
Panel Top page

11th March 2024, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
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20th June 2023, Japan (+online)
Summary Report
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9th March 2022, Online
Summary Report
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3rd-4th March 2021, Online
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 7th 2019, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 23th 2018, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 8-9th 2017, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

Mar 10th 2016, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" (2009-)
6th: Aug 26th -27th 2014, Vietnam
Summary Report
List of Participants

5th: Aug 22th - 23th 2013, Japan
Summary Report
List of Participants

4th: Jul 26th - 27th 2012, Thailand
Summary Report
List of Participants

3rd: Jul 5th - 6th 2011, Indonesia
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jul 1st - 2nd 2010, Korea
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Jul 30th 31st 2009, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia" (2007-2008)
2nd: Sep 1st - 2nd 2008, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

1st: Oct 30th - 31st 2007, Tokyo
Summary Report
List of Participants

"Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia" (2004-2006)
3rd: Nov 1st - 2nd 2006, Tsuruga
Summary Report
List of Participants

2nd: Jan 25th - 26th 2006, Tokyo
Summary Report

1st: Oct 20th - 21st 2004, Tokyo
Summary Report

Summary Report of the 1st FNCA Panel Meeting
"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia"

October 30 to 31, 2007
Tokyo, Japan

Discussion of 1st Panel Meeting
Discussion of 1st Panel Meeting

The 1st FNCA Panel Meeting of "Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia" was held in Tokyo on October 30 and 31, 2007, sponsored by Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) and Cabinet Office (CAO). The Meeting was attended by 10 countries, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

At the Meeting, each of participating countries reported the current situations and the future plans for nuclear power, and the situations and challenges of human resource development (HRD). In addition, existing cooperative activities and possibilities of future cooperation toward the introduction of nuclear power were discussed focusing on HRD.

As a result, it was agreed that sharing valuable information among FNCA members on HRD toward nuclear power, such as early experience on building Nuclear Power Plant, good practices, public acceptance and regulation, is important especially for the countries to introduce nuclear power., In addition it is recommended that information exchange on HRD for the introduction of NPP among the FNCA member countries should be enhanced. As the first step, it is recommended that FNCA web-site will be effectively utilized for this purpose.

Session 1: Summary of the 7th FNCA Ministerial-Level Meeting and Overview of the Panel

Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, explained the summary of the 7th FNCA Ministerial-Level Meeting (in November 2006), the background of the FNCA Panel Meeting, and the purpose of this newly launched Panel of "Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia"

Session 2: Human Resource Development Looking over Future Deployment of Nuclear Power in Asia

The participants presented the current situations and future plans of each country as related to nuclear power, and reported the situations and challenges of HRD in view of those plans.

Session 3: Common Issues concerning Human Resource Development (Invited Speech)

"Nuclear Knowledge Management -The Pivot for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy-"
Mr. Shojiro Matsuura, Advisor, Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)

"Human Resource Development for Promoting Nuclear Power Plant -Experience in JAPC-"
Dr. Takao Fujie, Fellow, Executive Advisor to the Corporate Management, Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)

Session 4: Human Resource Development (HRD) toward Introduction of Nuclear Power

Regarding HRD toward the introduction of nuclear power, the review of the past cooperative activities and the possibility of future cooperation were discussed.

Session 5: Nuclear Power for Climate Change

Mr. Masaharu Fujitomi, Executive Director, Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER), (former Member of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board), made the speech about global environmental issues and nuclear power, focusing on the activities of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

<Wrap-up Session>

The outcomes of discussions at this Panel Meeting were summarized as follows, and it was decided to report these outcomes at the 8th FNCA Ministerial Level Meeting, scheduled to be held in Tokyo on December 18, 2007.

  • The FNCA member countries agreed to more actively promote to share valuable information about HRD toward the introduction of nuclear power.
  • As the first step, it is recommended that FNCA web-site will be effectively utilized,

Program of the 1st FNCA Panel Meeting
"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia"

October 30 to 31, 2007
Tokyo, Japan

Date: October 30-31, 2007
Place: International Conference Room (3F), Mita- Kaigisho Tokyo, Japan
Organized by: Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of Japan
                      Cabinet Office (CAO), Government of Japan

Tuesday, October 30
Opening Session
Chair: Dr. Jun Sugimoto, Chairman of the Panel Meeting, JAEA
-   Opening Remarks: Dr. Jun. Sugimoto, Chairman of the Panel Meeting
  -   Welcome Speech: Dr. Shunsuke. Kondo, Chairman, AEC of Japan
  -   Introduction of the Participants
Session 1: Summary of the 7th FNCA MM and Overview of the Panel
Chair: Mr. Vu Dang Ninh, Vietnam
Reporter: Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan
<10:05-10:20 Coffee Break>
Session 2: Human Resource Development Looking over Future Deployment of Nuclear Power in Asia (Presentation time is 25minutes including 10 minutes for discussion.)
Chair: Dr. Maurice Ripley, Australia
<Part 1>
(1) China Prof. Wu Chunxi
      Professor,China Institute of Nuclear Information and Economics
  (2) Korea   Dr. Kyong Won Han
      Senior Researcher, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
  (3) Japan   Dr. Shun-ichi Tanaka
      Vice Chairman, AEC of Japan
Taking Commemorative Photo
<Lunch 12:00-13:15>
Session 2(Cont'):

Chair: Prof. Wu Chunxi, China
<Part 2>
(4) Indonesia Dr. Achmad Sarwiyana Sastratenaya
      Director of Center for Nuclear Energy Development
      National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
  (5) Thailand   Mr. Somporn Chongkum
      Executive Director, Thailand Institute of Nuclear
      Technology (TINT)
  (6) Vietnam   Mr. Hoang Anh Tuan
      Deputy Director, Department of Planning and R&D
      Management, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commision (VAEC)
<14:30-14:45 Coffee Break>
Session 2(Cont'):

Chair: Dr. Achmad Sarwiyana Sastratenaya, Indonesia
<Part 3>
(7) Australia Dr. Maurice Ripley
      Leader, Reactor Materials and Fuels Group,
      The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
      Organisation (ANSTO)
  (8) Bangladesh   Dr. Md. Shawkat Akbar
      Head and Principal Scientific Officer, Nuclear Power Energy Division, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
  (9) Malaysia   Ms. Loo Took Gee
      Deputy Secretary General II, Energy & Water Divisions
      Ministry Of Energy, Water and Communications
  (10) The Philippines   Mr. Efren Balaoing
      Chief Administrative Officer, Human Resources
      Management Division, Department of Energy
Session 3: Common Issues concerning Human Resource Development (Invited Speech)
Chair: Dr. Kyong Won Han, Korea
      - The Pivot for Safe Use of Nuclear Power -
      Dr. Shojiro Matsuura, Advisor, Nuclear Safety Research Association
      - Experiences in JAPC -
      Mr. Takao Fujie, Fellow, Executive Advisor to the Corporate
      Management, The Japan Atomic Power Company
18:00-19:30 Welcome Reception
Wednesday, October 31
Session 4: "Human Resource Development toward Introduction of Nuclear Power"
Chair: Dr. Jun Sugimoto, Chair of the Panel, JAEA, Japan
-   Lead off Speech: Dr. Jun Sugimoto
  -   Discussion
<10:30-10:45 Break>
Session 5: "Nuclear Power for Climate Change"
Chair: Ms. Loo Took Gee, Malaysia
-   Lead off Speech: Mr. Masaharu Fujitomi, Member of the Board Executive Director, Electric Power Development Co., LTd. Japan
"Energy Outlook in Asia -Role of Nuclear Power (tentative)"
  -   Discussion
<Lunch 12:00-13:15>
Session 6: "Discussion on the draft of joint communique concerning the role of nuclear power for sustainable development in Asia"
Chair: Dr. Sueo Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan
-   Lead off Speech: Mr. Shinichi KUROKI ,Director for Atomic Energy, Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office
  -   Discussion
<14:00-14:15 Coffee Break>
Session 7: Wrap-up of Discussion on HRD
Chair: Mr. Efren Balaoing, The Philippines
(1) Wrap-up of discussion on HRD
  - Draft Report : Dr. Jun Sugimoto
    - Discussion
  (2) Confirmation of Summary, Dr. Jun Sugimoto
Session 8: Closing Session
Chair: Mr. Somporn Chongkum, Thailand
(1) Future plan of the panel: Secretariat
  (2) Panel Chairman Address: Dr. Jun Sugimoto
  (3) Closing Remarks: Dr. Shun-ichi Tanaka, Vice Chairman, AEC of Japan

List of Participants in the 1st FNCA Panel Meeting
"Study Panel for Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Asia"

October 30 to 31, 2007
Tokyo, Japan


Dr. Maurice Ripley
Reactor Materials and Fuels Group
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology (ANSTO)


Dr. Mohammad Shawkat Akbar
Head and Principal Scientific Officer
Nuclear Power and Energy Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)


Prof. Wu Chunxi
China Institute of Nuclear Information and Economics


Mr. Kansman Hutabarat
Head of Education and Training Center for Electricity
and Renewable Energy
Department of Energy and Natural Resources

Dr. Achmad Sarwiyana Sastratenaya
Director of Center for Nuclear Energy Development
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)


Dr. Kyong Won Han
Senior Researcher
Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)


Ms. Loo Took Gee
Deputy Secretary General
Energy & Water Divisions
Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications

Ms. Wan Nadia Binti Kamarudin
Research Officer
Policy Analysis and Research Management Division
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (Malaysia Energy Centre)

The Philippines

Mr. Efren L. Balaoing
Chief Administrative Officer
Human Resource Management Division
Department of Energy

Mr.Jason Jude P. Villegas
Senior Science Research Specialist
Environmental Cooperation and Coordination section
Energy Policy and Planning Bureau, Department of Energy


Dr. Somporn Chongkum
Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

Mr. Samerjai Suksumek
Strategic Energy Policy and Planning Division
Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy

Viet Nam

Mr. Vu Dang Ninh
Department of Administration
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC)

Mr. Hoang Anh Tuan
Deputy Director
Department of Planning and R&D Management
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commision (VAEC)


Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Dr. Shunsuke Kondo
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Dr. Shunichi Tanaka
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Ms. Miyako Matsuda
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Dr. Takako Hirose
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Mr. Takahiko Ito
Atomic Energy Commission of Japan

Cabinet Office, Ministries

Mr. Shinichi Kuroki
Director for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Mr. Morikuni Makino
Counsellor for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Dr. Takeshi Yokoo
Deputy Director for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Mr. Kazuhiko Shimada
Senior Researcher for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Mr. Naotaka Shimizu
Senior Researcher for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Dr. Kazufumi Tsujimoto
Researcher for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Ms.Yuko Nakagiri
Chief for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Mr.Atsushi Tatematsu
Senior Researcher for Atomic Energy,
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy,
Cabinet Office

Mr. Masanori Kawabata
Official for Atomic Energy, Bureau of Science Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office

Mr. Yasuyoshi Komizo
Director, International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division
Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Mr. Zentaro Naganuma
Principal Deputy Director
International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division
Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Mr. Shoichi Nagayoshi
Deputy Director, International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division
Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Ms. Kyoko Mukaida
Researcher, International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Mr. Koichi Murakami
Researcher, Economic Security Division
Economic Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Mr. Koichi Kaneko
Researcher, Climate Change Division
International Cooperation Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Mr.Hiroki Matsuo
Director, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Mr.Ryosuke Murayama
Director for International Nuclear Cooperation
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Mr.Kenichi Miyazawa
Resercher, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Reseach and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Mr.Akira Mashiko
Resercher, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Reseach and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Mr.Kenji Kimura
Director for International Nuclear Energy Affairs
Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division,
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Masaomi Koyama
Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Kunihiko Shimada
Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Yuzou Tanigai
Ministry of the Environment

Coordinator, Chairman, Speakers

Dr. Sueo Machi
FNCA Coordinator of Japan

Dr. Jun Sugimoto
Chairman of the Panel Meeting
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)

Dr. Shojiro Matsuura
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)

Mr. Takao Fujie
Executive Advisor to the Corporate Management
The Japan Atomic Power Company

Mr. Masaharu Fujitomi
Member of the Board Executive Director
Electric Power Development Co., LTd. Japan

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia