Summary Report of the 11th FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 11 to 12, 2010, Tokyo, Japan
The 11th FNCA Coordinators Meeting (CM) was held on March 11 and 12, 2010, in Tokyo (Mita Conference Hall), Japan, hosted by Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Cabinet Office (CAO) of Japan, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Chairperson of the Meeting was Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan. The Meeting was attended by delegates from ten FNCA countries, i.e., Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, and also from Kazakhstan and Mongolia as observers, as well as from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and IAEA RCA Regional Office.
Session 1: Opening Session
Dr. S. Kondo, Chairman of Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), in his opening speech, elaborated the specific tasks of the 11th FNCA Coordinators Meeting (CM) and expressed his hope to have constructive discussion leading to sensible conclusion.
Session 2: Summary Report of the 10th MM
Dr. S. Mache, FNCA Coordinator of Japan reported the conclusion and the resolution of the 10th Ministerial Meeting stressing tasks assigned by the meeting to the 11th CM for following up to have recommendation on appropriate action. The particular importance of issues on the inclusion of nuclear power in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and communicating with financial organization on this issue was pointed out by some coordinators.
Session 3: Project Review
Eleven on-going projects were reviewed by Japanese Project Leaders and experts of member countries for respective projects. Major comments taken note are as follows:
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For RRT (Research Reactor Technology) project, steady-state safety analysis code named "COOLROD-N2" was applied to the research reactors of member countries. Results of the application compared with experimental performance were reported.
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For NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis) project, the Philippines and Bangladesh will join subproject of Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration.
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For Mutation Breeding project, remarkable development of new mutant lines of banana resistant to BBTV (Banana Bunch Top Virus) disease in Philippines, and new mutant lines resistant to insect pest in Malaysia were particularly appreciated by the CM.
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For Bio-fertilizer project, the CM appreciated that high quality inoculants are produced using radiation processing of carriers and these inoculants are commercially available in medium scale to be expanded in near future. It was recommended that the coordinators should enhance cooperation between bio-fertilizer producers and nuclear institutes where radiation facilities are available for irradiation of carriers. The session chair mentioned that the promotion of nuclear science and technology should be enhanced and broadened to improve livelihood/living standards of people.
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For cyclotron and PET project, Malaysian representative reported that 104 PET images with interpretation have been collected for preparation of ATLAS and 100 more images will be added in 2010. The ATLAS will benefit nuclear medicine in member countries in improving diagnosis. Dr. M.Yunus of Malaysia mentioned that he is not sure regarding finance of the project in 2010 and is hoping for a good change of financial situation of the government soon to fund the project.
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For radiation oncology project, a quantitative evaluation on the improved radiotherapy and chemoradioherapy of cervix and head/neck cancer was reported.
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For electron accelerator project of natural polymers, a success story about plant growth promoter (PGP) of oligo-chitosan produced by radiation processing in Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and Thailand was reported. It was suggested that there should be further strengthening of collaboration is necessary between project leaders and agriculture sector for extension of application of oligo-chitosan and necessary field tests of super water absorbent (SWA) produced by radiation processing of starch.
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For public information project, the proposal of opinion survey on nuclear power in member countries was in principle supported by the CM.
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A challenge of Human Resources Development (HRD) and Asian Nuclear Training and Education Program (ANTEP) project is how to meet rapidly increasing demand of HRD for nuclear power. Since this issue is of vital importance, it is proposed to invite senior officials in charge of nuclear HRD in member countries to participate in the HRD project workshop in 2010 to discuss strategy of HRD.
China and Korea appreciated the steady efforts on HRD of Japan and mentioned that the coordinated efforts with other HRD projects including ANENT of IAEA will enhance the effectiveness of the ANTEP project.
It was announced by Dr. Machi on behalf of the MEXT that it is going to start a new important program of Global Nuclear HRD Initiative inviting a significant number of nuclear engineers and scientists in collaboration with the METI, JAIF, nuclear power industries, and academia.
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Mr. McGlinn of Australia reported on the 1st Workshop held in February 2010 in preparing a plan for the new project on Safety Management Systems of Research Reactors, funded by Australia. Major activities are peer reviews combined with a workshop, and self assessment of Safety Management Systems using the newly developed assessment tool. It was proposed that the first combined workshop and peer review be held in Indonesia in the first half of October 2010*. Thailand, Vietnam and China showed their interest in self-assessment and peer review in following years. The tool for peer review and self-assessment has been drafted and distributed to project members by Australia.
*Note: The schedule of the combined workshop and peer review on Safety Management System is tentative and it will be settled after mutual consultation between Australia and Indonesia.
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For Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management project, it is suggested to have better coordination with the project of Safety Management System because the both are closely related. |
Session 4: IAEA TC and RCA Activities
IAEA and RCA programs were reported by Mr. M. Maksoudi and Mr. M. Lee, respectively. Both highlighted the activities of common interest, and expressed the importance of strengthening cooperation with the FNCA to have more synergy to achieve common goals for the benefit of common Member States.
Mr. M. Maksoudi(IAEA)
Mr. M. Lee(RCA)
Mr. T. Yamamoto (JAEA)
Session 5: Status Report of the HRD Database
Mr. T. Yamamoto reported the updated HRD database with demonstration and the CM appreciated the database. FNCA member countries were requested to provide more information on HRD for nuclear power. The request was supported by the CM.
Session 6: Review Summary of Projects for FY 2009 and Plan for FY 2010
Progress in 2009 and plan for 2010 for the 11 projects were reported by Dr. S. Machi. It was stressed that 8 of the 11 projects will have 3rd-year reviews in the 12th CM to be held in March 2011 for possible termination or continuation.
The sub-project of Mutation Breeding for Insect Resistant Orchid was terminated in 2009 with successful results.
The CM approved the proposed plan of all projects in 2010 with comments mentioned above.
Special Session: Introduction of Activities of Kazakhstan and Mongolia
The organization, policy and program of Kazakhstan in nuclear science and technology were introduced by Dr. E. G. Batyrbekov. Pictures of major nuclear research facilities were also shown. Two units of NPP are planned. He stressed that uranium production will be increased.
Mr. G. Manlaijav made a presentation on the policy of Mongolia on uranium and nuclear energy underlining the importance of the increase of uranium production and export in the future. Applications of nuclear technology for agriculture and human health are also important programs.
Dr. E. G. Batyrbekov (Kazakhstan)
Mr. G. Manlaijav (Mongolia)
Session 7: Review and Plan of Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power
Dr. A. Omoto outlined the plan of the 2nd meeting of the 3rd-phase study panel stressing the importance of pre-project management, local industrial capability and supply chain, and regional cooperation for introduction of the 1st nuclear power plant. He also mentioned that the study panel should be harmonized with IAEA program supporting member states for introduction of the 1st NPP.
Dr. C. Lim reported the preparation of the 2nd meeting of the study panel hosted by MEST of ROK, JAEC and CAO of Japan. He proposed the dates of 1-2 July, 2010 and the venue of Seoul, both of which were agreed. Major agenda items including sharing experiences of project management, local industrial capability, supply chain, and regional cooperation were proposed and accepted in principle.
It was agreed that the study panel would still focus on the infrastructure issues in the Pre-project activities of Phase-1 of IAEA Milestone Document, in spite of the Terms of Reference agreed at the 10th CM.
Malaysia commented that variations in the necessary period for establishing (e.g. short, or middle, or long) each infrastructure issue should be considered.
Dr. A. Omoto(JAEC)
Dr. C. Lim(Korea)
Mr. S. Motohashi(JNES)
Session 8: Action Plan for Recommendations of the 10th MM
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Sharing of Knowledge on Countermeasures against such Natural Hazards as Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes
Mr. S. Motohashi of JNES introduced Current Issues of Seismic Safety Research for Nuclear Installation focusing on the revision of seismic design guide in 2006, characteristics of Chuetsu-oki Earthquake near Kashiwazaki TEPCO NPPs Units 1 to 7, and safety research for anti-seismic design. A new IAEA program for seismic safety is providing useful information. Indonesia appreciated the report to be learned.
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Following-up Actions to COP on the Inclusion of Nuclear Power in the Crediting Mechanisms
Importance of concerted action of relevant FNCA countries to COP of UNFCCC insisting the inclusion of nuclear power in a crediting mechanism such as CDM was agreed. Dr. S. Machi showed the schedule of Ad-hoc Working Group of COP before COP-16 and urged the Coordinators to take appropriate actions for COP by communicating with relevant ministries, such as foreign ministry and environmental ministry on the FNCA Joint Communique and results of the CDM case studies.
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CDM Case Studies Follow-up
Dr. S. Machi reported the objectives and summary of results of case studies for nuclear CDM showing clear benefit to nuclear power business. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand briefly reported the results of their case studies emphasizing the reduction of CO2 emissions by nuclear power and rationality of the inclusion of nuclear power in a crediting mechanism such as CDM. It was agreed that FNCA secretariat should prepare a summary document of case studies for publication to be used by member countries for communication with stakeholders. It was also agreed that the case study will be further refined by using updated values on construction cost, electricity price, CO2 price of CER, etc.
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Business Forum
Dr. M. Yunus and Dr. Wan Manshol outlined the objectives and scope of the Forum. The Forum is attended primarily by industries and government investment organizations to promote win-win business opportunities. The Forum is to be held in parallel to the Ministerial Level Meeting (MM) in China in November, 2010. Detailed program of the Forum should be formulated between Malaysia, China and Japan to be passed on promptly to member countries for their consideration. Participation should be self-financed.
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Forum for Exchanging Experience on Commercialization of Beneficial Nuclear Technology
Dr. A. Dela Rosa outlined another forum proposed by Secretary Alabastro at the 10th MM. Its objectives are to share experiences in technology dissemination, adaptation and commercialization as well as to identify strategy for enhancing commercialization. She proposed preferable date before June. The agenda of the forum should be decided by consultation.
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Regional Network for Research Reactor Utilization, Planning and Production/Supply of Isotopes
Dr. S. Machi explained objectives and possible major agenda of the meeting on the regional network stressing importance of assurance of supply of isotopes through regional networks. Dr. T. Ido reported on serious challenges of stable supply of medical isotopes and proposed cooperation of CJK(Isotope Association Congress of China, Japan and Korea) and FNCA for setting up a network for stable isotope supply and standardization of QA/QC of isotopes.
Mr. Y. Liu of China delivered a speech on nuclear energy development and the status and future plan of isotope production in China underlining that the CARR will soon achieve the first criticality and producing Mo-99, I-125, I-131, Ir-192. He also stated that China is willing to supply isotopes to FNCA member countries.
Mr. Siripone Chue-Inta of Thailand introduced the plan of construction of new research reactor of 10MW at TINT, in which medical isotope production is planned. He also reported that the new research reactor is expected to start design and construction in 2013.
Mr. C. Lim of Korea mentioned that the construction of a 20 MW reactor for production of isotopes in Korea has not been decided.
Dr. S. Machi proposed to have the 1st meeting in conjunction with a Workshop of Research Reactor Technology to be held in China with the possible participation of the CJK Isotope Congress. The proposal was accepted.
Dr. T. Ido(JRIA)
Mr. Y. Liu(China)
Mr. Siripone(Thailand)
Session 9: Future Plan of FNCA Activities
Mr. K. Yamamoto of CAO reported the draft schedule of international meetings of FNCA activities and it was accepted in principle. Final date and detail agenda of the meetings should be decided by consultation between host government and Japan through the coordinators.
Mr. P. McGlinn proposed that the date of the combined workshop and peer review on Safety Management System in Indonesia ideally should be before the 11th MM, preferably in the first half of October*.
Mr. H. Sasai of Fukui Prefecture offered to invite the 12th Coordinators Meeting to be held in Fukui which was willingly accepted by the coordinators. In this regard, Dr. S. Machi proposed to hold a half-day FNCA Open Seminar in conjunction with the 12th CM in Fukui. Some coordinators expressed their interest in learning the public acceptance for nuclear power in Fukui at the 12th CM.
Mr. H. Sasai announced that the establishment of the Fukui International Center of HRD for Nuclear Energy is planned.
*Note: The schedule of the combined workshop and peer review on Safety Management System is tentative and it will be settled after mutual consultation between Australia and Indonesia.
Session 10: Closing
For confirmation of summary report Dr. S. Machi proposed to send the draft by e-mail next week for comments and modifications to finalize it as soon as possible and his proposal was accepted by the meeting.
Dr. Machi delivered closing remarks appreciating excellent contribution of all the coordinators, experts, and meeting secretariat.