Report of
FNCA 2013 Workshops on Mutation Breeding Project
March 4 - 7, 2014
Jakarta, Indonesia
Outline of Workshop
i) Date: |
March 4th - 7th, 2014 |
ii) Venue: |
Jakarta, Indonesia |
iii) Host Organization: |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) |
iv) Participants: |
Total 18 from 8 countries, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Thailand, Vietnam and IAEA/RCA |
Participants of the Open Seminar
Opening Session and Open Seminar "Strengthening Mutation Breeding Approach for Mitigating Climate Change"
At the beginning of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, Chairman of National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) delivered welcoming remark and express warm welcome to all participants. In addition, Dr. Hirokazu Nakai, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader of Japan delivered opening speech and thanked to Indonesia for their hospitality and effort to arrange the workshop.
Then open seminar "Strengthening Mutation Breeding Approach for Mitigating Climate Change" was held by attending with ca. 150 participants from BATAN, agricultural institutes, universities, representative of industry and FNCA member countries.
At the Session 1, Dr. Nakai introduced outline of FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and purpose and challenge of the workshop. Secondly, Dr. Ir. Astu Unadi M. Eng, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development presented the impacts of climate change on sustainable agricultural development in Indonesia. Then Dr. Agussabti, Syiah Kuala University reported on dissemination of BATAN agricultural research products through collaboration with universities.
At the session 2, Dr. Atsushi Tanaka, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) discussed on application of ion beam irradiation in mutation breeding and possible use by FNCA member countries. Dr. Untung Susanto, Indonesian Center for Rice Research reported on the development of rice varieties using mutation breeding in Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Qingyao Shu, Zhejiang University of China, presented on workable male sterility systems for hybrid rice: genetics and biochemistry.
At the session 3, Dr. Le Huy Ham, Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI) in Vietnam presented the significance of rice mutant varieties for Vietnam rice production and export. Prof. Dr. Soeranto Human, Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation, BATAN, reported the significance of Sorghum mutant varieties to increase land productivity of drought prone areas in Indonesia.
Dr. Anhar R. Antariksawan, Deputy Chairman of BATAN had a speech to close the seminar and expressed appreciation to all participants.
Report on 2013 and Plan for Project on Mut ation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan gave a presentation for progress of 11 FNCA activities in 2012 - 2013 and achievement of 14th Ministerial Level Meeting held in Tokyo, December 2013.
Then reports and plans for new project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture were presented by eight member countries.
Follow-up for Sub-project on Sorghum and Soybean, Orchid, Banana
Follow-up reports on the Sub-projects in Banana, Orchid, Sorghum and Soybean were presented respectively.
Cooperation with RCA/IAEA
Dr. Liu Luxiang, LCC of IAEA/RCA Project RAS5056 presented progress of RCA project for mutation breeding in which mutant varieties with improved traits such as tolerance to abiotic stresses in the face of climate change. For this purpose, cooperation with FNCA Mutation Breeding Project has been improved by information exchange and common usage of ion beams
Future Plan for Project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
The future plans of each country were discussed, especially focusing on several items such as selection methods, ion-beam application, and mostly on major target of breeding for high yielding under stress conditions and low input sustainable agriculture. In addition, Dr. Nakai addressed challenges of growing rice in Mongolia and proposed the application of mutation breeding to overcome these challenges. All participants noted the work plans of all member countries.
Closing Session
Dr. Anhar and Dr. Machi delivered closing remarks and thanked all participants for their efforts and cooperation to this workshop. All participants expressed gratitude to the BATAN and Indonesian colleagues for their great arrangements and hospitality.
Technical visit
On the Second day, FNCA participants had a technical visit to Pusakanegara rice experimental station belonging to the Indonesian Center for Rice Research (ICRR), the Ministry of Agriculture. Staff of the ICRR explained organization structure and their research activities. Participants observed BATAN mutant rice materials and varieties for different research projects in the rice field.
Minutes of
FNCA 2013 Workshops on Mutation Breeding Project
March 4 - 7, 2014
Jakarta, Indonesia
1) Outline of Workshop
i) Date |
March 4th - 7th, 2014 |
ii) Venue |
Jakarta, Indonesia |
iii) Host Organization |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) |
iv) Participants |
Total 18 from 8 countries, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Thailand, Vietnam and IAEA/RCA |
Opening Session and Open Seminar "Strengthening Mutation Breeding Approach for Mitigating Climate Change"
At the beginning of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, Chairman of National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) delivered welcoming remark and express warm welcome to all participants. In addition, Dr. Hirokazu Nakai, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader of Japan delivered opening speech and thanked to Indonesia for their hospitality and effort to arrange the workshop on behalf of FNCA Coordinator of Japan.
Then open seminar "Strengthening Mutation Breeding Approach for Mitigating Climate Change" was held by attending with ca. 150 participants from BATAN, agricultural institutes, universities, representative of industry and FNCA member countries.
At the Session 1, Dr. Nakai introduced outline of FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and purpose and challenge of the workshop. Secondly, Dr. Ir. Astu Unadi M. Eng, Director of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) presented the impacts of climate change on sustainable agricultural development in Indonesia on behalf of Dr. Haryono, Director of IAARD, MOA. Then Dr. Agussabti, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia reported on dissemination of BATAN agricultural research products through collaboration with universities.
At the session 2, Dr. Atsushi Tanaka, Senior Principal Researcher, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) discussed on application of ion beam irradiation in mutation breeding and possible use by FNCA member countries. Dr. Untung Susanto, Indonesian Center for Rice Research (ICRR), MOA, reported on the development of rice varieties using mutation breeding in Indonesia on behalf of Dr. Made Jane Mejaya, Head of ICRR, MOA. Prof. Dr. Qingyao Shu, Zhejiang University of China, presented on workable male sterility systems for hybrid rice: genetics and biochemistry.
At the session 3, Dr. Le Huy Ham, Director General of Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI) in Vietnam presented the significance of rice mutant varieties for Vietnam rice production and export. Prof. Dr. Soeranto Human, Senior Scientist of Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation, BATAN, reported the significance of Sorghum mutant varieties to increase land productivity of drought prone areas in Indonesia.
Dr. Anhar R. Antariksawan, Deputy Chairman of BATAN had a speech to close the seminar and expressed appreciation to all participants. The presentation summaries of the seminar are in the Annex 3.
Session 1 Report on 2013 and Plan for Project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan gave a presentation for progress of 11 FNCA activities in 2012 - 2013 and achievement of 14th Ministerial Level Meeting held in Tokyo, December 2013.
Then reports and plans for new project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture were presented by eight member countries. The summaries of the reports are attached as Annex 4.
Session 2 Follow-up for Sub-project on Sorghum and Soybean, Orchid, Banana
Follow-up reports on the Sub-projects in Banana, Orchid, Sorghum and Soybean were presented by Dr. Human (Indonesia), Dr. Sobri Bin Hussein (Malaysia) and Ms. Adelaida Barrida (the Philippines) respectively. They all presented substantial achievements made in respective crops, most significantly in soybean and sorghum, a number of mutant varieties have been officially released and widely grown by farmers. Orchid mutant tolerant to mite has been adopted by industry, while banana tolerant to BBTV is still on the process of testing with the aim to be released as a new variety.
Collaboration between BATAN and the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia could be a good example for the extension of mutant varieties to the farmer society. Also being the No. 5 crop in the world, sorghum is particularly important in African countries as well as in Asia, hence it would be interesting to explore their use as healthy food stuff. Sorghum mutant varieties have just been released and their economic value is being studied in Indonesia. Details of evaluation will be provided by Dr. Human later. The most difficult part in dissemination of mutant sorghum varieties is limited seed production, knowledge of sorghum planting and awareness of by end users. The summaries of each presentation are attached as Annex 4.
Session 3 Cooperation with RCA/IAEA
Dr. Liu Luxiang, LCC of IAEA/RCA Project RAS5056 presented progress of RCA project for mutation breeding in which mutant varieties with improved traits such as tolerance to abiotic stresses (e.g. drought, soil salinity) in the face of climate change. For this purpose, cooperation with FNCA Mutation Breeding Project has been improved by information exchange and common usage of ion beams.
Session 4 Future Plan for Project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
The future plans of each country were discussed, especially focusing on several items such as selection methods, ion-beam application, and mostly on major target of breeding for high yielding under stress conditions and low input sustainable agriculture. In addition, Dr. Nakai addressed challenges of growing rice in Mongolia and proposed the application of mutation breeding to overcome these challenges. FNCA encourages exchanging breeding materials and varieties among member countries. All participants noted the work plans of all member countries. The work plans are attached as Annex 5.
Closing Session
Dr. Anhar and Dr. Machi delivered closing remarks and thanked all participants for their efforts and cooperation to this workshop. All participants expressed gratitude to the BATAN and Indonesian colleagues for their great arrangements and hospitality.
2) Technical visit
On the Second day, FNCA participants had a technical visit to Pusakanegara rice experimental station belonging to the Indonesian Center for Rice Research (ICRR), the Ministry of Agriculture. Staff of the ICRR explained organization structure and their research activities. Participants observed BATAN mutant rice materials and varieties for different research projects in the rice field.
3) Attachments
Annex 1 Program
Annex 2 List of Participants
Annex 3 Summary of Open Seminar
Annex 4 Session Summary
Annex 5 Five-year Plans for FNCA member countries
Program of
FNCA 2013 Workshops on Mutation Breeding Project
March 4 - 7, 2014
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tue., March 4th (DAY 1st)
09:00 - 09:30: |
Opening session
MC from Bureau of Legal, Public Relations, and Cooperation, BATAN
1. Welcoming Remarks by Chairman of BATAN
2. Opening Address by Dr. Hirokazu Nakai, on behalf of Dr. Sueo Machi as FNCA Coordinator of Japan |
09:30 - 10:00: |
Group Photo of FNCA Members and Coffee Break |
Open Seminar
"Strengthening Mutation Breeding Approach for Mitigating Climate Change"
<< Session 1 >>
Chair: Dr. Ferhat Aziz (Deputy Chairman of BATAN)
10:00 - 10:30: |
Outline of FNCA Mutation Breeding Project and Purpose of the Workshop
Dr. Hirokazu Nakai, FNCA Mutation Breeding Project Leader of Japan |
10:30 - 11:00: |
The Impacts of Climate Change on Sustainable Agricultural Development in Indonesia
Dr. Astu Unadi on behalf of Dr. Haryono, Head of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, The Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia |
11:00 - 11:30: |
Dissemination of BATAN Agricultural Research Products through Collaboration with University
Dr. Agussabti, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia |
11:30 - 12:00: |
Discussion |
12:00 - 13:00: |
Lunch Break and Poster Session |
<< Session 2 >>
Chair : Dr. Anhar R. Antariksawan
(FNCA Coordinator of Indonesia, Deputy Chairman of BATAN)
13:00 - 13:30: |
Application of Ion Beam Iradiation in Mutation Breeding and Possible Use by FNCA Member Countries
Dr. Atsushi Tanaka, Senior Principal Researcher, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan |
13:30 - 14:00: |
Development of rice varieties using mutation breeding in Indonesia
Dr. Untung Susanto on behalf of Dr. Made Jane Mejaya,
Head of Indonesian Center for Rice Research, The Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia |
14:00 - 14:30: |
Workable Male Sterility Systems for Hybrid Rice: Genetics, Biochemistry, Photo-/thermo-biology, and Extrapolation to Other Crops
Prof. Dr. Qingyao Shu, Zhejiang University, China |
14:30 - 14:45: |
Discussion |
14:45 - 15:15: |
Poster Session and Coffe Break |
<< Session 3 >>
15:15 - 15:45: |
Significance of Rice mutant Varieties for Vietnam Rice Production and Export
Dr. Le Huy Ham, Institute of Agricultural Genetics, Vietnam |
15:45 - 16:15: |
Significance of Sorghum Mutant Varieties to Increase Land Productivity of Drought Prone Areas in Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Soeranto Human, BATAN |
16.15 - 16.30: |
Discussion |
16.30 - 16.45: |
Clossing Remark (Dr. Anhar R. Antariksawan) |
Wed., March 5th (DAY 2nd)
Technical visit to Pusakanegara (rice experimental field)
Thu., March 6th (DAY 3rd)
Chair: Mr. Suniyom Taprab, Thailand
9:00 - 9:30 |
Progress of FNCA Activities in 2012-2013 and Ministerial Level Meeting in 2013
Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan |
09:30 - 10:30: |
Session 1: Report on 2013 and Plan for Project on Mutation Breeding of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
1. Bangladesh (Dr. ANK Mamun, BAEC)
2. China (Prof. Dr. Shu Qingyao, Zhejiang University) |
10:30 - 10:45: |
Coffe Break |
10:45 - 12:15: |
Cont. of Session 1
Chair: Dr. A.N.K Mamun, Bangladesh
3. Indonesia (Dr. Sobrizal, BATAN)
4. Japan (Dr. Atsushi Tanaka, JAEA)
5. Malaysia (Dr. Sobri Bin Hussein, Nuclear Malaysia) |
12:15 - 13:15: |
Lunch Break |
13:15 - 15:15: |
Cont. of Session 1
Chair: Dr. Sobri Bin Hussein, Malaysia
6. Mongolia (Dr. Bayarsukh Noov, PSARI)
7. The Philippines (Ms. Adelaida Barrida, PNRI)
8. Thailand (Mr. Suniyom Taprab, RD)
9. Vietnam (Ms. Dao Thi Thanh Bang) |
15:15 - 15:30: |
Coffe Break |
15:30 - 16:45: |
Session 2: Follow-up for Sub-project on Banana, Orchid, Sorghum and Soybean
Chair: Dr. Shu Qingyao, China
1. Sub-project on Drought Tolerance in Sorghum and Soybean
Dr. Soeranto Human, Indonesia
2. Sub-project on Insect Resistance in Orchid
Dr. Sobri Bin Hussen, Malaysia
3. Sub-project on Disease Resistance in Banana
Ms. Adelaida Barrida, the Philippines
4. Discussion |
Fri., March 7th (DAY 4th)
08:30 - 09:00 |
Cooperation w ith RCA/IAEA
presentation by Dr. Liu Luxiang, LCC of IAEA/RCA Project RAS5056 |
09:00 - 10:00 |
Future Plan for Project on Mutation of Rice for Sustainable Agriculture
Chair: Dr. Atsushi Tanaka, Japan
Lead speach: Dr Hirokazu Nakai, Shizuoka University
Discussion |
10:00 - 10:15 : |
Cpoffe Break |
10:15 - 11:45 : |
Wrap up
Chair: Dr. Le Huy Ham, Vietnam
1. Wrap-up of Minutes |
11:45 - 13:00 : |
Lunch/praying break |
13:00 - 14:30 : |
Cont. of Wrap up
Chair: Dr. Le Huy Ham, Vietnam
1. Cont. of Wrap-up of Minutes
2. Adoption of Minutes |
14:30 - 14:45: |
Coffe Break |
14:45 |
Chair: Dr. Sobrizal, Indonesia
Closing Speech
1. Dr. Ferhat Aziz, Deputy Chairman of BATAN
2. Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan |
Participants List of
FNCA 2013 Workshops on Mutation Breeding Project
March 4 - 7, 2014
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr. ANK Mamun (PL)
Principal Scientific Officer & Head
Plant Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Division
Institute of Food and Radiation Biology (IFRB)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Savar) (AERE)
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Prof. Dr. Shu Qingyao (PL)
Professor and Deputy Director
Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
Zhejiang University
Dr. Sobrizal (PL)
Head of Agricultural Division
Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology (PATIR)
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Soeranto Human
Senior Scientist
Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology (PATIR)
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Sueo Machi (Coordinator)
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Senior Advisor to Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Hirokazu Nakai (PL)
Professor Emeritus, Former Vice President
Shizuoka University
Dr. Atsushi Tanaka
Senior Principal Researcher, Unit Manager
Medical and Biotechnological Application Division
Quantum Beam Science Directorate
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Ms. Aki Koike (Secretariat)
International Affairs and Research Department
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
Dr. Sobri Bin Hussein
Research Officer
Division of Agrotechnology and Biosciences
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
The Philippines
Ms. Adelaida C. Barrida (PL)
Senior Science Research Specialist
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Mr. Suniyom Taprab (PL)
Senior Agricultural Scientist
Bureau of Rice Research and Development
Rice Department (RD)
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC)
Mr. Peera Doungsoongnern
Rice Scientist
Bureau of Rice Research and Development
Rice Department (RD)
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC)
Mr. Somreang Saeton
Rice Scientist
Bureau of Rice Research and Development
Rice Department (RD)
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC)
Viet Nam
Prof. Le Huy Ham (PL)
Director General
Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI)
Ms. Dao Thi Thanh Bang
Plant Breeder
Genetic engineering Department
Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI)
Dr. Le Duc Thao (Observer)
Mutation and Heterosis Breeding Department
Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI)
Mr. Nguyen Van Manh (Observer)
Mutation and Heterosis Breeding Department
Institute of Agricultural Genetics (AGI)
Prof. Liu Luxiang
LCC of IAEA/RCA Project RAS5056
National Center of Space Mutagenesis for Crop Improvement
Institute of Crop Science
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences |