FNCA   Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting

Participants List


Summary Report of the 17th FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 8 - 9, 2016, Tokyo, Japan

Group Photo

The 17th FNCA Coordinators Meeting held on March 8-9, 2016, in Tokyo, Japan, was officially hosted by the Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO) and the Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), and co-hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. Chairperson of the Meeting was Mr Tomoaki WADA, FNCA Coordinator of Japan.
The Meeting was attended by delegates from 12 member countries and an international organizations; Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), RCA Regional Office, and OECD/NEA.
ven sessions of this Meeting is as follows:

Session 1: Opening Session
Dr Yoshiaki OKA, Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), made a welcome address, in which he called on the participants to have a moment of silence for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, just before the 5th anniversary of its occurrence. He also expressed heartfelt welcome to the participants, and introduced the role and responsibilities of JAEC, which include discussion and formulation of nuclear policy and application of lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident. And he mentioned about decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPPs and restoration of the area affected by the Fukushima Daiich accidents, as one of the challenges for government and the nuclear industries.
After the self-introduction by each participant, the Meeting agenda was adopted with some amendments.
Dr Oka Mr Wada
Dr Yoshiaki OKA, Chairman of JAEC Mr Tomoaki WADA, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (Chair)

Session 2: Summary Report of the FNCA MLM in 2015
Mr Hironori NAKANISHI, Japan, reported on the 16th Ministerial Level Meeting (MLM), and the action items of Joint Communique on the new direction of FNCA, such as launching a new research project on climate change, and improvement of the management of FNCA activities. He also elaborated the actions to be taken hereafter, i.e., TOR for each FNCA meeting.

Session 3: Development of Radiation Application-Part-1
Dr Hirohiko TSUJII, Japan, reported that CERVIX-IV, the protocol study for cervical cancer by Radiation Oncology Project achieved excellent results, and the project will develop new and higher level protocol, CERVIX-V. Prof CAO Jianping, China, reported that radiotherapy is enhanced in China, FNCA has been playing a very important role to promote radiotherapy in China as well.
Dr Hirokazu NAKAI, Japan, presented the results of Mutation Breeding of rice for sustainable agriculture, reporting that member countries are achieving new varieties with resistance to various environmental stress, as well as adaptability to low input sustainable agriculture. Dr BAYARSUKH Noov, Mongolia, showed the achievement of new wheat mutant varieties and future plan in Mongolia.

Session 4: Development of Radiation Application -Part 2-
Prof Issay NARUMI, Japan, presented the results of the workshop on Biofertilizer Project , reporting that radiation technology for biofertilizer carrier sterilization was already transferred to the biofertilizer manufacturing companies in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Dr Phatchayaphon MEUNCHANG, Thailand, introduced the pilot project to extend the utilization of irradiation carrier by Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) and some private companies.
Dr Masao TAMADA, Japan, presented progress situation of development of Plant Growth Promoter (PGP) and Super Water Absorbent (SWA) in member countries of Electron Accelerator Application Project . Ms Chartio T. ARANILLA, the Philippines, introduced achievements of preliminary field tests on efficacy of PGP in rice, such as yield increase, as well as improved resistance against disease and typhoon.

Session 5: Strengthening of Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Infrastructure -Part 1-
Prof Toshiso KOSAKO, Japan, introduced the achievements of Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management Project, including workshop, Consolidated Report on Nuclear/Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Publication of Newsletter. Mr Husen ZAMRONI, Indonesia, reported achievements in the field of radiation safety and radioactive waste management in Indonesia, such as renew of some ageing facilities and zero accident.
Mr Peter McGLINN, Australia, introduced findings from the workshop and peer review of Safety Management System (SMS) Project in Vietnam, as well as feedback of previous peer review in Bangladesh, stressing that peer review process have helped member countries to improve safety. Dr NGUYEN Nhi Dien, Vietnam, reported about improvement of safety management system in Dalat Nuclear Research Institute (DNRI), in response to peer review of SMS project and regular inspection.

Session 6: Strengthening of Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Infrastructure -Part 2-
Mr Masao SENZAKI, Japan, outlined the workshop of Nuclear Security and Safeguards Project which covered good practices for developing nuclear security culture, management of sensitive information regarding nuclear security, and NMA&C for nuclear facility operators, etc. Mr Sergey BEREZIN, Kazakhstan, introduced Kazakhstan's initiatives for nuclear security and safeguards, such as international cooperation, personal training, and dissemination of nuclear security culture.
Dr Takeshi IIMOTO, Japan, outlined the workshop of Human Resources Development Project, proposing specific topics to be taken up in future workshop, namely information exchange on nuclear science materials for schools. Dr Syed Mohammod HOSSAIN, Bangladesh, reported on their efforts to fulfill nuclear human resources.

Session 7: IAEA/RCA Activities Reports and the Cooperation with IAEA
  Mr CHOI Kun Mo, Director of RCA Regional Office, introduced its effort to amend the RCA agreement in consideration of new member countries, such as establishment of Medium Term Strategy. RCA identifies FNCA as one of strategic co-operator of RCA stakeholders, and expects to continue its cooperation with FNCA in coming years. This was followed by the discussion, in which Mr. WADA expressed the intention to continue the cooperation between FNCA and RCA on specific projects which would provide synergy.
Mr Choi A scene from the meeting
Mr Kun Mo Choi, Director of RCA Regional Office A Scene from the Meeting

Session 8: Development of Research Reactor Application-Part 2-
Prof Mitsuru EBIHARA, Japan, proposed to continue Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Project focusing on rare earth elements (REEs) and suspended particular matter (SPM), stating that each member country have confirmed end-users of NAA such as environmental sectors, mineral resources sectors, and so on. Mr Jong Hwa MOON, Korea, introduced application of NAA in Korea in the fields of environment, material science, geology and archeology.
Dr Masanori KAMINAGA, Japan, outlined the workshop of Research Reactor Network Project, which recommended to continue information exchange on new research reactors and production situation of Mo-99 and other RIs, and to prepare detailed catalog of multi-purpose research reactor. Dr Azahari Bin KASBOLLAH, stated that Malaysian Nuclear Agency has plan to produce Mo-99 by n-gamma method as a final goal of domestic production, using its research reactor, RTP.

Session 9: Follow-up on activities based on the Joint Communique of the 16th MLM
In Session 9, the action items decided in the Joint Communique of the 16th MLM were reviewed, namely, establishment of a new research project on climate change, promotion of the cooperation with international organizations such as IAEA and OECD/NEA, and improvement of the management of FNCA.
Mr Peter McGLINN, Australia, proposed new project, "Research on Climate Change using Nuclear Technology" aiming at analysis of environmental samples like lake sediments, tree rings, etc., by nuclear and isotope technology, for better understanding what happened to the environment in the past.
Ms Ximena VÁSQUEZ MAIGNA, OECD/NEA, introduced NEA's activities related to nuclear legislation. She proposed cooperation between FNCA and OECD/NEA to exchange information and experiences in the field of nuclear liability.
Mr Nobuhiro MUROYA, Japan, explained that the the action item of the Joint Communique on improvement of the management of FNCA activities aims to reinvigorate the activities and to create further results. He proposed how to evaluate FNCA projects and Study panel in new and visualized manner.
Mr MUROYA also proposed "FNCA Award" which aims to commend project teams who have achieved excellent results in the project activities, as well as its selection process.

Session 10: Discussion on Future Policy of FNCA Activities
The member countries gave their review of Mutation Breeding (MB) Project which is its 3rd year of the present phase in JFY 2015 and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Project which was extended by one year pending development of linkage with end-users. They announced their intention to continue these two projects.
Dr Hideki NAMBA, FNCA Advisor of Japan, summarized the results of MB project, in which he concluded that the project is worth to continue for another two years to achieve the target, taking into consideration the fact that new varieties of rice were established or being established in member countries.
Then Mr WADA recognized that NAA project has established linkage with end-users in the field of NAA of PM 2.5 and rare earth elements, and concluded that the project will extend for another three years, with expectation of creating considerable socio-economic impact on Asian region.
Mr WADA proposed the plan of host countries for FNCA workshops in 2016, adding that joint workshops will be held for Electron Accelerator Application Project and Biofertilizer Project, and for Research Reactor Network Project and Neutron Activation Analysis Project. It was concluded that the plan will be circulated to member countries after the meeting, in order to confirm their availability.

Session 11: Closing Session
Mr WADA provided the Conclusion and Recommendation of the meeting. It was agreed that the Conclusion and Recommendation would be emailed to member countries for comments within two weeks.
Lastly, Mr WADA gave his closing remarks, and officially closed the meeting.
Technical Visit to NIRS 1 Technical Visit to NIRS 2
Technical Visit to National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba (7th March)

Conclusions and Recommendations of the 17th FNCA Coordinators Meeting

1. The meeting appreciated that the FNCA activities were effectively implemented in JFY 2015 to have achieved significant outcomes benefiting member countries.
2. Regarding contributory measures to ease the adaptation to climate change utilizing nuclear science and technology as pointed out in the Joint Communique of the 16th FNCA Ministerial-Level Meeting, the meeting agreed to
a) plan to launch a new research project on climate change utilizing nuclear technology such as accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in 2017,
b) further advance nuclear infrastructure projects/themes related to human resources development and nuclear safety, and
c) further advance nuclear application projects, such as mutation breeding project which could contribute as an adaptive response to climate change, for sustainable development.
3. The meeting reviewed two projects, namely Mutation Breeding and Neutron Activation Analysis, and agreed to extend them (another two-year extension for Mutation Breeding and a three-year of extension for Neutron Activation Analysis) with the following comments:
a) Mutation Breeding
- New varieties of rice have been established or registered in Bangladesh, Korea, and Vietnam, and are being established in Indonesia and Malaysia.
- It is important to strengthen the collaboration between nuclear institutes and agricultural sectors including end users in order to get desired new variety of plants acceptable in market.
- Closer collaboration with other related projects, namely Electron Accelerator and Biofertilizer, is necessary to clarify the synergistic effect of bred mutant and plant growth promoter (PGP) / Biofertilizer
b) Neutron Activation Analysis
- The NAA of PM2.5 for environmental monitoring and the NAA of rare earth elements for resource exploration are expected to create considerable socio-economic impact on the Asian region. With appropriate financial support, project leaders should employ their best efforts to yield tangible outcomes and establish enhanced linkages with potential end users by the end of the three-year program.
- The activities on analysis of PM2.5 should be complemented with the outcomes of the RCA project on air pollution.
4. In accordance with plans for improvement of the management of FNCA activities in the Joint Communique of the 16th FNCA Ministerial-Level Meeting, the meeting agreed to introduce the improved procedures for evaluating projects and study panel. For FNCA projects evaluation is done at the Coordinators' Meeting at the time of both adoption (including continuation) and termination
a) Project proposals prepared by the proposers include the project objectives, outcomes, activities, implementation structure, and stakeholders.
b) The projects are evaluated by all the FNCA coordinators in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. For study panel, the quasi-evaluation of the proposals is made at the time of the initiation by the Senior Official Meeting (SOM).
The Detailed of the improved procedures are described in Annex1-1 to 1-7, and these will be reviewed for the next SOM as well as further discussed at the SOM.
5. The meeting appreciated that the treatment according to the protocols, CERVIX-IV for cervical cancer and NPC-III for nasopharyngeal cancer, established by the Radiation Oncology project, has produced remarkable achievements and it welcomed the initiation of the CERVIX-V study, which will start next year. The meeting also expects the protocols established in this project to be adopted in the hospitals in every member country.
6. The meeting acknowledged the successful implementation of the Safety Management Systems for Nuclear Facilities project in the peer review by the expert team of member countries in Vietnam in JFY 2015, and noted that Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM) has improved the safety management by following the recommendations of the peer review.
7. The meeting suggested that since almost all countries in the FNCA are planning to construct low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities/long-term storage facilities, the safety features and the actual designing of the disposal facility as well as public acceptances should be discussed in the Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management project.
8. The meeting noted the importance of further advancing FNCA's nuclear security and safeguards activities for sustainable development of nuclear security, taking into account the new commitments of the 4th Nuclear Security Summit to be held from March 31 to April 1 in 2016.
9. Regarding Human Resources Development Project, the meeting recommended that the member countries will prepare education materials ahead of the workshop, and will report practical experience using them at secondary schools and exchange relating information in the workshop in JFY 2016.
10. It was agreed that FNCA should continue its cooperation with the IAEA/RCA on specific projects on mutation breeding, radiation oncology, and radiation processing for possible synergy and experience sharing with non-FNCA RCA member states.
11. It was agreed in the meeting to start cooperation with the OECD/NEA on nuclear law such as nuclear liability, which would become an important issue in FNCA member countries.
12. The meeting agreed to launch "The Best Research Team of the Year" award and "The Excellent Research Team" award (FNCA Award), in which the best team contribution and excellent team contributions are selected from among all the FNCA project activities in the current year. The coordinators will propose the award candidates and the SOM will elect the winners.
13. The meeting agreed that the project workshops would be hosted by the respective member governments as shown in Annex 2 in JFY 2016. Joint workshops are to be held for Electron Accelerator Application and Biofertilizer projects, and for Research Reactor Network and Neutron Activation Analysis projects, in expectation of effective and efficient discussions and synergy effects. Prospective host governments should confirm their availability as soon as possible.
14. It was agreed that the summary report (draft) would be e-mailed to member countries for comments within two weeks and each member country should make comments in another two weeks, and that the Secretariat would prepare the final version of the report to be adopted by the delegates.

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia