FNCA 2016 Workshop on Human Resources Development |
Report of
FNCA 2016 Workshop in Human Resources Development (HRD) Project
1-3 August, 2016 Kajang, Malaysia
The FNCA workshop on Human Resources Development (HRD) project was held in Kajang, Malaysia from 1 to 3 August, under the auspices of Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA) and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT). FNCA 12 member countries, namely Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam have participated in the workshop.
The workshop was opened with the opening and welcoming remarks from Dr. Hideki NAMBA, FNCA Advisor of Japan, Dr. Muhamad bin LebaiJuri, Director General of Malaysian Nuclear Agency, and Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya of Section Head, Division of Asia and the Pacific International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
HRD project has focused on HRD for stakeholder involvement since 2014. Mr. Jamal Khaer Ibrahim from Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation (MNPC) introduced that Malaysia considers the possibility to introduce NPP in the future for the sake of economic growth. And he also explained that MNPC has formulated 10 year comprehensive communication plan and conducts public opinion research and public fora.
Education on nuclear energy and radiation as part of stakeholder involvement was picked up for the theme of country report. The representatives of member countries shared information and experiences on lectures, experiments, e-learning, preparation of learning materials and exhibitions/events for education in their countries. It is desired that these information and experiences will be applied in member countries for HRD of the personnel who is involved to nuclear/radiation education. (Please refer to the ANNEX for the country report summaries.)
IAEA also have been involved to the Technical Cooperation (TC) project to support nuclear/radiation education in secondary schools. The detail of the project was introduced by Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya and Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO from the University of Tokyo.
The highlight of this workshop was to visit the secondary school, SekolahMenengah Agama Persekutuan (SMAP) Kajang, having interaction with teachers and students. Workshop participants observed cloud chamber experiment during a physic class and scientific exhibition prepared by students.
On 3 August, open seminar was held having around 80 participants mainly composed of Malaysian teachers. The representative from Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia made presentation on examples of nuclear/radiation education based on their experience in a school.
Lastly, workshop participants visited Radio-chemistry Laboratory in Malaysian Nuclear Agency.
Minutes of
FNCA 2016 Workshop on Human Resources Development
1-3 August2016 Kajang, Malaysia
Opening Session
Opening Session
Dr. Hideki NAMBA, FNCA Advisor of Japan, welcomed all participants in the opening address, and expressed appreciation to Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA) for their support and hospitality. He also mentioned background of FNCA and HRD project, including its achievement such as ANTEP and HRD Network.
Dr. Muhamad bin LebaiJuri, Director General of MNA, gave words of warm greeting to foreign and local participants in the welcome address. He looked forward to the participants' fruitful and productive discussion focusing on information dissemination and mutual exchange with school teachers.
Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya, Section Head, Division of Asia and the Pacific, IAEA, thanked to the invitation to the WS. She introduced herself that she has been involved in IAEA Technical Support Project (TCP) on promotion of radiation education, stressing importance of collaboration with teachers to provide correct knowledge to the next generation.
Session 1: Overview of FNCA and Human Resources Development Project
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA made a presentation on the "Scope of Human Resources Development (HRD) Project", showing the history and activities of HRD project with general information on the structure of FNCA.
Session 2: National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program
Mr. Jamal Khaer Ibrahim, MNPC Malaysia, made a lead speech entitled "National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program".
He presented the energy policy of Malaysiaincluding nuclear power development as well as characterization of major stakeholders. He also explained about nuclear power stakeholder engagement and showed recent stakeholder involvement activities in Malaysia. The participants noted the importance of stakeholder involvement, and were especially interested in the activities related to education.
Session 3: Country Reports
The representative of 12 participating countries gave country reports on "The Experience of Lecture for Radiation Science at Secondary or High School". The summary of each country report is attached in ANNEX.
Session 4: Special Joint Session of FNCA-HRD and IAEA TCP 1 "How to Promote Radiation Education Activity in Secondary School - Lessons Learned from IAEA-TC activity and Way Forward - "
The main output of IAEA Technical Cooperation Project RA0065 - Supporting Sustainability and Networking of National Nuclear Institutions in Asia and the Pacific Region - is a compendium of educational resources and activities for secondary school teachers.
There was a mixture of FNCA delegates that had heard of or were using the compendium.
Dr. Gerardo Jane Abaya from IAEA can circulate a draft copy to interested delegates that haven't read it. There is a lot of interest outside the TCP group and there are opportunities to expand the project into other forums and regions. Member states can decide to join the project; they do not have to wait for an invitation.
She has expressed thanks for Japanese contribution for the compendium, namely, education materials, description for cloud chamber and Hakaru-kun experiments as well as Let's Start Learning Radiation―Supplementary Material on Radiation for Secondary School Students.Two of the most popular activities of the project are thecloud chamber and Hakaru-kun experiments. Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO from The University of Tokyo provided some alternatives including education movies if a school doesn't own a suitable survey-meter. A similar survey-meterto the Hakaru-kun couldbe purchased for $300 to $400 in some countries based on their education purpose.
Session 5: Information Exchange with School Teachers
During Session 5 and 6, WS participants visited to Kajang Federal Islamic Secondary School (SMAP) for information exchange with school teachers, as well as observation of school lecture about radiation science.
Firstly, Tuan Haji MohdAbd Aziz bin Muhmud, the Principal of SMAP made welcome speech, in which he hoped that education on nuclear science and technology in SMAP would serve as good reference to WS participants. And this was followed by the speech from Dr. Rusilawati Othman, Chief Assistant Director of Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education.
Then presentation on curriculum development in Malaysia, and presentation on SMAP's experiences on activities related to nuclear science were made.
Session 6: Visiting School Lecture about Radiation Science, Nuclear Energy, etc.
WS participants moved to a class room, where the students exhibited their research outcomes based on knowledge gained from physics classes.The exhibitions include;
-Hakaru-kun experiment (background radiation)
-Structure of an atom
-Detector of nuclear radiation
-Radioactive decay
-Application of radioisotope in different fields
-Nuclear energy (nuclear fission, chain reaction)
-Nuclear reactor/plant
-Development of new material by students
WS participants were explained about their learning outcomes.
Next, WS participants visited another class room, where a lecture on radiation was conducted. The teacher gave basic knowledge ofradiation science to the students, and explained how to see tracks of radiation with the cloud chamber. Then the students constructed cloud chambers and tried to observethe track of radiation.
During the group discussion after the experiment, students expressed their feedback that the experiment was interesting and useful. The students and WS participants had question and answer about prospectus of career in radiation and nuclear field.
Session 7: Information Exchange on Nuclear HRD Network Development
Dr.Kiyonobu YAMASHITA reviewed all of Nuclear HRD networks of FNCA members. Depend on the policy and situation, each country has its own specific characteristics. Dr. Yamashita required country representative to provide updatedNational Nuclear HRD network and to send to NSRA, FNCA secretariat of Japan.
Session 8: Round Discussion about Good Practices of Participating Countries for Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy
WS participants discussed and concluded as follows;
1. |
Participating countries have supported the nuclear science and technology (NS&T) in secondary schools in own countries. |
2. |
Participating countries have introduced “Train-the-Trainer system” and provided opportunity for teachers to study NS&T. This method is deemed as effective and efficient to disseminate NS&T. |
3. |
Strong collaboration and effective coordination with all relevant stakeholders is a useful mechanism in the promotion of NS&T, e.g. National HRD Network. |
4. |
It is desired to introduce modern, effective, attractive and appropriate approaches / tools for NS&T dissemination and education, e.g. using hands-on learning style, social network and mobile apps in NS&T education. |
5. |
Policy from the Government is a critical enabler to introduce and sustain NS&T education, which can lead to the integration of NS&T in the national education curriculum and textbooks. Eventually, this integration will contribute to increased interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). |
6. |
Early education viz. lower secondary / junior high on the basic knowledge of nuclear science should be encouraged. |
7. |
The cooperation with IAEA was very good and useful to enhance the activity for NS&T education in the second school in Asia. |
Session 9: Evaluation of HRD Project
Dr. Hideki NAMBA informed the participants of the on-going FNCA Projects, agenda of FNCA meetings -Ministerial Level meeting, Coordinators meeting, Senior Officials meeting, held in 2015-2016, outline of revised evaluation Framework of FNCA activities, current situation and related information on projects and study panels (SP), and proposal of the new management of HRD Project. It was learned that the Activity of ANTEP will be followed by the NREP (Nuclear Research Exchange Program) of MEXT.
After presenting the FNCA Framework, Dr. KiyonobuYAMASHITA explained the procedure for the 3 Years Evaluation, as follows: (1) Final Report of the Project; (2) Proposal for the FNCA Project; and (3) Evaluation. The HRD project, which will complete its 3 years period will seek FNCA Coordinators' evaluation whether to continue or terminate it, at the Coordinators Meeting on March 2017. FNCA Coordinators will make the Evaluation using a format which is being finalized. This procedure is being considered by Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO), and will be finalized this August.
Closing Session
Dr. YAMASHITA provided the draft of the Conclusion of the WS, and it was decided to be circulated to the participants at a later date for amendment if any. Conclusion and Recommendation is attached below.
Closing remarks were delivered by Mr. Shoji KASUGA, MEXT of Japan.
<Conclusion and recommendation>
1. |
The subjects in the secondary schools provide basic understanding and knowledge for the students to decide which course / programme they intend to pursue at the tertiary level. Therefore, it is important to attract school students to be interested in NS&T. |
2. |
Policy from the Government is a critical enabler to introduce and sustain NS&T education, which can lead to the integration of NS&T in the national education curriculum and textbooks. Eventually, this integration will contribute to increased interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). |
3. |
As one of the biggest fruits of HRD networks, we recognized that the Japan Nuclear HRD network has been supporting the activities of pilot countries of IAEA RAS0065-TCP.The Japanese network gathered the experiences and know-how of Japan on the NS&T education for secondary schools, and introduced them to Asian countries. This activity was highly evaluated among the participant countries. |
4. |
The meeting recognizes that the education on nuclear science for school is very important for public understanding of nuclear energy. |
5. |
The Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program (NREP) has contributed for Enhancement of Research and Development Ability for Asian national research institutes very well. Its continuation is expected strongly. The further exchange programs like NREP are strongly expected from Japan and other NPP-developed countries. |
6. |
The Instructor Training Program (ITP) including ITC and FTC has contributed for establishment of Self-standing training course for Asian countries very well. It continuation is expected strongly. The further train-trainer programs like ITP are strongly expected from Japan and other NPP-operating countries. |
7. |
ANTEP is very useful for the NREP activity. It is expected to find further active usage. |
Open Seminar
On 3 August, Open Seminar was held at MNA. Following lectures were delivered;
1. |
Promoting Nuclear Education through e-Learning: Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin, MNA
MNA is ready to lend RTP facilities to the students of University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM) and University Tenaga National (UNITEN) which have introduced reactor experiment in their course. Thus, MNA introduced internet reactor lab which enables authorized students to observe what is happening in the reactor core. In addition, MNA prepared e-book containing texts and videos that students can access through mobile applications. |
2. |
Risk Communication with the Public after Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP Accident (Japan): Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA, FNCA-HRD project leader of Japan
After the Fukushima Dai-ichiNPP accident, risk communication such as measurement by Whole Body Counter (WBC), gathering, and telephone counseling were implemented by JAEA. Based on these activities, JAEA derived major worries of public and has been seeking good communication. Proper understanding on radiation is crucial for successful risk communication. Thus cooperation by teachers would be appreciated. |
3. |
Planning of Nuclear Education in Vietnam: Dr. PHAM Ngoc Dong, Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency (VINATOM)
VINATOM takes important role within HRD network at the national level. HRD and Capacity Building for NPP requires high quality to implement NP programme. The Education and Training of radiation science/nuclear energy is not only needed at undergraduate or higher education, but also needed at elementary/high school level. Including the radiation science/nuclear energy into the syllabus at secondary/high school in Vietnam is a challenging task. |
4. |
How to Promote Radiation Education Activities in Secondary School: Mr. Dimas IRAWAN, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN)
For teachers it is a challenging to attract students into science.In the school curriculum in Indonesia, teachers tried to provide fun and practical approach on radiation subjects/lessons, as well as real life experience to show that radiation is beneficial for human life. This approaches includes cloud chamber experiment, nuclear facility visit, and experiments using naturally occurring radioactive materials, and so on. |
Technical Visit to MNA
After the Open Seminar, a technical visit was conducted at Laboratory of Radio-chemistry, MNA. WS participants visited Gamma Spectrometry System, Gross Alpha/Gross Beta Counting System, and Alpha Spectrometry System.
Program of
FNCA 2016 Workshop on Human Resources Development Project
Aug. 1-3, 2016 Kajang, Malaysia
Day 1, 1 August |
09:30 - 10:10 |
Opening Session
Chair: Dr. YAMASHITA, Japan
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Opening address: Dr. Hideki NAMBA, Japan |
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Welcome address: Dr Muhamad bin Lebai Juri, Director General Nuklear Malaysia |
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Special address: Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya, IAEA |
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Self-introduction of participants |
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Group photo |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 10:50 |
Session 1: Overview of FNCA and Human Resource Development Project
Chair: Dr Abdul Muin bin Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
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Scope of Human Resource Development Project Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA, JAEA, Japan |
10:50 - 11:10 |
Session 2: National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program
Chair: Dr. Hideki NAMBA, Japan
- |
Lead speech: National Policy of Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy Program: Mr. Jamal Khaer Ibrahim, MNPC, Malaysia |
11:10 - 11:55 |
Session 3-1: Country Reports
Chair: Dr. Vladimir VITYUK, Kazakhstan
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Australia |
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Bangladesh |
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China |
11:55 - 12:55 |
Session 3-2: Country Reports
Chair: Ms. WANG Mingjiao, China
- |
Indonesia |
- |
Japan |
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Kazakhstan |
- |
Korea |
12:55 - 14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:15 |
Session 3-3: Country Reports
Chair: Dr. Supitcha CHANYOTHA, Thailand
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Malaysia |
- |
Mongolia |
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Thailand |
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Philippines |
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Vietnam |
15:15 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 16:35 |
Session 4: Special Joint Session of FNCA-HRD and IAEA-TCP 1 "How to Promote Radiation Education Activity in Secondary School - Lesson Learned from IAEA-TC activity and Way Forward -"
Chair: Mr. Rod DOWLER, Australia
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Background, Activities and Conclusion of the IAEA-TCP (2012-2015): Dr. Gerardo- Jane Abaya (IAEA) |
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Experts Assistance to Pilot Countries: Dr Takeshi IIMOTO (Japan, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
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Discussion |
Day 2, 2 August |
08:30 - 09:00 |
Moving to secondary school: Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan (SMAP) Kajang (Boarding School) |
9:00- 10:30 |
Session 5: Information exchange with school teachers
Chair: KPM representative, Malaysia
- |
Welcome Speech by SMAP Principal |
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Speech by Chief Assistant Director, Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education |
- |
Materials/curriculum developed |
- |
School activities related to science/nuclear program |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00- 12:30 |
Session 6: Visiting school lecture about radiation science, nuclear energy etc.
Chair: SMAP Teachers
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Exhibitions on radiation science and nuclear energy |
- |
Cloud chamber experiment |
- |
Group Discussion |
12:30- 14:30 |
Lunch Break at SMAP Kajang
Back to Nuklear Malaysia |
14:30- 15:45 |
Session 7: Information exchange on Nuclear HRD network development
Chair: Dr. PHAM Ngoc Dong, Vietnam |
15:45- 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00- 16:30 |
Session 8: Round discussion about good practices of participating countries for Stakeholder Involvement for Promotion of Nuclear Energy
Chair: Dr. YAMASHITA, Japan |
16:30- 17:00 |
Session 9: Evaluation of HRD project
Chair: Mr. Roel A. LOTERINA, Philippines
- |
Speech: Dr. Hideki NAMBA |
- |
Explanation on 3 years evaluation: Dr. Yamashita |
17:00- 17:30 |
Closing Session
Chair: Ms. Tserendorj OTGONTSETSEG, Mongolia
- |
Adoption of Conclusion and Recommendation |
- |
Closing remarks: Mr. Shoji KASUGA, MEXT |
Day 3, 3 August |
9:30- 12:00 |
Open Seminar
Chair: Dr Zulkafli Ghazali, FNCA Coordinator, Malaysia
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"Promoting Nuclear Education Through e-Learning" by Dr Muhammad Rawi (PTR, Nuklear Malaysia) |
- |
Japanese outreach activity -Risk communication after Fukushima NPP accident- (Dr. K. Yamashita) |
- |
Planning of nuclear education (Dr. PHAM Ngoc Dong, Vietnam)
How to Promote Radiation Education Activities in Secondary School (Mr. Dimas IRAWAN, Indonesia) |
- |
Q&A session |
12:00- 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00- 16:00 |
Technical Visit to Radio-chemistry Laboratory in Nuclear Malaysia |
List of Participants
FNCA 2016 Workshop on Human Resources Development Project
1-3 August 2016 Kajang, Malaysia
Discovery Centre Leader
Office of the CEO - ANSTO Communication and Community Relations
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Ms. Asma BEGUM
Senior Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Ms. WANG Mingjiao
Organization & Planning Manager
China General Nuclear Power Corporation
Mr. Dimas IRAWAN
Dissemination Manager
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia
Dr. Kiyonobu YAMASHITA
General Advisor, Nuclear Human Resource Development Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Takeshi IIMOTO
Associate Professor, Division for Environment, Health and Safety
The University of Tokyo
Dr. Hideki NAMBA
FNCA Advisor of Japan
Mr. Shoji KASUGA
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Dr. Vladimir VITYUK
Head of laboratory
National Nuclear Center of Republic of Kazakhstan
Dr. KIM Woong Ki
Head, Principal Researcher
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Mr. PARK Mincheol
Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF)
Dr. Rusilawati Othman
Chief Assistant Director, Curriculum Development Division
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Mrs. Nor'AidahNordin
Assistant Director, Curriculum Development Division
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Mr. ArbainBaharudin
Teacher in SM Agama PesekutuanBatu 13, JalanCheras, Kajang
Mrs. NariahEndut
Teacher in SMK Khir Johari, Beranang
Mrs. RosneeDaud
Teacher in SMK Bandar BaruBangiSek 2
Ms. Habibah Adnan
Director, Information Management Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Mrs. NorzehanNgadiron
Publication Officer, Manager Information Management Unit
Information Management Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Mr. ZakariaTaib
Director, Human Resources Development Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
MrsSalahbiah Abdul Majid
Research Officer, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Mrs. NorHadzalinaSukarseh
Research Officer, Nuclear Malaysia Training Centre
Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin
Senior Research Officer, Reactor Technology Centre
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Dr. Abdul Muin Abdul Rahman
Senior Director, Management Programme
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Mr. Jamal Khaer Ibrahim
Director, Nuclear Power Programme Development
Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation (MNPC)
HR Expert
Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia
The Philippines
Mr. RoelAlamares LOTERIÑA
Officer-In-Charge, Nuclear Training Center
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Supitcha CHANYOTHA
Associate Professor
Chulalongkorn University
Dr. PHAM Ngoc Dong
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Dr. Gerardo Jane Abaya
Section Head, Division of Asia and the Pacific
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)