Summary Report of the 5th Panel Meeting
“Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power”
August 22 to 23, 2013
Mita Conference Hall, Tokyo, Japan
The 5th Meeting of "Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power" was held on August 22nd and 23rd, 2013, in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by Cabinet Office (CAO) and Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC).
The panel discussed on Small and Medium sized Reactor (SMR) development, the regional cooperation for Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR), nuclear security and stakeholder involvement. The panel also shared information on the current status and future of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the efforts for safety improvement in Japan after the accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Member countries shared information and experiences on nuclear power in each session through the presentations delivered by Japanese experts and IAEA, and the discussions among the participants.
The site visit to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station was held on the day before the meeting in order that the relevant participants in member countries may well understand the approaches on the decommissioning that Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company are currently curried out.
The presentation from IAEA was delivered on the Web meeting between Japan and IAEA headquarter in Vienna which was the first trial at FNCA meetings.
For the upcoming panel, the following candidate topics were suggested such as Post-Fukushima situation, SMR, stakeholder involvement, EPR and role of Technical Support Organization (TSO).
Dr. Omoto proposed the draft summary of the panel and the provisional summary was adopted after modification along with the comments from the participants. It was agreed that the additional comments will be called and that will be reflected to the final edition.
The result of the meeting will be reported to the 14th Ministerial Level Meeting in Japan
【Summary of the study panel and Draft report to 14th Ministerial Level Meeting】
1. Introduction
The AEC of Japan and Cabinet Office of Japan organized the 5th Meeting of the Study Panel for Nuclear Power of the FNCA in Tokyo on the 22-23 August, 2013 with the participation of 11 members of FNCA. Ten sessions covered a wide spectrum of key issues ranging from post-Fukushima status and actions (session II, III, V) with focus on new regulatory requirements and Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) to contemporary issues of Small- and Medium-sized Reactor (SMR) (session IV), nuclear security (session VI), stakeholder involvement (session VII) and others (session I, VIII, IX and X).
2. Session-by-session details
2.1 Status and future of Fukushima Daiichi NPS
The current status of Fukushima Daiichi NPS and the road map for the future actions of defueling and decommission was presented by the Japanese METI. It was reported that removal of Spent Fuel (SF) from SF storage pool will commence towards the end of 2013 and removal of debris will start from the end of 2021.
Creation of IRID (International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning) was reported. Key challenges in the implementation of this road map are; handling of accident-generated water including reducing ingress of underground water to reactor buildings, identification of configuration and location of debris, shortening of cooling circuit, strengthening communications with local stake holders etc. Recent INES-1 (potential of upgrading to level 3) event of leakage of 300 tons of contaminated water was reported. Concern was raised on the overall cost of decommissioning and
handling of SF. Japan said the estimate is around 10BUS$.
2.2 New regulatory requirements by Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of Japan
The NRA considers there were two problems of nuclear regulation in pre-Fukushima era, namely a) not setting regulatory requirements for level 4 defense-in-depth but relying on voluntary actions of Operators and b) not formulating backfitting rule.
Key elements of the recently formulated new regulatory requirements are:
- Dry site criteria against maximum plausible Tsunami
- Seismicity-related requirements (capable fault below reactor, case of loss of geological layer of the late Pleistocene epoch (approx. 120,000 to 130,000 years ago or later), impact of subsurface structure on ground motion)
- Volcano in the vicinity of NPS (160km range)
- Availability of power (physical separation of redundant offsite power lines, number of onsite EDG, capacity of battery)
- Capability to depressurize Reactor Coolant System (RCS) by battery and activate injection by mobile low pressure system
- Bunkered special facility to maintain plant safety in the event of terrorist attacks including airplane crush
METI (Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry) of Japan reported its new WG on self-regulatory actions by Operators, and JANSI (Japan Nuclear Safety Institute) explained two key activities for voluntary safety improvement including peer reviews.
2.3 Small- and Medium-sized Reactor (SMR)
Prof. Omoto, chairperson of the Study Panel, in his lead speech, discussed opportunities (grid-appropriateness, local energy supply by supply of power and heat, incremental investment) and challenges (economics especially economics of scale vs. economics of series, technology, and institutional aspect) of SMR. Japan explained SMR-related activities by the OECD/NEA and Japanese SMR designs including two LWRs, sodium cooled 4S system and gas cooled reactor. GTHTR300 by JAEA is based on experiences of HTTR which achieved operation at 950 deg C and had gone thorough "inherent safety" test by stopping cooling pumps and without inserting control rod. China shared information of ACP100 (IPWR: integral type LWR) and HTR-PM (200MWe by 2 reactors and one steam turbine), the latter of which is under construction. RoK has been developing 100 MWe SMART-IPWR system, which is already licensed and waiting for funding. Kazakhstan is studying the use of SMR with Rosatom and JAEA.
A panel on SMR discussed the viability of SMR at a time when nuclear has only 5-6% share of primary energy supply. It was pointed out that SMR could provide affordable reactor for non-OECD countries which have growing demand of energy and could enable use of nuclear reactor for purposes other than just producing electricity, e.g. use of hydrogen produced from HTGR by the transportation sector and industrial heat.
2.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)
Prof. Omoto, chairperson of the study panel, in his lead speech, discussed lessons learned and changes made in Japan in light of Fukushima accident including law, institution and zoning. He indicated potential areas of regional cooperation (notification, harmonization such as on zoning, sharing resources, regional drill, synergy with already-existent regional disaster management system). The Japanese MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) explained its initiative to enhance the IAEA-RANET activities including capacity building. RoK explained KAERI's environmental radioactivity studies including plume dispersion modeling activity.
Vietnam listed items which the country expects support for EPR. Both Indonesia and the Philippines discussed experiences of national actions taken during the Fukushima accident and proposed potential areas of regional cooperation:
- Establishing network of radiation monitoring and database
- Regional training and drill
- Harmonization of standards and methodologies for EPR
- Technical assistance (experts and equipments)
- Sharing contact points
The Philippines listed some EPR-related activities in the regional such as the IAEA/ANSN project, the US-led GTRI project, proposed EU cooperative work and ASEANTOM.
Scene of the Web meeting (with IAEA in Vienna)
Scene of the meeting |
The IAEA explained the ANSN activities, which currently focus on capacity building under various topical groups including EPR.
During the panel discussion it was agreed that FNCA and ANSN put into writing potential areas of regional cooperation for EPR and possible framework/vehicle to materialize the proposed action.
2.5 Nuclear security
Mr. Gregoric, consultant from Slovenia, former Section Head for prevention in the Office of Nuclear Security of the IAEA, gave a lecture on the global security framework, clarified responsibility of operator (within DBT) and that of the State (beyond DBT) based on threat assessment, and emphasized the importance of ratification of CPPNM amendment to upgrade international security level including criminalization of offenses. He also touched on IAEA NSS#13 alias INFCIRC225/Rev5 and the International convention for suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism (ICSANT), IAEA Code of conduct on the safety and security of radioactive sources, IAEA Nuclear Security Series, IAEA review services (INSServ, IPPAS). He suggested that if INFCIRC225 goes to Rev.6, it would include security by design in the same token as now safety by design and to some extent safeguards by design.
The JAEA shared information of capacity building activities in ISCN (Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security) which is currently providing three courses, namely nuclear security, safeguard and SSAC (Sate Accounting and Control of Nuclear material) and international non-proliferation framework. Since the start of its activity in 2011, the center has trained more than 1000 students. Since China and the RoK will be operating similar training centers on nuclear security and safeguards, the JAEA reported initial meetings among the three countries to coordinate and establish cooperative activities in the area of security training and development of academic programmes. Kazakhstan shared the information on the construction of security training center, which will start operation next year, and which will be open to other countries. The reason of delay of ratification of CPPNM amendment was discussed.
The question was raised on cost addition by implementing security requirements.
Both Mr. Gregoric and JAEA have similar view that it will be 1-3% of the total operating costs.
The Session chairperson (Dr. Muhd Yunus of Malaysia) raised, in the same token as was discussed for EPR, an issue of regional cooperation including creating synergy and setting common goals, to be achieved in next 4 years, of nuclear security in the region by regional cooperation especially considering that four countries are providing training services. Dr. Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, commented that the existing project of FNCA on safeguards and nuclear security would serve this purpose. Bangladesh said it needs support and monitoring from international communities and organizations, like; IAEA, FNCA, etc. on achieving security level before starting operation of nuclear power in Bangladesh.
2.6 Stakeholder involvement
Dr. Machi, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, reported the results of recent opinion poll on nuclear power in Japan. The poll on nuclear power by NHK in March, 2013 shows that 25% to support the status quo, 40.5% to support the decrease of nuclear power and 27.6% to support the abolishment, which means 65.5% are supportive to the use nuclear power at least for the time being. The poll by Yomiuri Press in Feb. 2013 shows that the majority (51%) support the Abe administration's policy to revise the previous administration's nuclear policy to close nuclear power. Overall, Dr. Machi's message is that getting support of the public for restarting idle NPS is the important challenge.
Ms. Akiba, Commissioner of AECJ, discussed the challenges of installing HLW disposal facility by referring to European (Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, France, UK) and Japanese cases. She emphasized the importance of face-to-face meeting (such as in Swedish kitchen table meeting) under consensus approach and the strategy of series of public meetings starting from meetings in a small administrative unit. She also analyzed the recent case of UK, where communication by local politician was not successful.
Malaysia shared experience of difficulties of Rare Earth Oxide plant by underestimation of possible public opposition using both social media and public demonstration (against the use of slightly radioactive Lanthanide in the process), by the lack of strategic communication plan (taking approach of not disclosing information) etc, which eventually lead to loss of trust from stakeholders.
Dr. Tatsuzaki of NIRS explained three training courses/materials provided by NIRS to medical staff (radiation emergency medicine, first response to radiological accident, e-learning on radiation), in addition to overview of courses on radiation emergency medicine provided by various organizations in Japan. He also shared experience at the time of Fukushima Daiichi accident of denial/hesitation among medical doctors/nurses/staffs of hospitals to receive contaminated patients, partly due to lack of knowledge. According to the Diet's accident investigation report, there were medical doctors and nurses at Fukushima Medical University Hospital, though accepted patients, who left the hospital out of fear of radiation from contaminated patients.
2.7 Future plan of study panel meeting
Prof. Omoto, chairperson of the study panel overviewed the topics discussed in the five meetings of the study panel in the phase III and noted that, although infrastructure issues dominated in pre-Fukushima era, safety-related topics naturally dominated in post-Fukushima era such as lessons learned from the accident, external hazard analysis, liability, EPR) and related topics of stakeholder involvement, risk communication and post-Fukushima nuclear energy policy. Also he noted topics not related to safety were also covered even in post-Fukushima era such as nuclear security, SMR, project management etc. Categorization into three areas were discussed; safety focus on post-Fukushima, infrastructure and others. After prioritization, the FNCA study panel determined to pick up:
- SMR (China, Japan, RoK, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Philippines): topical issues including waste, economics, safety to convince stakeholders
- Role of TSO and research institutes for countries launching nuclear programme (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam)
- Post-Fukushima situation (all countries)
- Stakeholder involvement (China, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia)
- EPR including clinical response (Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines)
The discussion on the next venue was suspended in connection with the selection of topics. Japan will continue the dialogue with candidate countries.
Although the following topics were raised, these are not picked up due to relative priority in this panel or are supposed to be covered by other projects as follows;
- Human resources development (Vietnam) → covered by the HRD project
- RR improvement and utilization, use of cold neutron, radioisotope production (RoK), whereas there was an opinion that Research reactor network already covers these (Japan) → covered by the RRN project
Nuclear energy development strategy (Kazakhstan)
Program of the 5th FNCA Panel Meeting
"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"
Date: |
August 22nd (Thursday) - 23rd (Friday), 2013 |
Venue: |
International Conference Room (3F), Mita Conference Hall, Tokyo, Japan |
Co-hosted by |
Cabinet Office (CAO), Government of Japan and Japan Atomic Energy
Commission (JAEC) (Japan) |
Co-chairperson: |
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC (Japan), and Dr. Kurujit NAKORNTHAP, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy (Thailand)
Working Language: |
English |
August 22, 2013 (Thursday) |
9:10 - 9:30 |
Registration |
9:30 - 9:40 |
<Commemorative Photo> (Press Open) (10 min.) |
9:40 - 10:10 |
Session I, Opening Session (Press Open) (30 min.)
Chair: Dr. Sueo MACHI (Japan)
1)Opening remarks (5 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) 2) Self-introduction of participants (15 min.)
3) Adoption of agenda (10 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) |
10:10 -10:40 |
Session II, Current Situation and Future Prospects of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (30 min.)
Chair: Dr. CAO Dinh Thanh (Vietnam)
1) Mid and Long Term Roadmap towards the Decommissioning of Units 1-4 of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (20min.)
Mr. Tatsuya SHINKAWA, Director, Nuclear Accident Response Office, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)
2) Q&A (10 min.) |
10:40 - 11:40 |
Session III, Efforts for Safety Improvement after the Accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (60 min.)
Chair: Dr. Somporn CHONGKUM (Thailand)
1) Japan's new regulatory standards (20 min.)
Mr. Tatsuya TAGUCHI, Deputy Director, Regulatory Standard and Research Division, Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan)
2) Approach for further improvement of nuclear safety under the new regulatory framework (10 min.)
Mr. Seiichi MIYASHITA, Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)
3) Voluntary approaches implemented by nuclear sectors (10 min.)
Mr. Satoshi KURATA, Operations Officer, Nuclear Safety Division, Japan Nuclear Safety Institute (Japan)
4) Q&A (20 min.) |
11:40 - 12:40 |
<Lunch 60 min.> |
12:40 -14:40 |
Session IV, Small and Medium Sized Reactor Development (120 min.)
Chair: Prof. Dr. Davaa SUREN (Mongolia)
1) Lead Speech (10min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2) Development of the Small Light Water Reactor (LWR) and Fast Reactor (FR) (20 min.)
Mr. Kazuaki MATSUI, Senior Fellow, The Institute of Applied Energy (Japan)
3) Development of small-sized High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (20min.)
Dr. Masuro OGAWA, Director, Nuclear Hydrogen and Heat Application Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan)
4) Approach in China (20 min.)
Mr. LONG Maoxiong, Deputy Secretary General, China Nuclear Energy Association (China)
5) Approach in Korea (20 min.)
Dr. ZEE Sung-Kyun, Principal Research Fellow, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea)
6) Discussion (30 min.) |
14:40 - 15:00 |
<Coffee Break 20 min.> |
15:00 - 17:20 |
Session V, Regional Cooperation for Emergency Preparedness and Response (140 min.)
Chair & Moderator: Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA (The Philippines)
1) Overview of emergency preparedness and response (15 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2) Cooperation on Emergency Preparedness at WANO (15 min.)
Mr. Harunobu SHIRAYANAGI, Director, Tokyo Centre, The World Association of Nuclear Operators (Japan)
3) Matters being discussed in light of the lessons learned from the accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (15 min.)
Mr. Kenichi BESSHO, Director, International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division, Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)
4) IAEA-ANSN activities (15 min.)
Mr. Paul WOODHOUSE, Head, Safety and Security Coordination Section, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ANSN Programme Manager
Mr.GUO Lingquan, Unit Head, Knowledge Networks Unit
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
5) Expectations of Asian regional cooperation in the field of emergency preparedness and response
- Dr. Syahrir, Head of Safety and Environment Division, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia) (8 min.)
- Dr. MIN Byung-Il, Senior Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea) (8 min.)
- Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA, Director, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (The Philippines) (8 min.)
- Dr. Cao Dinh Thanh, Vice President, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, (Vietnam) (8 min.)
6) Discussion (40 min.) |
August 23, 2013 (Friday) |
9:30 - 12:20 |
Session VI, Nuclear Security (170 min.)
Chair: Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS (Malaysia)
1) International Framework for Nuclear Security and IAEA roles and functions (75 min.)
Mr. Miroslav GREGORIC, Consultant, former Head, Prevention Section, Office of Nuclear Security, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
2) Q&A (30 min.)
3) Capacity Building Program Offered by Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (15min.)
Mr. Masao SENZAKI, Director, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan)
4) Discussion (50 min.) |
12:20 - 13:20 |
<Lunch 60 min.> |
10:40 - 11:00 |
< Coffee Break 20 min. > |
13:20 - 15:20 |
Session VII, Stakeholder Involvement (120 min.)
Chair: Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA (The Philippines)
1) Lead Speech (15 min.)
Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan (Japan)
2) Theme One: Challenges of risk communication on siting a nuclear facility
- Case Study: Challenges of confidence building on a final disposal facility
of high-level radioactive waste (15 min.)
Ms. Etsuko AKIBA, Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission (Japan)
3) Q&A (10 min.)
4) Theme Two: Challenges of risk communication with medical personnel
- Case Study I: Lessons Learned from a rare earth plant in Malaysia (15 min.)
Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS, Deputy Director General (Research & Technology Division) Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Malaysia)
- Case Study II: Lessons learned from the accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (20 min.)
Dr. Hideo TATSUZAKI, Section Head, Medical Section, Radiation Emergency Medical Assistance Team, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (Japan)
5) Discussion (45 min.) on the two themes above |
15:20 - 16:05 |
Session VIII, Future Plan of Study Panel Meeting (45min.)
Chair: Mr. Falconi M. SOETARTO (Indonesia)
1) Lead Speech (15 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2) Discussion and Wrap-up (30 min.) |
16:05 - 16:45 |
<Coffee Break 40 min.> |
16:45 - 17:25 |
Session IX, Summary of the Study Panel and Preliminary Draft Report for the 14th Ministerial Level Meeting (40 min.)
Chair: Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV (Kazakhstan)
1) Draft report (10 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2) Discussion (30 min.) |
17:25 - 17:30 |
Session X, Closing Session (5 min.)
Chair: Dr. Akira OMOTO (Japan)
Closing remarks (5 min.)
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) |
List of Participants in the 5th Panel Meeting
"Study Panel on the Approaches toward Infrastructure Development for Nuclear Power"
Mr. Faisal KABIR
Chief Medical Officer
International Affairs Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Mr. Md. Hasinur RAHMAN
Principal Scientific Officer
Nuclear Power & Energy Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Mr. LONG Maoxiong
Deputy Secretary General
China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
Mr. Falconi M. SOETARTO
Deputy Chairman for Utilization of the R&D Result and Dissemination of Nuclear Science and Technology
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Dr. Syahrir
Safety and Environment Division
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Director General
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC)
Dr. Natalya ZHDANOVA
Executive Director
Association "Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan"
Dr. ZEE Sung-Kyun
Principal Research Fellow
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Dr. MIN Byung-Il
Senior Researcher
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Mr. JEONG Honghwa
Manager, Multilateral Cooperation Division
Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF)
Dr. Muhd Noor MUHD YUNUS
Deputy Director General
(Research & Technology Development Programme)
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Dr. Mohd Zamzam Bin JAAFAR
Chief Executive Officer
Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation (MNPC)
Prof. Dr. Davaa SUREN
Nuclear Research Center
the National University of Mongolia (NUM)
Radiation Control Laboratory
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
The Philippines
Dr. Alumanda M. DELA ROSA
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Christina A. PETRACHE
Chief Science Research Specialist
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Dr. Somporn CHONGKUM
Executive Director
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Ms. Kanchalika DECHATES
International Cooperation Section
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Dr. CAO Dinh Thanh
Vice President
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Ms. DOAN Thi Thu Huong
Expert, International Cooperation Department
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), etc.
ANSN Programme Manager,
Head, Safety and Security Coordination Section
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Mr.GUO Lingquan
Unit Head, Knowledge Networks Unit
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Mr. Miroslav GREGORIC
Former Head of Prevention Section
Office of Nuclear Security
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
<Chairperson and Experts>
Dr. Akira OMOTO
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Titech)
Dr. Sueo MACHI
FNCA Coordinator of Japan,
Fellow of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Dr. Masuro OGAWA
Nuclear Hydrogen and Heat Application Research Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Section Head
Medical Section
Radiation Emergency Medical Assistance Team (REMAT)
National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)
Tokyo Centre
The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)
Mr. Kazuaki MATSUI
Senior Fellow
The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE)
Mr. Satoshi KURATA
Operations Officer
Nuclear Safety Division
Japan Nuclear Safety Institute (JANSI)
Prof. Tomoaki WADA
Tokyo University of Science (TUS)
<Cabinet Office>
Dr. Shunsuke KONDO
Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)
Dr. Tatsujiro SUZUKI
Vice Chairman
Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)
Ms. Etsuko AKIBA
Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)
Mr. Takashi NAKANO
Deputy Director General for Science and Technology Policy
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Dr. Shuichiro ITAKURA
Director for Atomic Energy
Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Deputy Director
Office of Atomic Energy Policy Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Mr. Motomitsu SADAYASU
Senior Researcher
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Mr. Kounosuke SORIMACHI
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
Ms. Nobuko KONO
Office of Atomic Energy Policy
Secretariat of the Atomic Energy Commission
Cabinet Office, Japan (CAO)
< Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) >
Mr. Kenichi BESSHO
International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Ms. Mayumi ASAKURA
International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division Disarmament
Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Mr. Shintaro ITO
International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division Disarmament
Non-proliferation and Science Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
< Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) >
Mr. Hitoshi MIYATA
Director, International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division,
Research and Development Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Ms. Natsuko DEGUCHI
Deputy Director
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division
Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Mr. Takeshi SAITO
International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division, Research and Development Bureau
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
< Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)>
Deputy Director
Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Mr. Tatsuya SHINKAWA
Nuclear Accident Response Office
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Mr. Hirofumi OIMA
Deputy Director, Nuclear Accident Response Office
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Mr. Takahiro KUWAHARA
Assistant Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Assistant Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
< Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)>
Mr. Tatsuya TAGUCHI
Deputy Director
Regulatory Standard and Research Division
Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)