The 12th FNCA Ministerial Level Meeting (MM) was held at the Mita Conference Hall in Tokyo, Japan on December 16, 2011, and hosted by the Japan Atomic Energy Commission and the Cabinet Office of Japan. The Meeting was attended by ministerial level representatives (5 ministers, 2 vice ministers, the Directors of the Nuclear Administrative Agencies) from 12 member countries: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam. The participants discussed international cooperation in the field of nuclear technology from a broad perspective. (Program) (List of the Participants)
All FNCA countries agreed that the next MM will be held by host of Indonesia in 2012.
In the opening session, Mr. Goshi HOSONO, Minister of State for the Nuclear Power Policy and Administration, Cabinet Office of Japan, delivered the welcoming remarks. Providing Special Session on the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Japan reported the lessons learned from the accident, future plans, decontamination efforts, risk communication after Great East Japan Earthquake and so on to other participating countries. In the Special Session and the sessions about infrastructure development in particular public information and human resource development (HRD), the followings were pointed out as important matters;
- International information sharing
- Transparency of information
- International cooperation including IAEA
- HRD for science communicators
FNCA countries expressed gratitude to Japanese Government for providing the accident's information and asked Japanese Government to provide the information continuously through FNCA from the view point of that nuclear safety in Asia is enhanced by sharing this knowledge, which is also effective to international society. Japan replied to disseminate the information positively and continuously.
In addition, from countries planning to construct nuclear power plants, there were requests for cooperation of infrastructure development including HRD and sharing information. It was expressed that China, Korea and Japan are ready to support in response to the requests such as infrastructure development including HRD. In the discussion on promoting the use of radiation, it was pointed out that efforts to transfer outcomes of the FNCA to end-users in various field related with agriculture, human health, and industries should be enhanced.
Dr. Akira OMOTO, Commissioner of JAEC, reporting "Strengthening safety by learning lessons from the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima-Daiichi NPP".
Mr. Junichiro ISHIDA of JAEA, reporting "JAEA Activities on Decontamination toward Environmental Restoration of Fukushima".
Mr. Noriyuki Shikata, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Affairs, reporting "Risk Communication Efforts by Global Communications Office of Prime Minister's Office after the Great East Japan Earthquake".
Dr. Kibog Lee of KAERI, delivering a lead speech on Human Resource Development in Session V: Round Table Discussion I Infrastructure Development (HRD and Public Information).
Ms. Etsuko AKIBA, Commissioner of JAEC, delivering a lead speech on Public Information in Session V.
Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator of Japan, delivering a lead speech in Session VI: Round Table Discussion II Cooperation for Further Promotion of Radiation and Isotope Application.
Each session is outlined in Summary of the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA).
In Session 2, each of the twelve participating countries delivered their Country Report, focusing on public opinion about nuclear energy, the current status and future plan of nuclear power generation and radiation application as well as the suggestion to enhance FNCA activities. Summary of each country report is shown as Appendix 1.
On the next day of the MM, December 17, the delegates of each country including the four Ministers observed decontamination activities in Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture and damage by tsunami and earthquake around Haramachi Thermal Power Station in Minami-Soma to share the most recent information on the decontamination activities and learn huge impact of the tsunami and earthquake as natural hazard.
FNCA countries' representatives observing the decontamination activities.
The representatives listening to explanation about the decontamination activities by JAEA.
The representatives observing damage by tsunami around Haramachi Thermal Power Station.
Dr. Yanko YANEV
Nuclear Knowledge Management Unit INIS & NKM Section
Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
On the day before the MM, December 15, the Senior Official Meeting was held to discuss about the resolution and confirm the draft of the agenda of MM. A special session on human resource development (HRD) was held inviting Dr.Yanko YANEV, Head of Nuclear Knowledge Management Unit INIS & NKM Section, Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), where the activities on HRD in IAEA and FNCA were introduced and the current status, the challenges and the future issues of HRD were discussed. Summary of the discussion on HRD is shown as Appendix 2.
Appendix 1 : Summary of Country Reports
1 ) |
Australia |
The Hon. Dr. Ronald HUTCHINGS Head, International Relations Australian Nuclear Science &Technology Organization
The Australian Government maintains the position that it does not foresee the introduction of nuclear power in Australia. However, it accepts that nuclear power is an important part of the energy mix in some countries where energy resources are limited and energy demand is growing strongly. The government continues to support uranium mining subject to rigorous environmental and safety considerations. Australia has committed unconditionally to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 5% compared with 2000 levels by 2020 and may commit to a reduction of 15 to 25% depending on the scale of global action. To help achieve these targets, in July 2011, the Australian Government announced the introduction of a carbon price from 1 July 2012.
The Federal Government has recognized the importance of nuclear science and technology in Australia through funding for new neutron research instruments at the OPAL research reactor facility in Sydney and the establishment of a Centre for Accelerator Science where two new accelerators are under construction in addition to existing two accelerators. The Neutron Beam Instrument expansion project is well underway and, in addition, the design of new laboratories and workshops for 150 people, which will accommodate increasing numbers of visiting international scientists, is foreseen.
During the past year, Australia has continued to support FNCA's activities. We are providing leadership and sponsorship of the Safety Management Systems Project. We also actively participate in the project on Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management and the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) component of the Research Reactor Utilization Project. We provide input into the Human Resources Development Project and took part in the initial meeting of the new Research Reactor Network Project.
Australia values its role as a member of the FNCA and affirms its support to the Forum's program, which facilitates the application of nuclear science and technology in a safe, secure and safeguarded manner.
2 ) |
Bangladesh |
The Hon. Mr. Yeafesh OSMAN State Minister Ministry of Science and Technology
Nuclear power program in Bangladesh and its current status are introduced. Bangladesh government is building Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) to meet the rising demand for power for materializing the ''Vision 2021'' in which electricity production of 8,500 MW by 2013, 11,500MW by 2015 and 20,000MW by 2021 are defined as the target. In the project top priority is given to the issues of radiological protection, nuclear safety and security in implementation of nuclear power program in Bangladesh. At present, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) has the responsibilities of the RNPP program, but Nuclear Power Authority of Bangladesh (NPAB) will be established in future. Bangladesh has decided either one of the following options for implementation of RNPP; government ownership turn-key contract or "Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) " approach. Russian Federation and the People's Republic of Bangladesh has agreed to cooperate in implementing RNPP. A bilateral agreement on the co-operation in the field of peaceful usage of atomic energy was signed on 21 May, 2010 between Bangladesh and the Russian Federation. BAEC/MOSICT has developed a comprehensive program of engineering surveys and environmental study for preliminary design & design elaboration of documentation for RNPP construction in consultation with Russian Federation and national institutions.
The acceptance of nuclear power is favorable, especially in and around the site. Bangladesh expects support from the FNCA to develop nuclear infrastructure, especially in developing human resources in the fields of nuclear science and technology. Bangladesh desires the FNCA assistance to develop the core human resources for improving the capacity of the project management team. Bangladesh is serious in improving the nuclear safety infrastructure and safety culture and the country wishes to get support from the FNCA in this regard.
3 ) |
China |
The Hon. Mr. ZHANG Huazhu Senior Advisor to current Chairman of China Atomic Energy Authority, Vice Chairman of Science and Technology Committee of CAEA, Chairman of China Nuclear Energy Association |
China has always adhered to the principle of "Safety First" during nuclear power development. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, competent authorities have immediately organized thorough safety inspections for all nuclear facilities, strengthened safety regulations on operating nuclear facilities, and carried out safety assessment of all nuclear power plants under construction against on latest standards. For the moment, safety inspections nationwide have been finished, and safety assessment reports have been preliminarily accomplished. The preliminary results show that all operating facilities are safe, and the quality of nuclear facilities under construction are well under control.
As application of nuclear technologies can bring remarkable economic and social benefits for all countries, it is of significance to promote and expand regional cooperation in this field. China is willing to share experience with all member states under the FNCA framework in nuclear medicine, agriculture and radiation application and other fields, and promote the common progress of all member states.
China is willing, hand in hand with all member states, to strengthen communication and cooperation, share our experience in nuclear power development, and promote the healthy and sound development of nuclear power in member states.
4 ) |
Indonesia |
The Hon. Prof. Dr. Gusti Muhammad HATTA The State Minister for Research and Technology The Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia |
Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) have been strongly recognized and involved in at least three focuses, those are food and energy securities and health. Indonesia foresees the significant impacts of those three for welfare of Indonesia people.
Regarding the application of NST for electricity, a comprehensive survey (public pooling) done in November 2010 showed almost 60% agreed NPP. However, after Fukushima Daiichi Accident (FDA), the national survey carried out in November 2011, showed 49.5% agreed, 35.5% not agreed and 15% abstain. After FDA, the promotion of NPP to public through media campaign, stakeholder involvement and community development is done through slow motion strategy. Study panel of NPP Infrastructure Approach on Financing Matter is preferred to be held.
To enhance the uses of NST in Indonesia community, Triple Helix Strategy, a mutual benefit relationship among academicians, businessmen and government, will be quantitatively increased through activities supported by the Ministry of Research and Technology and related institution.
The HRD is still a general problem among all of FNCA member countries, so that the HRD project should be taken into account as the first priority among other FNCA projects. As a whole, Indonesia is very supportive to deal with all activities among FNCA countries based on mutual benefit manner.
Lastly, we are very pleasure to host the 13th FNCA ministerial Meeting to be held in Indonesia next year.
5 ) |
Japan |
Dr. Shunsuke KONDO Chairman Japan Atomic Energy Commission |
Japan has been promoting the research, development and utilization of nuclear energy for the past fifty some years, limiting them to peaceful purposes, with a view to securing energy resources for the future, promoting science and industry, and thereby contributing to the improvement of the welfare of human society as well as the living standard of the people in Japan.
The Great East-Japan Earthquake and the resulting tsunamis that struck the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant operated by the TEPCO on March 11th this year brought about serious consequences on the nuclear energy utilization in Japan. The fact that this accident has raised concerns around the world about the safety of nuclear power generation is a matter we take with the utmost seriousness and remorse.
We determined to trace the causes of the accident thoroughly and provide the international community with all relevant information promptly and accurately. We have already sent to the IAEA two reports.
As for the stabilization of the situation at the site, we will soon complete the Step 2 activities towards the restoration from the accident, of which target is to put the release of radioactive materials under control and significantly hold down the radiation dose around the site. After the completion of this step, we will start cleanup activities at the damaged plants as a mid- and long-term program, of which noteworthy milestones are the initiation of defueling from spent fuel pools in three years and the initiation of removal of core debris in ten years. The strategy for the decontamination of the environment has been prepared to reduce the annual additional exposure through step by step decontamination activities.
We have also started a comprehensive review of energy and environmental policy, taking into consideration the recent accident, aiming at deciding on Japan's desirable medium- to long-term energy composition by around the summer of 2012.
Meanwhile, many countries around the world have seriously explored the use of nuclear energy as a measure to achieve energy security since the accident. Japan has been firmly behind the FNCA and would like to support the effort of capacity building including HRD of member countries. Japan will also continue to cooperate with countries in Asia for the advancement of nuclear science and technology and the effective utilization of such advancement including nuclear power generation for human health and socio-economic development in each country.
Lastly, I would like to offer my hearty thanks anew for the support in various areas that has come from countries around the world for resolving the nuclear plant accident.
6 ) |
Kazakhstan |
The Hon. Dr. Erlan G. BATYRBEKOV First Deputy Director General National Nuclear Center |
Kazakhstan during two decades following independence have been conducting a consistent policy for the expansion of peace application of nuclear energy.
The Program of atomic branch development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2014 with perspective up to 2020 was adopted by the governmental decree 29 June 2011.
In his report on the International conference "For Nuclear-free World" (Astana, 11 October 2011) President of Kazakhstan Nazarbaev N. have mentioned that Kazakhstan is among the states carrying on investigations in the field of peace application of nuclear energy, and is going to construct nuclear power stations.
The natural catastrophe and the accident on Fukushima NPP in March have caused a sympathy wave between our people reminded once more to all mankind that peaceful use of nuclear power is still dangerous. It became clear that there is urgent need to work out new complex approach to the development of this sector to avoid threats of global scale. It is obvious that much more attention should be paid to the methodology of station siting.
Kazakhstan became a member of FNCA in 2010. During this period our organizations engaged with nuclear activity had joined many Projects.
We are waiting a lot from the collaboration with the organizations from FNCA member countries.
7 ) |
Korea |
The Hon. Dr. CHOI Jong Bae Director General Space and Nuclear Technology Bureau Ministry of Education, Science & Technology |
As the Korean President LEE, Myung Bak announced at the UN nuclear safety meeting in September, Korea will continue to take advantage of the vast potential of nuclear energy by pursuing a nuclear promotion policy.
Particularly, Korea reconfirmed its current nuclear policy for continuous promotion of nuclear energy by announcing the 4th Comprehensive Nuclear Energy Promotion Plan.
Based on this plan, Korea will construct six additional nuclear power plants with maximum level of safety by the end of 2017.
Korea will enhance international reliability as a nuclear export country by successfully completing Jordan research reactor and UAE nuclear power plant and fulfill its international role through supporting infrastructure development of developing countries.
In addition, Korea confirmed the construction of a new research reactor for radio-isotope production, planned to perform additional R&D for safety improvement of a multi-purpose Small Modular Reactor, SMART, and will continuously perform its R&D on fuel cycle by relating SFR and Pyro-Processing Meanwhile, in order to secure independence and transparency, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission was launched in October and this commission is recognized as the first implementation case of the nuclear safety action plan endorsed by IAEA General Conference in September this year.
It has been 12 years since FNCA was launched and we believe FNCA has successfully performed its role of promoting nuclear energy in Asia by organizing joint studies and cooperative activities among the members. We hope FNCA will continue to contribute to the peaceful use of nuclear energy in Asian region through mutual understanding and cooperation among members. Korea will also fulfill its role as a member country.
8 ) |
Malaysia |
The Hon. Mr. Fadillah Bin YUSOF Deputy Minister Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia |
Malaysia is currently undertaking the prerequisite detailed studies prior to any decision to implement nuclear power projects. The Fukushima accident has shaken public confidence in the safety of nuclear activities.
Malaysia has always recognized the importance of regional cooperation and has participated actively in projects under the FNCA multi-lateral framework. In continuation of this, Malaysia proposes the following matters be considered for future activities of the FNCA, namely:
i ) |
Consistently support the initiatives of FNCA's Panel Meeting on Nuclear Infrastructure, |
ii ) |
Revisit and give a high priority to the existing FNCA project on public information |
iii ) |
Optimize and continue a regional (ASEAN+3) discussion on the possibility of multilateral approach on nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste management; |
iv ) |
Continue and further strengthen the existing HCD programs under ANTEP at established facilities and laboratories |
v ) |
Increase sharing of R&D and training facilities, collaborations and job attachments |
vi ) |
Establishing a regional project to study the socio-economic impact of nuclear technology in parallel with the development of NPP |
9 ) |
Mongolia |
Ms. Gantuya DULAANJARGAL Officer of International Cooperation Development Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia |
"State Policy of Mongolia on the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy" provides that the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy should play an important factor for sustainable development and national security of Mongolia to improve living standard of its people, producing low-cost electricity and heat. In the framework of the state policy, the Nuclear Energy Agency carries out several activities, including the development of international cooperation with FNCA's member state.
Nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, compel us all to look once again at the measures that are necessary to ensure utmost safety and security at NPPs and other nuclear facilities. As the issues of safety and security are important for all countries, especially for those seeking nuclear power or other peaceful uses of nuclear energy, The report to this Ministerial Meeting points out that to be more effective there is a need to further contribute to the FNCA Cooperation and other sources so as to advance the goals, programs and concrete cooperation projects.
10 ) |
The Philippines |
The Hon.Mr.Mario G. MONTEJO Secretary (Minister) Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines |
During the Fukushima accident, the immediate challenge to the Department of Science and Technology was to translate the verified and authenticated information in layman's terms for the general public. Philippine came through in the service of the Filipino people averting and decimating public panic or confusion.
We look forward to collaborating in the development of new strategies to enhance public information and education on nuclear energy including effective strategies to communicate nuclear-related risks to the public. We urge the FNCA to re-activate its project on public information.
The Philippines was seriously considering the inclusion of nuclear power as part of the energy mix. The occurrence of the Fukushima Daiichi accident behooves the Philippine Government to undertake a very thorough study of nuclear power. This would include activities that would permit sharing of knowledge of effective management of natural hazards and lessons learned from the Fukushima accident, the establishment of the necessary infrastructure for nuclear safety, and human resource development.
The ongoing FNCA projects on non-power applications of nuclear energy are related to Philippines' efforts to harness nuclear science and technology in national development.
The Philippines supports the new FNCA project on nuclear safeguards and security.
11 ) |
Thailand |
The Hon. Dr.Plodprasop SURASWADI Minister Minister of Science and Technology of Thailand |
As the Thai Government has postponed the decision on the embarkation of the nuclear power program for three years, as a result of the Fukushima accident, closer attention would now be paid to further study and research and knowledge dissemination to public in order to ensure the highest level of safety standards and public acceptance.
Even though some of the international events in Thailand have been postponed due to the widespread flood in Thailand, we reiterate our intention and works closely with our counterparts to reschedule the events.
Thailand has benefitted from close cooperation with our friends from FNCA countries in various areas, such as public health, agriculture and industry all of which are vital for our national sustainable development.
As a member country, the Government of Thailand is pleased to fully support and contribute to the FNCA at our best for socio-economical benefits in our region.
12 ) |
Viet Nam |
The Hon. Dr. LE Dinh Tien Deputy Minister Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam |
Vietnam has decided embarking in nuclear power. The policy on nuclear energy development in general and on nuclear power development in particular has been clearly defined through the Strategy for peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy up to 2020, the Oriental Plan on Nuclear Power Development up to 2030 and Planning for National Electricity Development for the period of 2011-2020 with consideration up to 2030, in which the first nuclear power plant will be in commercial operation in 2020 and the share of nuclear power will reach 10.1% of the total power generation in the year 2030.
Deeply understanding the importance of nuclear safety and the role of the country in nuclear safety, the Government of Vietnam is focusing on investment for developing and improving nuclear infrastructure, including law and regulation system, strengthening capacity for nuclear regulatory body, developing technical support organization and enhancing international cooperation on nuclear safety.
Vietnam has participated in all FNCA projects and values the importance and the contributions of FNCA activities in promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Taking advantages of this Forum, Vietnam reiterates strong support to FNCA program for the future.
Vietnam looks forward to the cooperation in Sharing, exchanging information, Building nuclear power infrastructure, human resources development.
Appendix 2 :
Summary of the discussion on HRD in Senior Official Meeting for the 12th Ministerial Level Meeting of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)
(1) |
Presentation of IAEA |
a ) |
Views of the IAEA on HRD was shared and IAEA emphasized the challenges; attrition of experts, new demand for experts in new entrants, which are occurring simultaneously. |
b ) |
IAEA introduced the recent results of projections of nuclear power to 2050, which basically are not much influenced by Fukushima accident, although the IAEA recognized globally some delays for deployment of new plants and re-assessment of the scale of nuclear power program. |
c ) |
IAEA emphasized that the share of nuclear engineers is around 15% of the total staffing when it comes to operation/maintenance of nuclear power, consequently the education for nuclear power must educate students in many different disciplinary areas. |
d ) |
Participants shared information of IAEA nuclear energy management school to be held in Tokai, Japan in June 2012 by inviting young professionals from Japan and neighboring countries.
(2) |
Presentation of Dr. MACHI |
Dr. MACHI made a presentation on "Strategy of Nuclear Human Resource Development" focusing on the conclusion and recommendation of FNCA HRD Project meeting in Hanoi, 15-18 November 2011. Major points mentioned are:
a ) |
HRD is the 1st priority issue in most FNCA countries, and government funds for HRD accordingly should be secured, |
b ) |
regarding HRD for introduction of the 1st nuclear power plant, China, Korea and Japan should support member countries introducing the 1st NPP by sharing experience, |
c ) |
nuclear research institutes should play important role for nuclear power HRD by providing training on basic nuclear engineering, reactor physics, safety, chemistry, radiation effect and etc.
(3) |
Three countries already operating nuclear power spoke about practical activities to cooperate HRD in new entrants.
(4) |
The following specific issues were raised; |
a ) |
Regional sharing of research reactor (RR), as coordinated by the IAEA, by fully utilizing generally under-utilized RRs, for providing hands on experiences could be worth consideration |
b ) |
Japan recognized the needs to enhance social-literacy in the education of nuclear engineering and management, in the light of Fukushima accident. |