Summary Report of the 3rd Panel Meeting
“Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power”
July 5 to 6, 2011
Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Hotel, Indonesia
The 3rd Meeting of "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"*1 was held on July 5th and 6th at Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Hotel in Indonesia, co-hosted by Cabinet Office (CAO)/Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) and National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) of Indonesia.
12 FNCA member countries namely Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam participated in this meeting, and Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan), and Dr. Taswanda TARYO, Deputy Chairman for the Utilization Results of R&D and Public Information of Nuclear Science Technology, National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) took the co-chairs.
The meeting shared information on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident caused by the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11 2011, and learnt knowledge and lessons that Japan obtained by the accident, as well as discussed on assurance of nuclear safety in Asian region, stakeholder involvement, and Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power. The meeting also engaged in information exchange on Post - Fukushima era Nuclear Energy Program in China, Japan, and Korea, and how the future program should be. The meeting summary will be reported to the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting in November or December 2011 in Japan.
The meeting also followed up the theme of the 12th Coordinators Meeting that had been cancelled due to the Great Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake.
The meeting summary was made by the participants from each country during the meeting and it was distributed at the press conference following after the meeting.
*1 In response to the recent plan of introducing nuclear energy in Asian region, FNCA has been holding Panels on "Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia" (1st Phase: 3 years) and "Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia"(2nd phase: 2 years) since 2004. The 3rd phase on "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" (3 years) was established in 2009, and will be planning to continue after the 4th year. |
Summary of FNCA the 3rd Meeting of "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"
1. |
The 3rd phase of FNCA Study Panel, held on July 5 and 6, 2011, in Jakarta, Indonesia, was attended by 12 countries of FNCA to help establish sound infrastructure for nuclear power in countries considering launching nuclear power program. The focal point of this 3rd meeting centered around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident caused by 3.11 earthquake and Tsunami and lessons learned from it. Even before 3.11, it was agreed upon by the FNCA Ministerial meeting in Beijing, China in November 2010 to cooperate to minimize risks associated with natural disaster in countries operating nuclear power but also in "new entrant" countries, but the opportunity to discuss this, scheduled in March 2011, was postponed until this Jakarta meeting. |
2. |
(Discussion of PSA application in the session 3); |
a) |
Among the lessons learned from the Accident, the presentations made by AEC of Japan, the IAEA and the JNES emphasized importance of utilizing an external event PSA tool to assess the probability and consequence of natural hazards, and subsequently to reduce the overall risk by design and Severe Accident Management (SAM), especially given the lessons that, as the IAEA pointed out in its mission report to Japan, this accident was caused by insufficient defenses in depth provisions for Tsunami hazards. |
b) |
Japanese Technical Support Organization (TSO) JNES explained that, within the framework of IAEA Extra Budget Program (EBP), it is actively working with other countries like US, France, Italy, Korea, India etc, for further enhancement of seismic and tsunami safety. Various issues were raised with regards to the Fukushima accident, most notably the use of PSA both in the seismic and tsunami assessment. JNES informed that it is ready to invite countries interested in these areas to the Asian Seismic Safety Seminar in November this year in Tokyo, organized in cooperation with Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN). JNES pointed out that the different behavior of three plants; Fukushima, Tokai and Onagawa need further investigation in order to establish robust design in coping with earthquake and tsunami. |
c) |
Use of probabilistic hazard curve as a part of external risk assessment is observed in the process of site selection in some Asian countries, if not all. RoK explained the use of PSA in regulation, which requires updating every 5 years. Risk-informed regulation is in place in Korean regulatory system in the area of regulatory inspection, effectiveness of maintenance and Integrated Safety Performance Assessment (ISPA). |
3. |
It was agreed to enhance nuclear safety among FNCA countries by fully utilizing the potential synergy of two existing mechanisms in the East and South-East Asian regions, namely FNCA, through its Safety Management System (SMS) project, and ANSN. In practice, the opportunity will be pursued through interaction between SMS project leadership and ANSN with a view of exploring joint activity with focus on natural hazard and Fukushima accident. This is expected to help confidence building in assuring safety in the new entrants, in the region and with the neighboring countries. |
4. |
After Fukushima, FNCA member countries observed decreased public support for nuclear power in a varying degree from country to country. The public naturally feels uneasiness on nuclear safety in the light of the Accident. Many energy experts are thinking enhancement of nuclear safety must be addressed fully and public trust in the Government activity to assure safety must be restored, although they feel the unique role of nuclear power as low carbon energy and as a tool for enhancing security of supply remains unchanged. In countries located in the "Ring of Fire", it is understandable that people are thinking that similar thing could happen in other countries if not protected adequately by design and emergency preparedness. Industry is concerned that public is not necessarily aware of the projection that converting nuclear option to renewable would lead to significant increase in electricity tariff. |
5. |
Most of the FNCA countries are in the stage of moving towards the official decision to implement NP program or developing infrastructure necessary for nuclear power after such decision (such as Vietnam and Indonesia). Although the view of the Government with regards to the viability of nuclear power is unchanged, there are cases of delay of implementation plan or reconsideration of safety requirements for nuclear power in the light of Fukushima Accident. |
6. |
In the roundtable discussion on Human Resource Development for Nuclear program, integration of database to the ANTEP was agreed. Besides training/education of nuclear experts, participants emphasized the importance of risk communication and training of communicator with the public on nuclear energy including health effect of radiation. |
7. |
In the Session to discuss NE policy in post-Fukushima era, RoK said it has two key elements; enhancing nuclear safety and separation of regulatory body from Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST) which is in charge of nuclear R&D program and International cooperation. From Japan, a representative from the AEC said it had suspended discussion for revision of the Framework of Nuclear Energy Policy commenced in 2010. In his personal view, although NE can continue be an option as an alternative to fossil in order to enhance security of energy supply and as a low carbon energy source, its viability will depend on assurance of safety and the bottom line could be public trust to Regulator and Operator. Kazakhstan encouraged Japan for continued use of NE in Japan after enhancing safety, since this sets an example that nuclear safety issue can be appropriately addressed. This could also be meaningful in reducing energy-related tension in Asia, which could potentially be created by reduction of dependency on NE in the region. Touching on former Semipalatinsk nuclear weapon test site, Kazakhstan suggested that Fukushima could become a scientific center for scientific researches to reduce risks associated with nuclear accident and to minimize its consequence. Indonesia and the Philippines supported the suggestion. Discussion by both the IAEA and China focused on enhancing nuclear safety as a key element of post-Fukushima NE policy, including IAEA's enhanced role and upgrading safety standards. |
8. |
A medical expert from Japan shared information on environmental impacts of Fukushima Accident. Discharge of radioactivity to air is considered as around 1/10 of Chernobyl release. Soil contamination map shows highly contaminated area exists to the north-west of the Fukushima site, which was created by March 15th release and subsequent rainfall. Protective action guidelines are set for food staff, drinking water and milk. Guideline for planting was also established only for rice. |
9. |
The 12th Coordinators meeting, scheduled for 15 - 17 March 2011 in Japan, was canceled. Thus, the themes in the 12th Coordinators meeting were discussed. Summary and Conclusion are as follows, |
a) |
The highlights of achievement of 11 FNCA projects and implementation plan in 2011 which were reported by the coordinator of Japan and taken note by the meeting. |
b) |
The scope of two new projects on "Research Reactor Network" and "Nuclear Security and safeguard" were introduced and agreed by the meeting |
c) |
The meeting agreed to terminate 3 projects, "PET and Cyclotron", "Pubic Information", and "Research Reactor Technology" in 2010 |
d) |
The importance of PI was pointed out by the Philippines in connection with the Fukushima nuclear accident. It was suggested by the coordinator of Japan that the possibility of KONEPA of ROK to succeed the activity of the PI project |
e) |
Member countries are requested to send the letter of intention to participate to new project to the coordinator of Japan as soon as possible |
f) |
The countries to host the workshops of the 10 projects were proposed and agreed by the meeting. Timing of the workshop will be finalized by the consultation between the coordinator of host government and the coordinator of Japan in due course |
g) |
The meeting took note that the business forum will be postponed to appropriate time due to the Fukushima nuclear accident |
10. |
The meeting discussed the next study panel and, in principle, agreed to focus on safety issues in the aftermath of Fukushima but not necessarily limited to. It was agreed to organize the next meeting in Thailand.
The topics could include;
Emergency preparedness and response in the country and region and regional cooperation in it
Nuclear liability
Potentially extended demand for infrastructure if any
Country status with regards to nuclear power
Project funding
Continued dialogue on formation of NE policy in post-Fukushima era
(Appendix) Country specific status with regards to nuclear power program
The electricity demand is expected to grow from its existing generation about 5 GWe (88% by gas) to 20GWe in 2021. The nuclear power generation became an option for Bangladesh at the early 60s and Rooppur Nuclear Power Project (RNPP) has a long history. The project proposal was first conceived in 1961. Since then a number of feasibility studies were conducted, each of which established that the project was technically and economically feasible. The necessity of implementation of nuclear power project been reflected in the government policy documents. Decision on early implementation of nuclear power program has been adopted in the National Parliament in 2010. Present government calls for two nuclear power units by 2020.
BAEC is the implementation organization for NPP. IAEA siting mission is planned in July 2011 and IAEA INIR mission in December 2011. Flooding protection is done primarily by raising ground level of the buildings.
Outline of the country was introduced as 17,000 islands (7,000 in the Philippines), 400 volcanoes, of which 100 is active, 3 candidate sites for NPPs.
National Energy Policy 4 GWe of nuclear energy by 2025 (4% share in total electricity), oil decrease, gas and coal a bit increase. By 2050, 40% of energy will come either from Renewable or Nuclear. The first two unit of NPP is expected to be operated before 2020 as stated in Act 17, 2007 (the country is in phase 2 in the context of IAEA infrastructure development).
Banten needs 7 years for site study, Muria needs 5 more years, Bangka Island 3 years (East of Sumatra Island, low seismicity, shallow depth of sea, far from volcano). Expected time frame is site permit in 2014 and first NPP operated between 2020 and 2025.
The Program "Nuclear Branch Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2014 with the Prospect Development up to 2020" has been proposed to the Government. Nuclear industry development, Nuclear power production development, Development of Nuclear and Material Science, Health and environmental protection were indicated as a main direction of branch activity.
Government in 2010 includes NPP project. Malaysia Nuclear Power Cooperation was established as NEPIO in Jan 2011. Malaysia is moving towards a decision to NPP project in 2013 and commercial operation of 2GWe NP by 2020. Government position on NP is unchanged but public support to NP estimated to decline from 60% to 34% by half in the aftermath of Fukushima Accident. Increased public view to encourage safety study was registered in the poll.
In January 2008, the Parliament of Mongolia approved "Millennium development goals-based comprehensive national development strategy of Mongolia". According to this document the strategic objectives in the field of the nuclear energy use are implementing step-by-step policy on use of nuclear energy and starting preliminary study of the objective to build a nuclear power plant.
In November 2008, the Parliament of Mongolia approved "Action plan of the government of Mongolia for 2008-2012". According to this document two main objectives were suggested:
1.To process a feasibility study on the building of nuclear power plant;
2.To improve nuclear and radiation safety and security.
In December 2008, The Nuclear Energy Agency under the direct supervision of the prime minister of Mongolia was established, responsible for the following duties: to develop and implement state policy on the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy and the transfer of nuclear technology and development of nuclear research, ensuring nuclear and radiation safety and security.
In June 2009 the Parliament of Mongolia approved "State policy on the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy".
In July 2009, the government of Mongolia approved "Program and plan for implementation of state policy on the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy". The main purpose of the document is to secure energy supply and to provide sustainable development of the country.
Preliminary study of the feasibility study for the nuclear power plant is being processed.
The Philippines:
A feasibility study on the possible rehabilitation of the Bataan Nuclear power Plant (BNPP) was completed and validated. The restoration of all systems including commissioning may take four to five years. As an aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident, public support for the BNPP declined further. Under the Philippine Energy Plan a new build is envisioned to be part of the energy mix between 2022 - 2025. Development of the necessary infrastructure for a nuclear power program continues while efforts are exerted to win back the confidence of the general public on the safety of nuclear power as a result of the nuclear accident.
The background was given as following items; forecast of electricity demand doubling in next 12 years, heavy dependence on natural gas (70%), and approval to nuclear power development plan by the Cabinet in March 2010, concerning with operation of the first NPP in 2020. Due to Fukushima Accident, the country determined to postpone the first NPP project by 3 years, during which period revision of Government report on economics, site selection criteria, safety criteria etc. is ongoing. Three preferable sites were selected from 17 candidates. Infrastructure development for nuclear power program continues with support from the IAEA.
National Assembly determined to implement NP program in November 2009. 4 x 1GWe will be installed at Ninh Thuan site (first 2 units in 2020-22). Government position on NP is unchanged after Fukushima. Government requires caution in project's implementation with the highest priority on safety.
Program of the 3rd FNCA Panel Meeting "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"
Date:  |
July 5th (Tuesday) - 6th (Wednesday), 2011 |
Venue:  |
Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Co-hosted by:  |
CAO and JAEC (Japan), BATAN (Indonesia) |
Co-chairperson:  |
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan), and Dr. Taswanda TARYO, Deputy Chairman for the Utilization Results of R&D and Public Information of Nuclear Science Technology, National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
Working Language:  |
English |
July 5th, 2011 (Tuesday) |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Registration |
9:00 - 9:15 |
Session I, Opening Session | Open to press |
Chaired by: Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
1) Opening Remarks
Dr. Hudi HASTOWO, Chairman, BATAN (Indonesia)
2) Welcome Remarks & Adoption of Agenda
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan)
9:15 - 9:25 |
< Commemorative Photo > |
9:25 - 9:40 |
< Press Conference > Dr. Hudi Hastowo, Dr. Akira OMOTO at next room
< Coffee Break > Other members
9:40 - 12:10 |
Session II, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
Chaired by: Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS (Malaysia)
1) Overview of the accident (50 min. including Q&A)
Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
2) International implication of Fukushima Daiichi accident & the role of the IAEA
(50 min. including Q&A)
Mr. Yoshimitsu FUKUSHIMA (IAEA)
3) Consideration of natural disaster in NPP siting (50 min. including Q&A)
Dr. Katsumi EBISAWA (Japan)
12:10 - 13:30 |
< Lunch > |
13:30 - 16:05 |
Session III, Panel Discussion on how to ensure the nuclear safety in Asia (in cooperation with ANSN)
Chaired by: Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA (Philippines)
1) Application of PSA including external event PSA (Cont'd)
Dr. Katsumi EBISAWA (Japan) (40 min.)
Dr. CHUNG Dae Wook (Korea) (20 min.)
2) Discussion (20 min.)
(14:50 - 15:10) |
< Coffee Break, 20min > |
3) Role of FNCA/ANSN to ensure regional nuclear safety
- Assurance of safety of existing/new NPPs in Asian countries
i) IAEA (5min.)
Mr. Yoshimitsu FUKUSHIMA (IAEA)
ii) Australia (FNCA Project on Safety Management System) (5 min)
Dr. Ron HUTCHINGS (Australia)
iii) Korea (5 min.)
Mr. CHOI Doo Yong (Korea)
iv) Japan (5 min.)
Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
v) Malaysia (5 min.)
Ms. Azlina MOHAMMAD JAIS (Malaysia)
vi) Discussion (25 min.)
*Mr. XU ZhiXiong (China) 's presentation (5 min) was moved to Session 6, due to his flight delay
16:05 - 16:50 |
Session IV, Roundtable Discussion on stakeholder involvement
- Analysis of change of public opinion in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident
- What should be the key talking points to the public
Chaired by: Mr.Sakda CHAROEN (Thailand)
1) Lead-off Speech (20 min.)
Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
2) Discussion (25 min.)
16:50 - 17:30 |
Session V, Roundtable Discussion on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power
Chaired by: Mr. Manlaijav GUN-AAJAV (Mongolia)
1) Lead-off Speech (10 min.)
Mr. JEONG Honghwa (Korea)
2) Enhancement of FNCA human resource development (10 min.)
Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
3) Discussion and Wrap-up (20 min.)
18:00 |
Reception (Host; Indonesia) |
July 6th, 2011 (Wednesday) |
8:30 - 9:30 |
Session VI, Panel discussion "Post Fukushima era Nuclear Energy Program"
Moderated by: Dr. Sueo Machi (Japan)
1) Korea (8 min.)
Mr. CHOI Doo Young (Korea)
2) Japan (8 min.)
Mr.Akira OMOTO (Japan)
3) IAEA (8min.)
Mr. Yoshimitsu FUKUSHIMA (IAEA)
4) Discussion (about 30 min.)
* Mr. XU ZhiXiong (China) (5 min.)
(Originally planned his presentation in Session 3)
9:30 - 11:45 |
Session VII, Updated Status of the First NPP Project in new entrants
Chaired by: Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA (Philippines)
1) Bangladesh (15 min.)
Mr. Md. Muzammel HAQUE (Bangladesh)
2) Indonesia (15 min.)
Mr. SURIYANA (Indonesia)
3) Kazakhstan (15min.)
Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV (Kazakhstan)
(10:15 - 10:30) |
< Coffee Break, 15min. > |
4) Malaysia (15 min.)
Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS (Malaysia)
5) Mongolia (15 min.)
Dr. Erdev BATJARGAL (Mongolia)
6) Philippines (15 min.)
Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA (Philippines)
7) Thailand (15 min.)
Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK (Thailand)
8) Vietnam (15 min.)
Mr. PHAN Ngoc Tuyen (Vietnam)
11:45 - 13:00 |
< Lunch > |
13:00 - 13:50 |
Session VIII, Environmental Impacts of Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident
Chaired by: Mr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
1) Environmental Impacts of TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP (50 min. including Q&A)
Dr. Nobuyuki SUGIURA (Japan)
13:50 - 15:00 |
Session IX, Following up of theme in the 12th Coordinators Meeting cancelled
Chaired by: Dr. Ron HUTCHINGS (Australia)
1) Project Review and Action Plan
Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (Japan)
(1). Summary of outcome in FY 2010 project (10 min.)
(2). Following up the recommendation of 11th Ministerial Meeting (10min.)
1. Establishment of research reactor and isotope supply regional network
2. Enhancement of nuclear security and safeguard
3. Improvement of technology transfer from research institute to end-user
4. Planning of Business Forum
(3). New projects and terminated projects (5 min.)
Discussion (15min.)
(4). FNCA action plan in FY2011 (10 min.)
(5). Future plan of FNCA (2 min.)
(6). 12th FNCA Ministerial Level Meeting (3 min.)
Discussion and conclusion(15min.)
15:00 - 15:45 |
Session X, Future plan of study panel meeting
- Next Topics and host countries
Chaired by: Ms. HOANG Thi Nhung (Vietnam)
1) Lead-off Speech (15min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
2) Discussion and Wrap-up (30 min.)
15:45 - 16:05 |
< Coffee Break, 20min. > |
16:05 - 16:35 |
Session XI, Summary of the Study Panel, Preliminary Draft Report for the 12th Ministerial Meeting
Chaired by: Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
1) Draft report (10 min)
Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
2) Discussion (15 min.)
3) Schedule of the next Panel Meeting (5min.)
16:35 - 16:45 |
Session XII, Closing Session
Chaired by: Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV (Kazakhstan)
1) Closing Remarks
Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
Dr. Taswanda TARYO (Indonesia)
16:45 |
Closing of the Meeting |
List of Participants in the 3rd Panel Meeting "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"
Head, International Relations
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Mr. Engr. Md. Muzammel HAQUE
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Mr. XU Zhi Xiong
Deputy Division Director
Department of International Cooperation
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Taswanda TARYO
Deputy Chairman for the Utilization of R&D Results and Dissemination of Nuclear Science and Technology
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
Head of NPP Management Preparation Division
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
First Deputy Director General
National Nuclear Center
Adviser to the Minister
Ministry of Industry and New Technology
Mr. CHOI Doo Yong
Deputy Director
Atomic Energy Cooperation Division, Atomic Energy Bureau
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)
Dr. CHUNG Dae Wook
Research Project Manager, PSA Application
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)
Mr. JEONG Honghwa
Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF)
Dr. Muhd. Noor MUHD YUNUS
Deputy Director General (Technical)
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
Director of Nuclear Instllation Division
Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)
Mr. Manlaijav GUN-AAJAV
Director of the Nuclear Technology Authority
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Head of The Nuclear Technology Innovative Department
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
The Philippines
Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Deputy Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Mr. Samerjai SUKSUMEK
Director of Power Policy Bureau
Enegy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)
Ministry of Energy
Ms. Kanchalika DECHATES
International Cooperation Section
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Viet Nam
Ms. HOANG Thi Nhung
Acting Director
Department of International Cooperation
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Mr. PHAN Ngoc Tuyen
Deputy Director
Consulting Center for Thermal & Nuclear Power and Environment
Institute of Energy
Mr. Yoshimitsu FUKUSHIMA
Senior Safety Officer
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Dr.Akira OMOTO
Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)
Dr. Sueo MACHI
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Katsumi EBISAWA
Associate Vice-President
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)
Emerging Nations Training Center
Office of International Programs
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)
Prof. Nobuyuki SUGIURA
Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kinki University
Researcher, Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission,
Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO)
Mr. Tetsuya KATO
Researcher, Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission,
Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO)
Dr. Yoshiyuki ASAOKA
Senior Researcher
Nuclear Technology Research Laboratory
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
Mr. Takeshi ISHIZAKA
Special staff
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)