
Panel Top page

11th March 2024, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
List of Participants

20th June 2023, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
List of Participants

9th March 2022, Online
Summary Report
List of Participants

3rd-4th March 2021, Online
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 7th 2019, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 23th 2018, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 8-9th 2017, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 10th 2016, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" (2009-)
6th: Aug 26th -27th 2014, Vietnam
Summary Report
List of Participants

5th: Aug 22th - 23th 2013, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

4th: Jul 26th - 27th 2012, Thailand
Summary Report
List of Participants

3rd: Jul 5th - 6th 2011, Indonesia
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jul 1st - 2nd 2010, Korea
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Jul 30th 31st 2009, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia" (2007-2008)
2nd: Sep 1st - 2nd 2008, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Oct 30th - 31st 2007, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia" (2004-2006)
3rd: Nov 1st - 2nd 2006, Tsuruga
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jan 25th - 26th 2006, Tokyo
Summary Report

1st: Oct 20th - 21st 2004, Tokyo
Summary Report

Summary Report of the 4th Panel Meeting
“Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power”

July 26 to 27, 2012
Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

The 4th Meeting of "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" was held on July 26th and 27th, 2012, in Bangkok, Thailand, co-hosted by Cabinet Office (CAO), Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Ministry of Energy (MOE), Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) of MOE, Ministry of Science and Technology (Thailand) and Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT).
11 FNCA member countries namely Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam participated in this meeting, and Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan), and Dr. Kurujit NAKORNTHAP, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy (Thailand) took the co-chairs.
At the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting, it was mentioned in the resolution that FNCA member countries should enhance cooperation in the field of nuclear safety, and share knowledge about effective management of natural hazards and lessons learned from the accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. In view of this resolution and request from FNCA member country, the meetings discussed topics as follows.
Each session had lectures from related Japanese experts and more detailed information have been shared with the FNCA member countries.
< Main Topics of the Meeting >
Update of information, Lessons Learned, future of Japanese NE policy
Emergency preparedness and response
Site characterization
Risk communication
Nuclear Liability
Human Resources Development
Project Management and Funding
FNCA member countries requested to continue discussion for risk communication, involvement of stakeholders and enhancement of nuclear safety continuously at the next meeting.
Below are summary of the meeting which was confirmed by participants from FNCA countries. It will be reported at the 13th FNCA Ministerial Level Meeting in Indonesia.

【 Summary of the study panel and Draft report to 13th Ministerial Meeting 】

1. Overview
The purpose of this study panel was to serve as venue for the sharing of information, experiences and lessons learned (LL) among senior officials and experts from the region to build sound national nuclear infrastructure to enable operation of nuclear power in the member countries of FNCA in safe, secure and proliferation-resistant manner. Since the first panel meeting in 2009 in phase III, four panel meetings covered extensively key infrastructure issues. Especially after 3.11, the meetings discussed the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS including chronology, lessons learned and related topics.
In this meeting, seven topics were discussed;
Update of information, Lessons Learned, future of Japanese NE policy
Emergency preparedness and response
Site characterization
Risk communication
Nuclear Liability
Human Resources Development
Project Management and Funding

Scene of the meeting

(left) Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan
(right)Dr. Kurujit NAKORNTHAP, Thailand

2. Update of the Accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS, Lessons Learned from Accident, future of Japanese NE policy
Member countries were briefed on updated status of onsite and offsite situation. Key Lessons learned were explained along the line of defense in depth (DinD); namely, (Level 1-3: Design) protection against natural hazard (especially focus on Tsunami) and plant capability to withstand Station Black Out (SBO) and isolation from Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS), (Level 4: Accident Management and Prevention of large release), and (Level 5: Emergency Plan and Crisis Management). Presentation covered the outline of two Accident Investigation Committees' reports and potential paradigm shift on nuclear safety such as resilience and mitigation regardless of probability of occurrence. Although the Japanese Government had decided on reduced reliance on nuclear power by 2030, the exact extent is yet to be determined based on public consultation. Concern was raised on how Asian countries should reflect on the statement made by Chairman Kurokawa of the Diet Investigation Committee about the cultural element leading to the accident, since similar culture exists in Asian countries. Thailand and the Philippines stated delay of nuclear power programme after 3.11.

3. Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)
Relevant to the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS, a Japanese presentation discussed the timeline of release and of protective action (evacuation orders in response of plant events, rather than dose prediction) taken and the results of evaluation of exposure. Based on the experience of the accident, it was emphasized that there is a need to establish more effective arrangements for nuclear emergency preparedness and response. The EPR guide at the time of the accident did not adequately address offsite protective measures necessary for severe accident conditions and there was some gap from international practices in decision-making approach in implementation of protective actions. At the time of accident, emergency response should be activated for precautionary purposes before actual releases, based on plant conditions rather than on dose predictions. A Working Group for Emergency Preparedness Guide in the Special Committee on Nuclear Disaster in the Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) is updating the guide.
Country specific EPR reports were given by China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, all of which show that national EPR plans, team(s) have been developed by utilizing expertise of nuclear research center and training & drills have been put in place. In countries considering launching nuclear power programme, EPR plans are evolving to accommodate for nuclear power including installation of local offsite emergency response center.
On the matter of how FNCA member countries, especially among new entrants, will be able to cooperate further, following proposals were made;
1) To consider integration of EPR with conventional disaster control by mobilizing national resources as much as possible, extending EPR to include nuclear power,
2) To involve stakeholders for planning/drills as well as risk communication, right from the preparation stage,
3) To share good practices among FNCA member countries for EPR, and
4) To consider the potential benefit of regional cooperation including notification, sharing of monitoring and measurement data, mobilizing technical expertise and equipments, and setting up directory of contact points (while not trying to create a new framework but utilizing existing group as much as possible such as radiation protection & waste management project) to facilitate speedy response in each country during nuclear emergency.

4. Site characterization
Japan explained recommended coverage in a feasibility study (using IAEA NS-R-3) including site characterization on earthquakes and surface faulting, meteorological aspects, flooding, geotechnical hazards, external human induced events (aircraft crashes, chemical explosions) and Environmental Impact Assessment. Current status of site evaluation by regulation was briefed from the Japanese TSO (JNES) with focus on the new evaluation of linked motion of faults and Tsunami in the light of updated seismic design guide (2006), findings from the earthquake that hit Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS (2007) and the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS (2011). JNES is currently developing Tsunami assessment guide. China is rapidly increasing the number of nuclear power plant sites and its siting standard takes population distribution into consideration and has updated site evaluation standard in line with the IAEA standard. Current concerns in China include protection of water resources, population distribution, flooding caused by dam-break and assessment of non-rock-based site. Vietnam reported the current status of regulation in the country on siting. Bangladesh shared information on the current status of Site Evaluation Report (reviewed by the IAEA) for the planned Rooppur NPS site, which includes assessment of flooding and other natural hazard as well as feasibility of EPR.

5. Risk communication
Japan shared its experience of risk communication on radiation by the Health Physics Society after the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS and practical examples of Q&A with the public, received mostly from mothers with small children. While positive reactions were observed, it was recognized that "don't worry" type answers tend to stir up more anxiety. The discussion on consensus communication on risk covered 15 traits of risk perception, according to which risk communicator will need to consider how each of them applies to nuclear power. Indonesia discussed experiences from crisis communication and lessons learned from it. Malaysia and the Philippines discussed experience of risk communication during the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS including issuance of information bulletins. Recognized key issues about crisis communication are a) credibility and trust of risk communicators, and b) how to respond to the rumors and how to avoid spread of rumors preemptively by release of accurate and credible information at an early time.

6. Nuclear Liability
Japan outlined the nuclear liability scheme. With regards to the Convention of Supplemental Compensation (CSC), Japan touched on the need to amend domestic law before joining, although she recognizes the value of convention. In order to provide prompt relief for the victims by the accident at the Fukushima NPS, the Dispute Reconciliation Committee (DRC) for Nuclear Damage Compensation was organized, published guidelines, starting from April 2011, for determining the scope of nuclear damage, and established Nuclear Damage Compensation Dispute Resolution Centre (ADR Centre) for mediation in the course of settlement. The DRC set a rule for compensation to rumor-induced damages as well. Payment by TEPCO started in September 2011, after making provisional payment in April. Based on Fukushima experience, the presenter raised the following points for consideration by newcomer countries;
Commitment by the Government to relief of victims,
Establishing dispute resolution system according to each country's administrative and judicial system,
Harmonization with international standard, and
Promptness and fairness in compensation.

7. Human Resources Development (HRD)
Recommendations to the 13th Ministerial Level Meeting were; (1) formulation of a concrete national HRD plan, (2) efforts to prepare necessary national funds for HRD, (3) establishment of a national network for HRD, (4) defining specific programs which need support of FNCA countries, (5) using the hub as a single focal point for coordination of HRD plan with international cooperation, (6) reviewing the ANTEP implementation in order to better meet with country's needs. Each of the member countries of FNCA reported current national activities for HRD with these recommendations in mind. This panel recognized that;
each country organized a national network for HRD and identified a focal points shown in the attachment,
here remains significant challenge for development of necessary professionals (in terms of quantity and quality) to launch and support nuclear power programme,
China reported how the country is responding to meet demand for nuclear professionals; 47 universities offer nuclear related courses and actions are funded by the government and industry. China also announced that the international training center on nuclear power construction established in cooperation with IAEA is open to all IAEA member states,
Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, China and Japan are organizing international activities on HRD,
Meeting confirmed that statement of head of delegation of 13th Ministerial Level Meeting included the national HRD network setting and strategy of nuclear HRD.

8. Project Management and Funding
The presentation by an expert in financing discussed;
Concerns of the financial community surrounding nuclear power projects and the classic risks associated with them such as completion risk,
The crucial role of the Government which can be implemented using various tools such as loan guarantee, carbon pricing, to drive market behaviour to achieve a long-term goal for energy policy,
Various financing and project development techniques, taking due notice of current trends in the marketplace, such as vendor equity (Visaginas, Lithuania), Build-Own-Operate (Akkuyu, Turkey), the multiple owner (Olkiluoto, Finland) and multiple offtake (Exeltium/France; Blue Sky/Belgium), and government-to-government (Russian) models, regional model involving several member states,
Why project financing has never been used for a nuclear power project, and
Importance of export credit agencies in the financing of nuclear power projects.
Finally, the presentation noted, a project must be considered at two levels: first, "How will the lenders get paid back?", and second, "Lender concerns about 'Reputational Risk'".

9. Next study panel meeting
For the upcoming panel, the following candidate topics were discussed;
Continued dialogue on infrastructure necessary for assuring nuclear safety and relevant regional cooperation through in-depth discussion on key issues, while avoiding overlap with other relevant activities (site assessment, EPR, liability, updating of the accident information, and others),
Legal arrangement with focus on security and safety,
Risk communication and stakeholder involvement.

List of National Focal Point of HRD
Republic of Korea
NNC RK (tentative)

Program of the 4th FNCA Panel Meeting
"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"

Date:  July 26th (Thursday) - 27th (Friday), 2012
Venue:  Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Co-hosted by:  Cabinet Office (CAO), Government of Japan and Japan Atomic Energy Committee (JAEC) (Japan), Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy and Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT), Ministry of Science and Technology (Thailand)
Co-chairperson:  Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan), and
Dr. Kurujit NAKORNTHAP, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy (Thailand)
Working Language:  English

July 26th, 2012 (Thursday)
7:40 - 8:10 Registration
8:10 - 8:20 < Commemorative Photo >
8:20 - 8:45 Session I, Opening Session
  Chaired by: Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
  1) Opening remarks
       Dr. Kurujit NAKORNTHAP, Ministry of Energy (Thailand) (5 min.)
  2) Welcome remarks
       Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan) (5 min.)
  3) Self-introduction of participants (10 min.)
  4) Adoption of agenda
       Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan) (5 min.)
8:45 - 9:35 Session II, Update of Lessons Learned from the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
  Chaired by: Mr. Samerjai SUSUKMEK (Thailand)
  1) Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima-Daiichi NPS
       - Current status, lessons learned,and the future of nuclear energy policy in Japan
          Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan) (50 min. including Q & A)
9:35 - 10:25 Session III, Emergency Preparedness and Response
  Chaired by: Mr. XU Zhixiong (China)
  1) Nuclear emergency preparedness and response of Japan
       - Experience and lessons learned from the accident at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
          Mr. Toshimitsu HOMMA, Japan Atomic Energy Agency and Chair Emergency Preparedness Guidelines Working
          Group Special Committee on Nuclear Disaster Nuclear Safety Commission (Japan) (50 min. including Q & A)
10:25 - 10:55 < Coffee Break 30 min. >
10:55 - 12:00 Session III, Emergency Preparedness and Response (Cont'd)
  Chaired by: Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS (Malaysia)
  2) Current EPR system of nuclear experienced countries and their improvement since the nuclear accident
       Mr. LONG Maoxiong, China Nuclear Energy Association (China) (15 min.)
  3) Current state and challenges of nuclear entrant countries
       i) Mr. Ferly HERMANA, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia) (10 min.)
       ii) Ms. Marina Binti MISHAR, Atomic Energy Licensing Board (Malaysia) (10 min.)
  4) Discussion (30 min.)
12:00 - 13:30 < Lunch >
13:30 - 14:30 Session III, Emergency Preparedness and Response (Cont'd)
  Chaired by: Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS (Malaysia)
  5) Current state and challenges of nuclear entrant countries (cont'd)
       iii) Mr. Teofilo V. LEONIN, JR., Phillipine Nuclear Research Institute (The Phillippines) (10 min.)
       iv) Ms. Nateekool KRIENGCHAIPORN, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Thailand) (10 min.)
       v) Mr. DANG Thanh Luong, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (Vietnam) (10 min.)
  6) Discussion (30 min.)
14:30 - 14:50 < Coffee Break 20 min. >
14:50 - 16:40 Session IV, Site Characterization
  Chaired by: Mr. KANG Howon (Korea)
  1) Survey and investigation for confirming site characterization
       Mr. Osamu YAMAMOTO, The Japan Atomic Power Company (Japan) (20 min.)
  2) Siting Evaluation Status in Japan on Reflecting 3.11 Tohoku-chiho Pacific Offing Earthquakes
      and Tsunami Experience
       Mr. Yuichi UCHIYAMA, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (Japan) (20min.)
  3) Status of site characterization and authorization in FNCA member countries
       i) Mr. XU Zhixiong, China Atomic Energy Authority (China) (20 min.)
       ii) Mr. DANG Thanh Luong, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (Vietnam) (30 min.)
  4) Discussion (20 min.)

July 27th, 2012 (Friday)
8:30 - 10:40 Session V, Risk Communication
  Chaired by: Mr. Teofilo V. LEONIN, JR. (The Phillippines)
  1) Risk communication after the nuclear accident
       i) Post-Fukushima Communication of Radiological Risk - Q&A website
           Mr. Haruyuki OGINO, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (Japan) (30 min.)
       ii) Communication of risks associated with nuclear power
           Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan) (10 min.)
  2) Activities of risk communication in FNCA member countries
       i) Mr. Ferly HERMANA/Prof. Dr. Ferhat AZIZ, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia) (10 min.)
       ii) Ms. Marina Binti MISHAR (Malaysia) (10 min.)
       iii) Mr. Teofilo V. LEONIN, JR. (The Phillippines) (10 min.)
  3) Discussion (30 min.)
Session IV, Site Characterization (Cont'd)
  Status of site characterization and authorization in FNCA member countries
     Mr. Mahmud HOSSAIN, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (30 min. including Q & A)
10:40 - 11:00 < Coffee Break 20 min. >
11:00 - 12:00 Session VI, Nuclear Liability
  Chaired by: Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV (Kazakhstan)
  1) Current status of compensation for TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident and international framework
      of nuclear liability
       Mr. Shigekazu MATSUURA, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan) (40 min.)
  2) Discussion (20 min.)
12:00 - 13:30 < Lunch >
13:30 - 15:00 Session VII, Human Resource Development
  Chaired by: Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
  1) Progress report toward realizing the HRD recommendations (11 Reports x 5 min.=55 min.)
       i) Mr. Md. Hasinur RAHMAN, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (Bangladesh)
       ii) Mr. LONG Maoxiong, China Nuclear Energy Association (China)
       iii) Dr. Ferhat AZIZ, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia)
       iv) Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (Japan)
       v) Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV, National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
       vi) Mr. JEONG HongHwa, Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (Korea)
       vii) Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Malaysia)
       viii) Prof. Dr. Davaa SUREN, Nuclear Energy Agency (Mongolia)
       ix) Dr. Corazon Casenas BERNIDO, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (The Philippines)
       x) Dr. Somporn CHONGKUM, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Thailand)
       xi) Dr. PHAM Dinh Khang, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (Vietnam)
  2) Discussion (35 min. including a lead-off speech
       i) Lead speech
           Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (Japan) (5 min.)
15:00 - 16:10 Session VIII, Project Management and Funding
  Chaired by: Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
  1) Challenges of developing and financing nuclear power projects
       Mr. Paul MURPHY, Senior Attorney, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP (USA) (40 min.)
  2) Discussion (30 min.)
16:10 - 16:45 Session IX, Future Plan of Study Panel Meeting
  Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Suren DAVAA (Mongolia)
  1) Lead-off speech (15 min.)
       Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan)
  2) Discussion and wrap-up (20 min.)
16:45 - 17:15 < Coffee Break 30 min. >
17:15 - 17:55 Session X, Summary of the Study Panel, Preliminary Draft Report for the 13th Ministerial Meeting
  Chaired by: Dr. Corazon Casenas BERNIDO (The Philippines)
  1) Draft report (10 min.)
       Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan)
  2) Discussion (30 min.)
17:55 - 18:05 Session XI, Closing Session
  Chaired by: Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK (Thailand)
  1) Closing remarks
       i) Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK, Energy Policy and Planning Office (Thailand) (5 min.)
       ii) Dr. Akira OMOTO, Japan Atomic Energy Committee (Japan) (5 min.)
18:05 Closing of the Meeting

List of Participants in the 4th Panel Meeting
"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"


Mr. MD. Hasinur RAHMAN
Principal Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)

Mr. Mahmud HOSSAIN
Principal Engineer
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)


Mr. LONG Maoxiong
Deputy General Secretary
China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)

Mr. XU Zhixiong
Deputy Division Director
Department of International Cooperation
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)

Mr. LIU Yunli
Chief Representative
Representative Office in Thailand
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co., LTD


Dr. Ferhat AZIZ
Deputy Chairman for Utilization of the R&D Results and Dissemination of Nuclear Science and Technology
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)

Center for Nuclear Technology Partnership
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)


First Deputy Director General
National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan

Academic Secretary
National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan


Mr. KANG Howon
Deputy Director
Space and Nuclear Cooperation Division
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)

Mr. JEONG HongHwa
Multilateral Cooperation Division
Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF)


Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS
Deputy Director General
(Research & Technology Division)
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)

Ms. Marina Binti MISHAR
Principal Assistant Director
Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)


Prof. Dr. Davva SUREN
Nuclear Research Center
the National University of Mongolia

Senior Officer
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

Mr. Damdinsuren ZUZAAN
Director of Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Authority
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

The Philippines

Dr. Corazon Casenas BERNIDO
Deputy Director
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)

Mr. Teofilo V. LEONIN Jr.
Chief Science Research Specialist,
Head, Nuclear Regulations Division
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)


Deputy Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Energy (MOE)

Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK
Deputy Director-General
Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)
Ministry of Energy

Ms. Chirapaporn LAIMA
Director, Energy Policy and Planning Division
Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)
Ministry of Energy

Director, Monitoring and Evaluation Group
Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)
Ministry of Energy

Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)
Ministry of Energy

The Office of Nuclear Energy Study and Corporation

Dr. Somporn CHONGKUM
Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Mr. Siriporne CHUEINTA
Deputy Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Mr. Pracha Tansaenee
Deputy Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Ms. Kanokrat TIYAPUN
Senior Nuclear Engineer
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Nuclear Engineer
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Ms. Kanchalika DECHATES
International Cooperation Section
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Foreign Officer
International Cooperation Section
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Ms. Prapaipit SUPRAROP
Deputy Secretary General
Office of Atoms for Peace

Mr. Rattanachai NAMWONG
Assistant Governor-Power Plant Engineering
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Engineer Level 6
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Engineer Level 6
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)


Mr. DANG Thanh Luong
Deputy Director General
Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS)

Expert from USA

Senior Attorney
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP


Dr. Akira OMOTO
Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)

Dr. Sueo MACHI
FNCA Coordinator of Japan

Mr. Shigekazu MATSUURA
Director of Nuclear Liability Office
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)

Mr. Toshimitsu HOMMA
Director General
Nuclear Safety Research Centar
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Emergency Preparedness Guidelines Working Group
Special Committee on Nuclear Disaster Nuclear Safety Commission

Seismic Safety Division
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)

Deputy General Manager
International Cooperation & Engineering Consultant Department
The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)

Mr. Haruyuki OGINO
Research Scientist
Radiation Safety Research Center
Nuclear Technology Research Laboratory
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)

Ms. Saori HAMADA
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO)

Mr. Tetsuya KATO
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO)

Mr. Takeshi SAITO
International Nuclear Cooperation Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)

Mr. Daisuke IIZUKA
Administrative Researcher of Nuclear Liability Office
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia