(Hanoi) The Second International Nuclear Power Exhibition (Nuclear Power EXPO 2006) held in Hanoi has successfully completed and closed at 6 PM on May 15th 2006 after 4 ebullient days. The exhibition was co-held by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) and the Energy Institute with sponsorship from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Ministry of Industry (MOI). Five countries co-participant in this exhibition are Korea, Japan, Russia, French and Vietnam.
The exhibition attracts 6500 people from different careers including over 200 Parliament Members. An Opinion poll shows that most visitors are in favor of introduction of nuclear power in Vietnam. This exhibition, compared to the 1st exhibition held in Hanoi in 2004, is better presented, well decorated and more focuses on highlighting safety and economic competitiveness of nuclear power. Participant countries paid much attention to show their strengths and achievements on nuclear power (Korea with Pressurized Water Reactors; Japan with Advanced Boiling Water Reactors and Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors, Russia with WER-640; French with European Pressurized Water Reactor of the EU standards - EPR).
A technical talk and three seminars were successfully held during the exhibition. The technical talk on “Safety and economic competitiveness of nuclear power” was held by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission and the Energy Institute on 16th May 2006. Two seminars on nuclear power development status of Japan and Russia are held on May 17th and 18th 2006, respectively. The seminar on “The French's experience in management and exploitation of nuclear power plants” was held later in the afternoon of the 18th May, 2006.
The VAEC Information Division