FNCA Coordinators


The Introduction of the Coordinators

FNCA Coordinators Meeting

Participants List


Program on the Eighth Forum for Nuclear Cooperation
in Asia (FNCA) Coordinators Meeting (The 8th FNCA CM)
February 7 – 9, 2007, Tokyo

Date : February 7 E9, 2007
Place : Mita Kaigisho, Tokyo
Sponsored by : Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan / Cabinet Office (CAO)
In Cooperation with : Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
Working Language : English
    * Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English is also made.
Wednesday, February 7
Chair: Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (09:30-10:00)
9:30-10:00 Opening Session
- Welcome Remarks
Dr. Shunsuke Kondo, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission of Japan
- Self-Introduction of the Participants
- Adoption of the Agenda of the 8th FNCA CM
- Nomination of the Session Chairs and the Rapporteurs of the Minutes

< Commemorative Group Photo + Break >

Chair: Dr. Yang Dazhu, China (10:20-11:45)
10:20-10:30 Major Points of Meeting Agenda
- Reporter: Dr. Sueo Machi
10:30-11:00 Session 1: Report on the Seventh FNCA Ministerial-Level Meeting in Kuantan, Malaysia
- Reporter: Dr. Sueo Machi
11:00-11:45 Session 2: Development in Asia and Nuclear Energy
- Report on "Panel on Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia"
- Future Cooperation Plan
- Reporter: Dr. Sueo Machi
11:45 -13:30

< Lunch >

Chair: Dr. Somporn Chongkum, Thailand (13:30-15:25)
13:30-14:05 Session 3: Progress, Evaluation and Planning of FNCA Projects
(13:30-14:05) (1) Public Information on Nuclear Energy (PI)
- Report by Mr. Minoru Kubo, Director, Public Relations Department, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)
14:05-15:25 Application for Agriculture
(14:05-14:40) (2) Mutation Breeding (MB)
- Report by Dr. Hitoshi Nakagawa, Director, Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)
(14:40-15:25) (3) Biofertilizer (BF)
- Report by Dr. Tadashi Yokoyama, Associate Professor, Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (15 min.)
- Evaluation and Q&A/ Discussion (30 min.)
15:25-15:50 < Break >
Chair: Dr. Shafiqul Islam Bhuiyan, Bangladesh (15:50-17:00)
15:50-16:25 Application for Medical Care
  (4) Cyclotron and PET in Medicine (PET)
- Report by Mr. Adnan Khalid, Senior Director, Malaysian Nuclear Agency (10 min.)
- Comment by Dr. Keigo Endo, Chairman and Professor, Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma Graduate School of Medicine (5 min.)
- Q&A/Discussion (20 min.)
16:25-17:00 Industrial Application
  (5) Utilization of Electron Accelerator (EB)
- Report by Dr. Tamikazu Kume, Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)  
Chair: Dr. Sueo Machi, Japan (17:00-17:30)
17:00-17:30 Invited Speech
  - "Presentation on Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) for Asia and Pacific Region" by Dr. Prinath Dias, Senior Program Management Officer and RCA Focal Person, Division for Asia and the Pacific, Department of Technical Cooperation, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)  
18:00-19:30 < Welcome Reception >
  Welcome Remarks by Dr. Shunsuke Kondo, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan  
Thursday, February 8
Chair: Mr. Aang Hanafiah, Indonesia (09:30-10:50)
Session 3 (continued)
9:30-10:15 (6) Nuclear Safety Culture (NSC)
- Report by Dr. Ronald Francis Cameron, Executive Director, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) (15 min.)
- Report by Dr. Tsutomu Yokoyama, Senior Counselor, Safety Information Research Division, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) (10 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)
10:15-10:50 (7) Radioactive Waste Management (RWM)
-Report by Prof. Toshiso Kosako, Professor, Nuclear Professional School, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)
10:50-11:10 < Break >
Chair: Dr. Alumanda Molina Dela Rosa, The Philippines (11:10-12:10)
11:10-12:10 (8) Human Resources Development (HRD)
- Report by Mr. Hideo Matsuzuru, Director, Nuclear Technology and Education Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
- Asian Nuclear Training and Education Program (ANTEP)
12:10-13:15 < Lunch >
Chair: Mr. Woon-Ha Ji, Korea (13:15-14:55)
13:15-14:55 Utilization of Research Reactors (URR)
(13:15-13:25) - Overview of Research Reactors:
- Report by Dr. Hideaki Yokomizo, Chairman, Steering Group of Utilization of Research Reactors, Director General, Nuclear Science Research Institute, Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (10 min.)
(13:25-13:55) (9) TC-99m Generator(TCG)
- Report by Dr. Tsuguo Genka, Project Manager, Asia Cooperation Center, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum(JAIF) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (15 min.)
(13:55-14:25) (10) Neutron Activation Analysis(NAA)
- Report by Dr. Mitsuru Ebihara, Professor, Division of Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts, Tokyo Metropolitan University (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (15 min.)
(14:25-14:55) (11) Research Reactor Technology(RRT)
- Report by Dr. Kiyonobu Yamashita, Director, Department of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator, Nuclear Science Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (15 min.)
14:55-15:15 < Break >
Chair: Dr. Daud Bin Mohamad, Malaysia (15:15-16:15)
15:15-16:15 Session 4: Administrative Issues
(1-1) Tc-99m generator
(1-2) Plan of project on Biofertilizer
(2) Improvement of Project Implementation
(3) FNCA Proposal of Joint Activities between FNCA and RCA

16:30-18:00 Drafting Minutes at Secretariat Room

Friday, February 9
Chair: Dr. Bui Van Tuan, Vietnam (09:30-10:05)
Session 3 (continued)
9:30-10:05 Application for Medical Care (continued)
  (12) Radiation Oncology (RO)
- Report by Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii, Supervisory Director, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) (15 min.)
- Q&A/ Discussion (20 min.)  
10:05-10:25 < Break >
Chair: Dr. Ron Francis Cameron, Australia (10:25-12:00)
10:25-11:30 Wrap-up Session
- Discussion and confirmation on the Minutes
11:30-12:00 Closing Session
- Adoption of the Minutes
- Closing Remarks

< Lunch >


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Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia