
FNCA 2009 Workshop on Human Resources Development

June 22 - 25, 2009
Tsuruga/Fukui, Japan

Organizers : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Date: 22 - 25 Jume 2009
Venue: Open Symposium at Fukui international Activities Plaza (Fukui city)
Workshop at New Sanpia Tsuruga (Tsuruga city)

Day 1. Mon 22nd June
Open Symposium on Strong Linkage with Asia
~The Role of Fukui Region for Human Resources Development in Asia~
13:30-13:40 Welcome address
Mr. Nobuaki Asahi, Fukui Prefectural Vice-Governor
13:40-13:50 Opening Remarks
Dr. Shigeki Sakurai, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
I. Special Lecture
13:50-14:10 "MEXT and FNCA activities on Nuclear Development and Human Resources Development in Asia"
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan
II. Lectures
<Present situation of education and research activities open to Asia>
14:10-14:30 "Nuclear Safety Training Activities open to Domestic and International researchers, Present Status and Future Vision of Nuclear Safety Training Activities"
Dr. Hideyuki Nakagawa, Vice President of University of Fukui
14:30-14:50 "Formation of International lodgment area in Fukui"
Dr. Toshikazu Takeda, Director of Research Institute of Nuclear Energy, University of Fukui
14:50-15:10 "Proton cancer therapy Institution accepting Domestic and International patients"
Dr. Kazutaka Yamamoto (Department of particle beam therapy, Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center)
III. Panel Discussion
<The expected role of Fukui region for Human Resources Development in Asia>
Keynote Presentations: Research activities and achievements by Asian researchers in Fukui on MEXT Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program
15:10-15:20 1. "Basic Research on the Imaging Physiological and Pathological Functions by Means of Cyclotron and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)"
Mr. SARASAMKAN Jiradanai, University of Fukui/Thailand
15:20-15:30 2. "Description about the Research Activities"
Mr. LE Ngoc Trieu, Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center/Vietnam
15:30-16:30 Discussion
Moderator: Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan
 Dr. Hideyuki Nakagawa, Vice President of University of Fukui
 Dr. Toshikazu Takeda, Director of Research Institute of Nuclear Energy, University of Fukui
 Dr. Katsumi Kuruba,Executive Director, Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
 Ms. Rabiah Binti ABU HASSAN, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
 Ms. Percedita Tumbokon CANSINO, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

Day 2. Tue 23rd June
Opening Session
9:00-9:05 Opening Remarks
Dr. Jun Sugimoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
9:05-9:10 Opening Address
Mr. Taku Kawahara, MEXT
9:10-9:20 Self introduction by each participants
Session 1. Introduction
<Chair: Dr. Jun Sugimoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)>
9:20-9:50 Scope of 2009 Workshop on HRD
Dr. Jun Sugimoto, JAEA
9:50-10:20 Review of 9th Ministerial Level Meeting and 10th Coordinators Meeting
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Session 2. Country Report
<Chair: Ms. TANBOON Nawabhorn, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)>
10:20-10:45 Bangladesh   [ppt]  [doc]
Dr. A.K.M. Fazle KIBRIA, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:25 Indonesia   [ppt]
Mr. Hendriyanto HADITJAHYONO, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
11:25-12:00 Japan (1)   [ppt]
Mr. Taku Kawahara, MEXT
12:00-13:00 Lunch
<Chair: Dr. A.K.M. Fazle KIBRIA, BAEC>
13:00-13:25 Japan (2)   [ppt]
Dr. Jun Sugimoto, JAEA
13:25-13:50 Malaysia   [ppt]  [doc]
Ms. Rabiah Binti ABU HASSAN, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
13:50-14:15 The Philippines   [ppt]  [doc]
Ms. Percedita Tumbokon CANSINO, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
14:15-14:40 Thailand
Ms. TANBOON Nawabhorn, TINT
14:40-15:05 Vietnam   [ppt]  [doc]  [xls]
Ms. NGUYEN Thi Yen Ninh, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC)
15:05-15:20 Coffee Break
<Chair: Ms. Rabiah Binti ABU HASSAN, Malaysian Nuclear Agency>
15:20-15:45 Discussion on Country Report
Reference1:   Australia   [doc]
Reference2:   China   [ppt]  [doc]
Session 3. Progress and Implementation Plan of ANTEP, and Improvement of ANTEP in connection with MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program
<Chair: Ms. NGUYEN Thi Yen Ninh>
15:45-15:50 Dr. A.K.M. Fazle KIBRIA, BAEC
15:50-15:55 Mr. Hendriyanto HADITJAHYONO, BATAN
15:55-16:00 Ms. Rabiah Binti ABU HASSAN, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
16:00-16:05 Ms. Percedita Tumbokon CANSINO, PNRI
16:05-16:10 Ms. TANBOON Nawabhorn, TINT
16:10-16:15 Ms. NGUYEN Thi Yen Ninh, VAEC
16:15-16:20 Nuclea Safety Research Association (NSRA)
16:20-17:00 Discussion

Day 3. Wed 24th June
Session 4. HRD for Introduction of Nuclear Power
<Chair: Mr. Hendriyanto HADITJAHYONO, BATAN>
(1) Human resources development necessary for introduction of nuclear power
9:00-9:30 Some Experiences of the First Commercial Nuclear Power Plant in Japan  [ppt]
Dr. Atsushi Takeda, Nuclea Safety Research Association (NSRA)
9:30-10:00 Q&A, Discussion
(2) Roles of nuclear research institute in HRD necessary for introduction of nuclear power
10:00-10:05 Keynote Presentation  [ppt]
Dr. Jun Sugimoto, JAEA
10:05-10:30 Discussion
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
<Chair: Ms. Percedita Tumbokon CANSINO, PNRI>
10:45-11:10 (3) Experiences and proposal for improvement of FNCA HRD Database toward nuclear power  [ppt]
Dr. Toshihiro Yamamoto, JAEA
11:10-11:30 Q&A, Discussion
11:30-12:30 Lunch
Session 5. Wrap-up and Future Direction of FNCA HRD Project
<Chair: Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan>
12:30-14:00 Discussion
14:00-14:15 Coffee Break
Session 6. Adoption of Minutes
<Chair: Dr. Jun Sugimoto, JAEA>
14:15-15:15 Adoption of Minutes
15:15-15:25 Closing Address

Day 4. Thu 25th June
Thechnical Visit
8:45 Leave Hotel for The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
9:00-10:30 Visit The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Visit Monju
16:40 Return to Hotel

List of Participants
FNCA 2009 Workshop on Human Resources Development

June 22 - 25, 2009
Tsuruga/Fukui, Japan

Bangladesh Dr. A.K.M. Fazle KIBRIA
Principal Scientific Officer
International Affairs Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
(Project Leader)
Mr. Hendriyanto HADITJAHYONO
Education and Training Center
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Sueo Machi
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Japan Mr. Taku KAWAHARA
Director for International Nuclear Cooperation, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Japan Mr. Takashi TADOKORO
Special Staff, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
(Project Leader)
Nuclear Technology and Education Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Japan Mr. Ryuichi SAKAMOTO
Group Leader, International Training and Cooperation Group
Nuclear Technology and Education Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Japan Dr. Toshihiro YAMAMOTO
Principal Researcher
Nuclear Technology and Education Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Japan Dr. Atsushi TAKEDA
Technical Consultant
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
(Project Leader)
Ms. Rabiah Binti ABU HASSAN
Human Resource Development Division,
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
The Philippines Ms. Percedita Tumbokon CANSINO
Senior Science Research Specialist
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
(Project Leader)
Ms. TANBOON Nawabhorn
Human Resource Management Section
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Vietnam Ms. NGUYEN Thi Yen Ninh
Senior Expert
Dept. of International Cooperation
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC)


Japan Mr.Takehiko KATO
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Japan Ms. Ai YAMADA
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Japan Ms. Megumu MATSUMOTO
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Japan Ms. Emi IMAIZUMI
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Japan Ms. Aki KOIKE
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia