FNCA Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting

Participants List


Record of The Third Coordinators Meeting (CM)
March 6-8, 2002, Tokyo, Japan

1. The Third CM was held from 6 through 8 March 2002 in Tokyo hosted by the Cabinet Office (CO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.

2. At the Opening Session the opening speech was presented by Mr. S. Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan and Mr. T. Endo, Vice Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan, gave the welcome remarks.

3. The agenda of the meeting was adopted after one item regarding project proposal on gNuclear Instrumentation Maintenance Networkh was added.

4. Chairs for sessions were adopted as proposed.
Three rapporteurs, Mr. A. Manoon, Ms. A. de la Rosa and Mr. S. Machi were appointed to draft the record of the meeting.

5. In Session-1, the FNCA Coordinator of Japan reported the outcome of the Second FNCA Meeting (MM and SOM). The meeting noted the report.

6. In Session 2 the representative of each country presented the country report. The statements which need following up are as follows:
(1) The representative of Australia pointed out the importance of gownershiph as motivating factor to the successful outcome of the project. He also underscored that the FNCA program should be constantly reviewed in order not to be duplicated with those being carried out by the IAEA-TC and RCA.
The FNCA Coordinator of China mentioned that Chinese Government has promised to host workshops or seminars at least in one technical field each year and try its best to do more contribution to the cooperation.
(2) The FNCA Coordinators of Indonesia and Vietnam proposed gNuclear Instrumentation Maintenance Networkh and gMarine Environmental Pollution Research and Monitoring using Nuclear and Nuclear-related Analytical Techniques and FNCA Database,h respectively which were discussed in Session 6.
(3) The representative of Korea mentioned the need of establishment of a Nuclear Liability Scheme in the FNCA countries. The FNCA Coordinator of Thailand mentioned that liability scheme for radiation safety is equally important.
(4) The FNCA Coordinator of Malaysia mentioned that his government would consider to be a volunteer country for spent radiation source management in the future.
(5) The FNCA Coordinator of the Philippines offered to host the Workshop (WS) on Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation for Agriculture in 2003 and the WS on Nuclear Safety Culture in 2003. She proposed that the Government of the Philippines would host the Seventh FNCA Meeting in 2006.
(6) The FNCA Coordinator of Thailand offered to host the WS on HRD in 2003.

7. In Session 3 a review of the on-going projects in the eight fields of cooperative activities was undertaken, and future work plan was approved. The meeting agreed the tentative schedule for WS/Meeting under the FNCA Framework together with venues in Attachment 1

8. With the significant shift in project management from a meeting-oriented approach to a problem-solving approach, the FNCA projects have gained specific focus. Consequently these are now aligned more closely with the technological and socio-economic needs of the FNCA countries. The work plans were approved as shown in Attachment 2.

9. Important subjects discussed are listed in Attachment 3.

10. In Session 4 key issues raised by the Project Leaders on Public Information of Nuclear Energy (PI) and on HRD were discussed.
(1) For the issue on PI, the linkage between the joint survey and national information dissemination scheme was extensively discussed. The meeting agreed that the linkage should be reflected in the current draft document by adding gthe analysis of the result of the joint survey should be used to formulate and adjust to national public information schemeh to proposed plan for the joint survey. Furthermore, the meeting also suggested the linkage between regional speakers bureau and national public information activities should be coordinated. The strategic plan for public information was agreed to be submitted to the Third FNCA Meeting for endorsement. The revised text of the proposal is shown in Attachment 4.
(2) For issue on HRD, the proposal on strategic plan was discussed extensively. The meeting endorsed that the survey of basic data on HRD in each FNCA country be conducted at the earliest possible time. The meeting agreed that the overall strategic plan should be revised to reflect the discussion and be submitted to the Third FNCA Meeting for endorsement. The revised text is shown in Attachment 4.

11. In Session 5 the CM agreed to recommend to the Third FNCA Meeting for adoption of a project on "Sustainable Development and Nuclear Energy in Asia". The FNCA Coordinators of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam supported the project. A seminar on CDM of the Kyoto Protocol should be added as an activity of the project.

12. The proposal for the gAsian Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (AINST)h was discussed. The meeting agreed to consider the proposal under the framework of the strategic plan on HRD.

13. In Session 6, two new proposals were discussed, i.e. gMarine Environmental Pollution Research and Monitoring using Nuclear and Nuclear-related Analytical Techniques and FNCA Databaseh by Vietnam and gNuclear Instrumentation Maintenance Networkh by Indonesia. The meeting agreed that the FNCA Coordinator of Japan should consult with the IAEA to avoid duplication and to enhance complementarity, and to report the result for possible initiation to the FNCA Coordinators for comments and suggestions.

14. In Session 7 the FNCA Coordinator of Japan presented issues on operation of the FNCA activities carried forward from the Second FNCA Meeting, particularly the role of a lead country, duration of a project, and the proposal and selection process for a project. The meeting had extensive discussions and agreed to revise the document on the issue as shown in Attachment 5.

15. The Korean delegation reported on the preparation of the Third FNCA Meeting to be held in Seoul, Korea tentatively on October 30-31, 2002, with optional technical visit on October 29. The theme of the Meeting will be gAtoms for the Next Generationh. The tentative venue of the meeting is ASEM Hall, COEX Building, Seoul.

16. The meeting adjourned with a closing remarks by MEXT.

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Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia