
Panel Top page

11th March 2024, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
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20th June 2023, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
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9th March 2022, Online
Summary Report
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3rd-4th March 2021, Online
Summary Report
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Mar 7th 2019, Japan
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Mar 23th 2018, Japan
Summary Report
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Mar 8-9th 2017, Japan
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Mar 10th 2016, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" (2009-)
6th: Aug 26th -27th 2014, Vietnam
Summary Report
List of Participants

5th: Aug 22th - 23th 2013, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

4th: Jul 26th - 27th 2012, Thailand
Summary Report
List of Participants

3rd: Jul 5th - 6th 2011, Indonesia
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jul 1st - 2nd 2010, Korea
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Jul 30th 31st 2009, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia" (2007-2008)
2nd: Sep 1st - 2nd 2008, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Oct 30th - 31st 2007, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia" (2004-2006)
3rd: Nov 1st - 2nd 2006, Tsuruga
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jan 25th - 26th 2006, Tokyo
Summary Report

1st: Oct 20th - 21st 2004, Tokyo
Summary Report

Summary Report on the 1st Meeting of the Panel on
“Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia”

October 20-21,2004
Capitol Tokyu Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

The meeting was participated by 17 delegates from 8 FNCA countries and 41 observers. Prof. Kondo, Chairman of AEC of Japan presented the opening address.

1. The meeting noted the following points;
(a) Energy demand in the region of FNCA countries will increase rapidly in the future, due to fast socio-economic development.
(b) In the FNCA region, there is not much exploitable fossil fuel reserve. The per-capita reserve of fossil fuels of the region is the far lowest in the world.
(c) The use of fossil fuels has been steadily rising to fuel the economic growth in the world. In 2003 fossil fuels provide 88% of primary energy, and
nuclear provides 7% worldwide. Oil dependency of some FNCA countries on the Middle East is increasing so that their economies are more susceptible to supply disruptions.
(d) The global warming mainly caused by CO2 emitted from the burning fossil fuels, and the pollution due to SO2 and NOx caused by coal burning are threats to the environment.

2. The meeting noted the following points of energy policy;
(a) The national energy demand-supply strategy can be formulated in line with the policy of energy security. The national energy security possibly can be enhanced by international and regional cooperation.
(b) Long-term energy security is an important challenge because the reserve of fossil fuels is limited and energy demand is rapidly increasing in the region of FNCA countries. Possible countermeasures are (1) further exploration of fossil fuels, (2) energy conservation and improving energy efficiency, (3) development of renewable energy, (4) diversification of energy sources, and (5) enhancement of the use of nuclear power.
(c) Approaches to reduce CO2 emissions are: (l) saving energy, (2) fuel switching, (3) enhancing the use of renewable energies such as wind, solar,

3.Technical Tour
October 22,2004
(1)Tokai Power Station/Tokai No.2 Power Station,
The Japan Atomic power Company (JAPC)
(2) The High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR))
Oarai Research Establishment,
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
and biomass.
(d) Nuclear power generation can play a key role for securing energy supply and environmental protection. In this regard, more effort should be put toward to enhance public education and information diffusion and to improve public acceptance of nuclear power in light of safety assurance, risk and benefits of nuclear power.

3. The meeting has reached an agreement on the following points;
(a) Objective, scope and work plan of the Panel as shown in Annex 1.
(b) Reporting of the Summary of the 1st Panel Meeting to the 5th FNCA Ministerial level meeting in December 2004.
(c) The 2nd Panel Meeting will be held in autumn of 2005 in Japan. Therefore, representatives of each country to the Panel are requested to prepare for the
Agenda Item No. 3 described in the Work Plan.


The Panel Meeting on “Role of Nuclear Energy
for Sustainable Development in Asia”
Objectives and Scope

1.Exchange views on medium and long term energy demand and supply in the South. East Asian and East Asian countries on the basis of its social and economic development.

2. To collect and analyze information on energy usage and associated problems in the FNCA member countries, such as;

  • expanding demand of fossil fuels in the member countries and limited reserve in the region
  • environmental impacts of the usage of fossil fuel energy
  • advantages and disadvantages of non-fossil energy

3. To discuss and recognize the roles of nuclear energy for sustainable development and to define issues to be taken into account for the use of nuclear power, for examples;

  • safety assurance and regulation,
  • enhancement of public acceptance,
  • economic feasibility,
  • human resources development and technological infrastructure,
  • non-proliferation of nuclear weapon.

    And to discuss possible ways for international cooperation for the above mentioned issues among FNCA member countries.

Work Plan

1. The 1st Meeting (2004)
(1) Agreement on the objectives and scope of the Panel,
(2) presentation and discussion on a medium and long term (2030, 2050)
energy demand-supply plan based on a perspective of socio-economic development of each FNCA country,
(3) identification of problems for sustainability of energy supply specific to each country and common among FNCA countries,
(4) preliminary discussion on feasibility and roles of nuclear for power supply,
(5) work plan and sharing works for 2005 and 2006.

2. The 2nd meeting (2005)
(1) Presentation of a revised version of long term energy demand and supply plan of each FNCA country taking into account the discussion of the 1st Meeting,
(2) compilation of these plans, the total picture of energy demand and supply in the South East Asia and East Asia,
(3) more comprehensive discussion on the item 2 and 3 of the objectives to have a common understanding,
(4) to define possible FNCA cooperation for a better sustainability of energy supply,
(5) to finalize a table of contents of the final report of the panel,
(6) work plan and work sharing for 2006.

3. The 3rd (final) Meeting (2006)
(l) Discussion and confirmation of the final report of the Panel including
recommendation and conclusion of the Panel.

Tentative Program of the First Meeting of the Panel

Date: October 20-22, 2004
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Organized by: Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan / Cabinet Office (CAO)

Wednesday, October 20

Session 1

(1)Purpose and action plan of the panel
(2) Prospect of economic growth and energy demand in Asia

Session 2
Country report “Policy of long-term energy demand and supply, and role of nuclear energy for sustainable development” - (1)

- The country reports should include the view on following points quantitatively.

•  Medium and long term energy strategy and plan
•  Role of nuclear energy in the plan
•  Environmental impact of energy supply

Thursday, October 21

Session 2

Country report “Policy of long-term energy demand and supply, and role of nuclear energy for sustainable development” - (2)

Session 3


- Discussion will be focused on following points after introductory presentation. :

(1) World trend of energy and sustainable development
(2) Nuclear energy
(3) Global warming and the Kyoto Protocol.

Session 4

Wrap-up discussion and confirmation of minutes

Friday, October 22

Technical Tour

- Proposed site

Tokai Power Station, The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPCO)
High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), Oarai Research Establishment,

Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia