FNCA Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting



The Coordinators Meeting of
the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)

The Roles of the Coordinators Meeting

The Roles of the Coordinators Meeting are as follows:
  1. Review of projects in seven areas of cooperation, and three-year work plans of them will be reported and discussed
  (1) Project Leaders of Japan will report the progressive situation on the Utilization of Research Reactors, the Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation for Agriculture, the Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation for Medical Uses, the Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy, the Radioactive Waste Management, and the Human Resources Development. Project Leader of Australia will report on the Nuclear Safety Culture.
  (2) Host countries of last Workshops are requested to make comments on the Workshop results.

Host countries of Workshops in the next fiscal year will be requested to introduce their plans of the Workshops at this Coordinators Meeting.

  2. The Coordinator of each country is requested to express his/her view on the result of seven projects of the FNCA.
  3. Comprehensive adjustment among the seven projects will be discussed based on the project review. Agreement of this discussion will be reflected in making or revising the Discussion Paper for Strategy for the FNCA.
  4. The Coordinator of the country that hosts the coming FNCA will report what was agreed upon at the Coordinators Meeting, that is, the Discussion Paper for Strategy to the FNCA.
Venues of the Coordinators Meeting
The time and venue of the Coordinators Meeting are, in principle, in March in Japan.
The First Coordinators Meeting of
the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)
March 7 and 8, 2000, Tokyo
The First Coordinators Meeting of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) was held on March 7 and 8, 2000 in Tokyo

The First Coordinators Meeting March 7 and 8, 2000, Tokyo
Representatives participated from Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam as well as the IAEA as an observer.
This First Coordinators Meeting was planned on the agreement of the Tenth International Conference for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (10th ICNCA) held in March 1999 in Tokyo. In that 10th ICNCA, nomination of one Coordinator and Project Leaders of seven areas of projects in each country were agreed upon among the above nine countries to operate cooperation activities more systematically. That led to set up of a new scheme named " Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)" in Apri 1999.
Through two days discussion, the participants agreed that
The cooperation activities of past eleven years were extremely important for development of basic infrastructure in nuclear fields of participating countries, and it is worth stressing that the above cooperative projects of nuclear science and technology have provided socioeconomic benefit to the region.
The introduction of new scheme named the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) is effective and efficient in strengthening cooperation among the nine participating countries.
Various ways and modes of cooperation should be studied in order to enjoy the best benefit from ongoing activities, and
Participating countries recognized importance of establishing their domestic supporting system to the FNCA activities.
The representative of Thailand announced its willingness to hold the First FNCA under co-sponsorship of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE) of Thailand and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan.
Technical aspects of cooperation activities were discussed and reviewed to obtained the following conclusions:
In the agricultural application, new varieties of plants, for example legumes and industrially useful crops, were introduced with greater productivity under pressing environmental conditions, and the database of mutation breeding was constructed for effective use in the region
In the research reactor utilization, development and adoption of improved analytical procedures to track air pollution in major cities and to identify the major sources were successfully implemented. Safe operation and maintenance methodology were introduced for the stable and safe operation of research reactors in the region. Training of staff in these areas were effectively promoted with this project. Another effect was promotion of study of new material development.
In medical application, coordinated trials for radiation therapy of cervical cancer has been made and led to development of the first regional-base version of treatment protocol in the world. The second joint study started on the accelerated hyper-fractionated radiotherapy.
In the public acceptance, necessity to share the common resources of experts in various nuclear fields was recognized. The Home Page called AsiaNNet was opened in October 1999 as a part of the FNCA network activities. Further, the FNCA countries expressed desire to strengthen this network service for better communication among the researchers.
In the radioactive waste management, importance to establish the safety standards as well as the domestic system to respond to the issues was recognized.
In the nuclear safety culture, the region wide cooperation was recognized essential in establishing safety base in each country, to start with non-power use of nuclear energy.
The first workshop on human resource development was held in Tokyo in 1999 based upon the request of the FNCA countries.
Activities of the Office of the Coordinators of Japan were introduced and the Office expressed willingness to be of use for Coordinators of FNCA countries if they desire. The result of new attempt to receive two fellows from FNCA countries was introduced that this year fellows were received from Thailand and Korea.
The technical visits were planned and carried out to the Institute of Radiation Breeding of the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, and to the High Energy Accelerator Research Organizations (KEK). 21

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Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia