Research Reactor Utilization workshop

Neutron Activation Analysis Project
Project Review
Massage from the Project Leader
Introduction of the Project Leaders
Papers for Project Outcome
Research Reactor Technology Project (Finished)
Project Review
Massage from the Project Leader
Introduction of the Project Leaders
Tc-99mGenerator Project (Finished)
Project Review
Neutron Scattering Project (Paused)
Project Review
Introduction of the Project Leaders


FNCA 2000 Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization

The workshop on the Utilization of Research Reactor was held in Taejon, Korea from November 20-24,2000.The workshop was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST)of Korea and the Science and Technology Agency(STA)of Japan*,in cooperation with Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute(JAERI).58 participants attended this workshop from Australia,CChina,Indonesia,Korea,Japan,Malaysia,ThailandA…CVietnam.
* The title was reorganized to the Ministry of Education,Culuture,Sports,Science and Technology(MEXT)of Japan from 2001
Small Anglu Nueton Scattering Experiments
(November 20-24, at HANARO Reactor Hall, Korea)
Report,Proceedings and results
1)Neutron Scattering
1. Themes: Research on the structure of functional materials including high-temperature superconductor, polymer research based on small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiment, SANS experiment using polymeric samples, and data analysis.
2. Results and Future Prospects:
a. With SANS experiments on more than 10 samples brought by the participants, favorable data and analysis results were obtained.
b. As a theme from 2001 onward, “Residual Stress Measurement/Neutron Reflectance Measurement” was proposed for industrial application.
c. It was proposed that a sub-workshop on the SANS experiment and a joint experiment should be held at the next workshop. (After the experiment is conducted in Korea, Indonesia, etc., the results will be taken to China for analysis and evaluation.)
2) Neutron Activation Analysis
1. Theme: Support system for activation analysis
2. Results and Future Prospects:
a. Information exchanges were made on support systems for activation analysis and on the present status of activation analysis in each country. It was agreed that Activation analysis would be implemented in collaboration with the participating countries.
b. Implementation of activities that focus on analysis of environment samples.
c. For the purpose of standardizing analytical methods in each country, it was agreed that development of Ko-method that was being standardized in Europe should be proposed.
3) Research reactors and utilization techniques (BNCT)
1. Theme: BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) and its pertinent techniques
2. Results and Future Prospects:
a. Strong requests for information exchanges on BNCT were made by the participating countries including Korea where a medical irradiation facility was under construction. The participants recognized the importance of network forming for information exchanges.
b. It was agreed that the progress in BNCT in each country be included in the Status Report and to continue information exchanges.
4) Round-table Discussion (which is lead by project leaders in each country and at which participants discuss future plans etc.)
Round Table Discussion (November 22, 2000, KAERI, Korea)
1. Following reports on each session, each activity was summed up.
2. A Japanese coordinator of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) introduced the FNCA system and outlined the first FNCA conference. A Japanese project leader, who stressed that this activity required visible results, explained “Establishment and diffusion of Tc generator technology that uses high-performance molybdenum absorbent (PZC)” and “Environment analysis and resource exploration that uses Neutron Activation Analysis” as a proposal from Japan.
3. A project leader from Korea suggested that since the RI production-related subject proposed by Japan would also be discussed at the IAEA/RCA expert meeting in Bangkok, in May 2001, the discussions should be conducted in collaboration with each other.
4. There was a question about funding problems that might occur when the project proposed by Japan was set up.
5. It was agreed that the 2001 workshop would be focused on the following themes:
a. a. Neutron Scattering
Utilization of a neutron scattering technique that allows for its application by end-users.
b. Neutron Activation Analysis
Application of neutron activation analysis to environmental survey and mineral resource exploration
c. c. Research reactors and utilization techniques
Establishment and diffusion of Tc generator technology using PZC
6. The chairperson offered the following suggestions: Regarding the plan from 2002 onward, I would like to propose the above b and c as main subjects at the FNCA Coordinators Meeting that will be held in March, 2001. If there are other suggestions from participants, they should be submitted to the Japan team project leaders by the end of December.
A project leader from China expressed willingness to host the 2001 Workshop.

Participents in the Workshop on Utilization of Research Reactor-FNCA 2000

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