Projects on "Tc-99m Generator Production" using Mo-99 produced by (n,γ) reaction and Poly-Zirconium Compound (PZC) adsorbent have remarkable progress in design of production system in Japan and Indonesia. The demonstration of manual production was made in BATAN at the Workshop in 2003. A larger scale automatic plant for loading Mo-99 adsorbed PZC will be installed in BATAN, Indonesia in December 2003. The demonstration of the plant operation will be performed during the next Workshop in January 2004. BATAN-Kaken Joint Patent on the PZC based Tc-99m generator and Mo-99 loading machine has been already applied in Japan (Oct. 31, 2002) and Indonesia (Feb. 24, 2003).
Automatic loading machine for Mo-99 adsorbed PZC
Future plans:
1) Quality assurance test of the Mo-PZC loaded column in Indonesia.
Loading plant installation in FNCA countries with the technical support of Japan in 2004 and 2005