The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
Organisation (ANSTO) is Australia's national nuclear research
and development organisation and the centre of Australian
nuclear expertise. ANSTO is responsible for delivering specialised
advice, scientific services and products to government,
industry, academia and other research organisations. It
does so through the development of new knowledge, delivery
of quality services and support for business opportunities.
ANSTO's nuclear infrastructure includes the research reactor
HIFAR (High Flux Australian Reactor), particle accelerators,
radiopharmaceutical production facilities, and a range of
other unique research facilities. HIFAR is Australia's only
nuclear reactor. It is used to produce radioactive products
for use in medicine and industry, as a source of neutron
beams for scientific research and to irradiate silicon for
semiconductor applications.
ANSTO Communications
ANSTO places a high importance on communicating with its
stakeholders, including the entire Australian community
(with a special focus on those living near its facilities),
local, state and Federal governments, and the business and
science sectors.
Some of the ways that ANSTO communicates include through
printed materials, its website and Business eZine, ANSTO
Community Discussions, the media, school education and site
tours. Links to some of these mechanisms are noted below: |