Report of
FNCA 2019 Workshop on Mutation Breeding Project
September 3rd - 6th, 2019
Bandar Baru Bangi & Bangi, Malaysia
Outline of the workshop
ⅰ) Date: |
September 3rd - 6th , 2019 |
ⅱ) Venue: |
Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi and Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, 43000 Selangor Malaysia |
ⅲ) Host |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
ⅳ) Participants: |
A total of 15 participants from 9 countries, i.e. Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
Opening Session
Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohamed Hashim, Deputy Director General of Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) and Dr. Abdul Rahim Harun, Director of Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division delivered welcoming remarks. Then Dr. Namba Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan gave an opening speech.
Overview Lectures
Dr. Namba reviewed FNCA activities in 2018-2019 and major success results achieved. Dr. Hase Yoshihiro, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader of Japan briefly described major outcomes of the FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and the major issues to be discussed in the workshop.
Follow-up on Sub-project on Sorghum and Soybean
Dr. Arwin from Indonesia presented about mutation breeding for anticipation of climate change. Two drought tolerant soybean lines were released as new varieties named Kemuning-1 and Kemuning-2 in 2019. Including these two varieties, Indonesia has released twelve mutant soybean varieties so far. Some advanced lines for leaf rust tolerance, pod sucking pest tolerance, early maturing less than 75 days and super early maturing less than 70 days are in multiplication trial. Some advanced lines were also selected for crop rotation with rice without fertilizer and irrigation.
Open Seminar
In the afternoon of September 3, open seminar on "Application of Radiation Technology and Mutation Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture" was held with 45 participants from universities, research institutes and private companies. Firstly, a short video on success story of mutation breeding in Malaysia was presented. Prof. Shu Qingyao, Zhejiang University, China talked on the generation and evaluation of OsNramp5 mutants by targeted mutagenesis for breeding low cadmium rice. Dr. Morishita Toshikazu, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan presented an overview and outcomes of mutation breeding at Radiation Breeding Division of NARO. Mr. Arwin discussed on the soybean breeding using nuclear technique for anticipation of climate change in Indonesia. Dr. ANK Mamun Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) reported on the research activities of plant biotechnology in BAEC. Mr. Fernando B. Aurigue, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) introduced an achievement of mutation breeding activity at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice).
Country Report on Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change
Nine member countries presented progress and activity plan on the Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change.
Round Table Discussion for Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change
Dr. Hase gave a lead speech and emphasized that the adaptability to low input condition is the major target. After discussion along with the points raised by Dr. Hase, the participants confirmed the followings.
- All member countries are working towards sustainable agriculture with low input of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, etc.
- Improvement of nitrogen use efficiency is one of the major targets that we need to focus on to breed high-yielding mutant varieties in the future.
- Root system is an important trait to consider for high yield under low input condition.
- Mutants obtained in this project are precious resources for identifying useful genes to breed elite varieties in the future.
- The combined use of mutant varieties and optimized cultivation methods, e.g. minimal use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and increasing application of organic fertilizer, is a way to achieve sustainable agriculture.
Cooperation with IAEA/RCA
Dr. Namba reported on the ongoing interaction between FNCA and IAEA/RCA at the administrational level. It has been agreed that FNCA and IAEA/RCA would continue the cooperation at project level. FNCA Mutation Breeding Project has been cooperating with IAEA/RCA projects on mutation breeding. Dr. Morishita reported on the recent RAS5077 meeting on assessing nutrient use efficiency organized by IAEA/RCA held in August 2019 in Beijing. Some member countries are contributing to both FNCA and IAEA/RCA projects.
Minutes and Closing Session
The minutes were discussed and agreed by all participants. It will be reported to the 21st Coordinators Meeting to be held in March 2020 in Japan. Dr. Kanchana Klakhaeng, Thailand introduced that next workshop will be hosted by Thailand in August 2020. Dr. Harun and Dr. Namba delivered closing remarks and thanked all participants for their efforts and contribution.
Technical Visit
Participants visited a seed company and rice fields in Tanjung Karang and Sekinchan, Selangor on September 5. Haji MD Nor bin Haji Abd. Rahman (M) Sdn. Bhd. (HMN), Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA) and Bayer Co. (M). Sdn. Bhd., global life science company delivered remarks and introduced brief profiles. Then participants observed certified rice seed factory of HMN and rice field for NMR152 which is a mutant variety developed by Nuclear Malaysia. They recognized that Nuclear Malaysia has a good linkage with other governmental authorities, seed companies and farmers. They also visited international flower festival in Putrajaya.
Minutes of
FNCA 2019 Workshop on Mutation Breeding Project
September 3rd - 6th, 2019
Bandar Baru Bangi & Bangi, Malaysia
1) Outline of the workshop
ⅰ) Date |
September 3rd - 6th , 2019 |
ⅱ) Venue |
Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi and Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, 43000 Selangor Malaysia |
ⅲ) Host |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) |
ⅳ) Participants |
A total of 15 participants from 9 countries, i.e. Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam (Annex 2) |
ⅴ) Program |
Annex 1 |
Opening Session
Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohamed Hashim, Deputy Director General of Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) and Dr. Abdul Rahim Harun, Director of Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division delivered welcoming remarks. Then Dr. Namba Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan gave an opening speech.
Overview Lectures
Dr. Namba reviewed FNCA activities in 2018-2019 and major success results achieved. Dr. Hase Yoshihiro, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader of Japan briefly described major outcomes of the FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and the major issues to be discussed in the workshop.
Session 1 Follow-up on Sub-project on Sorghum and Soybean
Dr. Arwin from Indonesia presented about mutation breeding for anticipation of climate change. Two drought tolerant soybean lines were released as new varieties named Kemuning-1 and Kemuning-2 in 2019. Including these two varieties, Indonesia has released twelve mutant soybean varieties so far. Some advanced lines for leaf rust tolerance, pod sucking pest tolerance, early maturing less than 75 days and super early maturing less than 70 days are in multiplication trial. Some advanced lines were also selected for crop rotation with rice without fertilizer and irrigation.
Open Seminar
In the afternoon of September 3, open seminar on "Application of Radiation Technology and Mutation Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture" was held with 45 participants from universities, research institutes and private companies. Firstly, a short video on success story of mutation breeding in Malaysia was presented. Prof. Shu Qingyao, Zhejiang University, China talked on the generation and evaluation of OsNramp5 mutants by targeted mutagenesis for breeding low cadmium rice. Dr. Morishita Toshikazu, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan presented an overview and outcomes of mutation breeding at Radiation Breeding Division of NARO. Mr. Arwin discussed on the soybean breeding using nuclear technique for anticipation of climate change in Indonesia. Dr. ANK Mamun Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) reported on the research activities of plant biotechnology in BAEC. Mr. Fernando B. Aurigue, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) introduced an achievement of mutation breeding activity at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice).
Session 2 Country Report on Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change
Nine member countries presented progress and activity plan on the Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change.
Session 3 Round Table Discussion for Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change
Dr. Hase gave a lead speech and emphasized that the adaptability to low input condition is the major target. After discussion along with the points raised by Dr. Hase, the participants confirmed the followings.
- All member countries are working towards sustainable agriculture with low input of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, etc.
- Improvement of nitrogen use efficiency is one of the major targets that we need to focus on to breed high-yielding mutant varieties in the future.
- Root system is an important trait to consider for high yield under low input condition.
- Mutants obtained in this project are precious resources for identifying useful genes to breed elite varieties in the future.
- The combined use of mutant varieties and optimized cultivation methods, e.g. minimal use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and increasing application of organic fertilizer, is a way to achieve sustainable agriculture.
Session 4 Cooperation with IAEA/RCA
Dr. Namba reported on the ongoing interaction between FNCA and IAEA/RCA at the administrational level. It has been agreed that FNCA and IAEA/RCA would continue the cooperation at project level. FNCA Mutation Breeding Project has been cooperating with IAEA/RCA projects on mutation breeding. Dr. Morishita reported on the recent RAS5077 meeting on assessing nutrient use efficiency organized by IAEA/RCA held in August 2019 in Beijing. Some member countries are contributing to both FNCA and IAEA/RCA projects.
Minutes and Closing Session
The minutes were discussed and agreed by all participants. It will be reported to the 21st Coordinators Meeting to be held in March 2020 in Japan. Dr. Kanchana Klakhaeng, Thailand introduced that next workshop will be hosted by Thailand in August 2020. Dr. Harun and Dr. Namba delivered closing remarks and thanked all participants for their efforts and contribution.
2) Technical Visit
Participants visited a seed company and rice fields in Tanjung Karang and Sekinchan, Selangor on September 5. Haji MD Nor bin Haji Abd. Rahman (M) Sdn. Bhd. (HMN), Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA) and Bayer Co. (M). Sdn. Bhd., global life science company delivered remarks and introduced brief profiles. Then participants observed certified rice seed factory of HMN and rice field for NMR152 which is a mutant variety developed by Nuclear Malaysia. They recognized that Nuclear Malaysia has a good linkage with other governmental authorities, seed companies and farmers. They also visited international flower festival in Putrajaya.
3) Attachments
Annex 1 Program
Annex 2 List of Participants
Annex 3 Session Summary
Program of
FNCA 2019 Workshop on Mutation Breeding Project
September 3rd - 6th, 2019
Bandar Baru Bangi & Bangi, Malaysia
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 (Day 1st)
09:00-10:30 |
Opening Session |
Chair: Dr. Sobri Bin HUSSEIN, Malaysia |
1. Welcoming Remarks
1) Dr. Abdul Muin Bin ABDUL RAHMAN, FNCA Coordinator of Malaysia
2) Dr. NAMBA Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan |
2. Opening Speech - Director General Malaysian Nuclear Agency
3. Overview Lectures
1) Overview and progress of FNCA activities in 2018-2019
Dr. NAMBA Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan
2) Outline of FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and purpose of the workshop
Dr. HASE Yoshihiro, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader (PL) of Japan
4. Introduction of Participants
5. Confirmation of Agenda |
10:30-10:45 |
Group Photo and Break |
10:45-11:30 |
Session 1 Follow up of Sub-projects on Sorghum and Soybean |
Chair: Dr. A N K MAMUN, Bangladesh |
1. Report
Mr. Arwin, Indonesia
2. Summary |
11:30-13:00 |
Lunch Break |
Open Seminar on Application of Radiation Technology and Mutation Breeding
for Sustainable Agriculture |
Chair: Dr. Sobri Bin HUSSEIN, Malaysia |
13:45-14:10 |
1. Registration & Opening Remark
Dr. Abdul Rahim HARUN, Director of Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division, Nuclear Malaysia |
14:10-14:15 |
2. Short Video Presentation : Success story on rice mutation breeding in Malaysia |
14:15-14:45 |
3. Generation and evaluation of OsNramp5 mutants by targeted mutagenesis for breeding low Cadmium rice
Prof. SHU Qingyao, ZJU, China |
14:45-15:15 |
4. Mutation breeding at Radiation Breeding Division
Dr. MORISHITA Toshikazu, NARO, Japan |
15:15-15:45 |
5. Soybean Breeding Using Nuclear Technique for Anticipation of Climate Change in Indonesia
Mr. Arwin, BATAN, Indonesia |
15:45-16:00 |
Break |
16:00-16:30 |
6. Research Activities of Plant Biotechnology in Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission - an Overview
Dr. A.N.K MAMUN, BAEC, Bangladesh |
16:30-17:00 |
7. An Overview of Mutation Breeding at the Philippine Rice Research Institute
Mr. Fernando B. AURIGUE, PNRI, the Philippine |
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019 (Day 2nd)
09:00-10:45 |
Session 2 Report for Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change |
Chair: Dr. LE Duc Thao, Vietnam |
1. Bangladesh
2. China
3. Indonesia |
10:45-11:00 |
Break |
11:00-12:10 |
Cont. of Session 2 |
Chair: Dr. Kanchana KLAKHAENG, Thailand |
4. Japan (Dr. HASE Yoshihiro)
5. Malaysia |
12:10-13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30-15:15 |
Cont. of Session 2 |
Chair: Mr. Arwin, Indonesia |
6. Mongolia
7. The Philiippines
8. Thailand |
15:15-15:30 |
Break |
15:30-16:05 |
Cont. of Session 2 |
Chair: Ms Ariungerel MANDAKH, Mongolia |
9. Vietnam |
Thursday, September 5th, 2019 (Day 3rd)
Technical Visit to Rice Field, Tanjung Karang / Sekinchan, Selangor and HMI Sdn. Bhd. Seed Company
Friday, September 6th 2019 (Day 4th)
9:00-10:30 |
Session 3 Round Table Discussion for Mutation Breeding of Major Crops for Low-input Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change |
Chair : Dr. MORISHITA Toshikazu, Japan |
1. Lead speech
Dr. HASE Yoshihiro, FNCA Mutation Breeding PL of Japan
2. Discussion
3. Summary |
10:30-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
Session 4 Cooperation with IAEA/RCA |
Chair: Prof. SHU Qingyao, China |
1. Report
Dr. NAMBA Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan
2. Report
Dr. MORISHITA Toshikazu, NARO, Japan
3. Discussion |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-16:00 |
Session 5 Minutes |
Chair: Mr. Fernando B. AURIGUE, the Philippines |
1. Wrap up of minutes
2. Adoption of Minutes |
16:00-16:30 |
Closing Session |
Chair: Dr. Sobri Bin HUSSEIN, Malaysia |
1. Closing Address
1) Dr. Abdul Rahim HARUN, Director of Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division, Nuclear Malaysia
2) Dr. NAMBA Hideki, FNCA Advisor of Japan |
Participants List of
FNCA 2019 Workshop on Mutation Breeding Project
September 3rd - 6th, 2019
Bandar Baru Bangi & Bangi, Malaysia
Chief Scientific Officer and Head
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Prof. SHU Qingyao (PL)
Zhejiang University
Mr. Arwin
Soybean Researcher
Center for Application of Isotopes and Radiation
National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia (BATAN)
Dr. NAMBA Hideki
FNCA Advisor of Japan,
QST Associate
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)
Dr. HASE Yoshihiro (PL)
Senior Principal Researcher
Department of Radiation-Applied Biology Research
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute
Quantum Beam Science Research Directorate
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)
Dr. MORISHITA Toshikazu
Radiation Breeding Division
Institute of Crop Science
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Dr. Abdul Rahim HARUN
Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Dr. Sobri Bin HUSSEIN (PL)
Senior Research Officer
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Mr. Mustapha AKIL
Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Mr. Faiz AHMAD
Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Ms. Ariungerel MANDAKH
Plant Breeding Division
Institute of Plant and Agricultural Science (IPAS)
The Philippines
Mr. Fernando B. AURIGUE (PL)
Senior Science Research Specialist (Scientist 1)
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Kanchana KLAKHAENG (PL)
Expert on Rice Breeding
Rice Department
Dr. LE Duc Thao (PL)
Deputy Director
Agricultural Genetics Institute (AGI)