FNCA - Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia




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- Biofertilizer News Letter
- Biofertilizer Manual
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Biofertilizer Manual

The biofertilizer manual published March 2006 is the product of the Biofertilizer Project in FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia). Eight countries, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam participate in this project. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Pham Van Toan, the Project Leader of Viet Nam. The manual is written by project members and other experts to share information and experiences of biofertilizer use in Asian countries, their effectiveness, efficient production processes, storage and application on different crops.

The manual has the following chapters: 1) Introduction, 2) General methods to evaluate microbial activity, 3) Carriers for biofertilizers, 4) Inoculant for biofertilizers including rhizobia, non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers, mycorrhiza, phosphorous solubilizers, and 5) Quality control of biofertilizers, from advanced basic information to practical methods in each participating country.

The manual was written as easy as possible for scientists and technicians involved in biofertilizers in Asia. However, the manual may be quite difficult for farmers. It is our hope that scientists and technicians will translate some part of the manual into the respective mother language in some brochures or pamphlets for farmers.

The manual is able to be downloaded from this website. It is desired that this manual would be useful for improving and disseminating biofertilizer technology, and enhancing environmental friendly sustainable farming practices by reducing excessive amount of chemical fertilizer application.

Please feel free to contact FNCA ( ) for enquiries on the manual.


Batch Download 5.6MB Biofertilizer Manual�括�ウンロー� width=
Partition Download
i. Outside Front Cover 788KB Outside Front Cover
ii. Inside Cover 47KB Inside Cover
iii. Credit 104KB Credit
iv. Preface by Dr. Sueo Machi, the FNCA Coordinator of Japan 109KB Preface by Dr. Sueo Machi, the FNCA Coordinator of Japan
v. Acknowledgements 109KB Acknowledgements
vi. Members of the FNCA Biofertilizer Project Group 109KB Members of the FNCA Biofertilizer Project Group
vii. Contributing Authors 120KB Contributing Authors
viii. Contents 198KB Contents
I. Introduction 102KB Introduction
II. General Methods to Evaluate Microbial Activity
1.  Isotopic Methods 1.4MB Isotopic Methods
2.  Conventional Methods< 904KB Conventional Methods
III. Carriers for Biofertilizers 438KB Carriers for Biofertilizers
1.  Carrier Materials
2.  Carrier Sterilization using γ-irradiation
IV. Inoculant for Biofertilizers
1.  Rhizobium Inoculant 551KB Rhizobium Inoculant
2.  Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixers 560KB Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixers
3.  Mycorrhiza 705KB Mycorrhiza
4.  Phosphate Solubilizers 670KB Phosphate Solubilizers
V. Quality Control of Biofertilizers 437KB Quality Control of Biofertilizers
1.  General Concept of Quality Control
2.  Procedures for Quality Control of Biofertilizer
ix. Outside Back Cover 64KB Outside Back Cover

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia