Record of the Sixth FNCA Coordinators Meeting
March 30- April 1, 2005, Tokyo, Japan
April 1, 2005
1. Session 1: Opening
The Sixth FNCA Coordinators Meeting (CM) was held from March 30
through April 1, 2005 in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) of Japan and Cabinet Office (CAO) of Japan.
Dr. Sueo Machi, the Commissioner of Atomic Energy Commission of
Japan (and FNCA Coordinator of Japan) gave the welcome remarks
at the Opening Session.
The Meeting was attended by delegates from FNCA countries, i.e.,
Australia, the Peoplefs Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan, the
Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet
2. Session 2: Report on the Fifth FNCA Meeting in Hanoi, Viet Nam
In Session 2, Professor Vuong Huu Tan, Chairman of Viet Nam Atomic Energy Commission
and the FNCA Coordinator of Viet Nam gave a summary report of the Fifth FNCA
Meeting in Hanoi, Viet Nam (Ministerial Level Meeting and Senior Officials
Meeting). The Sixth FNCA Coordinators Meeting took note of the
3. Session 3: Progress of New Activities
In Session 3, progress of two new activities was reported namely:
the Panel on gRole of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development
in Asiah and the project on gCyclotron and PET (Positron emission
tomography) in Medicineh.
3.1 Panel on gRole of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable
Development in Asiah
Dr. Machi reported the results of the 1st Meeting held on October
20- 21, 2004 in Tokyo. The Panel was composed of nuclear experts
and energy experts. He emphasized that the Panel clearly noted
that energy demand would rapidly increase in the future but per
capita reserves of fossil fuel were at the lowest level for the
region encompassing the FNCA countries.
The 6th Meeting agreed that the formulation of a long term energy
supply strategy was important.
China stated that their nuclear power capacity
was predicted to expanded to 36-40GW by 2020, with power capacity
doubling to 900GW.
Korea stated that 19 nuclear power units were
in operation and 8 units would be added before 2015 to meet increasing
Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand stated
that there were no definite plans for them to use nuclear power
in the near future and nuclear power was the last option. These
countries had other indigenous energy resources such as fossil
fuel, hydro power, and geothermal energy.
Indonesia stated that the recent price increase
of oil might trigger the recognition of benefit of nuclear power,
and that his government had a plan to construct the 1st NPP in
the second decade of this century. Amongst other reasons it would
save the oil reserve.
Viet Nam stated that his government had completed
pre-FS on the 1st NPP and was hoping to start operation before
2018 in order to meet the rapidly increasing power demand.
Australia stated that media in his country were
recently discussing the benefits of nuclear power in terms of CO2
emission reduction after the Kyoto Protocol entered into force
in Feb., 2005 and after the potential sale of the Olympic Dam mine,
which had the worldfs largest known reserve of uranium.
China and Indonesia stressed that the CDM of Kyoto
Protocol should include nuclear power because it could provide
energy without emission of GHG. They also proposed that the FNCA
could be a forum to appeal COP to include nuclear power in CDM.
Viet Nam, Korea and Japan supported the suggestion.
The FNCA Coordinator of Japan stated that 4 years
ago the same issue had been discussed at the FNCA Ministerial Level
Meeting but without reaching a consensus view. However, circumstance
had now changed in terms of the rapid increase in energy demand
and the entering into the force of the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore
the time was matured to discuss this question again and hopefully
reach consensus. The Panel on gRole of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable
Development in Asiah provided an excellent forum to exchange views
on this point and to report the Panelfs conclusion to the Ministerial
Level Meeting for appropriate action to appeal for the inclusion
of nuclear power in the CDM.
3.2 Project on gCyclotoron and PET in Medicineg
Mr. Adnan Haji. Khalid of Malaysia made a presentation on the new
gCyclotron and PET in Medicineh project. He reported on the revised
title of the project, the objectives, component of the project
and new plan as modified with the cooperation of the Japanese
expert mission to Malaysia. The project would start in FY2005
with a national workshop. Dr. Keigo Endo, Project Leader of Japan
explained the project from a technological viewpoint.
CT, using X-ray, showed an image of the anatomy,
while PET showed an image of the physiology and metabolism. PET,
using of 18F-FDG, was useful for several cases of cancer diagnosis
such as the detection of early cancer, the staging of the disease,
the evaluation the response to therapy and the knowing the recurrence
and prognosis.
The current status of the applications of cyclotron
and PET in medicine in Viet Nam, Thailand, the Philippines and
Malaysia was presented. Viet Nam had already installed a PET camera
and cyclotron in private hospital, and had another plan to install
units in Hanoi and Ho-Chi Minh City respectively next year.
Thailand had an on-going national project on PET in cooperation
with the IAEA. The Government had a plan for a PET and cyclotron
center to be established in Bangkok.
The Philippines had been operating a medical cyclotron and PET
for the past three years, and would be willing to share their experiences
in licensing and regulation of the cyclotron, and in the diagnosis
and treatment of cancer and other pertinent diseases.
Malaysia had installed its first PET-CT in Penang recently and
would have its first cyclotron facilities by the end of 2005. In
addition a National Cancer Institute would be established very
soon in Putrajaya.
4. Session 4: Human Resources Development
In Session 4, Human Resources Development (HRD) was dealt with
to follow up the discussion on HRD at the Fifth FNCA Ministerial
Level Meeting in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 1 December 2004. During the
Ministerial Level Meeting it was agreed that the proposal of
Viet Nam on the Asian Nuclear University (ANU) should be carefully
studied by the Senior Level Meeting.
In response to this Ministerial action, Prof.
Tan presented a possible scheme and an action plan for the establishment
of the ANU. He cited difficulties in assuring the quality of nuclear
HRD in FNCA countries due to inadequate teaching materials, obsolete
curricula, a lack of qualified teachers and a lack of laboratory
infrastructures. The proposal was to build a network of nuclear
universities in Asia within the FNCA framework. Prof. Tan proposed
the following action plan: organization of the first meeting for
the FNCA nuclear university, set up a peer review mission, exchange
curricula and teaching materials, mobilize all possible financial
support for nuclear HRD activities.
The Meeting agreed that a) nuclear HRD is essential
for sustainable development, b) each country should come up with
its own nuclear HRD plan according to its own national agenda,
c) an expert mission should be organized to examine the needs and
to propose a possible mechanism of implementation, d) to submit
the expert mission report to the HRD project workshop, e) the HRD
project workshop should prepare the specific action plan to be
presented to the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), f) after careful
review, the SOM to make recommendation to the Ministerial Level
Meeting for decision.
Dr. Soedyartomo Soentono of Indonesia suggested
that the project should start as small activity in a specific area
such as standardization of curricula particularly on nuclear safety
and radiation, in accordance with international standards.
5. Session 5: Future Cooperation under the FNCA
Dr. Machi, as the lead-off speaker, made presentation on this policy
and program of FNCA in the future . Among other things,
he stressed on the following points:
1) Future activities of FNCA should be designed to meet the needs
and interest of the member countries and needed to have close linkage
with the end-users;
2) Selected policy issues of common areas of interest should be
taken up for discussion at the Ministerial Level Meeting;
3) Member countries should contribute more to the FNCA projects,
such as hosting project activities and sharing facilities;
4) Better synergy between FNCA activities and other regional activities
such as RCA and IAEA should be sought;
5) The important role of coordinators in having closer communication
with project leaders and also linkages with end-users.
The Meeting agreed with the above points and stressed that the
selection of the project should be in accordance with the priority
area of the country and in implementing the national agenda so
that the project will benefit end-users and the public at large.
All the participating countries have offered to share their facilities
for the FNCA projects, in which they are participating.
6. Session 6: Progress, Evaluation and Planning of FNCA Projects
8 out of 11 on-going FNCA projects which had been implemented for
the past 5 years were reviewed and evaluated.
6.1 Utilization of Research Reactors
<Tc-99m Generator Production (TCG)>
Dr. Tsuguo Genka, Project Leader of Japan gave an overview on the
progress and achievements of the project. He reported that:
1) the technology of PZC-based Tc-99m generator had been successfully
2) the clinical trial of radiopharmaceutical kits labeled with
Tc-99m from PZC-based Tc-99m generator were comparable with fission
type generator, and
3) the cost estimation for PZC type Tc-99m generator was much lower
than the fission type generator.
The Meeting was briefed on the situation with
regards to Japanese and Indonesian patents related to the PZC based
Tc-99m generator and associated systems. The Meeting agreed that
the project has achieved its objectives to demonstrate usefulness
of new technology to produce Tc-99m generator by (n, gamma) reaction.
Therefore the current project should be terminated in the current
For future plan, the Meeting agreed to embark
on new phase to commercialize the application of the technology.
However, as not all FNCA countries had the capacity to produce
Mo-99 on their own, it was essential for FNCA to establish a reliable
network of supplier countries to ensure continuous supply of Mo-99.
The Meeting agreed to start the new phase in FY2005 and for it
to be completed within two years.
<Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)>
Dr. Mitsuru Ebihara, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation
of the progress and achievements of the project. He reported
that the NAA Ko-method technique had been successfully applied
to the analysis of suspended air particulate matter (SPM) for
monitoring the environmental air pollution levels in FNCA countries.
The Meeting however took note that the objectives
of the project had not been fully achieved due to insufficient
linkage with the environmental agencies to use the NAA data. For
the future plan, the Meeting agreed that the current project would
be terminated in FY2004 and a new project on gMonitoring Environmental
Pollution by NAA for Environmental Protection Strategyh initiated.
In this regard, all countries were requested to establish strong
linkages with their environmental agencies to ensure that the project
would be carried out based on the actual need of the authority.
<Neutron Scattering (NS)>
Dr. Yukio Morii, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation on
the progress and achievements of the project. He reported that
the SANS technique had been successfully carried out for structural
analysis of natural polymer such as k-carrageenan and NR- TPE
for medical, biological and industrial applications.
The Meeting took note that advanced SANS facilities
were currently available only in certain member countries such
as Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea. For the future
plan, the Meeting agreed to suspend the project until some of the
new high flux research reactors such as in Australia, China and
Thailand became available. In the meantime, existing mechanisms
such as MEXT scientist exchange program could be used to support
SANS activity. In addition, communication and contact should continue
among the relevant scientists involved in SANS project. The Meeting
also agreed that efforts should be made to understand the actual
needs of industry that might be addressed by SANS technology and
also to clearly explain to industry what SANS could offer to help
and solve their problems.
Proposal on gEnhancement of Research Reactor Technology
for Effective Utilization (RRT)h presented by Dr. Hideaki Yokomizo,
Chairman of the Steering Group was accepted.
6.2 Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation
for Agriculture
< Mutation Breeding (MB)>
Dr. Hitoshi Nakagawa, Acting Project Leader made a presentation
on the progress and achievements of the project.
The drought tolerant sorghum mutant lines had
been successfully developed, one of which had been registered in
China. The sorghum project would be extended for another two years
to achieve the registration of additional new mutant varieties
and to formulate extension strategies.
Malaysia and Thailand accepted the roles of leading countries for
the Banana Sub-project and the Orchid Sub-project, respectively.
These two sub-projects need 2-4 more years to achieve their objectives.
Since mutation breeding took several years before mutant varieties
were developed, Dr. Machi suggested that milestones should be set
up for important steps at various phases of the project.
Korea announced its intention to join the project again and to
share the related facilities. The Meeting welcomed the offer of
Korea. The mutation breeding manual, edited by the Philippines
and Japan was completed and published in FNCA website.
<Biofertilizer (BF)>
Dr. Tadashi Yokoyama, Project Leader of Japan presented the progress
and achievements of the project which commissioned in 2002 as
a) selection of effective microorganisms, b) improvement of inoculant,
c) improvement of soil microbial activities. Most countries had
conducted field trails/ demonstrations which confirmed the effectiveness
of BF for many types of plants. The effectiveness of 15- 55 kGy
irradiation for carrier sterilization was demonstrated by China,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam. A fertilizer cost benefit
analysis conducted by the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam indicated
increased economic returns to the farmer with the application of
Dr. Omsub Nopamornbodi, BF expert from Thailand
presented a paper on the status and future of BF application in
6.3 Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation
for Medical Care
< Radiation Oncology (RO)>
Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii, Project Leader of Japan made a presentation
on the progress and achievements of the project. He reported that
standardized protocol of radiation therapy in uterine cervical
cancer (CERVIX-I) had been established and published in 2003 for
dissemination and training. The protocol for accelerated hyper-fractionated
radiotherapy (CERVIX-II) had been clinically tested and had an
overall survival rate of 77% which was higher than that of CERVIX-I.
QA/QC dosimetry audits of brachytherapy have been undertaken in
the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, Korea and Japan by a group
of experts from FNCA countries in 2003 and 2004. The audit results
indicated that QA/QC of these countries were within the acceptable
It was agreed that the project should be continued
until 2006 for testing a new clinical protocol using chemo-radiotherapy
(CERVIX-III). A new activity would be the design and clinical testing
of a protocol in head and neck cancer which was also common in
FNCA countries. The QA/QC audit brachytherapy would be conducted
in Malaysia, China and Indonesia.
6.4 Nuclear Safety Culture (NSC)
Dr. John Easey of Australia made a presentation on the progress
and achievements of the project. He reported on the peer review
of research reactors safety culture carried out in Viet Nam and
Korea and on the improvements to be made to enhance safety culture.
He also reported on the bilateral meeting between
Australia and Japan in March 2005 to enhance Safety Culture. The
Meeting took note of the need for the establishment of a strong
independent regulatory body is a necessary first step towards a
strong safety culture and the recommendation for this to be considered
as a topic for the next Ministerial Level Meeting. Dr. Machi noted
that nuclear safety had been the theme for the 1st Ministerial
Level Meeting and that after 5 years it might be time to raise
this again .
For future activities, the Meeting took note that
Indonesia had agreed to host the Nuclear Safety Culture workshop
in 2005 in Yogyakarta.
The Meeting also agreed that the project on Safety
Culture should be continued as there should be no compromise on
safety issue. The Meeting took note of the recent initiative by
Australia on regional safety and security of radiation sources.
It agreed that the aspect of security should be dealt separately
from the nuclear safety project.
6.5 Public Information of Nuclear Energy (PI)
Dr. Yasumasa Tanaka, Project Leader of Japan presented the progress
and achievements of the project. The Meeting agreed 1) the enhancement
of communication with media, and training nuclear communicators
were important activities of the PI project, 2) Regional Speakers
Bureau (RSB) should be continued to be better utilized by FNCA
countries for their PI activities.
Japan suggested that achievement of FNCA activities
and its social impacts should be relayed to the public and to the
media in each country.
Dr. Machi stressed that media, public, and opinion
leaders should be invited to nuclear research institutes and nuclear
power plants so they could better appreciate and understand safety
assurance as well as the benefits of nuclear applications.
A proposed joint survey on gthe role of nuclear
energy in terms of environmental impact and energy securityh would
be examined at the forthcoming PI Project Leaders Meeting to be
held in Japan in the Fall of 2005. With these comments, the Meeting
agreed that the project should be continued following the proposed
future plan.
6.6 Human Resources Development (HRD)
Mr. Hideo Matsuzuru, Project Leader of Japan reported the progress
and achievements of the project. The Meeting noted that the HRD
strategy should be formulated in accordance with nuclear program
of each country, and FNCA would support appropriately.
It was agreed that the national nuclear HRD plan
should be demand-driven and possible contributions from each country
to the project should be defined and be integrated in overall FNCA
HRD plan.
Dr. Machi reiterated that the next HRD workshop
should be devoted to preparation of specific mechanism and action
plan for the proposed Asian Nuclear University (ANU) to be reviewed
by the next SOM in Nov. or Dec. 2005. With these comments, the
Meeting agreed to continue the project in view of the importance
of HRD.
6.7 Industrial Application, Electron Accelerator
Dr. Tamikazu Kume, Project Leader of Japan, made a presentation
on the progress and achievements of the project and proposed the
plan in 2005. He reported on the application of low energy EB accelerator
for liquids, solids and gases, and potential application of this
Prof. Benjiang Mao of ENTECH, China presented
a paper on gIndustrial Application of EB for Flue Gas Cleaning
in Chinah. He shared the information on the construction cost of
the flue gas cleaning facility for 300MW coal burning power plant
was about USD 200 million in China.
The Meeting agreed that this project should make
technical and economic assessment of EB applications for specific
processing such as: natural polymers, waste water treatment and
flue gas in the workshop in 2005.
6.8 Radioactive Waste Management (RWM)
gDr. Toshiso Kosako, Project Leader of Japan, made a presentation on the progress and achievements of the project. The Meeting noted the good achievements of TENORM Task Group in 2003 and 2004 and spent radiation sources
The Philippines presented a concept paper for a Panel on Waste Safety and Security as a follow through of the Philippine proposal at the Ministerial Level Meeting in Viet Nam in 2004.
The Meeting agreed to include the Panel as a major agenda item in the next Project Workshop. The Philippines requested the assistance of any country that could provide additional resources to this Panel so that the maximum benefits could be derived for an area that currently has a high profile.
With these comments, the Meeting agreed the project should be continued following the proposed future plan.h
7. Wrap-up Session
In the Wrap-up Session, the drafted minutes of the 6th CM was discussed
by the delegates.
8. Closing Session
In the Closing Session, the Minutes of the 6th CM was adopted by
the delegates. Dr. Machi gave the closing remarks, and officially
closed the Sixth FNCA Coordinators Meeting.