FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture |
The FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture(NSC)
Meeting Place of the Workshop |
Surrounding of Meeting Place |
The FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture(NSC)was held from June 6 - 10, 2005, at Sheraton Mustika Hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This Workshop was hosted by National Atomic Energy Agency(BATAN)and National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency(BAPETEN)as the local host organizations and Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation(ANSTO)
Representatives engaged in nuclear safety culture activities attended the Workshop from the eight FNCA countries, i.e., Australia, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.(The People's Republic of China was absent from the Workshop.)
The FNCA 2005 Workshop on NSC began with the welcome address by Mr. Alfahari Mardi, FNCA NSC Project Leader of Indonesia, Director of Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center, BATAN, followed by the welcome address by Mrs. Cait Maloney, General Manager of Safety and Radiation Services, ANSTO.
Participants of the FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture
Opening address was given by Mr. Soekarman Aminjoyo, Chairman of BAPETEN, and an appreciation was expressed by Mr. Peter Marshall, Senior Safety and Reliability Adviser, ANSTO.
The first day of the Workshop |
1. |
Mrs. Cait Maloney reported overview of the NSC Project and the bilateral meeting between Australia and Japan held in March 2005. At the meeting, both countries committed their continuing support to the NSC Project. |
2. |
Mr. Mitsutoshi Odera of Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. presented some proposals ( publishing NSC newsletter and making a book on the status of NSC ) for enhancing communication within the NSC Project. |
3. |
All countries attending the Workshop presented updates to their country report on progress status of nuclear safety culture activities in each country's research reactor. |
4. |
Prof. Djamaludin Ancok of Gadjah Mada University, presented "Safety Culture and Indonesia Culture". |
5. |
Mr. Goan-Yup Lee of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute ( KAERI ) presented "Emergency Preparedness for KAERI Nuclear Research Facilities". |
The second day of the Workshop |
1. |
Mrs. Cait Maloney presented "Decommissioning: Special Safety Culture Challenges". They are some thoughts on the special safety culture challenges that arise when a research reactor moves from operations to decommissioning. |
2. |
Mr. Peter Marshall presented "Key Performance Indicators for Safety". The presentation is on the work being done at ANSTO to establish measures that give an indication of safety. |
3. |
Dr. As Natio Lasman, Deputy Chairman of BAPETEN presented "The Role of BAPETEN for Fostering Nuclear Safety Culture Implementation in Indonesia". |
4. |
Mr. Hiroyasu Ito, Manager of the Japan Atomic Power Company presented the lessons learned from events of "Piping Rupture at Mihama Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3". |
5. |
Dr. Tsutomu Yokoyama, the NSC Project Leader of Japan, presented "On the Possibility of Cooperation between FNCA and IAEA Asian Nuclear Safety Network ( ANSN ) in the field of Safety Culture". |
6. |
It was discussed on the outstanding issue regarding the proposal from the Philippines to widen the scope of the NSC Project to include reporting and peer review related to safety and security of radiation sources. It was concluded that the FNCA NSC Project will not expand the scope of its activities at this time to avoid decreasing its effectiveness. |
7. |
Viet Nam and Korea reported on progress status on recommendations arising from past peer reviews. |
1) |
Mr. Pham Van Lam, Deputy Director of Nuclear Research Institute, presented his institute's implementation status addressing 16 recommendations of the 2002 peer review of the Dalat Research Reactor. It was reported that 12 recommendations have been already completed and the rest of recommendations is undertaken for ccompletion. |
2) |
Dr. In-Chel Lim, Manager of KAERI, presented his institute's implementation status addressing 15 recommendations of the 2003 peer review of the HANARO Research Reactor. It was reported that 12 recommendations have been already completed and the rest of recommendation is also undertaken for completion.
Both Viet Nam and Korea were appreciated by the Workshop participants for their endeavor to progress that has been made. |
8. |
Mr. Syarip of BATAN presented the Self-Assessment Report on KARTINI Research Reactor for peer review. |
The third day of the Workshop ( The first day of Peer Review of KARTINI Research Reactor )
The 2005 Workshop included for the third time, a peer review of the host country's research reactor. The peer review process was undertaken at KARTINI Research Reactor of Yogyakarta Nuclear Research Center(P3TM), BATAN in two days.
The Workshop participants were divided into two peer review groups to consider each topic. The two groups visited and observed the research reactor and other laboratories and interviewed with the KARTINI staff for management and operation at workplace. Consideration of Self-Assessment Report on KARTINI Research Reactor was also made.
The forth day of the Workshop ( The second day of Peer Review of KARTINI Research Reactor )
Reporting and discussion was held within each peer review group based on the results of peer review, followed by further discussion was held between each peer review group and BATAN/BAPETEN counterparts.
Mr. Soekarman Aminjoyo
( Chairman of BAPATEN ) |
Mrs. Cait Maloney ( left ) and
Mr. Peter Marshall ( ANSTO ) |
Participants from the FNCA Countries |
Participants from Japan |
Dr. As Natio Lasman
( Deputy Chairman of BAPETEN ) |
Dr. Tsutomu Yokoyama ( JNES ) |
Mr. Pham Van Lam (NRI, VAEC) |
Dr. In-Cheol Lim ( KAERI ) |
Mr. Syarip ( BATAN ) |
KARTINI Research Reactor
Observation in the Reactor Hall |
Interview with the KARTINI Staff ( right ) |
Discussion in the Peer Review Group |
Discussion between the Peer Review Group
( left side ) and BATAN/BAPETEN Counterparts |
A plenary meeting was held to report the results of those discussions and to identify good practices and potential areas for improvement. During the peer review process, the KARTINI staff exhibited ownership, openness and eagerness. The peer review was undertaken in a cooperative spirit of the FNCA and seen as an effective vehicle for fostering and strengthening safety culture.
The final day of the Workshop
The final plenary meeting was held to consider the draft of Peer Review Report. The Peer Review Report identified 29 good practices and made 14 recommendations for improvement of safety management and safety culture at KARTINI Research Reactor.
Further discussion was held on future activities of the NSC Project and a draft of the minutes of the Workshop. Items agreed by the Workshop participants are as follows: |
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Next peer review should be held early in 2006 followed by the FNCA 2006 NSC Workshop in late 2006. |
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Both next peer review and the FNCA 2006 NSC Workshop should be held respectively in Malaysia. Consideration will be given to scheduling the peer review several months before the Workshop. |
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It will be continued reviewing appropriate means for communication of the NSC Project. |
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In the near future, opportunities will be sought to strengthen the ties between FNCA NSC Project and ANSN. |
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The country report format will be reviewed for the next Workshop, because the present format is not appropriate for countries having many research reactors. |
Candi Borobudur |
Candi Prambanan |
The workshop was opened by Mr Alfahari Mardi, Director, Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center, BATAN, who welcomed the participants and outlined the context for the workshop and peer review.
Mrs Cait Maloney, General Manager, Safety and Radiation Services of ANSTO replied, welcomed distinguished guests and delegates on behalf of ANSTO and reiterated the aims of the project. She expressed regret that China had not been able to send a delegate to this meeting and expressed the hope that all member countries would be represented at the next workshop.
Mr Soekarman Aminjoyo, Chairman of BAPETEN gave the opening address and welcomed the delegates to Yogyakarta on behalf of Dr Soedyartomo Soentono, Chairman of BATAN.
Mr Peter Marshall, of ANSTO replied on behalf of the Australian FNCA Project Leader for Nuclear Safety Culture and thanked the Indonesian hosts for their preparation.
Overview of the Nuclear Safety Culture project and report on the bilateral meeting between ANSTO and Japan.
Mrs Maloney reported that a Japanese delegation headed by Professor Ishikawa had visited ANSTO in March 2005 to review progress of the FNCA Safety Culture Project. At that meeting both parties committed their continuing support to the current aims and objectives of the Project. The Japanese delegation noted the formation of the Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) which is an IAEA initiative funded through the Extra Budgetary Program with the intent of sharing information by electronic modes. It was agreed that an Australian would attend the upcoming meeting of the Steering Committee of the ANSN in Seoul to report on the activities of the FNCA Nuclear Safety Project.
Mrs Maloney then reported on her attendance at the ANSN Steering committee in May, 2005. She noted that the issue of safety culture is of great interest to the ANSN and remarked that the Asian countries participating in the ANSN are the same ones working together on the FNCA. She expressed the opinion that it would appear that there are opportunities for close cooperation between the ANSN and the FNCA Safety Culture Project and noted that Dr Yokoyama would expand on this topic later in the workshop.
Communication Mechanisms
Mr Odera (Japan) presented two suggestions for enhancing communication within the Safety Culture working group and for publicizing our work to stakeholders. The group agreed that improvements to internal communication were desirable and suggested that cooperation with the ANSN might provide an effective way to increase internal communication.
Action : Mr Odera will circulate a draft communication pamphlet by email for consideration by delegates.
Country Reports
All countries attending the meeting presented updates to their Country reports. It was apparent that significant progress to promote good safety culture is being made by all participants. Many countries now have ongoing training and awareness programs that are aimed at all levels of workers and management.
Safety Culture and Indonesian Culture
Professor Djamaludin Ancok of Gadjah Mada University, presented an interesting perspective on the impact of national culture on safety culture. After reminding participants of some of the basic tenets of safety culture he discussed some recent work by Hofstede which introduces the concept of "power distance" as a measure of the acceptance of unequal distribution of power in a society. Hofstede postulates that high power distance (i.e. a society in which the leader's authority is not questioned by the workers) will have a negative impact on safety culture.
Korean Emergency Preparedness
Mr G Y Lee, Korea, outlined KAERI's response to the new Korean emergency preparedness act. In particular, KAERI has revised its emergency response plan and increased its emergency training and exercises.
Safety Culture during Decommissioning
Mrs Maloney presented some thoughts on the special safety culture challenges that arise when a facility moves from operations to decommissioning. Some members of the group reported on their own experiences during decommissioning and Ms Parami, Philippines noted that she anticipates that an announcement will soon be made that the research reactor in her country will be decommissioned. It was agreed that this topic would be of interest to future meetings.
Key Performance Indicators for Safety
Mr Marshall made a presentation on work being done at ANSTO to establish measures that give an indication of safety. The indicators are intended to measure activities that prevent incidents ("lead indicators") as well as reporting on incidents and other historic data ("lag indicators"). The group noted that this approach to safety could be used to report on safety culture but recognised that it requires resource commitment.
Action . Workshop participants agreed to share their experiences of safety performance indicator implementation at the next FNCA-NSC workshop.
Role of BAPETEN in Fostering Safety Culture
Mr Asnatio Lasman of BAPETEN outlined the role of his organisation in fostering safety culture in Indonesia. He reported that the requirement to promote safety culture is defined in the Act that establishes BAPETEN and that BAPETEN's mission statement includes the development of safety culture. He then gave examples of activities undertaken by BAPETEN staff to encourage licensees to foster a good safety culture and noted that a good nuclear safety culture will be required if Indonesia moves to use nuclear energy.
Experiences relevant to Safety Culture
Mr Ito, Japan, reported on the lessons learnt from the piping rupture at Mihama Nuclear Power Plant last year. While the incident was on the non-nuclear side of the plant and no nuclear safety or radioactivity was involved, 5 workers were killed and 6 were burned and the incident attracted world-wide media attention. The incident investigation uncovered a faulty inspection program. Underlying factors were that responsibility for the inspection program had been contracted out and responsibility for overseeing the contractors was unclear. Lessons learned from the incident are being assessed by other Japanese NPP's to ensure that similar situations do not occur again.
IAEA Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN)
Dr Yokoyama, Chair of the Steering Committee of the ANSN, outlined the objectives and activities of the ANSN. In particular he noted the ANSN web sites will have several levels of password protection so some information could be available only to a small group of users. The workshop attendees were of the opinion that we should pursue the possibility of posting some of our information on the ANSN website.
Action : Mrs Maloney and Dr Yokoyama will follow up with the ANSN and FNCA co-ordinators and report back to this forum at the next workshop (or earlier by email.)
Proposal from the Philippines on the extension of the reporting to include Radiation Safety Culture
Ms Vangeline Parami (the Philippines) reminded the group of the proposal she had made at our last meeting to widen the scope of the Safety Culture Group to include reporting and peer review related to safety and security of radiation sources. After discussion, the group confirmed that the topic is very important but expressed concern that widening the scope of this group might decrease its effectiveness. It was also noted that there are several international initiatives (e.g., IAEA RaSSIA missions, Australia's RSRS project , the new FNCA Panel on RWM from non power installation which was proposed by the Philippines and now being under preparation phase for the first meeting in 2005 ) that address the safety and security of radiation sources. It was concluded that, while the FNCA Safety Culture group will not expand the scope of its activities at this time, it will continue to welcome reporting on all aspects of promotion of safety culture.
Status report on progress on recommendations arising from past Peer Reviews.
1. Viet Nam
Mr Pham Van Lam of Vietnam reported on continuing progress on the recommendations from the peer review of the Dalat Research Reactor carried out by this group in 2002. It is apparent that, while some areas are not quite completed, the Nuclear Research Institute is continuing its commitment to respond to the findings of the Peer Review and has made significant progress. The group noted that the Institute will be seeking assistance from Korea to implement a QA system.
2. Korea
Dr In-Cheol Lim of KAERI presented his institute's implementation status addressing the recommendations of the 2003 peer review of safety culture at HANARO. Over half of the recommendations have been fully addressed already and many more will be completed in the near future.
The Working Group thanked both Vietnam and Korea for their reports and expressed their appreciation for the progress that has been made and the commitment of both organisations to continue to act on the recommendations.
Future activities of the Safety Culture Project |
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Workshop participants reviewed the FNCA workplan and agreed to meet next year using a peer review team early in the 2006 calendar year followed by a workshop in late 2006. |
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Mr Ibrahim of MINT Malaysia invited the group to hold its next peer review and workshop in Malaysia in 2006. Consideration will be given to scheduling the peer review several months before the workshop thus streamlining the group's activities. |
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The group agreed to investigate the use of Safety Key Performance Indicators in their own country and to discuss at the next workshop. |
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In the near future, opportunities will be sought to strengthen the ties between FNCA Safety Culture Project and the Asian Nuclear Safety Network - particularly in the area of webposting of information. |
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The group agreed to continue (by e-mail) reviewing appropriate means for communication of FNCA-NSC activities. |
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At the 2003 workshop, i t was agreed that each country would prepare and submit a baseline report on the new Self Assessment Report Items but would prepare a country report in such a way to present items that have changed since 2003 workshop. For the 2004 workshop, some countries followed this guideline but others did not. Dr Lim suggested that this might not be appropriate for countries having many research reactors and the participants agreed that Dr Lim will lead a review of the reporting format for the next meeting through e-mail contact . |
Action . Dr Lim and Mr Marshall will communicate by email regarding appropriate reporting to support the Safety Culture aims of the workshop.
Peer Review of KARTINI reactor
A peer review of the Indonesian Self assessment report for KARTINI research reactor was conducted. The results are attached as ATTACHMENT 1.
Conclusions |
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The FNCA Working Group on Safety Culture expressed its sincere thanks to the staff of BATAN and BAPETEN for their excellent arrangements, interesting program and obvious commitment to safety culture. |
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The Group confirmed that there is strong commitment to furthering nuclear safety culture in the region and that the workshop and peer review provide an excellent opportunity for participants to learn from each other. |
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The Group agreed to recommend to the FNCA Coordinators' meeting that the next workshop and peer review should be held in Malaysia. They further agreed that the timing of the events should be established between Mr. Bastin, the FNCA Safety Culture Project leader, and Mr Ibrahim. |
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The Group noted with regret that Mr Odera will soon be changing his assignment in the Asia Cooperation Centre and will no longer be associated with the work of this Group. The Group thanked Mr. Odera for his excellent support over the last few years and wished him success in his future career. The Group welcomed Mr. Fukuda who will take over Mr. Odera's role. |
Program of FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture
June 6-10 2005, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Monday, 6 June 2005
08.30-10.00 |
Registration |
09.00-09.30 |
Opening of the Meeting |
09.00-09.10 |
Introduction of Attendants
Mr Alfahari Mardi, Director, Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center, (BATAN) |
09:20-09:30 |
Reply and welcome from Australia
Mrs Cait Maloney, General manager, Safety and Radiation Services (ANSTO)
09:10-09:20 |
Welcome Address
Mr Soekarman Aminjoyo, Chairman of BAPETEN on behalf of Dr Soedyartomo Soentono, Chairman of BATAN |
09.30-10.00 |
Workshop Administration
Mr Peter Marshall |
10.00-10.15 |
Memorial Photographing (in front of Hotel) |
10.15-10.30 |
Coffee Break |
10.30-10.45 |
Overview of Safety Culture Project
Mrs Cait Maloney |
10.45-11.15 |
Communication mechanisms such as newsletter, email, web, bilateral meetings
Mr Mitsutoshi Odera |
11.15-14.15 |
Country Report -Lunch |
11.15-11.30 |
Mr Peter Marshall (ANSTO) |
11.30-11.45 |
Mr Johnny Situmorang (BATAN) |
11.45-12.00 |
Mr Minoru Kubo (JNC) |
12.00-12.15 |
Dr In-Cheol Kim (KAERI) |
12.15-12.30 |
Mr M. Yusoff Ibrahim (MINT) |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30-13.45 |
Ms Vangeline K. Param (PNRI)i |
13.45-14.00 |
Ms Toungporn Angwongtrakool (OAP) |
14.00-14.15 |
Mr Pham Van Lam (NRI, VAEC) |
Topical Discussion |
14.15-15-00 |
Indonesian Culture in Perspective of Work and Safety Activities
Prof. Dr Djamaludin Ancok |
15.00-15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30-16.00 |
Proposal on Radiation Safety Culture
Ms Vangeline K. Parami (PNRI) |
16.00-16.30 |
Discussion |
16.30-17.00 |
Emergency Preparedness
Mr Goan-Yup Lee (KAERI) |
19.00-- |
Welcome Dinner Hosted by ANSTO
Tuesday, 7 June 2005
09.00-10.30 |
Chairman: Mr Alfahari Mardi |
09.00-09.30 |
Discussion on SC implication for moving from operations to decommissioning
Mrs Cait Maloney |
09.30-10.00 |
Safety KPIs
Mr Peter Marshall |
10.00-10.30 |
The Role of BAPETEN for Fostering Nuclear Safety Culture Implementation in Indonesia
Dr As Natio Lasman |
10-30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.30-12.00 |
Lessons Learned from Event, Piping Mr Hiroyasu Ito rupture at Mihama NPP Report on IAEA/EBP ANSN Meeting Dr Tsutomu Yokoyama |
12.00-12.30 |
Ms Vangeline K. Parami (PNRI) |
12.30-13.30 |
Chairman: Mr Minoru Kubo |
13.30-14.00 |
Update and Follow up action of Peer Review |
14.00-14.30 |
Vietnam Mr Pham Van Lam (NRI, VAEC) |
14.30-15.00 |
Korea Dr In-Cheol Kim (KAERI) |
15.00-15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30-16.00 |
Self Assessment of KARTINI Reactor for Peer Review
Mr Syarip |
16.00-16.30 |
Discussion |
16.30-17.00 |
How to proceed Kartini Peer Review and grouping of participants
Mr Johnny Situmorang |
18.00-21.00 |
Visit to Malioboro
Organizing Committee
Wednesday, 8 June 2005
07.30-08.00 |
Leave Hotel and move to P3TM |
08.00-08.30 |
Plenary Meeting
Presentation of P3TM-KARTINI
Ir Soedjatmoko, SU |
Q/A and Scheduling |
08.30-08.40 |
Coffee Break |
08.40-12.00 |
KARTINI Site Tour and Interview at Workplace |
12.00-13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00-14:40 |
Consideration of KARTINI Self-Assessment Report |
14.40-15.00 |
Coffee Break |
15.00- |
Cultural Visit
Thursday, 9 June 2005
09.00-10.30 |
Short Plenary Meeting
Interview and Discussion on KARTINI Peer Review in Group with counterparts |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00-12.30 |
Discussions Continue |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30-15.00 |
Exit Meeting (plenary)
Presentation from each group
Discussion |
15.00-15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30-16.00 |
Preparation of Peer Review Report and Workshop Report |
16.00-16.30 |
Additional Q/A with counterparts |
16.30-17.00 |
Preparing draft of final report for KARTINI Peer Review
19.00-21.00 |
Farewell Dinner
Friday, 10 June 2005
09.00-10.30 |
Concluding Session
Mrs Cait Maloney
Mr Alfahari Mardi
Mr Tsutomu Yokoyama |
09.00-09.30 |
Development of conclusion and further activities, Project milestone |
09.30-10.00 |
Review Progress on Target (Project Evaluation) and Discussion to Agreement |
10.00-10.30 |
3-Year work plan, and Candidate of Next NSC WS |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00-12.00 |
Press Conference |
12.00-12.10 |
Concluding Remarks
Mrs Cait Maloney |
12.10-12.30 |
Dr Hudi Hastowo on behalf of Mr Soekarman Aminjoyo, APU Chairman of BAPETEN |
The FNCA 2005 Workshop on Nuclear Safety Culture
6-10 June 2005, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
01. Mr s Cait Ma loney
General Manager, Safety and Radiation Services
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
02. Mr Peter Marshall
Senior Safety and Reliability Adviser, Safety and Radiation Services
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
03. Dr Tsutomu Yokoyama
Senior Counsellor
Safety Information Research Division
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)
04. Prof Yoshihiro Nakagome
Professor, Division of Reactor Safety Research
Research Reactor Institute
Kyoto University
05. Mr Masao Aoyagi
Senior General Manager, Plant Management Department
Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)
06. Mr Hiroyasu Ito
Manager, Plant Management Department
Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)
07. Mr Atsuo Kosaka
Supervising Director
Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC)
08. Mr Minoru Kubo
Director, Public Relations Division
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)
09. Mr Satoshi Kurata
General Manager and Group Manager, Quality Assurance Section
Nuclear Power Department, Power General Division
Chubu Electric Power Company (CEPCO)
10. Mr Masatsugu Yamada
Office of International Relations, Nuclear Safety Division,
Science and Technology Policy Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
11. Dr Takehiko Mukaiyama
Director, JAIF Liaison Office in Jakarta
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF)
12. Mr Mitsutoshi Odera
Project Manager, Asia Cooperation Center (ACC)
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF)
13. Mr Shinichi Fukuda
Project Manager, Asia Cooperation Center (ACC)
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF)
14. Dr In-Cheol Lim
Manager, HANARO Operation Management Department,
HANARO Management Division
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
15. Mr Goan-Yup Lee
Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Dept., KAERI
16. Mr Mohd Yusoff Ibrahim
Manager, Radiation and Industrial Safety Unit
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)
The Philippines
17. Ms Vangeline K. Parami
Head, Licensing, Review and Evaluation Unit, Nuclear Regulations,
Licensing and Safeguards Division
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
18. Ms Toungporn Angwongtrakool
Nuclear Engineer, Bureau of Nuclear Safety Regulation,
Office of Atoms for Peace
Viet Nam
19. Mr Pham Van Lam
Deputy Director
Nuclear Research Institute (NRI)
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC)
20. Mr Johnny Situmorang
Engineer, Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
21. Mrs Yusri Heni Nurwidi Astuti
Engineer, Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Material Center
National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)
22. Mr Naek Nababan
Engineer, Reactor Research Technology Development Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
23. Mr Syarip
Engineer, Advance Technology Development and Research Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
24. Mr Purwanto
Advance Technology Development and Research Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
25. Mrs Rini Heroe Oetami
Engineer, Advance Technology Development and Research Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
26. Mr Hendro Tjahjono
Engineer, Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
27. Mrs Itjeu Karliana
Engineer, Nuclear Safety Technology Development Center
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
28. Dr Khoirul Huda
Head, Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Material Center
National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)
29. Mr Heryudo Kusomo
Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Material Center
National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)