List of Participants in the Sixth FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 30- April 1, 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Australia |
Dr. John F. Easey |
Senior Principal Research Scientist
International and Regional Liaison Executive Division
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) |
China |
Mr. Zhang Jing |
Director General, Dept. of International Cooperation
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)
Mr. Huang Wei |
Deputy Director,
Department of International Cooperation
Prof. Benjiang Mao |
Deputy Chief Engineer, Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering
China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) |
Indonesia |
Dr. Soedyartomo Soentono |
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) |
Dr. Hudi Hastowo |
Deputy Chairman
(Development of Nuclear Technology and Energy)
Korea |
Dr. Jong-Bae Choi |
Director, Atomic Energy International Cooperation Division Atomic Energy Bureau
Ministry of Science & Techology (MOST) |
Mr. Eui-Jin Lee |
Manager, Nuclear Training Center
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) |
Mr. Min-Won Seo |
Head, Office of Multilateral International Cooperation
Korea Nuclear International Cooperation (KONICOF)
Malaysia |
Dr. Daud Bin Mohamad |
Director General
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT)
Mr. Adnan Haji. Khalid |
Director, Division of Planning and External Relations
The Philippines |
Dr. (Ms.) Alumanda M.
Dela Rosa |
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) |
Dr. (Ms.) Corazon C. Bernido |
Deputy Director
Thailand |
Ms. Jindarom Chvajarernpun |
Head, International Cooperation Group
Bureau of Atomic Energy Administration
Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) |
Dr. (Ms.) Omsub Nopamornbodi |
Biofertilizer Expert Advisory
Senior Expert Office
Department of Agriculture (DOA) |
Viet Nam |
Prof. Vuong Huu Tan |
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) |
Mr. Le Doan Phac |
Director, Department of International Cooperation
Panel on gRole of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asiah
Indonesia |
Mr. Sihite Thamrin |
Head, Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources |
Korea |
Mr. Kyoung-Pyo Kim |
PM, Principal Researcher, Office of International Cooperation
The Philippines |
Mr. Francisco A. Benito |
Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Operations
Department of Energy (DOE) |
Thailand |
Mr. Suchat Pookbanyang |
Mechanical Engineer, Steam Generator and Turbine
Engineering Department
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) |
Viet Nam |
Mr. Ta Van Huong |
Director General
Department of Energy and Petroleum
Ministry of Industry (MOI) |
Japan |
Dr. Sueo Machi |
FNCA Coordinator of Japan
Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commission of Japan (AEC) |
Mr. Kazuo Todani |
Director for Atomic Energy, Cabinet Office (CAO) |
Mr. Takashi Inutsuka |
Deputy Director for Atomic Energy, CAO |
Mr. Hiroshi Kawagoshi |
Director, Office of International Relations, Nuclear Safety Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) |
Ms. Miwako Shimizu |
Special Staff, Atomic Energy Division, Research and Development Bureau, MEXT |
Mr. Yasuyoshi Komizo |
Director of International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division,
Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) |
Ms. Rumiko Ishigami |
Deputy Director, International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, MOFA |
Mr. Kiyoshi Suzuki |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) |
Mr. Michio Hashimoto |
Director, Office of International Affairs, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry |
(Project Leaders) |
Dr. Hideaki Yokomizo |
Chairman of Steering Group of Utilization of Research Reactors, Depty Director General
Tokai Research Establishment,
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute(JAERI) |
Prof. Mitsuru Ebihara |
Project Leader of Neutron Activation Analysis
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Graduate School of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Dr. Yukio Morii |
Project Leader of Neutron Scattering
Deputy Director, Neutron Science Research Center
Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI |
Dr. Tsuguo Genka |
Project Leader of Tc-Generator
Project Manager, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.(JAIF) |
Dr. Hitoshi Nakawaga |
Acting Project Leader of Mutation Breeding
Director, Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS) |
Dr. Tadashi Yokoyama |
Project Leader of Biofertilizer
Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |