FNCA 2010 Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization |
Report of
FNCA 2010 Workshop on
Research Reactor Utilization
September 13-16, 2010 Beijing, China
FNCA 2010 Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization took place as follows,
Date |
13-16 September 2010 |
Venue |
Beijing, China |
Host Organizations |
China Atomic Energy Authority(CAEA), China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) |
Participating countries |
Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam |
2010 FNCA Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization consisted of 2 workshops on sub-projects, namely Research Reactor Technology (RRT) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Since this workshop is the last meeting of the three-years-project (2008-2010), it is requested to evaluate the progress of both 2 projects.
In relation to research reactor utilization, a meeting on development of regional network for research reactor utilization and production/supply of isotopes was held on 17th September, followed by the RRU workshop.
FNCA workshop on RRT project
RRT Workshop was attended by 14 participants from 8 FNCA member countries, namely Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam including workshop staffs.
The objective of the RRT project, "Safety Analyses of RIA (Reactivity Initiated Accident) and LOFA (Loss of Flow Accident) for Research Reactors", is to improve and equalize the level of safety analysis techniques among participating countries to assure the safe and stable operation of research reactors for the promotion of effective utilization.
In the workshop, each country has reported and discussed thermal-hydraulics calculation results of domestic reactors by using the EUREKA-2/RR. It was reported that in most cases, the results agreed well with other codes or experimental data. In addition, each country presented the evaluation of current project. Through the activities for three years, the level of safety analysis techniques among participating countries has been improved and almost equalized. Moreover, each country could build and enhance networking to other countries. Therefore, the project has been achieved the success.
FNCA workshop on NAA project
NAA Workshop was attended by 18 participants from 10 FNCA member countries, namely Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam including observers and workshop staffs.
Neutron Activation Analysis is an elements analysis method by measuring the radioactivity and energy of activated elements in the sample irradiated by neutron beam. This method has an excellent beauty that is able to analyze all elements in the sample at once without any destruction. The project is performing the activities for the promotion of utilization on 3 themes that may be expected to make great socio-economic contribution.
In the workshop, all participating countries discussed their progress of NAA domestic activities, evaluation of 3rd phase of the project for three years, and future plan. In general, the three sub-projects have been satisfactorily performed.
Geochemical mapping and mineral exploration |
Participating countries : |
Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam |
- |
It was agreed that significant benefits have been achieved through the activities of this sub-project. The stream sediment inter-comparison has led to an improvement in the quality of measurements in a number of laboratories. Sharing the data has enabled participants to investigate the causes for discrepancies or variations from the assigned values. |
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A tangible result is that the participants now how three stream sediment samples that have been very well characterized and can be used as reference materials. |
Monitoring for food contaminants |
Participating countries : |
China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam |
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Each participating country has presented the analytical result of food samples. Most participating countries have prepared intact and infused tea samples following the proposed protocol. |
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Concentration level of the toxic elements such as As, Cd, Cr, Hg in the tea samples which had been selected as a common target material was discussed. |
- |
The extraction ratios for each element by infusion had evaluated and it is revealed that K and Cl have a higher extraction ratio than the others. |
Marine sediment samples for environmental monitoring |
Participating countries : |
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Vietnam |
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Each of the countries has remarkable contribution to implement this sub-project, even though the project needs to be continued in order to draw effective conclusion. |
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The possibility and necessity of core sampling was discussed as it gives the historical information and contamination. The marine environment in some countries is not significantly contaminant. In this case it is not necessary to analyze core sample. As a result large sampling areas can be covered through the analysis of surface sediment. |
Meeting on Development of regional network for research reactor utilization and production/supply of isotopes
In relation to research reactor utilization, a meeting on development of regional network for research reactor utilization and production/supply of isotopes was held on 17th September, followed by the RRU workshop. This meeting was attended by 16 participants from 8 FNCA member countries, namely Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand including workshop staffs.
In this Meeting, each country has reported and discussed current applications of research reactors and challenges, plan of new research reactors and their applications, policy and plan of production and supply of isotopes and advanced technology for isotope production has discussed. The meeting noted importance of sharing information on isotope production and supply in world terms, and technical information on advanced technology for Mo-99 and Tc99m production among FNCA member countries.
Technical Visit
Participants of FNCA workshop visited following sites in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) on September 16th.
- CARR (China Advanced Research Reactor)
- CEFR (China Experimental Fast Breeder Reactor)
Summary report of
2010 FNCA workshop on
RRT project
September 13-16, 2010 Beijing, China
1. Introduction
The objective of the RRT project, "Safety Analyses of RIA (Reactivity Initiated Accident) and LOFA (Loss of Flow Accident) for Research Reactors", is to improve and equalize the level of safety analysis techniques among participating countries to assure the safe and stable operation of research reactors for the promotion of effective utilization.
The following codes are selected as common codes for safety analyses.
(1) COOLOD-N2 : Steady-state thermal-hydraulic code
(2) EUREKA2/RR : Nuclear & thermal-hydraulic coupling code for transient change
The 1st workshop of the project was held in Dalat, Vietnam in October, 2008 and it was ended successfully. The subject was to exchange the information on current status of safety analyses of each country, to demonstrate how to install and execute COOLOD-N2 and explanation of sample problems. The 2nd workshop was held in Aomori, Japan in September, 2009 and it was also ended successfully. The subject was to exchange the information on the safety analysis result for the domestic reactor with COOLOD-N2, to demonstrate how to install and execute EUREKA2/RR and explanation of sample problems.
2. Subjects
The subject of the 3rd workshop is to exchange the information on the safety analysis result of the domestic reactor with EUREKA2/RR and to discuss the evaluation of current project and the final report, because it is the last year of the current project.
3. Opening
Mr. Hisashi Sagawa, Deputy RRT Project Leader of Japan, presented the outline of project and the fruits of project activities in 2008 and 2009. He also reported the scope and schedule of this workshop as shown in Table 1 as well as the 3 year schedule in Attachment A.
Table 1 Subjects in the third workshop
Preparation before 3rd Workshop |
3rd Workshop in FY 2010 |
Japan |
- Consult for calculations - Present structure of final report |
- Present calculation results by EUREKA2/RR - Discussion for final report - Evaluation of project |
All countries |
- Calculate domestic reactor at reactivity initiated accidents and loss of flow accidents with EUREKA2/RR - Prepare final report |
4. Participants
The workshop was attended by participants from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The list of participants is attached in Attachment B.
5. Country Reports
The safety analysis result of the domestic reactor with EUREKA2/RR was reported and discussed.
(1) |
"Use of EUREKA-2/RR for Safety Analyses of TRIGA Reactor of Bangladesh" by Dr. Mafizur Rahman
EUREKA-2/RR code has been used to study the transient behavior of the TRIGA MARK-II research reactor of Bangladesh. The temperature change in fuel, clad and coolant and the core power due to the variation of the reactivity insertion rate at the different reactor operating power is investigated. The main objective of the present study is to investigate whether the reactor system remains within the safety regime during transient situation. Interesting points from the analyses to be mentioned are:
- The time taken by the reactor for shut it down due to reactivity initiated transient depends on the reactivity insertion rate and the power during the insertion.
- Effects of Doppler's reactivity become more effective with the decreasing of reactivity insertion rate and with the decrease of reactor power.
- The maximum temperature of fuel, clad or coolant during transient has not exceeded the design limits.
Later, EUREKA-2/RR has been used to perform LOFA analyses of TRIGA MARK-II research reactor. The pattern of power change in the reactor core due to the loss of flow is found to remain almost same against the initial operation power the reactor. The temperature of the hottest rod and the outlet coolant of the hottest channel remain below the design limit imposed for the transient condition. Also, minimum DNBR and the flow rate of the hottest channel as obtained from the analyses are found reasonable. Finally, it is concluded that the code EUREKA-2/RR can be used confidently for transient analysis of TRIGA MARK-II research reactor.
(2) |
"The RIA Analysis by EUREKA-2/RR for the Core of CARR" by Dr. ZOU Yao
EUREKA-2/RR is a computer code for the Reactivity Accident Analysis (RIA) in research reactor. And CARR which went critical in May, 2010, is a multipurpose high performance research reactor with inverse neutron trap characteristics.
The computer code EUREKA-2/RR has been successfully used to simulate typical postulated inadvertent control rod withdrawal accident at full power operation in the core of CARR. According to the reactor core layout features and radial peaking factor distribution, the calculation channels are classified into four categories, including the standard fuel assembly hot channel (No.1 Channel), the standard fuel assembly average channel (No.2 Channel), the follower fuel assembly hot channel (No.3 Channel), and the follower fuel assembly average channel (No.4 Channel). Irradiation elements, beryllium reflectors, and other bypass channels are not considered in the analysis model. The specifications for the input data are mainly taken from the FSAR of CARR. The reactivity introduced by postulated inadvertent control rod withdrawal is about 0.0251% ⊿k/k/s. The scram set-point is 120% nominal thermal full power (high power protective reactor shutdown signal), and the inserted negative reactivity by scram is about -0.0253147 ⊿k/k.
With the help of the code manual and sample problems as well as the clear analysis model node and junction method, the simulation of the accident scenario went on smoothly. Though verification of the EUREKA-2/RR by other reactor safety code for CARR is temporally unavailable, the analysis results have shown that the power, reactivity, temperature and DNBR changes versus time, etc, are in accordance with the postulated RIA at full power operation and scram sequences, and that the key parameters, e.g., maximum fuel meat temperature and MDNBR, are within the designed safety limits. Other analyses such as the LOFA, shall be studied by using the EUREKA-2/RR for the core of CARR, and also the comparison of the results between EUREKA-2/RR and other reactor safety analysis code (for example RELAP5) will also be performed in the near future.
(3) |
The Multi Purpose Reactor (MPR RSG-GAS) has converted from the oxide fuel of 2.96 g/cc to silicide fuel of 2.96 g/cc uranium density. Dimension of the silicide fuel element and control element are the same with the RSG-GAS oxide fuel elements. No major change is expected in this core conversion. The steady state thermal hydraulic analysis results calculated by the COOLOD-N2 code for the hot channel at the nominal power of 25 MW are as follows. The average coolant velocity in the hot channel is calculated to be 3.71 m/s. The total pressure loss of the hot channel is calculated to be 0.618 kg/cm2. The axial power peaking (Fz=1.77) exists at about 45 cm below the top of the fuel meat. The maximum fuel surface temperature and the maximum fuel meat temperature are 133.28℃ and 137.56℃, respectively. The temperature margin against the ONB becomes the minimum at the axial power peak. The minimum temperature margin against the ONB is -3.86℃, with the ONB temperature of 129.42℃ and the fuel plate surface temperature of 133.28℃. The bulk coolant temperature rise across the hot channel is 26.63℃. MDNBR is calculated to be 1.55 and the safety margin of S (=η/ηc) is calculated to be 5.28. The safety analysis of the MPR RSG-GAS silicide core, thermal hydraulic behavior during reactivity initiated events and loss of flow accident of the MPR RSG-GAS were analyzed using EUREKA-2/RR code. In the RIA analysis in initial power of 1.0 W showed that, 24.7 sec after the transient began, the reactivity insertion stopped on the reactor power of 8.73 MW, but due to the scram delay time of 0.5 sec, the reactor power continuously increases up to 11.6 MW. After that, the reactor power is suppressed by the control rods insertion. The maximum fuel temperature and fuel plate surface temperature are calculated to be 92.42℃ and 90.57℃, respectively. The maximum coolant temperature at the hot channel exit is calculated to be 56.14℃. The minimum DNBR during the transient is calculated to be 3.47. In the RIA analysis at initial power of 25.0 MW showed that, 3.0 sec after the transient began, the reactivity insertion stopped on power of 28.52 MW, but due to the scram delay time of 0.5 sec, the reactor power continuously increases up to 29.29 MW. After that, the reactor power is suppressed by the control rods insertion. The maximum fuel temperature and fuel plate surface temperature are calculated to be 145.16℃ and 140.36℃, respectively. The maximum coolant temperature at the hot channel exit is calculated to be 76.30℃. The minimum DNBR during the transient is calculated to be 1.31. In the safety analysis for LOFA, the reactor will scram automatically, it will take place 3.05 sec after initiation signal flow rate less than 85%. The maximum meat temperature is 143.94℃, the maximum cladding temperature is 139.85℃, and the exit coolant temperature is 77.75℃. A coast down flow after pump trip removes the residual heat. Hot channel temperature decreases very sharply, which is caused by power decreasing. Whereas, the maximum meat, cladding and coolant temperature are 131.36℃, 131.07℃ and 78.23℃, respectively after 71 sec of pump trip. The minimum DNBR was calculated to be 1.26 at the scram time.
(4) |
"Safety Analysis of JRR-4 using EUREKA-2/RR" by Mr. Nobuhiko Hirane
Japan Research Reactor 4 (JRR-4) is a light water moderated and cooled, swimming pool type research reactor. The maximum thermal power is 3.5MW. The core consists of 20 fuel elements, 5 control rods (4 shim rods and 1 regulating rod), and 36 graphite reflectors. The fuel elements of JRR-4 are plate type fuel made of low enriched silicide (U3Si2-Al) fuel with aluminum cladding. One fuel element has 15 plates and 14 channels. JRR-4 has 2 cooling mode such as natural convection mode and forced convection mode. In case of high power (>200kW) operation, cooling mode is forced convection and its flow is 8m3/min downward flow.
JRR-4 is designed to satisfy several safety criteria such as fuel temperature, coolant temperature, departure from nucleate boiling ratio (DNBR), and so on.
Safety analyses of JRR-4 such as reactivity transient and loss of flow accident are carried out by EUREKA-2/RR.
For the radial modeling of reactor core in EUREKA-2/RR, the core was divided into 5 channels according to radial factors (FR). These peaking factors were obtained by neutronic calculations. The hot channel is located at the fuel cell No. E5 and contains one fuel plate and one coolant channel. Other fuel elements are divided according to radial factor level into 4 channels, and these were named No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5 channel.
On the other hand, for the axial modeling, the core was divided to upper and lower plenums, and channels and fuel plates (heat slab). Moreover, these channels and fuel plates were divided into 10 segments in axial direction.
The calculation was performed for 4 cases, namely;
- Step reactivity (0.002%dk/k) insertion event due to irradiation material withdrawal,
- Ramp reactivity (0.2%dk/k/min) insertion event due to uncontrolled control rod withdrawal,
- Loss of flow accident (100% to 80% of normal flow) due to one of primary pump failure,
- Loss of flow accident (100% to 50% of normal flow) due to one of main regulating valves closed by wrong operation.
From results of these calculations, it was confirmed that all safety criteria were satisfied.
(5) |
"Accident Analysis for a Research Reactor with Flat Plate Type Fuels Using EUREKA-2/RR" by Dr. Jonghark Park
Under the FNCA workshop for research reactor utilization, EUREKA-2/RR was adopted to be an analysis code for accident analysis of research reactors of all participating countries. Although Korea tried to adopt the EUREKA-2/RR to the accident analysis of HANARO, the finned rod type fuel makes it difficult due to the unique shape of HANARO fuel. For accident analysis using EUREKA-2/RR, Korea decided to introduce a virtual reactor using plate type fuels, which is an open pool type 5 MW power reactor.
Two accident analyses are conducted on this reactor; one is for reactivity insertion accident (RIA) due to withdrawal of all control rods by any reason, the other is for loss of flow accident (LOFA). All of these calculation results are compared with those of RELAP code.
The analysis model for calculation using EUREKA-2/RR consists of 50 volumes, 52 heat slabs and 56 nodes. The volumes are uniformly divided into 10 segments in axial direction. All heat slabs are also divided into same interval. Kinetic parameters are obtained by the neutronic calculation, and some of major input data were assumed reasonably based on our experience. Initial power is set as 5.25 MW considering 5% of power measurement uncertainty for conservatism.
According to the calculation results, when the reactivity insertion accident due to that withdrawal of control rods occurs, the fuel temperature can be maintained under the saturation temperature at average channel. Maximum temperature at the hot channel reaches about 128℃. In case of LOFA, fuel temperature rise over 130℃, but it is much lower than the safety limit. In the comparison with the results of RELAP, both showed somewhat dissimilar results, because of different physical model. The correlation for DNB (departure of nucleate boiling) adopted in EUREKA-2/RR is suitable for plate type fuels, the DNBR value obtained by EUREKA-2/RR will be a good reference to the other calculation results. EUREKA-2/RR seems to be easy to use so that it is good for the beginners to learn the accident analysis.
(6) |
The EUREKA-2/RR code provided by JAEA is used to study the reactivity induced transient analyses of TRIGA MARK-II research reactor. The analysis is done for the RTP core configuration No.14 consisting of 112 fuel elements including 3 fuel follower elements. The neutronic analysis results (power peaking factor) were obtained for every fuel elements to develop the EUREKA-2/RR schematic diagram accordingly. All these works were carried out under the supervision of IAEA expert, Dr Masanori KAMINAGA.
Then, input deck is prepared for Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) and Loss of Flow Accident (LOFA) analysis. For RIA there are three kinds of analyses which are (1) Control rod withdrawn at start-up condition; 0.3 W (0.0643% dk/k), (2) Control rod withdrawn at 750kW (0.0643% dk/k), (3) Transient rod withdrawal at 750kW ($2.61007 / 1.827% dk/k). For every analysis, the scram power limit is set at 1.1MW as stated in RTP Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and delayed time for scram reactivity is 0.1 second. Case (1) & (2) represent the reactivity step insertion by transient control rod and case (3) is ramp insertion by transient rod in very short time. For LOFA, preset value for scram signal to be initiated is 85% flow rate of nominal value and the scram delay time is 0.5 second.
Important parameters such as DNBR, fuel and coolant temperatures and reactivity were calculated. The results show all parameters remain below the safety limit. In conclusion, the EUREKA-2/RR can be used for analysis of Reactivity Initiated Accident and Loss of Flow Accident for 1MW RTP.
(7) |
"Safety Analysis of the TRR-1/M1 using EUREKA-2/RR" by Mr. Chanatip Tippayakul
During the 2010 FNCA project, the safety analysis of TRR-1/M1 using EUREKA-2/RR is conducted. The major activities during the year focus on the development of the EUREKA-2/RR model and calculation for TRR-1/M1. The core loading number 18 of TRR-1/M1 (current core as of August 2010) is used to represent typical TRR-1/M1 core configurations. This core consists of 107 fuel elements (including 4 fuel follower control rods). The SRAC/COREBN code has been used to obtain the 3D power distribution of the core. To create the EUREKA-2/RR model, the power distribution results are grouped into 50 heat slabs. In addition, the EUREKA-2/RR model has 54 channel nodes with 58 junctions representing flow channels in the core including the upper plenum, the lower plenum and the pool water layers above and beneath the core. Input parameters used in the calculation (such as reactivity insertion from fuel temperature effect, reactivity insertion from water temperature effect or kinetics parameters) are taken from the GA Technical Reports and TRIGA Mark-III Safety Analysis Report. The reactivity insertion accident as a credible accident for TRR-1/M1 has been simulated using EUREKA-2/RR. The postulated worst scenario for the reactivity insertion accident is the transient rod ejection accident which rapidly inserts large amount of reactivity into the core. The simulation of this accident assumes ramp reactivity insertion of 3.00$ within 0.1 second. The calculation result shows that the maximum power excursion occurs of approximately 8,400 MW and drops to low power in a very short time (milli-second range). The simulation also shows that the fuel temperature increases rapidly to approximately 680 ℃. Nevertheless, for the whole transient period, the fuel temperature does not exceed the design limit of 930 ℃. Also, the maximum coolant temperature at the exit channel is well below the boiling point during the whole transient period. Both fuel temperature and coolant temperature calculation results indicate that the reactor is still within safety limit with sufficient margin during the transient rod ejection accident. Moreover, the validation of the EUREKA-2/RR model is planned to be conducted using the data recorded from the reactor experiments. Unfortunately, the current I&C system of TRR-1/M1 is an analog type and is incapable to record data in real-time. Therefore, a data acquisition system for the validation purpose is being developed as part of this project. After the completion of the data acquisition system, the validation will be performed to assess the validity of the EUREKA-2/RR model of TRR-1/M1. The EUREKA-2/RR model of TRR-1/M1 developed in this FNCA project will be useful in many upcoming applications such as the update of safety analysis report and I&C system upgrade project.
(8) |
"Safety analyse of 92 LEU fuel loading pattern for Dalat Nuclear Reactor using EUREKA-2/RR code" by Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan
The 500 kW, pool-typed, light water cooled and moderated Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor (DNRR) was reconstructed from 250 kW TRIGA type made in USA. The reconstructed reactor reached the first criticality on 1 November 1983. And then, since March 1984, the reactor has been put into operation for the purposes of radioisotope production, neutron activation analysis, fundamental and applied research, and training. Since start-up, the working configuration of the reactor core has been changed from 89 HEU FAs in 1984 to 100 HEU FAs in 1994, 104 HEU FAs in 2002, and 106 HEU FAs in 2006. On 12 September 2007, the partial core conversion of the DNRR from HEU fuel to LEU fuel was carried out with the loading of six LEU FAs with enrichment of 19.75% together with the existing 98 HEU FAs in the core.
The Dalat nuclear reactor will be converted to use LEU fuel (19.75% enrichment) at the end of 2010. Computer codes of neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculation have been used for analysis of 92 LEU fuel loading pattern. Neutronic parameters of this pattern such as power peaking factor, reactor kinetic parameters and temperature reactivity coefficients were calculated by using MCNP5 and REBUS/WIMS-ANL code. The thermal hydraulic codes such as RELAP5 and EUREKA-2/RR have been used to analyze thermal hydraulic safety for this loading pattern. Based on power peaking factors, the reactor was modeled by 50 volume nodes and 59 junctions and each of fuel assembly was divided into 10 slabs. The analytical results showed that RIA transient caused by un-control withdrawal of one shim rod from position of 400mm to 200mm at speed of 3.4mm/s (total inserted reactivity of 0.010428⊿k/k) and LOFA transient caused by primary pump stop, EUREKA-2/RR code over predicted surface temperature compared to RELAP5 and the measured values by 10℃. However, from conservative point of view, these calculations results confirm Dalat reactor within safety limits in all cases of transients simulated. The problem of over prediction using EURREKA-2/RR can be explained from that the EUREKA-2/RR model of fuel assembly VVR-M2 type was not good or heat transfer correlations of EUREKA-2/RR is not suitable for the Dalat reactor case. Therefore, further study about these problems should continue and modification of computer code may be needed.
6. Evaluation for the project
Each country presented the evaluation of current project. Through the activities for three years, the level of safety analysis techniques among participating countries has been improved and almost equalized. COOLOD-N2 and EUREKA-2/RR are less complicated to learn and use than other codes such as COBRA and RELAP5, and these codes are very friendly to understand the phenomena of transient behavior of a research reactor. Moreover, each country could build and enhance networking to other countries. Therefore, the project has been achieved the success.
All member countries wish the RRT project should be continued, and some of member countries wish the project may not focus only on the research reactor but also for nuclear power plants (NPPs), because the most Asian countries have plans to introduce NPPs. As a next project, design of irradiation facilities and the aging problem were listed up for a research reactor. Information exchange and development of human resources were also listed up for NPPs.
Mr. Hisashi Sagawa asked the participants to discuss the evaluation again with each project leader/coordinator and to send officially the final version of evaluation report to the FNCA secretariat as soon as possible. All participants agreed with that.
7. Final report
With regard to the final report, Mr. H.Sagawa explained the table of contents and the sub contents of chapters of the draft. He also asked the participants to send the manuscript to Mr. Hirane and him by the end of this year. All participants agreed with that.
8. Conclusion
1. |
The workshop was held successfully with participants from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. |
2. |
Each country has reported thermal-hydraulics calculation results of domestic reactors by using the EUREKA-2/RR. It was reported that in most cases, the results agreed well with other codes or experimental data. |
3. |
Each country presented the evaluation of current project. It was found that the level of safety analysis techniques among participating countries has been improved and almost equalized. The project has been achieved the success. |
4. |
All participants are convinced that the RRT-project should be continued, and some of member countries wish the project to focus on nuclear power plants as well as research reactors, because the most Asian countries have plans to construct nuclear power plants. |
5. |
The discussion of the final report was carried out. All participants agreed the contents of report. They also agreed that they would send the manuscript to Japanese counterpart by the end of this year. |
Meeting report for
2010 FNCA workshop on
NAA project
September 13-16, 2010 Beijing, China
1. |
Dr. John W. Bennett |
Australia |
national representative |
2. |
Dr. Syed Mohammod Hosain |
Bangladesh |
national representative |
3. |
Prof. Banfa Ni |
China |
national representative |
4. |
Dr. Setyo Purwanto |
Indonesia |
national representative |
5. |
Prof. Mitsuru Ebihara |
Japan |
project leader |
6. |
Prof. Motoyuki Matsuo |
Japan |
additional delegate |
7. |
Prof. Tsuyoshi Tanaka |
Japan |
additional delegate |
8. |
Dr. Hideaki Matsue |
Japan |
additional delegate |
9. |
Dr. Shun Sekimoto |
Japan |
observer |
10. |
Mr. Jong-Hwa Moon |
Korea |
national representative |
11. |
Dr. Wee Boon Siong |
Malaysia |
national representative |
12. |
Ms. Preciosa Corazon Pabroa |
Philippines |
national representative |
13. |
Ms. Arporn Busamongkol |
Thailand |
national representative |
14. |
Mr. Cao Dong Vu |
Vietnam |
national representative |
15. |
Dr. Sueo Machi |
Japan |
coordinator of Japan |
The 2010 FNCA workshop on NAA project was jointly held with the workshop on RRT. During the opening session, Prof. M. Ebihara, a project leader of Japan, presented a overview talk entitled "Scope of 2010 workshop on NAA". The session was closed with the introduction of participants.
The workshop consists of the following sessions:
I. |
Progress reports for individual sub-projects, namely;
a) NAA of geochemical samples for geochemical mapping and mineral exploration
b) NAA of food samples for contamination-monitoring
c) NAA of marine sediment samples for environmental monitoring
For each of the sub-projects, there was a general discussion after hearing presentations of participating countries.
II. |
Evaluation of 3rd phase of the project for three years. |
III. |
Discussion on the future plan |
I. Progress reports by participating countries for individual sub-projects
In this session, all participating countries reported their progress report for each sub-project. After hearing such reports, a comprehensive discussion (described as general discussion in the following report) was done under the chairmanship of a subproject leader for each subproject. These discussions considered objectives, goals, potential for cooperation, work-sharing and road-mapping. In each case there was a focus on potential end-users.
I-1 Geochemical monitoring and mineral exploration
Australia : Dr. John W. Bennett - sub-project leader
The sub-project leader began by thanking all the participants in the laboratory inter-comparison measurements. Measurements were received from eight laboratories in seven countries, including two from Japan and one in Vietnam.
Three stream sediments were distributed by Professor Tanaka to each of the participating laboratories. The laboratories were requested to take four sub-samples of each sediment and use NAA and any other analytical method to determine the elemental composition. The project leader collated all the data and, with the assistance of the Australian National Measurement Institute, has produced and distributed a quantitative comparison of the performance of each laboratory. Further interpretation of the work will be carried out, with the intention of publishing the results in scientific journals.
Bangladesh : Dr. Syed Mohammod Hossain
In order to implement the sub-project 1 (Geochemical Analysis) Bangladesh has done the following work: i) participated in the Inter-comparison Exercise through the analysis of three stream sediments; ii) for minerals exploration sixty three sediments samples have collected from 21 locations with 1 km interval at 3 depths for covering 21 km coast of Cox's Bazar (from Laboni Beach to Inani Beach). The analysis is in progress.
China: Dr. Ni Bangfa
The stream sediment samples were analysed using a hybrid version of k0-NAA and relative NAA, both developed in the laboratory. The results using the two approaches were in good agreement. The REE distribution of coastal wetlands surface soil from the Yellow River Delta has been determined using NAA. Comparisons have been made between surface soil concentrations and the concentrations found in different vegetation materials.
Indonesia : Mr. Sutisna
Implementation of k0-INAA for a Geochemical Mapping Study of Panjang Island in the provence of Banten has been done. Samples have been collected from Panjang Island with exact position determined by GPS. The fried dried technique has been used for sample preparation. The target prepared as dry weight. Some elements mapping was determined by the NAA technique but data analysis is in progress. Thorium concentrations were found to vary from 1 - 8.5 mg/kg. Cerium was found with concentration from 2-105 mg/kg. Iron (Fe) is abundant, with concentrations greater than 3 per cent.
Japan : Prof. Tsuyoshi Tanaka
Several areas of progress in geochemical mapping sub-project in Japan are remarkable :
1) |
The sampling has expanded towards the east of the research area where mafic rocks are exposed. We got geochemical data related to mafic rocks. |
2) |
Our results are compared with "Geochemical Map of Sea and Land of Japan" published by Geological Survey of Japan in 2010. They used ICP-MS and ICP-AES. Hf and heavy REE such as Yb and Lu, abundances of his map shows 1/3 - 1/5 values of ours which is analyzed by INAA. The low values are probably due to incomplete acid digestion. |
3) |
A public lecture of geochemical mapping was held in Geochemical Soc Japan Meeting and was very well attended. |
The three stream sediment samples for the laboratory inter-comparison were analysed in the laboratory of Professor Tanaka and Professor Mitsuru Ebihara.
Malaysia: Dr. Wee Boon Siong
Communication has been established between the Malaysian Nuclear Agency and the Mineral and Geoscience Department. Discussions have investigated possible collaboration in the areas of providing NAA and other analytical services, research, training in NAA and other analytical methods and consultancies. Approaches include visits to the Mineral and Geoscience Department, holding a workshop on NAA application in geochemical studies and the establishment of a service agreement.
General discussion
In round table discussion it was agreed that significant benefits have been achieved through the activities of the sub-project. The stream sediment inter-comparison has led to an improvement in the quality of measurements in a number of laboratories. Sharing the data has enabled participants to investigate the causes for discrepancies or variations from the assigned values.
A tangible result will be the publication of a number of journal papers. This has a number of benefits including raising of the profile of the FNCA in the research community, providing a demonstration of the proficiency of the participating laboratories and contributing to the professional expertise of the practitioners.
Another tangible result is that the participants now how three stream sediment samples that have been very well characterised and can be used as reference materials within our laboratories. Additional material can be purchased from the Japanese Geological Society.
In Indonesia participation in the sub-project has initiated a geochemical mapping of an island in order to establish base-line values for various elements, prior to a change in land use. The success of this work will lead to an extension of the approach to other areas in the country.
Malaysia described how the sub-project has been the driver for establishing communications with the national Mineral and Geoscience Department. A likely consequence will be to raise the profile of NAA within the country and inform key decision-makers of the advantages that NAA can offer in geochemical analysis. The meeting considered that the experience of Malaysia in establishing linkages with end-users may act as a template for initiatives in other countries. It was noted that the model allows for projects to scale up or scale down, according to the availability of funding.
In Australia, participation in the project has led to a very productive relationship with the National Metrology Institute. Projects related to geochemical analysis have been established with two universities and a mining company.
Within Japan, the geochemical mapping sub-project has led to major engagement in the education sector. Many students over a number of years have participated in sample collection and analysis, producing a cohort of professionals who have direct experience of the application and benefit of NAA. A benefit of carrying out such projects within the university environment is that they are less dependent on the availability of external funding. Other countries expressed the opinion tht, although significant laboratory resources were required to participate in the inter-comparison measurements, the positive benefits certainly justified the investment.
There was a clear sense that the geochemical mapping sub-project has reinforced the need for NAA practitioners to engage with the end-users, to inform the end-users of the potential applications and benefits of NAA and to work jointly to identify suitable collaborative project. There are already very positive signs that these linkages are being formed in a number of the participating countries. This approach will lead to demand-driven projects that genuinely meet the needs of the end-users.
I-2 Monitoring of food contaminants
Prof. B.-F. Ni (China)
Thirty four trace elements from 15 brands of market Chinese tea leaves have been determined by NAA techniques, which include Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, V, W, Yb and Zn. The trace elements of filtrate from three kinds of Ferment degree tea leaves infused have been determined. The results indicated that: i) Tea contains rich trace elements. The concentrations vary with origin and picking time. ii) The dissolving rate is element dependent. iii) Tea is a rich source of Mn comparing with other plant food. iv) Drinking tea can complement some essential trace elements, but far less than the total amount needed by human body.
Dr. S. Purwanto (Indonesia)
Monitoring contaminant with determination of toxic and essensial elements in tea leaf by NAA method has been done. Five kinds of tea product (green tea, black tea, rossella tea, vanila tea and jasmine tea) were collected from the market in Banten provence. Analysis of the samples show macronutrients as K (10-25 mg/kg), Ca (7-21 mg/kg), Mg(2-4 mg/kg) ; micronutrients as Mn (0.2-0.8 mg/kg), Fe(0.17-0.7mg/kg) for dry tea samples. Cr was found in dry tea samples at around 1.8-3 microgram/kg. All of the element concentration for leached tea samples were decreased.
Mr. J.-H. Moon (Korea)
Three kinds of tea samples such as green, black and barley tea, were purchased from market and prepared for NAA. In addition, infused tea samples were also prepared to evaluate extraction level of elements in the tea samples. 15 elements in green and barley tea samples and 22 elements in black tea sample were determined by INAA, respectively. K has the highest contents among the determined elements and Cl is the highest extraction ratio up to 90%. Toxic metals like As, Cd, Hg could not be detected from the analyzed samples.
Prof. M. Ebihara (Japan)
Six kinds of domestic green tea leave samples were collected by purchasing from markets and processed following the protocol proposed by Mr. Moon. Both intact and infusion samples were analyzed by prompt gamma-ray analysis (PGA). Boron, Cl, K and Mn could be reliably determined for both types of samples. It was found that contents of the four elements are within a factor of two, regardless of the difference of producing area, processing and price. About 90 and 75% of Cl and K were leached after 6 min infusion, respectively.
Dr. B. S. Wee (Malaysia)
We have analyzed 10 tea samples by local tea companies from Cameron Highland and Sabah. The use of NAA is able to determine 19 elements and validated using standard reference materials. Trace elements in tea leaves do not show significant difference before and after infusion except for K. Malaysia tea leaves show concentration ranges similar to those from Africa and Asia. The elements Ba, Ca, Cs and Mg are slightly higher in Malaysian tea leaves than those of Africa and Asia. In future, we plan to continue to collect other local tea samples and to compare their trace element contents.
Ms. A. Busamongkol (Thailand)
Ten types of commercially herbal teas in Thailand namely: Lipton tea, Safflower tea, Mulberry tea, Green tea, Ginkgo leaves tea, Oolong tea, Mulberry green tea with chrysanthemum, Mulberry green tea with safflower and gacina, Mulberry green tea with jasmine flower & Thai tea were purchased from a supermarket in Bangkok, Thailand. Mineral analysis for Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc & Zn in dry teas and infusion teas were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results shown that the best average extraction rate was Cl(87%) and the extraction rates of K was over 79% for all herbal tea infusion.
Mr. C. D. Vu (Vietnam)
Content of the nutrient elements (Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se and Zn) and heavy-toxic metals (As, Hg, Cd and Pb) in 54 tea leave samples collected at three main tea-grown areas in Lamdong: Caudat, Dilinh and Baoloc were analyzed by AAS, RNAA and INAA at Dalat Research Reactor. The results show that most of these concentrations are in range of published data. Amount of heavy - toxic metal is below the limited standard, except for Pb.
General discussion
Representatives from seven countries participating in the sub-project of food analysis such as China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, have presented the analytical results of food samples. Most of participating countries have prepared intact and infused tea samples following the protocol proposed by Mr. Moon. For one thing, we discussed concentration level of the toxic elements such as As, Cd, Cr, Hg in the tea samples which had been selected as a common target material. In addition, we have evaluated the extraction ratios for each element by infusion and it is revealed that K and Cl have a higher extraction ratio than the others. Secondly, we discussed publishing of scientific journal by cooking of our analytical results of tea samples. It was agreed that we will present our work at the MTAA13 which will be be held in USA, next year. In order to do that, we made a deadline in sending modified or compensated final data to Mr Moon, which is the end of November. Mr. Moon will collect all the data and cook them to make full paper to publish scientific journal, JRNC.
I-3. NAA of marine sediment samples for environmental monitoring
Bangladesh: Dr. S. M. Hossain
According to the work plan under the FNCA-RRU/NAA project, Bangladesh has performed assessment of environmental contamination due to shipbreaking activities in the coastal belt of 20 km in Shitakunda, Chittagong using NAA technique. The analysis of 15 soil samples collected from five shipbreaking yards revealed that the investigated shipbreaking yards are highly contaminated with As, Sb and Cr. This is very preliminary observation. Intensive study in systematic way is required to draw the final conclusion.
Indonesia: Dr. S. Purwanto
Pollutan mapping on industrial area of Suryalaya and Labuan Power Steam Plant-Banten Provence have been done. Sample (soil, water and plant) obtained from area around PLTU Suryalaya and Labuan-Banten Provence. Samples have been collected from 16 sampling point around ring 1 - ring 4 with each distance 5km-20km. The total soil and plant samples were 32 and 16, respectively. The fried dried technique has been used. The target prepared as dry weight. After analysis with NAA technique, the toxic element such kind of Sb was obtained with variety concentration 0.5-0.8 mg/kg from area around Suryalaya Power Steam. In the case of Labuan-coastal, Cr element was obtained with variety concentration from 9.3-56.5 mg/kg.
Japan: Prof. M. Matsuo
Firstly, features of environmental samples were summarized and the usefulness of NAA method in these samples was emphasized. Core sampling method, which was recommended as a common sampling method, was adopted in order to clarify the past environmental changes. The following research works performed were presented in this session: i) Restoration of environment of coastal seabed by using sediments under Hypoxia; ii) Application of environmental samples by using Multiple Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (MPGA).
The Philippines: Ms. P. Pabroa
Marine sediment core samples from two sampling sites - the Manila Bay and the Sorsogon Bay - have been collected to determine the trace and toxic element inputs in these two bodies of water and correlate these inputs with time using data on 210Pb dating. Studies on these sites have been conducted mainly to determine the history of pollutant inputs in the bays and assess its impact in the ecosystem (in part, its relationship to harmful algal bloom). All samples collected have been pelletized and ready for analysis by EDXRF. Optimization of analytical conditions/setting-up of calibration curves, however, is still on-going. Some samples have been analyzed using previous protocol, but calculations have not been finished. Correlation plots and source apportionment studies will be attempted with the elemental data generated in correlation with 210Pb dating.
Malaysia: Dr. W. B. Siong
Environment monitoring using marine sediments is essential for understanding the level of toxic element pollution in marine environment. Since 2003, we have collected many marine sediment samples around the Malaysian coastlines and this project is supported by the government. For this year, we report the results of marine sediment sample collected from Talang-Satang National Park and Bako National Park. The aim of this study is to assess the level of pollution in sediments in these national parks is by using enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo). The results show that EF and Igeo of As in Bako National Park is higher than those of Talang-Satang National Park. The high As maybe due to anthropogenic sources from the river discharges from the mainland. For elements Cr and Sb, both national parks show no significant contamination as indicated by their EFs and Igeo values.
Vietnam: Mr. C. D. Vu
The INAA methods were applied to analyze the concentration of elements in sediment samples collected at Dinhan, the biggest port in the West South of Vietnam. The results show that content of Zn, Co, Cr, Fe is 1.5 to 10 times higher than that in the sample picked up at Nhatrang, Binhthuan and Vungtau. This might due to the pollution from transportation activities at this area.
General Discussion
The achievement of each participating countries was discussed. The following points came out through the discussion:
i) |
Each of the countries has remarkable contribution to implement the sub-project 3, even though the project needs to be continued in order to draw effective conclusion. |
ii) |
The possibility and necessity of core sampling was discussed as it gives the historical information of contamination. The marine environment in some countries is not significantly contaminant. In this case it is not necessary to analyze core sample. As a result large sampling areas can be covered through the analysis of surface sediment. |
iii) |
The following six countries showed their interest to work on sub-project 3 (if it's extended): Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines and Vietnam. Among them, Bangladesh, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines and Vietnam expressed their interest to work on marine sediment. On the other hand, Indonesia expressed their interest to work on river sediment and surface soil due to their own situation. |
II. Evaluation of 3rd phase of the project for three years.
Each country submitted an evaluation sheet prior to the workshop. During the workshop, each country explained the content of the evaluation sheet. In general, the three subprojects have been satisfactorily performed. Although another half a year is remaining in 2010, we may conclude that the NAA project has been tangibly performed.
III. Discussion on the future plan
Basically, we agreed that the three sub-projects we adopted for the third phase would be continued for another three years form 2011 to 2013. The followings are summary of our discussion on individual projects for the fourth phase.
III-1. NAA of geochemical samples for geochemical mapping and mineral exploration
In round-table discussion it was agreed that a new phase of the geochemical mapping sub-project would be necessary in order to reap the rewards of the successful first steps that have been achieved in the current phase. Most importantly, the momentum in engaging with end-users should accelerate. Through these networks, projects that take full advantage of the particular strengths of NAA will be formulated and implemented.
It was agreed that the scope of the sub-project should be broadened to include applications of geochemical mapping techniques in field such as the environment. The sub-project should include only terrestrial systems, leaving marine systems to another sub-project. The title may be shortened to 'Geochemical mapping'.
An important component of the new phase would be to communicate the successes of the sub-project with a broad audience. Under the banner of the FNCA, brochures could be produced to promote individual laboratories and to inform analytical chemists of the strengths of NAA, a booklet of case-studies could be produced and opportunities should be sought to have 'good news' stories written by journalists in the print media.
All six existing participating countries expressed an intention to join the next phase of the geochemical mapping sub-project: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia. The Philippines may also consider joining.
The Australian national representative agreed to continue in the role of sub-project leader if the next phase is approved.
III-2. NAA of food samples for contamination-monitoring
There was a discussion to continuation of food analysis as a sub-project in the next phase. It was clearly agreed that food analysis by NAA is an important subject and this sub-project should be kept coninued. Subsequently, an attempt was made to choose common target samples which have an impact to public concerns as well as research objects with significance. Many delegates of participating countries in the food sub-project would be likely to extend tea or rice analysis which has been executed in this phase. However, we do not reach to final decision because of a lack of time for discussion and the necessity for a prudent attitude. Consequently, we agreed that final decision of target samples will be made through the opinion exchange by an E-mail. As for the target material, we may look forwards to hearing any opinion and suggestion at the coordinators meeting held at the end of this fiscal year, when the decision for the continuation of the NAA project will be officially made.
III-3. NAA of marine sediment samples for environmental monitoring
As described in the general discussion of this subproject in the first section, the participating countries agreed to continue the activity of this subproject for the next three years if the continuation is approved. A main reason for wishing of the continuation of this subproject is that the first term form 2008 to 2010 for this subproject was mainly amined for recognition of the present status of the NAA application to the marine sediment samples and discussion for the effective experimental procedure for monitoring for the environmental contamination level. Participating countries unanimously agrees that at least another three years are needed to have the project tangibly performed. Especially, core sampling is to be done in the next term because it is very effective to obtain information of chronological variation of the contamination level at the marine environment. For such countries where contamination at marine environment is not serious at present, sampling in rather large surface area can be alternatively done. Currently, the following six countries show their intensions to work on the marine sample subproject if it is extended: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines and Vietnam. The representative from Japan is willing to work as a subproject leader if the subproject will be continued for at least another three years.
Program of
FNCA 2010 Workshop on
Research Reactor Utilization
September 13-17, 2010 Beijing, China
Host Organization |
: |
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Executing Institution |
: |
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA) |
Date |
: |
13-17 September 2010 |
Venue |
: |
Ziyu Hotel, Beijing, China |
FNCA Workshop on RRT/NAA of Research Reactor Utilization
< Research Reactor Technology(RRT) and Neutron Activation Analysis(NAA) joint event >
Monday, 13 September
Opening Session (Plenary)
Opening and Welcome Remarks
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Representative of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Highlights of Progress of Projects in 2009-10, 10th Ministerial Level Meeting and 11th Coordinators Meeting
Dr. Sueo Machi (FNCA Coordinator of Japan)
Scope of 2010 Workshop on RRT
Mr. Hisashi Sagawa (Research Reactor Technology (RRT) Project of Japan)
Scope of 2010 Workshop on NAA
Prof. Mitsuru Ebihara
(Leader of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Project of Japan)
Self introduction by each participants
Coffee Break
(Move to Parallel session)
< Research Reactor Technology (RRT) Parallel Session >
(After the opening session)
Monday, 13 September
RRT-1 : Country Report on the safety analysis result of the domestic reactor using EUREKA2/RR
Bangladesh / China
RRT-1 : (Cont.)
Indonesia / Japan / Korea
Coffee Break
Malaysia / Thailand / Vietnam
Tuesday, 14 September
RRT-1 : (Cont.)
Discussion on Country Report
Coffee Break
RRT-2 : Conclusion and Future Application of Three-Years-Projects
Bangladesh / China
RRT-2 : (Cont.)
Indonesia / Japan / Korea
Coffee Break
Malaysia / Thailand / Vietnam
Wednesday, 15 September
RRT-3 : Discussion on Project Final Report
Coffee Break
RRT-4 : Drafting of Minutes
Coffee Break
RRT-4: (Cont.)
Thursday, 16 September
RRT-4 : (Cont.)
Coffee Break
(Move to Joint session)
< Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Parallel Session >
(After the opening session)
Monday, 13 September
NAA-1 : NAA of geochemical samples for mapping and mineral resources exploration
Australia / Bangladesh / China / Indonesia
NAA-1 : (Cont.)
Japan / Malaysia / Vietnam
Summary discussion: Australia, Japan
Coffee Break
NAA-1(a) : NAA of Soil Samples
Discussion: Australia
Tuesday, 14 September
NAA-2 : NAA of food (tea) samples for contamination-monitoring
China / Indonesia / Japan / Korea
Coffee Break
Malaysia / Thailand / Vietnam
Summary discussion: Korea, Thailand
NAA-3 : NAA of marine sediment samples for environmental monitoring
Bangladesh / Indonesia / Japan / The Philippines
Coffee Break
Malaysia / Vietnam
Summary discussion: Japan, Bangladesh
Wednesday, 15 September
NAA-4: Evaluation of 3rd Phase of the Project for 3 years
Australia / Bangladesh / China / Indonesia
Coffee Break
NAA-4 : (Cont.)
Korea / Japan / Malaysia / The Philippines
NAA-4 : (Cont.)
Thailand / Vietnam / Japan
General Discussion for 3rd phase evaluation
Coffee Break
NAA-5 : General Discussion on the future plan after the completion of the 3rd phase
- Tangible results and their impact
- Challenges
- Linkage with end-users of results
- Demand driven plan
NAA-6 : General Discussion and Summary of the 2010 workshop
Thursday, 16 September
NAA-7 : Drafting of Minutes
Coffee Break
(Move to Joint session)
< Research Reactor Technology(RRT) and Neutron Activation Analysis(NAA) joint event >
(after each parallel session)
Thursday, 16 September
Wrap up session
Report of RRT Minutes and Discussion
Report of NAA Minutes and Discussion
Closing Remarks
Technical Visit (China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE))
- CARR (China Advanced Research Reactor)
- CEFR (China Experimental Fast Breeder Reactor)
< Meeting on Development of regional network for research reactor utilization and production/supply of isotopes >
Friday, 17 September
Theme: "Development of Regional Network for Research Reactor Utilization and Production/Supply of Isotopes"
Opening Remarks
FNCA coordinator of Japan
Self Introduction
Session 1 : Country report on current applications of research reactors and challenges
Australia / Bangladesh / China / Indonesia / Japan / Korea / Malaysia /
Thailand/ Vietnam
Coffee Break
Session 2 : Plan of new research reactors and their applications
Japan(Upgraded JMTR) / Malaysia / Thailand / Vietnam / Korea
Session 3: Policy and plan of production and supply of isotopes for medical and industrial Purposes
Australia / China / Indonesia / Japan (Japan Radioisotope Association) / Korea
Coffee Break
Session 4: Technology development and plan of production of Mo-99 by n-gammaReaction and Tc-99m by PZC
JAEA, Japan / BATAN, Indonesia
Session 5:Technology and plan of production of Mo-99 and Tc-99m by fission reaction
ANSTO, Australia / BATAN, Indonesia
Session 6 : Round table discussion "Needs and feasibility of network among FNCA countries for stable supply/production of isotopes"
- Shortage of Mo-99 supply in Japan and Korea
- Concern about unpredictable supply of Mo-99 by MDS, Nordion
- Potential suppliers of Mo-99 such as Australia, China and Indonesia
- Challenges for establishment of regional supply network
- Necessary actions towards establishment of regional supply network
Session 7: Summary and conclusion
Participant list
FNCA 2010 Workshop on
Research Reactor Utilization
September 13-16, 2010 Beijing, China
Workshop on Neutron Activation Analysis Project (September 13-16)
Dr. John William Bennett
Leader, Neutron Activation Group,
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation・・NSTO)
Dr. Syed Mohammod Hosain
Principal Scientific Officer,
Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology(INST),
Atomic Energy Research Establishment(AERE),
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
Prof. Ni Bangfa
Director, Nucl. Anl. Lab, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Dr. Setyo Purwanto
Head of Division, Center Tech. of Material Nuclear Industry,
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN)
Dr. Sueo Machi
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Mr.Takeshi Ishizaka
Special staff, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division,
Research and Development Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Prof. Mitsuru Ebihara
Professor, Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Prof. Motoyuki Matsuo
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
Dr. Hideali Matsue
Assistant Principal Engineer, Research Reactor Utilization Section,
Department of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
Dr. Shun Sekimoto
Assistant Professor,
Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute
Prof. Tsuyoshi Tanaka
Emeritus Professor,
Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya University
Ms. Chiaki Inokoshi
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Ms. Aki Koike
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Mr. Jong-Hwa Moon
Senior Researcher, Neutron Science Research Division,
Research Reactor Application & Development Department,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Dr. Wee Boon Siong
Research Officer, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
The Philippines
Ms. Preciosa Corazon B. Pabroa
Senior Science Research Specialist,
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Ms. Arporn Busamongkol
Senior Nuclear Scientist,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Mr. Cao Dong Vu
Deputy Director, Center for Analytical Techniques (CATech),
Nuclear Research Institute (NRI),
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VAEI)
Workshop on Research Reactor Technology Project (September 13-16)
Dr. Mafizur Rahman
Chief Scientific Officer and Director, Training Division,
Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology(INST),
Atomic Energy Research Establishment(AERE),
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
Mr. LIU Xingmin
Chief Designer, CARR Project,
Department of Reactor Engineering Research and Design,
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Mr. ZOU Yao
Assistant Researcher,
Department of Reactor Engineering Research and Design
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
Mr. Muhammad Darwis Isnaini
Group Leader of Reactor System and Thermal Hydraulics Group,
Reactor Technology and Physics Division,
Center for Reactor Technology and Nuclear Safety,
National Nuclear Energy Agency(BATAN)
Dr. Sueo Machi
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Mr.Takeshi Ishizaka
Special staff, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division,
Research and Development Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Mr. Masayuki Akimoto
Technical Consultant, Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Mr. Hisashi Sagawa
General Manager, Research Reactor Technology Section,
Department of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
Mr. Nobuhiko Hirane
Engineer, JRR-4 Operation Section, Department of Research Reactors and Tandem Accelerator, Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
Ms. Atsuko Takano
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Dr. Jonghark Park
Senior Researcher, Research Reactor Project Operation,
Research Reactor Design & Engineering Devision,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute・・AERI)
Mr. Mohd Fairus Abdul Farid
Research Officer, Reactor Technology Assessment,
Engineering & Safety Section,
Malaysian Nuclear Agency(Nuclear Malaysia)
Mr. Chanatip Tippayakul
Nuclear Engineer,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Mr. NGUYEN Minh Tuan
Deputy Manager, Reactor Physics and Engineering Division,
Reactor Center, Nuclear Research Institute (NRI),
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VAEI)
Meeting on Development of Regional Network for Research Reactor Utilization and Production/Supply of Isotopes (September 17)
Dr. John William Bennett
Leader, Neutron Activation Group,
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation・・NSTO)
Dr. M. Azizul Haque
Principal Scientific Officer, Radioisotope Production Division,
Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology(INST),
Atomic Energy Research Establishment(AERE),
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
Prof. LIU Yishu
Deputy General Manager,
Chengdu Gaotong Isotope Co., Ltd.
Mr. Saiful Sujalmo
President Director, PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Dr. Sueo Machi
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Mr. Yoichi Abe
Deputy Director, Office for Quantum and Radiation Research, Basic and Generic Research Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Mr.Takeshi Ishizaka
Special staff, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division,
Research and Development Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Ph.D. Tatsuo Ido
Executive Director, Japan Radioisotope Association(JRIA)
Dr. Masahiro Ishihara
Deputy Director, Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
Mr. Hisashi Sagawa
General Manager, Research Reactor Technology Section,
Department of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
Ms. Atsuko Takano
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Ms. Chiaki Inokoshi
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Ms. Aki Koike
International Affairs and Research Department,
Nuclear Safety Research Association(NSRA)
Dr. SunJu Choi
Director, Radioisotope Research Division, Research Utilization & Development Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Mr. Mohd Fairus Abdul Farid
Research Officer, Reactor Technology Assessment,
Engineering & Safety Section,
Malaysian Nuclear Agency(Nuclear Malaysia)
Mr. Jatupol Sangsuriyan
Senior Nuclear Scientist, Radioisotope Center,
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology(TINT)