FNCA 2015 Workshop on Human Resources Development |
Report of
FNCA 2015 Workshop on Human Resources Development Project
19-21 August Fukui, Japan
FNCA Workshop (WS) on Human Resources Development (HRD) 2015 was held in Fukui, Japan, from 19 to 21 August, 2015, sponsored by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, and co-sponsored by Fukui Prefectural Government, The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC), and the University of Fukui.

During the workshop, participants from 11 countries delivered country report focusing on following topics.
• National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program
• National Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators
And Dr. Miyoko O. WATANABE, Senior Director, Center for Science Communication, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) gave invited speech on "Science Communication for Stakeholder Involvement", and also Mr. Fumiaki KATAOKA, from JAEA Tsuruga Head Office gave invited speech on "Community Relation Activities of JAEA Tsuruga".

As the result of discussion, WS proposed "Education material and practical lectures at school" and "Effective operation of nuclear HRD network" as the topics for next WS.
On 21 August, Open Seminar entitled "Perspectives of Nuclear Power and Radiation Application in Asia" was held gathering about 60 participants from local companies, universities, etc.
Lastly, technical visit to Fukui Atomic Information Center "At Home" was conducted.

Minutes of
FNCA 2015 Workshop on Human Resources Development
19-21 August Fukui, Japan
Opening Session
Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, Director of the Office for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Science and Technology, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) provided opening address, in which he emphasized importance of the role of Nuclear Communicators who can communicate with stakeholders in plain language especially after TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Accident. Then the participants commemorate Dr. Sueo MACHI, the former FNCA Coordinator of Japan by a moment of silence. This was followed by welcome address by Mr. Nobuaki ASAHI, Chairman of the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, Japan. He addressed that Fukui Prefecture will continuously contribute to the activities related to nuclear human resources development (HRD) as well as nuclear safety technology, as the nuclear advanced prefecture which has the largest number of NPP in Japan.
The WS agenda was adopted without change. Participants introduced themselves.
Session 1
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA, Project Leader of Japan, summarized past activities of this HRD project. He specified following 2 points as the assignment of this phase (2014-2016).
• Development of HRD strategy on nuclear communication
• Discussion on the important policy for nuclear HRD and so on by senior officials
Session 2-1
The participants of 5 member countries gave speech on "National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program".
Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO, Associate Professor, Division for Environment, Health and Safety, The University of Tokyo, introduced Japan's situation and activities on energy and radiation education, explaining the change of the education strategy after Fukushima accident and the example of the text books and web platform which support teachers.
As country report, Australia introduced its nuclear education and cooperation activities. Indonesia presented its status and challenges in development of the nuclear power program and its concerns and difficulties for stakeholder involvement. China introduced its history on stakeholder involvement during the promotion of the NPP programs as well as the laws, acts and regulations on stakeholder involvements.
Special Session 1
Dr. Miyoko O. WATANABE, Director-General, Center for Science Communication, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) provided speech on "Science Communication for Stakeholder Involvement". She explained what is needed for science communication, drawing citizen's demands and trusts for scientists and engineers, as well as scientists' awareness on science communication. She also introduced activities conducted by JST, including Science Agora, funding for local network, and information dissemination using web media and publication.
Special Session 2
Mr. Fumiaki KATAOKA, Deputy General Manager, Fukui Community Relations Office, Administration Department, Tsuruga Head Office, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), provided speech on "Community Relations Activities of JAEA Tsuruga". He introduced the activities to promote understanding on JAEA's R&D, which includes site tour, briefing at local council, meeting, and participation in local activities and volunteers.
Session 2-2
The participants of 6 member countries gave speech on "National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program". Each country presented the characterization of a major stakeholder, their efforts to support stakeholder involvement as well as current activity in this process as country reports. The participants noted that stakeholder involvement is important, especially during the process of promoting nuclear power programs.
Session 2-3
In conclusions of country reports, the participants noted following points;
• For newcomer countries, before decision being made to introduce nuclear power, two major challenges have to be overcome by the governments i.e. public perception about nuclear and the need of nuclear power as far as energy security is concerned.
• Best practices and lessons learned from Japan and other NPP operating countries are important for newcomers to emulate in the process of nuclear information dissemination and stakeholder involvement. Japan and other NPP operating countries have had extensive experiences and have refined the tools and techniques they have been using to engage and interact with stakeholders, including local communities as well as decision makers.
Session 3-1
The participants of 7 member countries gave speech on "National Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators". During the discussion, member countries were requested to make national HRD networks operate effectively, in order to promote the HRD programs for nuclear communicators. In this case, the experience of Japan must be valuable for member countries which plan to introduce NPP. And it was recognized that the role of nuclear communicators has become even more important after Fukushima accident.
Session 3-2
The participants of 4 member countries gave speech on "National Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators " continuously. According to Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, one of the most important issues in the nuclear power projects is to disseminate and raise public awareness and understanding of nuclear energy and radiation safety. Some countries mentioned that national nuclear policy should contain the nuclear energy education and the programs of HRD for nuclear communicators. Training of nuclear communicators will play an important role in nuclear newcomer countries, and international cooperation for the development of the training of nuclear communicators has a vital importance.
Session 3-3
The round table discussed collaborative opportunities as well as needs of the participating countries. It was agreed that teaching material/course work developed for schools (teachers and students) will be shared (note that not all is available in English). Each participating country can adapt it with regards to its national educational requirements.
It was found that teaching experience could be improved in addition to the communication to the public. There was interest in developing computer games. A list of curriculum items for a nuclear communicator would be useful, but it's needed to take account of different needs with regards to audiences, in particular the difference for countries who are establishing a nuclear power programme.
The 'debunk handbook' was mentioned in view of addressing negative attitudes towards nuclear.
Session 4
Dr. YAMASHITA proposed the following topics for discussion in the next HRD Workshop in 2016:
a) |
Each Member State prepares education material and reports practical experience of lectures using such material at schools and exchange information about them. |
b) |
Effective operation of nuclear HRD network by defining the existing problems to be solved with the network, and |
c) |
Development of small and medium reactor for nuclear power in terms of possible advantages over conventional large capacity nuclear power reactors. |
It was noted that topic c) is not appropriate, because there is no difference between HRD for light water reactors and one for small and medium reactors. Thus, it was decided to consider just the first two proposals. The participating countries were encouraged to submit additional topics for consideration for the next workshop by the first week of September.
The final topics for the 2016 HRD workshop will be decided in the Coordinators Meeting in March 2016.
Closing Session
Dr. YAMASHITA provided the draft of the Conclusion and Recommendation of the WS, and it was amended and finalized. Conclusion and Recommendation is attached in ANNEX.
Closing remarks were delivered by Dr. YAMAMURA.
Open Seminar "Perspectives of Nuclear Power and Radiation Application in Asia"
On 21 August, Open Seminar entitled "Perspectives of Nuclear Power and Radiation Application in Asia" was held at Fukui International Activities Plaza. Following address and lectures were delivered;
1. |
Opening address : Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, MEXT, Japan |
2-1. |
Success Story of Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia : Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, MEXT, Japan |
2-2. |
Perspective of Rapidly Growing Nuclear Power in China : Mr. LIU Run, China |
2-3. |
Successful Application of Multi-purpose Research Reactor : Dr. Herma BUTTNER, Australia |
2-4. |
Successful Radiation Application in Industry and Agriculture in Malaysia : Dr. Dahlan Bin HJ.MOHD, Malaysia |
2-5. |
Nuclear Power Development in Fukui Prefecture : Mr. Yukifumi YOSHIKAWA, Fukui Pref. Gov., Japan |
2-6. |
IAEA/ANSN Instructor Training Course for Public Understanding in Fukui :
Mr. Takuya KITABATA, The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC) |
3. |
Closing remarks : Mr. Takehiko UMEDA, Fukui Pref. Gov., Japan |
Technical Visit to Fukui Atomic Information Center "At Home"
After the Open Seminar, a technical visit was conducted at Fukui Atomic Information Center "At Home".
Annex: Conclusion and Recommendation
Conclusion and Recommendation of FNCA HRD Workshop
(Aug., 2015, Fukui)
1. |
Participants expressed their deep condolences for the loss of FNCA's founding father, Dr. Sueo MACHI, noting his great contribution to FNCA activities. |
2. |
The meeting reiterated that the governments of Member Countries should give high priority to nuclear HRD in terms of policy and finance. |
3. |
The meeting noted from the country reports that the Member Countries are making an effort to enhance the HRD for both areas of radiation application and nuclear power. |
4. |
The meeting noted from the country reports that the newcomers in nuclear power are regarding public understanding of nuclear safety and energy as one of the most important issues for the introduction of nuclear power plants (NPPs). |
5. |
The meeting pointed out that the training of nuclear communicators is increasingly important in order to establish relationships based on trust with various stakeholders. |
6. |
The meeting appreciated the two useful presentations on Science Communication for Stakeholder Involvement and on Community Relations Activities of JAEA Tsuruga, by Dr. Miyoko WATANABE and Mr. Fumiaki KATAOKA, respectively. |
7. |
The meeting appreciated the MEXT for the nuclear technology seminar on basic radiation knowledge for school education course held in the framework of the instructor training program (ITP) and requested the MEXT to continue this seminar. |
8. |
The meeting recognized that ANTEP is a good mechanism of finding a match between HRD demand and offered program and encouraged the Member Countries to promote more efficient use of ANTEP. |
9. |
The meeting appreciated MEXT for the on-going international HRD programs to support developing countries, such as the nuclear scientists exchange program (NREP), and the instructor training program (ITP). The great contribution of MEXT's international HRD programs has enabled nuclear researchers/engineers of recipient countries to gain both basic and advanced experience in the different areas in nuclear science and technology and nuclear communication. |
10. |
The meeting appreciated Fukui prefecture and the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center for holding IAEA/ANSN-Instructor Training Course for Public Understanding in Fukui with Japan Nuclear HRD-Network. |
11. |
The meeting appreciated Japanese HRD-Network for providing nuclear science materials for schools to Asian countries with IAEA and for supporting education on nuclear science for schools as pilot project. |
12. |
The meeting considered the following specific topics to be taken up at the next workshop in 2016: |
(a) |
Each Member State prepares education material and reports practical experience of lectures using such material at schools and exchange information about them |
(b) |
Effective operation of nuclear HRD network by defining the existing problems to be solved with the network, |
The participants are encouraged to submit topics for the next workshop by the first week of September 2015, to the FNCA secretariat.
The meeting suggested that the selection of specific topics for the next HRD workshop should be finalized by the next Coordinators Meeting.
Program of
FNCA 2015 Workshop on Human Resources Development
19-21 August, 2015 Fukui, Japan
Day 1, 19 August |
09:30 - 10:10 |
Opening Session
Opening address : Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, MEXT, Japan
Welcome address : Mr. Nobuaki ASAHI, Chairman, WERC
Adoption of agenda
Self-introduction of participants
Group photo |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 10:50 |
Session 1 "Overview of FNCA and Human Resource Development Project"
Scope of Human Resource Development Project:
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA, JAEA, Japan |
10:50 - 12:10 |
Session 2-1 "National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program"
Lead speech : Japan's Policy for Stakeholder Involvement and Public
Confidence of Nuclear Energy Program :
Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Speeches by Representatives of 4 member countries :
Australia, Bangladesh, China and Indonesia |
12:10 - 13:10 |
Lunch Break |
13:10 - 14:00 |
Special Session 1 "Science Communication for Stakeholder Involvement"
Invited speech "Science Communication for Stakeholder Involvement" :
Dr. Miyoko O. WATANABE
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) |
14:00 - 14:50 |
Special Session 2 "Community Relations Activities of JAEA Tsuruga"
Invited speech "Community Relations Activities of JAEA Tsuruga" :
Mr. Fumiaki KATAOKA, JAEA Tsuruga Head Office |
14:50 - 15:05 |
Coffee Break |
15:05 - 16:35 |
Session 2-2 "National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program"
(Continuation of Session 2-1)
Speeches by Representatives of 6 member countries :
Namely Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam |
Day 2, 20 August |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Session 2-3 "Round table discussion on the significance and challenges of stakeholder involvement"
Wrap-up discussion of Session 2 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
Session 3-1 "National Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators"
Speeches by Representatives of 7 Member Countries :
Namely Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, And Malaysia |
12:15 - 13:15 |
Lunch Break |
13:15 - 14:15 |
Session 3-2 "National Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators"
(Continuation of Session 3-1)
Speeches by Representatives of 4 Member Countries :
Namely Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam |
14:15 - 14:30 |
Coffee Break |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Session 3-3 "Round table discussion on Strategy of Training Nuclear Communicators and Summary of Session 3" |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Session 4 "Plan of HRD Workshop in 2016"
Lead speech : Dr. YAMASHITA
Discussion |
16:30 - 17:00 |
Closing Session
Adoption of Conclusion and Recommendation
Closing remarks : Dr. YAMAMURA, MEXT |
Day 3, 21 August |
10:00 - 12:30 |
Open Seminar "Perspectives of Nuclear Power and Radiation Application in Asia"
1. |
Opening address : Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, MEXT, Japan |
2-1. |
Success Story of Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia :
Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA, MEXT, Japan |
2-2. |
Perspective of Rapidly Growing Nuclear Power in China :
Mr. LIU Run, China |
2-3. |
Successful Application of Multi-purpose Research Reactor :
Dr. Herma BUTTNER, Australia |
2-4. |
Successful Radiation Application in Industry and Agriculture in Malaysia :
Dr. Dahlan Bin HJ.MOHD, Malaysia |
2-5. |
Nuclear Power Development in Fukui Prefecture :
Mr. Yukifumi YOSHIKAWA, Fukui Pref. Gov., Japan |
2-6. |
IAEA/ANSN Instructor Training Course for Public Understanding in Fukui :
Mr. Takuya KITABATA, The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC) |
3. |
Closing remarks : Mr. Takehiko UMEDA, Fukui Pref. Gov., Japan |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 - 17:00 |
Technical Visit to Fukui Atomic Information Center "At Home" |
List of Participants
FNCA 2015 Workshop on Human Resources Development Project
19-21 August, 2015 Fukui, Japan
Senior Advisor Scientific Liaison
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Director, International Affairs Division & NLO to IAEA
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Mr. LIU Run
Organization Development & Planning Manager
China General Nuclear Power Corporation
Head of Center (Director), Education and Training Center
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Mr. Vladimir VITYUK
Head of Laboratory, National Nuclear Centre (NNC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Dr. Dahlan Bin HJ.MOHD
Senior Director of Management Programme
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Ms. TSERENDORJ Otgontsetseg
Expert of Human Resources
Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia
Dr. Soledad S. CASTAÑEDA
Officer -in-Charge, Deputy Director/Chief, Atomic Research Division
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Director of Nuclear Research and Development Division
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization)
Dr. TRAN Quoc Dung
Principal Researcher/Director, Centre for Nuclear Techniques
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA
General Advisor, Nuclear Human Resource Development Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO
Associate Professor, Division for Environment, Health and Safety
The University of Tokyo
Prof. Yoshinobu IZUMI
Professor, Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering,
University of Fukui
Dr. Tsukasa YAMAMURA
Director, Office for Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Science and Technology
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Ms. Moe AOKI
Researcher, International Nuclear Cooperation Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Dr. Miyoko O. WATANABE
Senior Director, Center for Science Communication
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Mr. Kenya TANAKA
Center for International Cooperation and Industry Academia Partnership
Tsuruga Head Office, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Tsutomu IRIE
General Manager, International Cooperation Office
Center for International Cooperation and Industry Academia Partnership
Tsuruga Head Office, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Fumiaki KATAOKA
Deputy General Manager, Fukui Community Relations Office
Administration Department, Tsuruga Head Office
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Mr. Nobuaki ASAHI
Chairman, The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC)
Mr. Takehiko UMEDA
Executive Officer (Energy Research and Development Centralization)
Department of General Policy, Fukui Prefectural Government
Mr. Yukifumi YOSHIKAWA
Director, Energy Producing Region Development Division
Department of General Policy, Fukui Prefectural Government
Senior Staff, Energy Producing Region Development Division
Department of General Policy, Fukui Prefectural Government
Fukui International Human Resources Development Center for Atomic Energy (FIHRDC)
The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC)
Mr. Masanori WATANABE
Deputy General Manager
Fukui International Human Resources Development Center for Atomic Energy (FIHRDC)
The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC)