Radiation Oncology workshop

- Project Review
- Introduction of the Project Leaders
- Papers for Project Outcome
- Other Project Outcomes


FNCA 2003 Workshop on Radiation Oncology

FNCA 2003 Workshop on Radiation Oncology

The FNCA 2003 Workshop on Radiation Oncology was held from December 15 to 18, 2003, in Suzhou (Soochow) and Shanghai, P.R. China. The meeting was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan and the College of Nuclear Medicine, Soochow University, in cooperation with the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) and Fudan University. Representatives from 8 FNCA countries, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, participated in the workshop.
On the first day (Dec.15), at the Session 1 ("Follow-Up Status of CERVIX-I"), the follow-up data of the CERVIX-I on 210 patients were reported. According to the report, as of December 2003, the overall 5-year survival rate was 53%, comparable to world wide and Japanese data, concluding this protocol was feasible in FNCA countries based on the favorable outcome.
At the Session 2 ("Accelerated Hyperfractionation Radiotherapy :CERVIX-II)", the follow-up data of CERVIX-II study as of December 2003 on 103 patients was presented.
At the Session3 ("Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer"), the Phase I study of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) of uterine cervix cancer was completed. A proposal of the Phase II Protocol of CCRT for Advanced Uterine Cervix Cancer was distributed, discussed, and agreed upon. A hundred patients are to be enrolled with a minimum of 12 per country. The protocol was adopted as CERVIX-III.
On the second day (Dec.16), at the Session4 ("Pilot study of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer"), the results of major randomized studies and a meta-analysis, the results of the pilot study and a protocol for a Phase I/II study were presented and discussed.
On the third day (Dec.17), at the Session5 ("QA/QC of Radiation Dosimetry"), the results of fieldwork for physical QA/QC of brachytherapy were presented with description of measurement technique. And at the Session 6 ("Future plans and other relevant activities"), future plans were discussed and approved.
On the day, as a technical tour, the participants visited Department of Radiotherapy, Suzhou No.1 Hospital and Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University.
The last day (Dec.18), the Open Lecture held at the Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai City, China, as a part of the workshop. Nine lectures were given by FNCA participants and two local Chinese doctors.
Participants of the FNCA 2003
Workshop on Radiation Oncology
  Workshop on Radiation Oncology
Technical tour
(Liniac at the Suzhou No.1 Hospital)

- Program of FNCA 2003 Workshop-
on Radiation Oncology

Opening Session
Welcome Remarks
"Follow-Up Status of Patients Treated with the Standardized Protocol of Radiation Therapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-I)"
Presentation of the follow-up data
Preparation for submitting the manuscript to a journal
"Accelerated Hyperfractionation Radiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-II)"
Presentation of the follow-up data
"Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer(CERVIX-III)"
Presentation on the Results of the Phase I Study of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-III)
Kato, S. (Japan) 1 , 2
Reyes, R.H.D.L. (the Philippines)
F. B. Ismail (Malaysia)
Zhou Beibei (China) 1 , 2
J. Petsuksiri (Thailand)
Summary of the cooperative clinical study
Proposal of the Phase II Protocol of Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-IV)
Adoption of the Phase II Protocol
"Pilot study of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer"
Overview of treatment options and clinical trials of nasophatygeal cancer
Presentation on the results of the pilot study
J. Petuksiri (Thailand)

M.J. Calaguas (the Philippines)

F. B. Ismail (Malaysia)
Zhou Juying (China)
Summary of the pilot study
Proposal of the Phase II Protocol of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Adoption of the protocol
Presentation on the Cox-II inhibitor and General Discussion
Report of the Fieldwork
QA/QC Manuals
Schedule of the next Fieldwork
"Future plan, Other activities"
Future plan
Schedule of the next Workshop
"Drafting the Workshop Minutes"
Adoption of the Minutes
Closing Remarks
Open Lecture
Tumor Traking System using Robotic Linear Accelerator

Minutes of the FNCA 2003 Workshop
on Radiation Oncology

December 15 to 18, 2003
Aster Hotel, Suzhou (Soochow),
and Fudan University, Shanghai, China

  1) Following the agreement of the 4th Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) Coordinators Meeting in March 2003, and the 4th FNCA Meeting in December 2003, the FNCA 2003 Workshop on Radiation Oncology was held from December 15 to 18, 2003, in Suzhou (Soochow) and Shanghai, P.R. China. The meeting was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan and the College of Nuclear Medicine, Soochow University, in cooperation with the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) and Fudan University. Representatives from 8 FNCA countries, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, participated in the workshop.
  Opening ceremony
  2) Dr. Cao Jianping, Soochow University, acted as the moderator. The welcome remarks were delivered by Dr. Jianyi Ge, Soochow University, followed by remarks of Prof. Tong Jian, Soochow University. Ms. Tokuko Kuroyanagi, MEXT, made a speech of welcome and appreciation on behalf of Mr. Sakata, MEXT. Welcome remarks were also given by Mr. Li Xiang, China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and finally by Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). (See Attachment)
  Session 1:
Follow-Up Status of CERVIX-I
  3) The follow-up data of the CERVIX-I on 210 patients revealed that the study had only a small number of major late complications which is considered acceptable. As of December 2003, the overall 5-year survival rate was 53%, comparable to world wide and Japanese data. Thus, the conclusion is that this protocol was feasible in FNCA countries based on the favorable outcome. The follow-up rate of 73% should be improved for accuracy of the clinical study. The effort of decreasing number of lost cases was specially emphasized for future studies. A draft manuscript of CERVIX-I, which was planned to be submitted for the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology & Physics, was distributed and discussed.
Accelerated Hyperfractionation Radiotherapy (CERVIX-II)
  4) The follow-up data of CERVIX-II study as of December 2003 on 103 patients was presented. The overall 3-year survival rate was 83% for the whole group. Acute and late morbidity was thought to be acceptable. Questions were raised on cases excluded from the analysis, and the exclusion criteria were discussed. The Data Center was asked to review the submitted data. Institutes with lower follow up rate were reminded to improve it. The updated follow up and reviewed data will be presented at the next meeting.
Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer
  5) The Phase I study of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) of uterine cervix cancer was completed. Summarized data of 30 patients showed that there were no Gr. IV hematological and non-hematological toxicities. Only 1 patient had non-hematological Gr. III Dose Limiting Toxicity. The regimen of weekly Cisplatin (CDDP) at 40 mg/m2 was acceptable and will be used in the next phase.
  6) A proposal of the Phase II Protocol of CCRT for Advanced Uterine Cervix Cancer was distributed, discussed, and agreed upon. The main discussions were on histology, stage and number of chemotherapy cycles. A hundred patients are to be enrolled with a minimum of 12 per country. The protocol was adopted as CERVIX-III.
Pilot study of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  7) The results of major randomized studies and a meta-analysis were presented and reviewed. The addition of chemotherapy to radiation appears to improve outcomes in terms of Disease Free Survival (DFS) and Overall Survival, compared with RT alone.
  8) The results of the pilot study were presented and summarized. No patients developed Gr. IV toxicities. The regimen of weekly CDDP 30mg/m2 appears safe but the safety of weekly CDDP 40mg/m2 needs to be confirmed.
  9) A protocol for a Phase I/II study was presented and discussed. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and/or brachytherapy will not be allowed in the protocol. Dose levels for Phase I and adjuvant chemotherapy were discussed. The Phase I study will continue for another year, with the possibility of a Phase II study later. Thailand was requested to try a feasibility study using concurrent +adjuvant regimen. A separate workshop on radiation therapy techniques and grading of radiation reaction was proposed in order to standardize both these aspects among participants as an essential basis prior to the Phase II trial.
  10) The use of COX-II inhibitors, which have a radiosensitizing activity on tumour tissue and radio-protective effect on normal tissue, was explained and discussed. A randomized phase II study using a drug, meloxicam, was proposed.
QA/QC of Radiation Dosimetry
  11) The results of fieldwork for physical QA/QC of brachytherapy were presented with description of measurement technique. The results of visits to 3 countries, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, were considered acceptable. This field work was requested to be continued in the remaining countries, namely China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Malaysia. The meeting also suggested expanding the QA/QC activity to external beam therapy involving medical physicists of Member States.
  Session 6:
Future plans and other relevant activities
  12) Future plans were discussed and approved.
  13) The details of a new randomized phase II protocol for cervical and nasopharyngeal cancer using meloxicam was presented. Most of the participants expressed willingness to participate in the proposed trial with pharmaceutical grants. Research grants from pharmaceutical companies could be incorporated for future trials but the feasibility of including such trials as a part of the FNCA activity needs to be discussed further.
  14) The meeting considered Thailand, Korea or the Philippines as the possible venue for the next workshop, in this order of priority.
  Technical tour
  15) The participants visited Department of Radiotherapy, Suzhou No.1 Hospital and Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University, as a Technical Tour.
  Open Lecture
  16) Day 4 was spent for the Open Lecture held at the Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai City, China, as a part of the workshop. Local participants to the Lecture include medical doctors, researchers and students. The Seminar was started by remarks given by Dr. H. Tsujii, NIRS. Nine lectures were given by FNCA participants and two local Chinese doctors.
(See attachment program) At the end of the Open Lecture, Dr. Zhang Xin, China, gave his Closing Remarks.
  Session 7:
Drafting the Workshop Minutes
  17) The draft minutes were discussed, amended and adopted.
  Closing ceremony
  18) Participants expressed appreciation to MEXT, Soochow University, local staff organizing the meeting, JAIF and Fudan University. The participants also expressed their gratitude for the continuing support from the Government of Japan for this project. Closing Remarks were given by Dr. H. Tsujii, who expressed his appreciation to the host institutes and participants.
-Program of the Workshop
-Participant List
-Future plan

Program of FNCA 2003 Workshop
on Radiation Oncology

Monday, December 15 to Thursday, December 18
Suzhou(Soochow)/Shanghai, China

Organized by : College of Nuclear Medicine, Soochow University
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)
In cooperation with : Fudan University
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum
Date : December 15-18, 2003
Venue : ASTER HOTEL in Suzhou City, China
Shanhai Zhong Shan Cancer Center in Shanghai City, China
-Sunday, December 14-
Arrive at Shanghai Airport, Move to ASTER HOTEL in Suzhou City
-Monday, December 15-
08:00-8:30 Registration
<Opening Session>
Chair: Cao Jianping, Professor, Radiation Genetic & Biology Division,
College of Nuclear Medicine, Soochow University
08:30-09:00 Welcome Remarks:
Jianyi Ge, Director of Soochow University
Welcome Remarks:
Tong Jian, Professor, Director of Radiation Medicine and Publical Health School, Soochow University
Remarks: Tokuko Kuroyanagi, Official, Atomic Energy
Division, Research and Development Bureau,
Welcome Remarks: Li Xiang, Deputy Director, Division of
Nuclear Affiars and International Organizations, Department of International Cooperation, China Atomic Energy Authority(CAEA)
Remarks: Hirohiko Tsujii, Supervisory Director,
Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)
Adoption of the Agenda
Election of Co-Chairs
* It is requested that one of Co-Chairs play the role of rapporteur.
Group Photograph
< Session1>

Follow-Up Status of Patients Treated with the Standardized Protocol of Radiation Therapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-I)
Co-Chairs: Supriana, N., Indonesia
Nakano, T., Japan

09:00-09:40 1) Presentation of the follow-up data
Kato, S., NIRS, Japan
09:40-10:00 2) Preparation for submitting the manuscript to a journal
Nakano, T., Japan
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
< Session2>

Accelerated Hyperfractionation Radiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-II)
Co-Chairs: TO, A., D., Viet Nam
Suto, H., Japan

10:30-11:10 1) Presentation of the follow-up data
Ohno, T., NIRS, Japan
11:10-12:00 2) Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch time
< Session3>
Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-III)
Co-Chairs: Calaguas, M.J.C., the Philippines
Janjira Petuksiri, Thailand
Kato, S., Japan
13:00-14:30 1) Presentation on the Results of the Phase I Study of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-III)
Kato, S., Japan
Reyes, R.H.D.L., the Philippines
Fuad B Ismail, Malaysia
Zhou Beibei, China
2) Summary of the cooperative clinical study
Kato S., Japan
14:30-16:00 Proposal of the Phase II Protocol of Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Uterine Cervix Cancer (CERVIX-IV)
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Adoption of the Phase II Protocol
18:30- Welcome Party hosted by Radiation Medicine and Publical Health School, Soochow University
-Tuesday, December 16-
< Session4>
Pilot study of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Co-Chairs: Fuad, B Ismail, Malaysia
Inoue T., Japan
R. Susworo, Indonesia
08:30-08:45 Overview of treatment options and clinical trials of nasophatygeal cancer
Kato S., Japan
08:45-09:20 Presentation on the results of the pilot study
  Janjira Petuksiri, Thailand
Miriam J Calaguas, the Philippines
Fuad B Ismail, Malaysia
Zhou Juying, China
Summary of the pilot study
  Ohno, T., Japan
09:20-10:00 Proposal of the Phase II Protocol of Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Ohno, T., Japan
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Discussion
11:00-12:00 Adoption of the protocol
12:00-13:00 Lunch time
13:00-14:30 Presentation on the Cox-II inhibitor and General Discussion
Kobayashi K., Japan
< Session5>
QA/QC of Radiation Dosemetry
Co-Chairs: Chul-Koo CHO, Korea
Tatsuzaki, H., Japan
14:30-15:00 1)
Report of the Fieldwork
2) QA/QC Manuals
Nakamura, Y., Japan
15:00-15:30 3)
Schedule of the next Fieldwork
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
< Session6>
Future plan, Other activities
Co-Chairs: Tsujii, H., Japan
Cao Jianping, China
16:00-18:00 1)
Future plan
2) Others
3) Schedule of the next Workshop
18:30 Dinner time
-Wednesday, December 17-
< Session7>
Drafting the Workshop Minutes
Co-Chairs: Tatsuzaki, H., Japan
Calaguas, M.J.C., the Philippines
Fuad, B.I., Malaysia
08:30-9:30 Discussion
09:30-10:00 Adoption of the Minutes
10:00- Closing Remarks
Hirohiko Tsujii, Japan
10:30- Technical Tour
10:30 -12:00 1) Department of Radiotherapy, Suzhou No.1 Hospital
12:00- 13:00 Lunch time, Suzhou
13:00- 15:00 Move to Shanghai City
15:00- 17:00 2) Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai city, China
18:00- Dinner time
-Thursday, December 18-
<Open Lecture>
Shanghai Zhong Shan Cancer Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai city, China
09:00-09:15 Registration
<Opening Ceremony>
09:15-09:30 Chair: Cao Jianping, Professor, Radiation Genetic & Biology
Division, College of Nuclear Medicine,
Soochow University
Opening Remarks: Hirohiko Tsujii, Supervisory Director,
Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)
<Open Lecture>
09:30-13:00 1) Introduction of Depatment of Radiation Oncology Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University
ZhaoChong Zeng, China
2) Tumor Traking System using Robotic Linear Accelerator
Inoue, T., Japan
3) Achievement FNCA Project on Radiation Oncology
Kato, S., Japan
4) Present status of radiation therapy in China
Wang Jian, China
5) Role of CyberKnife for the treatment of Para-aortic LNs metastasis in the Uterine Cervix and Colorectal carcinomas
Cho, C.K., Korea
6) Current status of carcinoma and radiation therapy in China
Zhou Juying, China
7) Particle Beam Therapy HIMAC
Tsujii, H., Japan
8) IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy)
Calaguas, M.J.C., the Philippines
9) Recent status of radiation therapy for cervical cancer
Nakano, T., Japan
<Closing Ceremony>
Cao Jianping, China
13:00- Closing Remarks:
Zhang Xin, Vice-Derector of Branth of Zhongshang Hospital
Remarks: Hirohiko Tsujii, Supervisory Director,
Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)

Participants of FNCA 2003 Workshop of Radiation Oncology

Name Title Organization
Prof. Cao Jianping Professor, Radiation Genetic & Biology College of Nuclear Medicine, Soochow University
Dr. Zhou Beibei Head, Department of Gynecological The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
Dr. Zhou Juying Head, Department of Radiotherapy The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
Name Title Organization
Dr. Susworo Medical Doctor Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia
Dr. Nana Supriana Medical Doctor Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia
Name Title Organization
Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii Director, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Takehiro Inoue Asociate Professor Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Prof. Takashi Nakano Professor Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Dr. Kunihiko Kobayashi Head, Physician of Outpatient Clinic Saitama Cancer Center
Dr. Shingo Kato Head, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Hideo Tatsuzaki Head, International Co-operation Section National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Tatsuya Ohno Senior Doctor, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Sadayoshi Kobayashi M.D. & Ph.D National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Hiroshi Tsunemoto M.D. & Ph.D National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Dr. Hisao Suto Head, Department of Radiology Matsudo City Hospital
Dr. Yuzuru Nakamura Consultant medical physicist, Department of Radiation Oncology Saitama Medical School
Ms. Tokuko Kuroyanagi Offcial, Atomic Energy Division Research & Development Bureau MEXT
Mr. Hideo Nakasugi General Manager, Asia Cooperation Center JAIF
Mr. Tomoyuki Teranaka Project Manager, Asia Cooperation Center JAIF
Name Title Organization
Dr. Chul-Koo Cho Director, Division of Medical Services Korea Cancer Center Hospital
Name Title Organization
Dr. Fuad Ismail Doctor, Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Name Title Organization
Dr. Miriam Joy C. Calaguas Doctor, Department of Radiation Oncology St. Luke's Medical Center
Dr. Rey H. de los Reyes Chairman, Department of Obsterrics and Gynecology Dr. Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Name Title Organization
Dr. Nan Suntornpong Assistant Professor, Fuclty of Medicine, Mahidol University Radiology Department, Radiation Therapy, Siriraj Hospital
Dr. Janjira Petsuksiri Radiation Oncologist, Fuclty of Medicine, Mahidol University Radiology Department, Radiation Therapy, Siriraj Hospital
Name Title Organization
Dr. To Anh Dung Vice-Head, Breast and Gynecology Radiotherapy Department National Cancer Institute
Dr. Le Phuc Thinh Head, Radiation Therapy Department Ho Chi Minh city Cancer Center

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia